Attraction [The Wolves of Shade County 3] (Siren Publishing Classic ManLove)

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Attraction [The Wolves of Shade County 3] (Siren Publishing Classic ManLove) Page 4

by JC Holly

  He smirked. “Under. Statement.”

  After a somewhat bawdy conversation, Molly left the room and Mica headed to the shower. As the spray hit him, he considered his next move with Jerry. The guy was cute, in an “immensely powerful” sort of way, and they certainly seemed compatible sexually. While Mica wasn’t used to not being the one in charge, their time in the bathroom had been hot as hell.

  Whether they had anything in common outside of lust was another matter, though. What did he really know about the guy? He liked to run in the morning, and enjoyed a drink at the one bar Mica had set foot inside. That wasn’t much to go on.

  “Still, that’s what dates are for,” he murmured.

  That, and the possibility of rough sex in uncomfortable locations.

  He felt a tingle in his groin as his thoughts shifted back to the bar’s bathroom, and he glanced down to confirm that he was indeed getting hard. He took his cock firmly in hand and began to slowly stroke as he ran over last night’s main event in his head. His attempt at an orgasm was thwarted by Molly banging on the door, telling him not to use all the hot water. With a muttered obscenity, he turned off the shower and resolved to call Jerry just as soon as he was dry.

  “I wonder what he’s doing,” he said to himself, as he grabbed a towel.

  * * * *

  The man in Jerry’s outstretched hand squealed as the grip around his throat tightened a fraction.

  “I can do this all day,” Jerry said, his voice low and even.

  It had taken him most of the night to track down the bragger from the bar, but once he’d found him it was clear it was the right guy. The straggly-haired idiot hadn’t even showered since the attack on Bobby. Even then, hours later, Jerry could still smell Bobby’s blood on the man.

  “Let’s try again,” Jerry said. “Why are you attacking shifters?”

  “Fuck you!”

  The man, whose wallet identified as Steven, punched at the arm that held him aloft, but Jerry barely felt the blows.

  “Help!” Steven yelled at the top of his lungs. “Help me!”

  Jerry smiled. “Look where we are. Who’s coming?”

  After capturing the asshole, Jerry had driven him to a deserted warehouse that used to be part of a logging facility built a couple of miles into the forest. The man could scream all day long and all he’d do is irritate a few deer.

  “You can’t do this, man,” Steven shouted. “You can’t fucking kidnap someone and then torture them for information.”

  “You can’t, perhaps. I assure you that I can.”

  His phone buzzed in his pocket, and Steven used the momentary distraction to somehow pull out of Jerry’s grasp. Eyes on his phone, he lashed out with a foot and Steven collapsed to the ground, clutching his shin.

  “You broke my leg!”

  “It’s just bruised,” Jerry replied. “I need to take this.”

  He dropped to his knees and wrapped a hand around the man’s mouth and nose, holding them close and keeping him silent, then pushed “accept call.”


  “Uh, Jerry? It’s Mica.”

  Despite the current situation, Jerry found himself smiling. “Oh, hey. How are you?”

  “I’m good. This line is terrible.”

  Steven whimpered and tried to push Jerry away.

  “I’m on a run in the hills.” Jerry tightened his grip. “The reception is lousy out here.”

  “Ah, that explains it. I’m hearing all sorts of weird sounds on the line.”

  “So, what can I do for you?” Make it quick. This guy’s got a couple of minutes of oxygen left. “I was thinking about last night.”

  “Me too.” Mica chuckled. “I’m told there’s a place near me that does great coffee, if you’re interested?”

  “That sounds great.” He glanced at his watch. “I just need to finish up here and wash up first. Text me the address, and I’ll meet you there in a couple of hours.”

  “Perfect. See you then.”

  Mica hung up, and Jerry let go of Steven.

  “It looks like you have a brief reprieve,” Jerry said, as he stood and put his phone away. “I’ve got somewhere to be.”

  “You’re not going to leave me here, are you?”

  Talking to Mica had lightened Jerry’s mood significantly. So much so that he had to remind himself that the man by his feet had tried to kill someone. The anger began to rise again.

  He dipped down until his face was an inch from the man’s. “If I had my way, there’d be nothing left to leave. Instead, you’ll wait patiently until an associate arrives to take over. He’s better at this sort of thing. Doesn’t care about people as much as I do. Believe me when I say you’ll wish I never left.”

  The man’s eyes darted left and right, and fear rolled off him like a wave. “I’ll tell you everything I know.”

  “Then start talking. You’ve got ten minutes.”

  “These two guys—well, a guy and a girl—they came up to me in a bar a few days ago. They’d heard I sometimes lean on people for cash.”

  “And you had never seen them before?”

  Steven shook his head quickly. “Never. I think the guy was from out of town. He sounded like he was from Scotland or something.”

  That confirmed what Bobby had said, and went a ways toward proving that Steven was being honest.

  “What about the woman? Did she have an accent too?”

  “She was American, though not from round here. Southern, I think. She didn’t talk much.” Steven shook his head. “She was…weird.”

  “Weird how?”

  “I don’t know how to explain it. Just a vibe she gave off. Her eyes were odd, too. One green, one almost completely black.”


  Mismatched eyes were uncommon among humans, and black eyes were practically unheard of. Witches who’d dabbled a little too much in the wrong arts, though…Jerry rubbed at his face and sighed.

  Magic. Everything just got that much more difficult.

  * * * *

  Thanks to him misjudging the time it would take to walk, Mica arrived at coffee shop twenty minutes before he had arranged to meet Jerry to meet. Molly had said it wouldn’t take long, but he’d left with plenty of time, worried he’d be late.

  The shop was bright and airy, with large doors that were left wide open to allow people to sit outside in the sun. The inside was just as inviting, though, thanks to good lighting and comfortable-looking chairs. Mica opted for sitting inside, away from the road, and picked an empty table near the back of the room.

  A very friendly barista joined him by the table a minute or two later, and Mica told him he’d order when his date arrived. The man smiled and walked away. Mica couldn’t help but notice the slight swing in the man’s hips, and spent the next five minutes mentally undressing him. It wasn’t as appealing as he imagined Jerry would look in the altogether.

  That, though, led to the inevitable, and Mica had to force himself to focus on the present. He wasn’t wearing the right pants for raging erections. This is a coffee date, not some motel liaison.

  He couldn’t help but wonder what might come of the meeting, though. Would they get on, or would it turn out that they had nothing in common? Would there be more dates, or would this be it? That’d certainly spoil his day, but since they barely knew each other it wouldn’t be the end of the world either. It’d be a shame not to see that cock in action one more time, though…

  Jerry arrived five minutes later, and moved straight to Mica’s table without even having to glance around for him. He was wearing a pair of blue jeans and a black shirt that showed off every bulge of his arms and torso. He smiled wide, and leant in to kiss Mica on the cheek as he sat across from him.

  “Nice to see you again,” Mica said, returning the smile.

  “You, too.” Jerry gestured to the shop with a hand. “Your friend has taste. They do great coffee here.”

  “Oh, so you’ve been before?”

  Jerry no
dded. “Ice cream, too. Though they call it gelato, just to be fancy.”

  Mica restrained a smirk. “So, what do you recommend?”

  After a brief discussion including explanations, they ordered drinks that Mica immediately forgot the names of—he was pretty sure they had coffee in them—and a couple of salads to go with them. They were served in a surprisingly quick fashion, and judging from the staff’s furtive glances toward Jerry, he figured they were eager to please him. I could get used to that.

  As they ate they exchanged small talk about the weather, and how Mica was enjoying the city. They neatly skirted around the previous night, which was probably wise given the public venue. Not that that had bothered them at the time.

  “So, what do you do for a living?” Mica asked once their plates were empty.

  “Honestly, I’m sort of retired.”

  “Retired? You must be a lot older than you look.”

  Jerry chuckled. “Only a little. I made some risky investments a few years back and they paid off.”

  “If you don’t mind me saying, you don’t look like the investment type.”

  “True. Most people take one look at me and think I’m a thug.”

  Mica felt himself color. Me and my big mouth…“I–I didn’t mean—”

  Jerry laughed and waved a hand. “I know, don’t worry. I meant people in general.”

  Relief washed over Mica. He hadn’t messed up the date entirely. “It must be great to have all that free time.”

  “Definitely. I’ve worked at a lot of different jobs, and not working at all is by far my favorite.”

  “I can imagine.” Mica sipped his coffee. It was pretty good if you ignored the foam. “I was a manager at a supermarket before I moved. Not exactly glamorous.”

  Jerry raised an eyebrow. “Never underestimate the value of staff discounts.”

  Mica laughed. “And free day-old baked goods.”

  “Even better!”

  There was a buzz, and Jerry apologized before pulling out a very flashy cellphone. He frowned at the screen for a moment before putting it away again.

  “Sorry about that.”

  “No problem,” Mica said. “Nice phone, too.”

  “Thanks. I’m a bit of a nerd when it comes to gadgets.”

  “Yeah? I’ve always loved technology, but I’m terrible with it.”

  “Well I’m happy to give lessons, for a fee.”

  Mica waggled his eyebrows. “Maybe we could come to some other arrangement…”

  “Even better.”

  “Though not in a bathroom this time, hmm?”

  Jerry grinned. “Deal.”

  “You know, it’s weird.”

  The big man cocked his head to one side. “What is?”

  “When we were, you know…busy…in the club. You were different. More forceful. In a good way,” Mica added quickly. “But here and now you’re more laid back.”

  Jerry shrugged his huge shoulders. “I like to be in charge in certain situations, but the rest of the time I like to just go with the flow. It’s not a problem for you is it?”

  Mica shook his head. “Definitely not. I just found it odd.” He leaned forward and dropped his voice. “Usually I don’t go for the alpha-male type, but when you ordered me around last night it made me so fucking hard.”

  Jerry growled softly, and his hand found Mica’s knee under the table. “I’m happy to have broadened your horizons.”

  Mica swallowed, then glanced around the room. “You definitely did.”

  The hand moved further up Mica’s leg until Jerry’s fingers found something more fun to squeeze. Mica took in a sharp breath as Jerry stroked his cock through his pants.

  “I want you,” Jerry murmured, his voice a low rumble. “I want to take you back to my place, bend you over, and fuck you so hard you scream.”

  “I…” Words failed him.

  “In fact, that’s what we’re doing. Get up.” Jerry dropped a twenty onto the table for the food. “I want you to take this to the barista, tell him thanks, and that you’re going home to get an ass full of cum. And I’ll know if you didn’t say it.”

  Mica swallowed hard, then stood, aware of the bulge in the front of his pants. Jerry stood too, and moved to the door, then waited as Mica glanced around the shop. He was no prude, but the thought of saying what he had to say made his legs weak. It also made him so horny his hands shook.

  “You good to go?”

  Mica glanced up to see the barista smiling at him. “Uh, yeah. Here you go.” He turned to look at Jerry, who nodded. “I’m, uh…” He swallowed again. “I’m going home. To get an ass full of cum.”

  Chapter Seven

  Mica’s heart hammered so hard he was sure Jerry could hear it. His mouth was bone dry, and his cock almost hurt it was so hard. And they hadn’t even gotten back to Jerry’s place yet.

  Despite his horniness, questions flooded his mind on the excruciatingly long and silent drive. Was he doing the right thing? He barely knew Jerry. What would Molly say if she knew what he’d agreed to, never mind what he’d said back in the coffee shop?

  The barista’s expression would have been funny at any other time. Mica had only caught a glimpse before he’d headed out the door as quickly as he move, but it had been a mixture of shock and something else. Jealousy? Maybe. It could have just as easily been disgust. Either way, it had left Mica so horny he could have come right then and there.

  Now he sat in a car beside a man who exuded lust and masculinity, driving toward what could turn out to be a night he’d remember for the rest of his life.

  Jerry lived right in the center of a large suburb. Each house was identical, save for a few differently colored doors, and each garden was small but well maintained. They pulled into a marked spot and Jerry climbed out, then moved around to get Mica’s door.

  “Thanks,” Mica said as he stood and stretched, mindful of the bulge in his pants. “Nice area.”

  “Keeps the rain off my head.” He gestured to the house’s small gate. “You first, so I can watch your ass.”

  Mica tried not to swallow nervously, then did as he was told. The gate swung silently, before clanging against the low wall that surrounded the garden. The sound made Mica jump, and he was sure he heard Jerry chuckle quietly. At the door, he stood to one side while Jerry unlocked.

  “After you,” he said.

  The first thing Mica noticed was how clean the place was. Not that he was expecting the place to be covered in dust or anything, but bachelor pads tended to be closer to ‘lived in’ than spotless. And this place was spotless.

  A few pictures dotted the wall to his left, each a nature scene with different weather, and a coat rack stood proudly just before the stairs that lead up before turning off to the right, and, no doubt, the bedrooms.

  “Good evening, Jerry.”

  Mica started at the voice, and glanced around.

  “Who’s your friend?” the voice continued.

  “A–aren’t we alone?” Mica asked, his mouth dry. “I mean, I thought it was going to be just us.”

  Jerry smiled. “It’s my home automation system.” He raised his voice. “Night mode.”

  “Command acknowledged,” the voice replied. “I will remain silent until further instructed.”

  Mica felt his shoulders sag in relief, and he let out a breath. “Sorry. Guess I’m a little jumpy.”

  Jerry shrugged. “Understandable. There aren’t many people out there who make their computers greet them at the door.”

  Mica chuckled, relieved that his heart was moving from his mouth back to its usual position. “When you said you were a bit of a nerd, I thought you meant you liked video games.”

  “Oh, I do. I just take my, uh, nerdity a little further than most.” Jerry pointed to the right. “Lounge is through there.”

  Mica headed in and had just enough time to register the plush carpet, large TV, and leather sofa, before Jerry’s bulging groin was pushing against his ass. I guess the
small talk can wait till after, then. At least Mica now knew the guy was capable of at least pausing the alpha act if needed.

  “Well now,” Mica said, as he slowly hydrated his hips. “What do I feel?”

  He pushed back against Jerry, grinding on his cock through several layers of clothing. God, it felt too damn big already.

  “Hands on the back of the sofa,” came the rumbling reply. “And don’t move unless I tell you to.”

  Mica crossed the room, his feet sinking into the carpet in a way he told himself he’d enjoy later, and placed his hands firmly on the back of the chair. It was genuine leather, and good stuff, too. Jerry certainly liked the finer things in life. And me. The thought gave his heart a flutter, but he pushed it away for the time being. That evening wasn’t about anything other than lust.

  Jerry’s hands slipped around Mica’s chest, and began to quest for buttons. As if toying, he began to fumble with one before tearing the shirt open instead in one quick movement. Mica must have gasped, as Jerry chuckled, almost menacingly.

  The pants were next, and Jerry treated Mica’s belt like it was no more an inconvenience than the shirt was. He pulled it apart with a quick motion, then yanked Mica’s pants down to his knees, along with his boxers.

  Completely exposed, Mica bit his lip as Jerry ran his fingers down Mica’s torso, pausing just above his cock. Touch it, stroke it. But instead Jerry stepped back.

  “Don’t move.”

  Footsteps receded to the hall, then headed upstairs. He hadn’t gone far—no doubt in search of lube, or condoms, or both—but the moments seemed to stretch on forever. Mica shifted his now sweating hands on the top of the couch, but didn’t dare move. There was no way he was risking not behaving and ruining the night. Not when he was so close already.

  The seconds became minutes, and each minute felt like an hour. What was Jerry doing? Couldn’t he find what he was looking for? Or was he instead intentionally making Mica wait? Or maybe he stood in the doorway behind Mica with a camera, filming him.

  Suddenly someone gripped his cock, and he cried out in surprise. Jerry chuckled again and slapped Mica on the ass cheek hard enough to bring a tear to his eye.


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