Later that morning, after breakfast, we got ready to leave, bringing our duffle down to the lobby with us. Blue exclaimed, “Look, Flower, look outside! It's snowing!" Big fat flakes of snow were fluttering quietly to the ground and actually sticking. I stared in wonder, realizing that we were on our way home to Louisville. It was the day before Christmas Eve, and there would likely be snow there as well. I skipped a few steps and wrapped my arms around my middle and murmured to Blue and the Baby Bug, "It's your first Christmas, sugar, and it's a white one just for you.”
Blue encircled my arms and body and hugged me and our baby. We had gone through many trials. Horrible things had happened to both of us. I knew Blue’s job was dangerous at times, but he would be careful. We both had the family we always wanted. Our life was going to be full of children, family, and friends, just like I had always wanted.
Epilogue 1.
March 1
Maeve and Mama and Papa McDonald had worked all morning putting up the wedding canopy, the chairs and stringing the lights in the trees. The time for the wedding was six in the evening, just as the sun started to set. We were blessed with beautiful weather. Maeve had bought several large pots of spring flowers that burst with bright red butterfly pentas, yellow daffodils, pink geraniums and purple hydrangeas. She then added trailing vines of ivy that made them look so beautiful.
Derick, who seemed moodier than usual turned out to be a surprisingly good cook. He and Blue were making tray after tray of different canopies. Everywhere I went I was told to sit down, take it easy, to go lie down and rest. I just wanted to help. It was my wedding after all
When I had gone outside to see if I could help Mama and Papa McDonald, they just escorted me over to a chair.
Papa McDonald said chidingly, “Don't be silly, little Krystal, you think I can't do this? You don't want to hurt our precious little God-Grandbaby. Let me get you a bottle of cold water.”
I was so glad that Blue had suggested we re-connect with the McDonalds when we returned to town. We had visited them just after Christmas, and all they could do was fuss over Blue and me as if we were royalty. Obviously, I was a stand-in for Donna in their lives, especially since her brother had moved to a group home with other young men his age with disabilities.
I had asked them formally if they would be Godparents to the baby, and stand-in as parents for me. They had cried and I had cried. We hugged and kissed, and since then, they had taken to their “job” with a vengeance. I loved having parents. I missed my mom, but who knew if she could have stayed sober. I wanted to think she could, for the sake of our little Bug. I don’t want my mom to be forgotten.
I sat watching Mama and Papa McDonald for a while sipping the water he had gotten me. It actually felt nice. I had obviously been doing too much lifting earlier as my back was hurting with a series of dull throbs in my lower back.
When I got up and stretched, I walked through the kitchen and hugged Blue, snatching some little food tidbits as I went. Blue grabbed me as he sat down in a chair. He then tried to pull me into his lap with only a little success. I had gotten pretty big. Bug was due in just a few weeks.
He grunted, then joked, “Fuck, baby girl, I'm going to call you Dumbo the Elephant. You and Bug together are huge.” I laughed and hit him over the head. He and Papa McDonald had been teasing me for the last few months about how big I was.
Sitting half in Blue’s lap made my back hurt again. I got up to stretch, trying to reach behind me to rub where it was hurting.
Blue looked at me with concern. “Are you okay, Flower? Is it the baby?”
“No,” I smiled at him, “Since nobody will let me help, I'm going upstairs to our bedroom to rest a bit and keep Ziva company." We were keeping her in the bedroom until things were less hectic. The bustle today had bothered her and she stayed so close to me that I was constantly tripping over her. I walked upstairs from Maeve’s apartment to ours, and opened the door to our bedroom. Ziva immediately came to me, whining and snuffling. I got my robe, and with her following right behind me, I walked into the bathroom so I could take a bath. I had a few hours before I had to get dressed.
I was getting married. As I thought back over past year, I was amazed at how my life had changed. Yes, some really awful things had happened to me. I still occasionally had nightmares from the torture I had gone through by the Rattler Kings Motorcycle Gang. But my Blue had carried me out of that nightmare into a life with friends and family. Blue and I were getting married. Then, our sweet baby would be born.
I turned the water on, adding bubbles that smelled of rosemary and mint that Blue called my 'Flower scent’. Ziva sighed and thumped down on the bath mat with resignation. I loved long baths, so she knew she was stuck. I undressed then stepped into the tub. As I sat down, the hot, bubbly water surrounded me with steamy bubbles and a sweet fragrance. I laid my head back and closed my eyes. I was getting married. The bath was such a good idea. My back that had been hurting off and on all morning seemed to have relaxed, and the slight tension I'd been feeling drained out of my body. As I relaxed my thought, I'm getting married, caused me to smile as I drifted off to sleep.
I awoke to Blue’s lips resting ever so softly on mine. We hadn’t done any of the traditional wedding things like not letting the bride and groom be together before the wedding. It seemed silly considering my protruding almost nine-month belly. I smiled up at my Blue.
I watched my beautiful Flower asleep in the bathtub, and I was once again amazed at her beauty and delicacy. My baby sat in her small body like she had swallowed a basketball. How I deserved her or the baby was beyond my comprehension. She was “the one”, the girl I loved the minute I first saw her. She was mine forever and being married just let others know it. I was getting married. The thought sped through my brain like wildfire. I went over to my bride-to-be and gently kissed her lips. Her eyes opened to mine and she smiled the smile she gave only to me.
I touched the water and it was cool. “Hey darlin’, it's time to get out and get dressed. It's almost five. We have an hour before we become husband and wife.”
She sat up with a little groan, still halfway sleeping. I helped her by taking her hands, then gently pulling her to a standing position. Then, as she turned to step out of the tub, I balanced her. I put a large towel around her shoulders and it fell almost to her knees.
She peered at me and grinned. “Hey Blue, I want one of those heated towel racks. Can we get one?”
Laughing, I replied again, since she had mentioned the heated towel rack after every bath she had. “I dunno Flower, I’ll have to see.” I happened to know the wedding gift from Derick was the coveted heated towel rack, with the promise that if he could, he would help me install it.
Derick had become my best friend. That he was a little broody and quiet didn't begin to describe him. I was aware of some of his ‘undercover’ proclivities and sometimes wondered how Maeve dealt with his dominant nature. After all, she was a strong professional woman as well as being a sassy smartass. Then, I mentally shrugged my shoulders. That was between her and Derick. I was getting married today.
I walked with Flower to the bedroom where Maeve had already set out our clothes. I had taken a shower downstairs and had given Ziva a shower with the garden hose last night.
I knew I needed to have a talk with Maeve. We had been "dating"-as in having sex-since she had gone to Cleveland under Witness Protection. How could I have turned her down? She was one of the most beautiful women I had ever met. She was smart, professional and her heart was larger than Texas.
That was the problem. I didn't deserve someone like her. Since I had murdered a woman I loved so many years ago, I had walled up my heart in bricks and barbed wire so that I could never hurt another person with my love again.
Since that time, I was only able to enter into a contract with a woman if I was totally in charge of everything about the transaction. I wanted there to be no mist
akes that could cause a woman to be in danger.
I caused pain so that I could make sure the women in question knew I had no desire to love them or keep them. It was always short term, ending when I judged the woman might be wanting more from me than I was willing to give.
I had enjoyed my time with Maeve. She sparked something in my dead heart. I could feel it occasionally beat again. That beat was definitely only for her. I loved her sparkling blue eyes, messy short black curls and her constantly going mouth. I had allowed our time together to be less one-sided than I would normally desire. It was also more vanilla than I had experienced since the time in the dungeon before Trude died.
Because of all this, it was time to separate myself from Maeve. The fact she was the sister of my partner made it difficult. I was more at Sam's house than I was ever at my own apartment. The only place I spent more time was my club, Sanctuary. I had opened it two years ago when I realized Louisville needed a safe place for BDSM play. It had been wildly successful since the first day it opened.
I'd never taken Maeve there and didn't plan to do so. It was not her lifestyle, and I was actually a much darker Dominant than most who either worked in my club or frequented Sanctuary as my guest.
So, I was waiting here in Maeve's bedroom for her to appear. I figured she would be here to rest a bit before continuing her duties as Krystal's maid of honor. I hated to do this today of all days, but I had been offered an assignment away from Louisville, and I planned on taking it. This would get me away from Maeve and allow Sam to spread his wings a bit as an ATF agent. He had shown such maturity and good judgement in Tennessee, we had promoted him to a fully-fledged Agent in the Kentucky office.
I wasn't wrong about Maeve coming to her bedroom before the wedding. She came in the door, slamming it shut in her usual whirlwind fashion. She saw me and stopped, a pink blush heating her neck and face as she thought about our sex from last night in the light of day. Our sexual exploits had gotten a bit more intense in the last week, and while she had obviously liked what we did, she still embarrassed easily when I looked her straight in the eye.
"Derick" she said, "What are you doing in here? Not that it's not really nice to see you."
She started walking toward me, obviously getting ready to kiss me. I put my hands up, physically stopping her from continuing into my personal space. She stopped and peered into my face. Her smile that was so wide, it actually caused my dead heart to beat, abruptly died on her face.
"Derick, what's going on? What are you doing?"
"We need to talk, Maeve", I replied.
I looked at her seriously, and said, "I have an offer of an assignment away from Louisville. I think I should take it. As much as I have enjoyed our time together, we can't continue. I will just end up hurting you, or getting you hurt. I don't want that to happen."
I could see tears starting to brim in her eyes. I wanted nothing more than to go to her and wrap my arms around her, ending her sorrow. But I also wanted to wrap my large hand around her delicate swan-like neck and press gently but firmly until she almost passed out from lack of oxygen. That was the problem. I wanted to control every single aspect of her life, including the decision of when she was allowed to breathe. Maeve didn't know this about me.
I didn't know how to explain my desires to her or why I needed such control. I just knew it was better for her if we ended the relationship. Suddenly, Mrs. McDonald burst in the door of Maeve's room.
"Maeve! Sam is in the bedroom with Krystal. She's going to let him see the dress, or worse, they're going to start making out and then who knows what's going to happen. I swear those two could go at each other twenty-four hours a day. Maeve, do something!"
Maeve looked at me, panic in her eyes. "Derick, we need to talk about this. After the wedding let's find a quiet space and talk. I know we can work this . . ."
Mrs. McDonald said loudly, "Maeve, do something!"
Maeve sighed and muttered, "After the wedding, Derick, we will talk." Then she ran out of her bedroom to go upstairs to save the day once again.
I knew that as soon as the wedding was over I'd be out of this house and this town for a long time. I'd already talked to Sam about it. While I had not told him all my reasons for taking the assignment, he was an astute young man. He knew Maeve was part of my decision. He had looked at me sorrowfully when I had given him the news.
"I don't know that I agree with your decision Derick, but it is certainly up to you. I wish you the best of luck."
At this time, what was important was that I needed to discharge my duties as Sam's best man. I shot the cuffs to my tuxedo shirt, and pulled my shoulders back. I went in search of Mr. McDonald so that we could be in the kitchen waiting to walk down the aisle with Maeve and Sam's Flower.
I was already in my silver gray tuxedo pants, thank God, when Maeve burst through the shut door of the bedroom.
“Get out of here Sam, we already have guests downstairs. Besides you don't need to see Krystal in her dress. SO. . .OUT. . .OUT!”
I grabbed my white shirt, tuxedo jacket and tie, and then ran. I hadn't been able to win against Maeve since we were kids. So now, I didn't even try. I’d finish getting dressed in the bathroom.
When Maeve burst through the door, I was glad I hadn't gone with my thought to entice Blue to have a very quick romp with me before we married. After all, if we were late, what did it matter? They couldn't start the party without us. We were the party.
I slipped on the lacy white thong that fit under my big belly. I then gathered my-much-larger-than-they-used-to-be-boobs into the nicest lacy nursing bra Maeve had been able to find. I wiggled into the tiny wisp of a garter belt. I was trying to lean over to slip on the white silk stockings when Maeve turned her attention to me.
“Oh honey, you are so beautiful! You look just like a bride should.” She was squealing, Maeve was not a squealer so I was pretty surprised. The smile on her face didn’t actually reach her eyes either. She came over to me and started helping me pull my stockings up and fastening the clips for me.
My back had started hurting again, and this spasm hurt even around my sides. Maeve saw my grimace and frowned. “What's the matter, Krystal?”
“Nothing. I just hurt my back yesterday somehow, probably lifting something I shouldn't have.”
“Ok-a-a-y,” she said slowly, “Let me know if it gets worse.” Having Maeve as my friend was such a relief. I had wanted to have the baby at home, but Maeve had talked me into registering at the hospital since I was so small and Blue was so big. Maeve was going to be my Doula. I knew with her and Blue beside me that everything would be perfect.
Maeve went to pull my dress out of its dark bag. It was a simple white empire waistline midi silk dress with a shark bite hem. It had embroidery and beads of white on the hemline, neckline and sleeves. I slipped it over my head, and the skirt fell down my body in cool, heavy waves.
“Oh Krystal, that dress is gorgeous, and you look perfect.” Maeve whispered.
I looked at myself and was amazed. This girl in the mirror didn't look like me. The girl in the mirror was still small, but I didn’t look like a child. I was elegant, yes, very pregnant, but the dress was slightly slimming and I thought I looked like a bride. I couldn’t wait for Blue to see me.
I certainly wasn't trying to hide my pregnancy. Blue and I were excited, happy and proud of our soon to be enlarged family, and we didn't really care what others thought. Our friends were behind us 100%.
My back spasmed again and I tried twisting to relieve the pain, and Maeve came over and felt my belly. She looked at me in astonishment and said, “Krystal that was a contraction. Have you noticed any more like that? You could be in labor."
I replied fiercely, “I don't care if I am. I'm getting married in ten minutes. If I have to grab this baby as it's coming out and hold it till the preacher says I pronounce you husband and wife, I’m getting married NOW. And you say one word to Blue and you are dead
I glared at her as she started laughing. “Oh honey, it's okay, if you actually are in labor, you can get through the wedding and probably even the reception before you go to the hospital.”
Then Maeve set me down on the chair in front of my dresser mirror and brushed my hair until it was lying smoothly around my shoulders and down to my waist in loose waves. She tucked a small cluster of daisies behind my ear.
I put on a few swipes of mascara and some pink lip gloss. Looking at myself, I decided I was as ready as I would ever be. This was my dream come true. I was marrying my beloved Samuel Blue. Sometime soon, our precious Baby Bug would be with us. I'm getting married today. So I smiled.
Maeve slowly walked in front of me down the steps as I carefully held onto the bannister. She wore a beautiful yellow shift with daisies in her hair as well. She slipped into the door of her apartment to make sure no one was there to see me, especially Blue. She beckoned me into her apartment and we scurried to the kitchen door that led to the beautifully decorated back yard. Our bouquets were sitting in vases on the kitchen sink. Both were made of daisies yellow sweetheart roses, baby’s breath and ferns, tied with long pale green ribbons. My ribbons had been knotted for luck and love by Mama McDonald, who said it was an old Scottish custom.
Papa McDonald and Derick were in the kitchen waiting for us. Papa Mac was going to walk me down the aisle and Derick, as best man, was there to walk with Maeve. Neither Maeve or Derick, seemed very happy with the other. Not once did their eyes meet. I wasn’t going to worry. I was getting married, right now,
Maeve sent a text on her phone which started an acoustic guitar playing Hallelujah by Jeff Buckley. Maeve took Derick’s arm and they went through the kitchen door, slowly, to the music, into the yard.
Papa McDonald examined me with a gentle smile. I noticed he had tears in his eyes. “Krystal”, he said gruffly. I knew he didn't want me to see him cry, so I ignored his tears. “I am so glad you let me stand in as your father today. I wish so much Donna could be here, but I know my little girl is looking down from heaven and watching you. She would be so glad you have found happiness.”
Krystal Clear (Shattered Book 2) Page 10