by Nancy Hogue
“So, who’s the creep that’s wreaking havoc on our community? Have y’all figured it out?” Charlie asked in between bites of his sandwich.
“No, just coming up with more questions than answers,” Cain said.
Charlie asked Evelyn, “Evie, did you ever tell the police about what you told us at Anne’s the other night?”
“No, I actually forgot, we’ve been so busy at the shop.”
The group leaned forward as Evelyn told the story about seeing Blake the afternoon before he died.
“He was dressed in jeans?” Sammi asked.
“Yes and sneakers,” Evelyn added. “Way out of character for him. Don’t you think?”
“I didn’t know he owned any sneakers,” Sammi said.
“Well, I’m sure it was him. I just don’t know who the man was he was arguing with.”
“Describe him, again, Mrs. Young. Everybody close your eyes and see if you can picture him,” JJ said. “Mrs. Young, close your eyes, too, so you won’t be distracted.”
Evelyn started her story about seeing Blake at the gas pump. “His clothes were a mess and he had on work boots, not sneakers, I remember now. He had on blue jeans and a dark blue jacket and brown work boots. He was very muddy or either something was all over his clothes. He must’ve already been there when I pulled up or I would have noticed him pulling in beside me. I remember a bright red sports car pulled up beside him. The man driving wore sunglasses and a ball cap. He had his head partially on the outside of the window. He motioned to Blake and said “leave her alone.” Blake’s face was blazing red and he said for him to stay out of his business. The man in the sports car said, ‘you’ll regret it if.’”
She got quiet, and everyone opened their eyes.
“If what?” JJ asked.
“So he had on work boots, not sneakers!” Sammi said.
“Mr. Grumman drives a red sports car, so does Dr. Early,” JJ said.
“Lots of the agents at the real estate office drive red sports cars. It’s a power thing. You know a status symbol,” Sammi said. “And seems like every other car in this area is red or black for the University colors.”
“But the ball cap, guess I’m lost on that one,” JJ said. “Just kids wear ball caps, don’t they?”
“No,” Chip said. “Lots of police officers wear them.”
“What about the tag, Mrs. Young, could you see it?”
“Come to think of it, it had a deer with big antlers on it.”
“Chip, would that be a wildlife tag. Don’t they have a deer?” JJ asked Chip.
“I think so, depends on the year. Some have other animals.”
JJ told them about going to the school and seeing the car with the wildlife tag that had a deer. I wrote down the tag number, well two of the numbers weren’t visible. I didn’t remember any antlers either.”
“What was it?” Chip asked.
“What was what?”
“The tag number, my precious,” as he made a face at her.
“Duh!” she said smiling at him while she pulled the piece of paper out of her wallet.
He called it in to the station. They would need the last two digits to find the owner. Unless they know the vehicle make.
“What about the tail lights, JJ, how were they shaped?” her dad asked.
“It seems like they were like slits. You know this way.” She moved her hand from left to right.”
“Well, I can check with some dealerships tomorrow and see what it might be,” Chip said. “Or go online and look up sports cars.”
She smiled at Chip. “Also, y’all, at school the other day, I was standing outside Dr. Jacob’s office. Dad, remind me to tell you about that conversation.”
“Okay, honey.”
“Anyway, while I was waiting, someone yelled into the phone from inside the principal’s office, ‘you better do something… This thing has gotten out of hand… Just put a stop to it.’ I’m not sure if those are the exact words but something like that. I’m not sure who it was either. It could’ve been Dr. Early. Mr. Grumman and Dr. Christian have certainly been mad at him about something but I just think I would recognize their voices.”
“Who else could it have been?”
“I don’t know. It was before school started so the secretaries weren’t there yet. I have one other thing I want to ask Sammi, if you don’t mind,” JJ said with a question mark on her face.
“I don’t mind, JJ. Ask away.”
“Well, do you know of a magazine, Mr. Brockton was reading, named Saga?”
“They’re in his study. He’s been reading them for the past several months. He even subscribed to it.”
JJ felt hopeful. “Sammi, I need to see them, any chance of that.”
“Let’s talk to Wilson tomorrow. He has access to the house.”
“Ok. I work from noon to four tomorr…”
“JJ, you take care of that tomorrow. I’ll handle the shop and you can finish up Monday. OK?”
“Mrs. Young thanks so much. If we get through, I’ll come on in.”
“Okay, hon. That will be fine.”
“Thanks, Evelyn,” Sammi said. “Well, since the sun will be up in a few hours, I think I’m going to go on home, well, maybe not home but where my stuff is!”
“No you’re not, Sammi,” Evelyn said, “You’ll stay right here. You all will. I couldn’t handle it if anything happened to any of you. And we’re better off staying together. Don’t you think, Charlie?”
“I certainly do. We’ve got plenty of room.”
Everyone including Chip and Cain were too tired to argue. Chip sent a text to his mom not to worry. Evelyn gave gowns to Sammi and JJ as they took the twin beds in the son’s room and Cain and Chip stretched out on the comfortable sofas. At three o’clock, they were asleep
It took a while for Sammi and JJ to get sleepy. The girl talk turned to a more serious conversation about all the murders and the nagging questions needing answers. JJ had one very important question in particular.
“Sammi, are you sure your brother is still in prison?”
Chapter 29
Saturday, March 24
The man rose two hours before the sun. He couldn’t sleep with his plan falling apart. He sat in his den drinking coffee with a shot of whiskey. Having the car discovered was a major setback.
“That’s two mistakes, I’ve made,” he said in a whisper. He did not want his wife to hear him and start asking questions. She would be up and leave for work in a couple of hours then he would have the day to himself. The storage facility would open at nine and he was anxious to talk to the attendant. He retrieved one of the disposable cell phones he bought a year ago and plugged it in.
He also needed to know what the cops had learned from Blake’s Prius and the gun. And, he needed another ruse. Positive he had left no evidence behind including fingerprints. He showered, dressed, ate breakfast with his wife, and kissed her good-bye. He checked the phone and thought it had enough charge to make the call to Detective Marabell.
“Yes, Detective Marabell,” he said in a female voice. “I’m calling from Brockton Real Estate, the office in Lizella.”
“Yes, how may I help you?”
“I’m a little alarmed at the recent deaths in our community. I’m just wondering if we’re safe. I often work in this office alone. I know you’ve arrested Mrs. Brockton for Mr. Brockton’s death. But have you caught the person yet who murdered Madelyn Sommers in the River Town office?”
“That’s not my case, and I don’t have any information to give to you. If you’ll let me have your name and number, I’ll have the detective working it call you.”
“Well, I…hello….hello” He intentionally disconnected.
Hilda pushed redial on her phone but the call did not go through. She called 4-1-1 got the number and a male agent in the Lizella office answered.
She decided to drive over to see who was there.
He called the Holiday storage facility and asked for the manager
Using the voice distortion device, he said he went to his locker on Friday evening and found it empty. “What happened to my contents,” he asked.
The manager advised him to call the River Town police department for information. She had no knowledge except that they had a warrant. She did what Detective Marabell had asked her to do and called the number on her business cell.
“Detective Marabell, that Mr. Attaway just called me to ask about his locker and I have the recording. Do you want to come get it?”
“Yes, I’ll send someone down. They should be there within the hour. Thank you so much.”
* * *
JJ slipped out of bed and went into the kitchen where she found Mrs. Young reading the morning paper with a cup of coffee.
“Good morning, Mrs. Young.”
“Good morning, JJ. Sleep okay?”
“Yes ma’am like a rock for the thirty minutes I slept. I just can’t get something out of my mind.”
“About Sammi’s family?”
“Yes ma’am. I’ve always wanted a sister or big brother but not like hers. That would be terrifying.”
“I’ve got coffee, fruit juices or tea, madam. Also, some muffins and sausage biscuits. What’s your pleasure,” Mrs. Young said trying to cheer her up.
“Maybe just some juice for right now. Thank you.”
“You’re so welcome, dear.”
“Mrs. Young, what if Sammi’s brother got out of prison and he’s here framing her. If he hated her then, maybe he still does.”
“JJ, honey, wouldn’t that be awful if he’s lurking about town?”
“Yes ma’am. He could be stalking her or stalking any of us close to her, like Dad said. I need to talk to him and Chip about this. Or maybe Detective Marabell could find out if he got out on parole or something.”
“But wouldn’t Sammi be notified if he got out? I thought they had to notify the victims.” Mrs. Young took more biscuits out of the oven.
“Yes, but Sammi wasn’t a victim. Her parents were.”
“JJ, this is a frightful thought. You need to talk to your dad for some guidance.”
Cain walked into the room stretching and groaning like a bear leaving its cave after a long winter.
“Dad! Feel better?” They all laughed.
“Yes, Jessica Jane, I feel wonderful. Slept great. So what were you talking about when I came in?”
“Daddy, I think we need to find out if Sammi’s brother is still in prison. What if he’s the one calling himself Jonas Attaway and he could have a girlfriend as Mrs. Attaway. I wonder what he looks like and where he’s been staying. What do you think?”
“Well, I’m not sure I can think this early but yes, I think we should check into it. Are you going to call Hilda about the magazine?”
“Yes sir, if you think it’s appropriate.”
“Well, she seems to think you’ve been helpful.”
“OK, let me get the information from Sammi, his name and all, and I’ll ask her.” JJ was excited that they were getting somewhere finally.
Sammi was dressed in her previous day’s clothes when JJ walked back in the bedroom. She wrote down her brother’s name, birthday, the facts of her parents’ murders and the prison where he was taken.
“Sammi, now you’re sure about this? Checking into it and all?” JJ asked giving her the chance to change her mind about tracking down her brother.
“I certainly am. If he’s the one who murdered Blake and Aunt Pat and maybe even Madelyn, then I want him back in prison. If not, I might go visit him.”
She walked into the sunroom to place her call.
“Hi, Detective Marabell, it’s JJ Matthews. How are you today?”
“Good, JJ, what can I do for you?”
“I wonder if you could take me into Sammi’s house and let me get or either look at a certain magazine Mr. Brockton was reading. It’s called Saga. I came across some information that might be helpful.”
“Well, sure, Jasper, uh, Detective Nelson, you remember him?”
“Yes ma’am.”
“He said some pages were dog eared, but he didn’t see what they meant to the case so he took them back to the house.”
“Well, I’m not sure then if I can find anything different, but I’d like to try if not too much trouble.”
“Sure, JJ, can’t hurt. What time would you like to go?”
“Well, Mrs. Young gave me the day off so you choose the time.”
“Well, I’m running out the door right now to check on something. How about in the next hour, say around nine?”
“Great, thank you and I’ll see you there.”
JJ was running on pure adrenalin thinking she was on to something. She and her dad left to freshen up at home. Chip went to work. Sammi went to the nursing home to finalize her aunt’s bill. Charlie was still asleep. Evelyn called the shop and said she would be in about three and then she crawled in bed beside Charlie.
Cain did not think it safe for JJ to roam around town alone. Television cameras were everywhere in town. Still he took her to get her car then followed her home.
JJ thought it was overkill. Surely, no one would dare try anything now, she thought. But she had not been told about the note found at the nursing home, ‘only one to go.’
Chapter 30
Detective Marabell walked into the Brockton Real Estate office in Lizella as two female agents were leaving to show property. They made some small talk about the weather and real estate business finally picking up.
“Do both of you work out of this office?” she asked them.
“Yes, I do, well I used to,” the short brunette said, “But mostly I work out of my home now.” Not the voice.
“Do you work out of your home, too?” she asked the other agent.
“No, I’d like to but I live way out and it would just take too much gas to run back and forth all day.” Not the voice either.
“I’m Detective Hilda Marabell,” she told them. “Just try to be very particular about who you show property to especially if you’re by yourself.”
“Could we be in danger like Madelyn?” The agent shifted her weight to the other foot.
“I hate to tell you, but yes, because we don’t have a suspect. But I don’t want to unnecessarily alarm you. How many other females work out of here? You know come in even though they may work out of their homes.”
Hilda tried to stall to buy more time to see who could have made that call. There was only one other agent inside, a male agent. She stuck her head inside to speak to him.
“Hey, how are you,” she asked.
“Hi, may I help you with some property?” No, not that voice either.
“No, I was just in the neighborhood, wanting to make sure everything is okay.” They were so appreciative of her consideration.
She left the real estate office to meet JJ at the Brockton house. Realizing she did not have the key, she called Jasper at the precinct and asked him to meet them out there and to let JJ know she might be a few minutes late.
“Jaz, you probably need to hear what she has to say anyway. She’s got a good sense of this investigation.” She pulled over to allow an ambulance by. Hope that’s nothing.
JJ parked at the neighbor’s curb as Detective Nelson pulled in behind her. “Hi Detective. Thanks for meeting me. Is Miss Hilda coming too?” Hilda pulled in just as JJ asked about her.
“Hi JJ, thought I was going to be late. Glad you called; we need to get this solved.”
“Well, I do want to look in those magazines. Sammi said it would be okay. But I think I have something much more important to tell you about.”
“I’m anxious to hear it.” Hilda remarked as JJ handed her the piece of paper with Kyle Tyler’s information.
“This is Sammi’s brother. In 1982, he and two of his friends murdered Sammi’s parents. Her name was Katie back then and she started using her first name Samantha when she came to live with her aunt.”
“I didn’t know that.”
“Well, could you find out if he has been released from prison? He and one other guy, one of his friends got the maximum sentence and one of the other guys received a lighter sentence. I’m wondering if he, I mean her brother, could be the person calling himself Jonas Attaway.”
“JJ, absolutely!”
“I know by looking at him, Jonas Attaway that is, that he was wearing a mask and probably padding. I think the hat, mustache, bowtie, those crazy plaid clothes; I think all of that was a distraction.”
“JJ, we know it was a ruse, too.” She was very interested in JJ’s theory. “But why do you think he was wearing a mask?”
“You know on the TV when he was being interviewed and the 911 call was playing. It was as if he had Botox or some kind of face surgery if he wasn’t wearing a mask.
“Yes, he was certainly a strange fellow.”
“Sammi has not seen her brother up close in twenty-five years. She may not recognize him.” Neighbors were gathering to see what was going on.
Hilda called in the information on Kyle Tyler as they walked down the driveway into the side garage door into the dark and musty smelling house.
“I know this smell,” JJ said. “Smells like Jenny Jones’ house. Her house is all closed up and dusty smelling.”
Jasper understood exactly why Hilda thought JJ was helpful in the investigation.
“Those magazines are in here,” he said as he led her into the study. “At least they were. I left them in here myself.”
“Who has the right to come in here since it’s got the yellow tape around it?” JJ asked him.
“Nobody except the police and Sammi’s lawyer. He has access to the crime scene.”
“Well, he wouldn’t take them without asking you, would he?” JJ asked.
“Nah, nobody knows anything about them.”
“Jenny knew about them because Mr. Brockton told her he was being blackmailed, well that was her word. But that two of the reasons were stories in that magazine. Something to do with her dad and a wreck he was in, not her dad but Mr. Brockton.”