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Unleashed Page 14

by Sara Humphreys

  Richard stood still, silently staring into the fire, his hands clasped behind his back. He glanced back over his shoulder at the two warriors behind him. “I agree with Brendan,” he said firmly.

  Malcolm’s heart sank. Richard was the leader of their people, an ancient one, and everyone followed his instructions without question. That was how they’d managed to stay safe for so many years.

  “However, Malcolm is in very difficult and uncharted waters here. It is not a usual mating situation at all. Samantha is going to have a lot to accept in the coming days, and I agree that moving her now would cause more harm than good.”

  Relief and gratitude washed over Malcolm. “Thank you, Richard.”

  “My Prince, with all due respect, I disagree,” Brendan added quickly.

  Richard held up his right hand and glanced sharply at Brendan, silencing him with a look from his now shifted golden, lion eyes. Richard was the Prince, and his orders were to be followed without question, especially in times of battle. Malcolm was surprised that Brendan would even think of contradicting Richard at a time like this.

  Brendan bowed his head. “As you wish,” he said tightly.

  Malcolm stood up and nodded with respect to Richard. “My gratitude.”

  Richard gave a quick nod and turned to Malcolm’s uncle. “Brendan. I want you to go back and convene the Council immediately. Inform them of the latest news. We will gather three warriors to help protect them. Your son Dante, William of the Falcon Clan, and Steven of the Coyote Clan.” He turned stoically to Malcolm. “These three will be watchful eyes for you. They will guard you and your mate until the mating rite is complete. Once she has full understanding of the situation, you can take her to one of our safe houses until we can find the source of this threat.”

  Malcolm nodded his acceptance and thanks.

  “Brendan, please do as I ask. I will join you there shortly.”

  Brendan accepted the order with a curt nod. He then turned and looked somberly at Malcolm. “Good-bye, Nephew. You know I wish only the best for you.” With that, he uttered the ancient words and vanished into the air.

  Malcolm and Richard walked outside to the deck in a shroud of silence.

  Richard stood stone still and crossed his arms over his broad chest. He stared out over the seemingly endless ocean before them.

  Malcolm could sense the apprehension coming from his mentor. It floated over him with the spray of the salty sea air. “I can feel your concern for us, Richard.” Malcolm stood quietly next to him, his hands behind his back, like a soldier with his commander. “I have to admit, I feel much better knowing that three of our finest warriors will be here to watch my back and watch over my mate. Especially my cousin Dante, he is fiercely protective. I am eternally grateful for all of your help.”

  Richard didn’t respond immediately, merely kept watching the moon dance on the water.

  Malcolm sensed he was choosing his words with great care.

  “I am concerned for you and Samantha on many levels. Your mating is definitely an oddity among our people and one that may be difficult for some to understand. Are you ready for what may follow?”

  Malcolm cocked his head and narrowed his eyes questioningly. “I’m not exactly sure what you mean by that.”

  “Never mind.” Richard waved it off. “Let’s deal with the threat at hand. I will contact you as soon as we’ve updated the Council. I’m sure your brothers in arms will contact you once they arrive.” He offered a strained smile. “Just remember, these three men aren’t mated yet.”

  “That is worrisome given that they are already well into their twenties.” Malcolm furrowed his brow. He, more than anyone, could empathize with their situation because it was exactly where he had been until not too long ago. He shuddered slightly at the memory of the emptiness he’d felt before finding Samantha.

  “True, and unfortunately that seems to be a growing problem with our young people,” Richard said absently. Then he turned to Malcolm with a mischievous smile. “The upside is that it makes them even more ferocious warriors.”

  Malcolm nodded in agreement and extended his hand to Richard. “I look forward to receiving news of their arrival.” He shook Richard’s hand firmly and solemnly held his gaze. “Thank you, Richard, for everything.”

  “Be well, my friend.” Richard vanished into the late summer breeze.

  Malcolm turned his attention to Samantha’s window next door. Her light was out, and he knew now was the time. He reached out and touched her mind with his. He could feel her distress, and it was killing him. He would bring her the necklace and open her up to a world she had only dreamed of. He knew that she needed more time, but that was a luxury they didn’t have. He went to the office to get her cross. He prayed silently to himself that she would accept him and the fate that lay before them both.


  He’d watched her all day on the deck of her friend’s house. She was so vulnerable just lying there out in the open. He’d had a clear shot and contemplated taking it, but that would’ve been way too easy. Besides that, his partner would’ve been really pissed. The more he watched her, the more he understood the creature’s attraction to her. She was gorgeous with all that golden hair, her full breasts, and womanly rounded hips. Maybe he’d take her and show her what a real man could do before he killed her. She was half animal, but mostly a woman. He knew it was wrong to want her since she was tainted, but no one would have to know.

  Her friend was beautiful too, a model. The kind of girl that made fun of guys like Tony and thought they were too good for him. He hated girls like that. They’d made fun of him his whole life. Maybe he’d kill her too, just for fun. The stupid bitch deserved it.

  He started to get hard thinking about killing both, and he reached down to stroke himself. His fantasy was interrupted by the shrill of his cell phone. “Yeah,” he barked, failing to hide his annoyance at being interrupted.

  “Are you watching her?”

  “No, I’m baking a fuckin’ cake. Yes, of course I’m watching her.”

  “If I were you, I’d watch the tone you take with me. It may appear that we’re on equal ground. But I assure you it only appears that way,” said the icy cold voice at the other end of the phone.

  “Sorry.” Tony felt like a scolded child. “I’ve just been feeling a little frustrated. Y’know. Not being able to take them out and all.”

  “You’ll soon get what you want. We are running out of time. Her abilities are beginning to develop so we’ve got to move quickly. If they have a chance to perform the mating ritual, she will be much stronger, and he will be practically unstoppable.”

  “Relax! Her eyes shifted, that’s all.”

  “No, you moron. That’s not all,” his partner hissed over the line. “She’s begun to communicate with him telepathically, and their connections in the dream realm are getting stronger. You will finish them soon. Wait for my call, and I’ll give you the details. In the meantime—”

  “Don’t let the bitch out of my sight. Yeah, yeah I know.” Tony snapped the phone shut. He picked up his binoculars and peered up at her bedroom window. He watched her while she brushed out her wet hair. She was wearing nothing but a bathrobe. As soon as she shut out the light, he would pack it in for the night. His partner had one major advantage that Tony did not, the ability to walk the dream realm. The nights were out of his hands, and that only pissed him off more.

  Chapter 12

  Samantha lay in her bed, enveloped in darkness, but sleep eluded her. She touched the empty spot at the base of her throat, wishing she had her necklace, wishing Malcolm was there with her. She turned onto her side and stared out at the moon and stars, which lit up the night sky. Samantha hadn’t seen Malcolm or heard from him since he’d walked out of the diner. She remembered the way she’d heard him in her head and the breathtaking way her body responded from that intimate connection.

  I’m going nuts.

  She threw her arms across her eyes. She was terrified
because she needed to see him. There was an aching emptiness in her chest that Sam knew only Malcolm could fill. She lay there wishing he would come to her and bring the necklace as he’d promised. She was thoroughly confused by the events over the past few days, dreaming of him, hearing him in her mind. The irrational attachment she felt was more disturbing to her than anything else. She craved that feeling she had when she was with him. Connected. Alive. For the first time in her life she felt alive. It was as if he’d awakened her, and she’d been sleepwalking until the day she’d met him.

  Christ, she actually craved him. Like a fat kid craves cake. Her sanity was slipping away by the second. She had always prided herself on her ability to be rational, never getting caught up in romantic notions like so many of her friends had. Well, so much for that.


  She heard Malcolm whisper along the edges of her mind. His voice was deep and hypnotic, a seductive caress that tickled her inside and out. She sucked in an unsteady breath.

  Get out of my head. This is crazy. Yet even as she sent that message to him, her body betrayed her. Her nipples peaked and tightened; her womb clenched as heat pooled low in her belly. She sucked in a quick breath and squeezed her eyes shut. Sam tried desperately to fight the tears that pricked the back of her eyes. She had absolutely no control over her body’s reaction to him.

  She heard a scratching sound and opened her eyes. Through the fluttering ivory panels at her window, she saw the hulking bird who had visited her the other day.

  Sam lay there completely still and kept her wide eyes fixed on her feathered visitor. She was unsure whether to scream or pinch herself to see if she was awake. They stared at one another, neither moving. Sam fought the overwhelming urge to cry out for her grandmother, like a child.

  The bird finally cocked its head to one side and made a small squawk, as though it was saying hello. Sam jumped slightly. She opened her mouth to say “shoo” or something, but her eye was immediately caught by a glinting at the animal’s beak. Her breath caught in her throat. Mustering up her courage, she sat up slowly and pushed aside the cotton sheets. Her bare feet touched the cool wood floors, confirming that she was indeed awake. The late summer breeze hit her arms as the sheer curtains fluttered around the magnificent bird.

  Bird? No, that didn’t even seem like an appropriate word to describe it. A bird was a sparrow or a crow, something ordinary. This creature was far from ordinary. It was majestic. Raptor. Wasn’t that what birds of prey were called? Sam swallowed hard, and her gaze flicked down to the massive talons that were wrapped around her windowsill. Yes, that was much more fitting.

  She stood carefully, not feeling completely steady on her feet. Squinting, she looked closely at what it had in its beak. Sam froze. Disbelief flooded her, and she licked her lips nervously. Dangling from this eagle’s beak was her silver cross.

  Sam reached out and hesitantly approached the magnificent creature before her. “Shhhh. It’s okay,” she whispered, inching slowly toward the bird. She repeated this mantra in hushed tones as she moved closer, wondering if she was saying it for the bird or herself. After what seemed like an eternity, she finally had her trembling hand under its beak. The bird promptly dropped the delicate silver strand into her quivering palm. It looked at Sam with those piercing yellow eyes that had become oddly familiar. She stared back at the bird and closed her fingers around her reclaimed heirloom. The silver felt cool against her hot skin.

  Sam didn’t know what to do next. Do I say thank you?

  Then she heard Malcolm answer her in her mind.

  You’re welcome.

  Sam’s head snapped up, and she looked at the bird in her window. “Malcolm,” she said in a small, shaking voice.

  Unblinking, he just sat there looking at Samantha. She stared back at him with a mixture of fear and wonder. He looked into her dark blue eyes, and her lips trembled. She swallowed hard.

  I told you I’d bring you your necklace, and I always keep my promises.

  With that thought, the gigantic bird spread his golden wings and shimmered as if she was looking at it underwater. The air around them thickened, and the entire room crackled with something akin to static electricity, causing every hair on Samantha’s body to stand on end.

  Within seconds, Malcolm stood before her in his human form.

  Sam stared at him, her mouth wide open, something that resembled a silent scream. She backed away. Her legs hit the mattress, and she abruptly sat down, bouncing on the edge of the bed. She slowly shook her head with disbelief. Her brain couldn’t quite grasp what she had just witnessed.

  The eagle was gone and replaced by Malcolm. He towered above her, all six feet, four inches of him. He was a solid wall of muscle. His face was sharp edges. His eyes glowed—the eyes of the eagle—like two yellow embers, and seemed to bore right through her. “No way.” She still shook her head. “This is not possible. What the hell are you?” she whispered.

  He blinked, and his eyes shifted back to their human state. His features softened, and he slowly knelt down in front of her. His large hands swallowed hers in tender warmth, the cross clutched tightly in her fist. Initially, she stiffened at his touch, but he did not retreat. He held her gaze and continued to kneel before her, waiting for her to relax and absorb all that she had seen. They stayed there for several moments as she searched his eyes for some kind of answer. Slowly, he pried her fingers open and revealed the silver treasure.

  Silently, Malcolm took the necklace and reached around her neck. She closed her eyes and breathed in his distinctly male scent. Sam held her breath as he hooked the small clasp at the back of her neck.

  His breath was warm and moist on her skin. She shivered slightly. Sam could barely breathe, let alone move, as he returned the necklace to its rightful home. He leaned back on his bare feet and carefully adjusted the small cross at the hollow of her throat. She tried desperately to steady her breathing before she spoke. She opened her mouth to begin the inevitable line of questioning, but Malcolm placed a finger over her lips. Then achingly, he brushed his thumb along her bottom lip. This small movement sent little licks of fire skittering up her belly.

  He never took his eyes from hers, and she searched them desperately for answers. Samantha reached up and placed her hand over his. She closed her eyes and leaned into his touch.

  This was real.

  His warm flesh pressed against hers, his hard belly brushed ever so gently against her knees as he knelt before her. She kissed his palm and opened her eyes slowly. He was absolutely beautiful. His eyes shifted and glowed bright yellow. She sensed that he wanted to tell her more, to explain everything, but all she could think about was the taste of him. She licked her lips quickly, and her gaze flicked down to his firm lips.

  Then one word thundered into her mind. He practically growled it.


  He cupped her face with both hands and took possession of her mouth. A rush of desire flooded her body, and her lips responded eagerly to his. As his lips seared hers and their tongues danced, he whispered that word over and over again.


  She was his. Malcolm gathered her hair in his hands and angled her head back so he could delve deeper into the silken darkness of her mouth. She wrapped her arms around his neck and lay back on the bed, pulling him down with her, wrapping her leg around his as he settled between her thighs. He covered her body effortlessly with his, his desire hot and heavy, begging to be released from the confines of his jeans. Pressed against her feminine core, he could feel her damp and needy. Sam thought she might come apart.

  She reached up under his white T-shirt and raked her nails over his back. She relished the way his muscles rippled just beneath the skin. She was hungry for him, needed to feel him as close to her as possible. She pulled the shirt over his head. The sight of his beautifully muscled chest over her caused her to draw in a sharp breath. She tossed the shirt hastily aside. He rained kisses down her neck and into the valley between her breasts, all the
while tangling his hands in the length of her hair. She was shocked at the intensity of her own desire. It was building up inside her, cresting somewhere between pleasure and pain. She clung to him, her breath coming in ragged gasps. She wondered if it was possible to be addicted to another person. She held his head to her breast as he nuzzled and pushed away the thin cotton of her nightgown.

  Their hands roamed freely over each other, fingers exploring, lips discovering. He took the rosy peak of her nipple in his mouth and suckled. He lavished attention on her breasts, and small cries of pleasure escaped her lips. Her need increased as his mind connected with hers, and his voice slid into her head. I may go mad with wanting you.

  She knew he was doing all he could to maintain control, and the sounds of her pleasure were probably driving him to the brink.

  He plundered her mouth, one hand cradling her head, and the other sliding down her rib cage into the dip of her waist. He reached beneath her and grabbed her bottom, pressing her harder against him.

  He whispered softly, “I need to feel your skin beneath mine.” He grabbed the top of her nightgown, and with very little effort, tore the offending fabric from Samantha’s body.

  He looked down, feasting on the sight of her. Her eyes tingled, and she knew that they’d shifted into wolf’s eyes. His glowed brightly back at her and were glazed with desire. In that moment she knew that she could trust him. This man, this incredibly unusual man, would never do anything to harm her.


  Her lips were pink and swollen from his kisses, her hair tousled around her head like a golden halo. He brushed his knuckles lightly across her breast, down her rib cage, and ran his fingers across the quivering muscles of her flat belly. His gaze wandered back up to see the ice blue eyes of the wolf.

  He leaned in and greedily devoured her lips with his, enjoying the feeling of her silky soft skin against his. She gratefully returned his kiss with eagerness, holding his face in her hands. Malcolm ventured down, sliding his fingers under the edge of her satin panties. He found her wet and ready for him. She pushed and bucked against his hand. She moaned her pleasure along their now fused lips. He struggled for restraint as he plunged two fingers into her and was greeted with another surge of wetness. He wanted nothing more than to bury himself deep inside her, but he couldn’t claim her as his mate until she knew everything.


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