The Dungeons of Torgar

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The Dungeons of Torgar Page 11

by Joe Dever

  If you wish to answer, ‘Broadsword’, turn to 227.

  If you wish to answer, ‘Longsword’, turn to 347.


  Your Kai Mastery alerts you to a deadly danger. The boat is being held from beneath by a group of amphibian creatures who intend to launch a surprise attack. You warn Jarel of what you sense and quietly you both unsheathe your weapons in readiness to receive their attack.

  Turn to 245.


  You draw on your inner strength to overcome the venom that is coursing through your veins. The deadly neurovascular poison is swiftly neutralized, but at a cost to you of 3 ENDURANCE points.

  Make the necessary adjustment to your Action Chart and turn to 205.


  ‘Impostor!’ bellows the captain, and lunges forward to grab you by the throat. But you sidestep his attack deftly and strike a blow to his temple with the heel of your palm that renders him unconscious in an instant.

  ‘Fire!’ shouts a bull-necked Pirsian, and you throw yourself to the ground. A deafening roar reverberates through the town as the men discharge their unwieldy pistols, but the lead shot passes harmlessly over your head and buries itself in the tavern door. The noise stirs a hornets' nest of activity as the townsfolk arm themselves and rush into the street to investigate the commotion. The situation looks desperate, but you can see a chance to escape and you take it. The pistols created a huge cloud of white smoke and under cover of this acrid cloud you scurry down an alley beside the log tavern and leap headlong into the foliage and trees beyond.

  With the angry shouts of the villagers rippling through the forest, you curse your ill luck as you escape into the darkness.

  Turn to 250.


  You recognize the language being spoken by the owners of the harsh voices — it is Krorn. A shiver runs down your spine when you recall what you have heard about the evil creatures who speak this tongue, how they delight in cruelty and love nothing better than to devour human flesh. It would be wise to avoid them, but in order to reach the ford you have to pass close by the bushes. From what little you can hear of their conversation, they are arguing over some fish they have caught. As you creep nearer you pray that their argument will keep them distracted long enough for you to reach the river unseen.

  Pick a number from the Random Number Table. If you have completed the Lore-circle of Solaris, add 3 to the number you have picked.

  If your total is now 6 or less, turn to 67.

  If it is 7 or more, turn to 335.


  You see the wolf cringe as your Arrow sinks feather-deep into its throat. It opens its great jaw but no howl escapes from its frightful, fang-filled mouth as it crashes nose-first into the soft forest earth, somersaults, and rolls limply to a halt at your feet.

  Turn to 202.


  As each rod is broken its beam disappears and the fireball grows weaker. The golden light of the Lorestones begins to radiate through the evil green flames, and when Paido has destroyed half the rods, one of them tips and falls into your waiting hands. Immediately, a wave of energy courses through your body, filling you with renewed strength and sharpening your thoughts and perceptions. You shout encouragement to your companion and he raises his head to reply, but his words are drowned by a harsh and terrible voice.

  Turn to 350.


  You mount your horse and set off towards King Sarnac's headquarters at a gallop. On your ride you pass the survivors of the regiment who were blasted at the bridge. Deeply shocked they stand in groups or cower on the ground like frightened animals. The horror on their faces and the sound of their whimpering sickens your heart.

  As you cross the road and climb towards the King's tent, a Lencian cavalry officer comes riding down the hill towards you. He seems to recognize you and he calls for you to stop.

  If you wish to bring your horse to a halt and find out what he wants, turn to 105.

  If you choose to ignore his signal and continue your ride to King Sarnac's headquarters, turn to 21.


  ‘Pah!’ spits the sergeant, accusingly. ‘Just as I thought. That's Halgar's whip you have — there's no other like it. I'd wager he didn't part with it gladly.’

  On hearing this, the others reach for their swords and you catch the unmistakable glint of murder in their eyes. You begin to explain but they refuse to listen. Instead they unsheathe their blades and begin to encircle you.

  If you wish to evade combat, turn to 39.

  If you wish to stand and fight them, turn to 118.


  The Palmyrions are eager to attack the Drakkarim and rush forward, heedless of your warnings. The two robed figures draw back their arms and hurl the spheres at the onrushing soldiers. They hit and shatter with devastating effect.

  Turn to 106.


  Behind the black door lies a vast temple lit by a ghastly green glow, which radiates from columns of crystal that rise from the floor and ascend into the dark reaches above. Near the centre of the room sits a giant block of sculptured marble and around it stands a group of hooded men, their faces hidden behind hideous masks of glass. The dismal sound of their chanting fills the chamber and, as their leader steps forward and removes his mask, so their voices rise in pitch and fervour.

  If you have travelled the Stornlands of Central Magnamund in a previous Lone Wolf adventure, turn to 104.

  If you have never been to the Stornlands, turn to 263.


  You walk around the pit and soon realize that if you are to retrieve the Lorestones safely you must shut off the energy which is bombarding them. However, by doing so, you would remove the means by which they are being kept suspended in the air, and they would then fall into the pit.

  You ponder the problem for several minutes before you hit upon a solution.

  Turn to 5.


  Quickly you step away from the dead wolf and steel yourself as Jarel cries a warning: ‘There's another one!’

  There is a brief flash of feral eyes then the great hound charges out of the darkness and flings itself at your companion's chest. Jarel sidesteps and ducks, and the howling wolf meets with a swift death as Jarel's sword slices upwards and opens its heart.

  Breathless and blood-splattered, you gather up your equipment and hurry deeper into the forest before the smell of the dead wolves attracts more of their kind, or worse.

  Turn to 282.


  Despite the agony of your wounds you rise to your feet and stagger on towards the allies' camp. The arrows tear open your wounds with every jolting step you take and the terrible pain is too much to bear. With consciousness fading, you drop to your knees. The only hope you have of surviving is if you can wrench the arrows free.

  Pick a number from the Random Number Table. If you have the Magnakai Discipline of Curing, deduct 3 from the number you have picked. The remaining number equals the number of additional ENDURANCE points you lose as a result of pulling the arrows from your back.6

  If you survive the trauma of this action, turn to 190.

  [6] On occasions such as this, it is usually the case that 0 = 10 (cf. Section 147 of The Darke Crusade). It also seems reasonable to assume that you will take a minimum of 1 point of damage even if the −3 bonus for possessing Curing takes your score to 0 or below (i.e. if you pick 1, 2, or 3 from the Random Number Table).


  Cautiously you investigate beneath the bridge, and to your relief discover that it is deserted. You are hungry and exhausted after your ordeal and must now eat a Meal or lose 3 ENDURANCE points. Too tired to continue, you settle down on the soft mattress of leaves and drift off into a deep sleep.

  Turn to 295.


  You claw your way out of the bore-hole and collapse onto the damp earth that surrounds the fissure. As your energy returns, you pull yourself to your feet and try to get your bearings before venturing deeper into the eer
ie forest.

  Your wounds and the energy expended during your ordeal in the chasm have sapped your strength. You must now eat a Meal or lose 3 ENDURANCE points.

  Turn to 50.


  All around you the battle rages. Having lost the bridge, the Drakkarim draw together in desperate groups and attempt to throw barricades across the narrow street. While Captain Prarg rallies the pikemen and leads an attack along the main street in an effort to break through one of these hastily built defences, you gather about you a score of men and enter an alley to your left in pursuit of a handful of retreating Drakkarim Death Knights.

  If you possess the Magnakai Discipline of Pathsmanship and have reached the rank of Tutelary or higher, turn to 225.

  If you do not possess this skill, or if you have yet to reach this level of training, turn to 345.


  Slowly he drags himself to his feet and stumbles drunkenly towards the rampart. You shout encouragement, and then suddenly a starburst of pain explodes in your head and the taste of blood fills your mouth: you have been struck in the face by a Drakkarim arrow. It has pierced your eye and lodged itself in your brain. Death is instantaneous.

  Your life and your quest end here.


  Instinctively you dodge aside, but the dagger gouges your neck before embedding itself in the door behind: lose 2 ENDURANCE points. The man curses as he pulls free his studded leather Bullwhip and lashes out. With deadly accuracy the plaited whip snakes towards your throat.

  Illustration XII—The man curses as he pulls free his studded leather Bullwhip and lashes out.


  Owing to the speed of his attack you cannot make use of a Bow or evade combat.

  If you win the fight, turn to 145.


  You swap seats with Jarel and take up the oars. The flow is much stronger here at the river mouth, but you are rested and you row with a strength and determination that overcomes the current. You have travelled over ten miles upstream when the bow rams against a submerged obstruction. The boat is near the middle of the river and you can see no obvious hazards, such as shoals or mud banks, but it is stuck fast, and no matter how hard you row you cannot free it.

  If you have the Magnakai Discipline of Pathsmanship and have reached the rank of Tutelary or higher, turn to 191.

  If you do not possess this skill or have yet to reach this level of Magnakai training, turn to 28.


  With a shout of rage, you leap forward and strike a blow that would decapitate a creature of flesh and blood. But Tagazin is no such creature. A shower of icy-blue sparks explodes where you strike his neck and your weapon disintegrates into a thousand frozen fragments: lose 2 ENDURANCE points (and remember to delete this Weapon from your Action Chant).7

  Laughing maniacally, Tagazin bares his sword-like fangs and closes in for the kill.

  If you possess another weapon, you can attempt to cut the amulet from around his neck; turn to 128.

  If you decide to attack Roark and take the amulet he is holding, turn to 41.

  [7] Taking comments originally published in Lone Wolf Club Newsletter No.6 as a precedent, it seems reasonable to assume that you only lose a weapon-like Special Item here if you are not carrying at least one ordinary non-magical Weapon.


  Using your innate Kai skill of healing, you tend to the Prince's wounded leg and he soon stirs to consciousness. The Palace Guard have captured the hill and their banner flutters overhead proudly proclaiming their victory and inspiring the Lencians who are fighting at the bridge.

  The Prince orders that a signal be sent to his reserves, instructing them to advance without delay, for the enemy are rallying to counterattack. Tensely you watch as a mass of leather-clad Hammerlanders, supported by a regiment of grim-faced Brigandi, advance up the hill. The Palace Guard link their shields and prepare to welcome the enemy with sharpened steel. Onward they come, their banners held high, their war-horns filling the air with a noisy clangour. They surge forward and with a yell the front rank slams into the shield-wall. Sword blades fly, striking sparks and drawing blood. Axes and maces fall with crushing blows. A knight falls dead at your side and his slayer hurls himself through the gap. He scrambles to his feet and attacks you with his reddened blade.

  Hammerlander: COMBAT SKILL 24 ENDURANCE 31

  Owing to his state of battle-frenzy the Hammerlander is immune to Mindblast (but not Psi-surge).

  If you win the combat, turn to 87.


  Lord Adamas opens his hand and the coin shows ‘tails’ — you have guessed correctly. ‘Very well,’ he says, unbuckling his cumbersome sword belt and shouldering the satchel which contains the crystal explosive. ‘Wish me luck!’

  He orders the vanguard to provide covering fire with their crossbows; then he clambers over the rampart and sprints towards the Torgar gate.

  Pick a number from the Random Number Table.

  If the number you have picked is 0–4, turn to 221.

  If it is 5–9, turn to 32.


  A numbing chill leaves you shivering uncontrollably as a surge of psychic energy rips into the fabric of your mind: lose 5 ENDURANCE points.

  The attack soon passes but your fear grows as you watch the jackal-like Demonlord leap from the marble block and come bounding towards the door.

  If you have a Bow and wish to use it, turn to 147.

  If not, turn to 174.


  High above, crouched in their hiding places around the rim of the gorge, a company of partisans watches you succumb to the aroma of the flowers. When they are sure that you are unconscious, their sergeant leaves his position and descends by rope into the gorge, his nose and mouth covered by a pad of Golta leaves to counter the intoxicating scent. He had intended to bundle you onto your horse and lead you from the gorge to where the mountain air would revive you, but on reaching your body his suspicions are aroused. The ring and uniform you wear indicate that you are a Pathfinder with a message from Prince Graygor, but the weapons you carry, and your fair hair and Northland features are not those of an élite Eruan soldier. He rolls you over onto your stomach and is horrified to discover Halgar's Bullwhip tied to your backpack, its copper-studded coils stained with his blood. He knows that Halgar would never have parted willingly with the weapon, for it had made him as respected a fighter as his brother, Sebb Jarel. Anger, fuelled by shock, stirs the sergeant to a fit of rage. He is convinced that you are a Drakkar, an assassin sent by Baron Shinzar to murder the brothers Jarel. With a cry of anguish he unsheathes his sword and delivers a fateful blow that commits you to everlasting sleep.

  Your life and your quest end here.


  The air rushes past your face as you propel yourself across the yawning gap. Then, with a loud crash, you land on the other side among the roots and briars, and roll over to lessen the shock of impact. Barbed thorns graze your face and arms (lose 2 ENDURANCE points) but you have made it across the chasm successfully. As soon as you recover you check your equipment and advance deeper into the eerie forest.

  Turn to 50.


  After hearing who you are and why you are here, the men look at each other and shake their heads in disbelief. Even the sight of the Prince's signet ring does not change their minds. ‘You would have our leader take you to Torgar?’ says one, sceptically. ‘You'd have him walk into a trap more likely. These tales you tell of quests and stones of power, they're 'bout as true as the uniform you wear. They all ring of deception and trickery!’

  Slowly the five rise to their feet and step away from the fire, their hands drifting casually towards the hilts of their swords. On a whispered cue they unsheathe their blades and attack.


  You can evade combat at any time; turn to 23.

  If you win the combat, turn to 170.


grisly reptile writhes and twists until, with a final tremor, it ceases its convulsions and settles into the mud. Like a hunter eager to claim a trophy, Jarel climbs astride the dead Gorodon and hacks free the two horns which protrude from its skull.

  ‘There are potion-makers in Humbold who'll pay a grand price for these,’ he says, wiping his blade on the body of the dead beast. He pockets one and offers the other horn to you.

  If you wish to keep this Gorodon Horn, mark it on your Action Chart as a Special Item which you keep strapped to your backpack.

  To continue, turn to 144.


  The archers are playing a game they call ‘Bullseyes’, but you know it better by its Sommlending name of ‘Portholes’. Two diamond-shaped dice, each with ten sides numbered nought to nine are thrown by each player in turn. The numbers which appear face-up are added together (nought = zero), and the one with the greatest score wins. If anyone throws two noughts, however, they shout out ‘Bullseyes!’ and win automatically.

  Each player must stake 12 Lune (3 Gold Crowns) per throw of the dice, and this money is bet before the dice are rolled.


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