by Nancy Hogue
Sammi left the graveside knowing the last person on earth to truly love her was now gone. But, she had friends, so many good friends who believed in her all this time.
She told her aunt goodbye. Now she had some errands to run. Mitch would go with her to the lawyer’s office for the reading of Blake’s will.
The murder case was closed and her brother, Kyle, was remanded to a maximum-security prison north of Macon for the many deaths he caused. His so-called jail buddy recovered from a cracked skull and received a maximum sentence for endangering the lives of others with other felony charges. Neither one would ever be free.
JJ’s recording created an investigation into the marriage documents and the will. Her marriage to Blake was found legal, and the will Blake made two years ago was the true will. Kyle admitted to the murders and falsifying Blake’s signature on the will and other documents but it did not help him in sentencing.
Hilda learned, the rose tattoo woman was a girlfriend Kyle had met just after he got out of prison. He had set her up to get the file after Kyle had read an article Cain wrote on the bypass and the real estate owned by Blake Brockton.
Except for a trust of one million dollars for an unnamed child, Sammi received everything Blake owned. Not only did he own the property in Bibb County, which was estimated at two million dollars, he had property in three other states whose value was unknown. His cash on hand in the local banks was four hundred thousand and in off shore banks totaled a little more than twenty-five million dollars. Five CDs totaled four hundred and twenty five thousand, which were due to be renewed in one week. Sammi was the beneficiary of a two million accidental death policy.
Sammi received everything, all property, all cash, and the real estate business.
She gave Cain the exclusive rights to her story.
* * *
“A scholarship, Mrs. Brockton?”
“Yes, through a new charitable organization in the name of Patricia Solomon, I’m endowing a $150,000 scholarship for Jessica Jane Matthews, JJ, for her flight lessons and studies at the Aviation College. Please award it during your end of school year ceremonies.”
“Yes, yes I will. You’re very generous, and I know she’ll be thrilled.”
“JJ is a very worthy young lady,” Sammi replied.
“I’d also like to award a $100,000 cash scholarship to her best friend, Sara Crenshaw, to the college of her choice.” Sammi said. “She’s also a very deserving young lady.”
She left the school feeling great that her aunt’s name would help others. Her next stop was to the house where she and Blake shared their lives together. Where they lived and died because when he died she died a little, too, if only metaphorically.
With the front door replaced and the walkway pressure washed, it was as beautiful as ever. She contracted a moving company to pack her antiques, artwork and other belongings and store them until she settled in another house hopefully nearby.
She asked Sherry and Dan to meet at her house about five thirty since he was off today.
“Mrs. Brockton, uh, Sammi, are you sure about this?” Dan Jensen asked as he received the front door keys and the deed to the beautiful house in River Town, the house where she and Blake lived.
“Yes, you and Sherry have a wonderful life ahead of you. You have the baby boy on the way, and you said you needed a bigger place. Besides there’s a path that leads down to the river and you and your son will enjoy that. I’m sure you’ll teach him to fish.”
“Yes, but why? Why are you giving us this new home?”
Sammi smiled at the word ‘why.’ For once in her life the answer would be happy and joyous not an explanation for a tragic event
Sammi replied, “Dan, Sherry, I’m giving you the deed to a house. Your love will make it a home or if you don’t want to live here, sell it. It’s yours to do as you wish.”
Dan clutched Sherry’s hand as Sammi continued, “And the reason, well, Dan, during that awful time, you and Sherry were the first people to check on me to inquire about my well-being. That kindness did not go unnoticed. It’s a very nice neighborhood, and the house is just too much for me. I’ve arranged for Mitch to stay on as your gardener, if okay with you.”
“Yes, wonderful.”
“And an account is set up to pay the taxes for the next five years.”
Sherry started to cry, and Dan drew her closer to him.
“Please keep in touch with me and let me know when the little one makes his debut.”
Sherry was flabbergasted and was crying and laughing simultaneously. She hugged Sammi thanking her for her generosity and friendship. “I’ll never, ever forget this,” she said. “You are the most wonderful person.”
“I’ve been blessed,” she said. “Most people would not think so and would only look at the bad things that I’ve been through. But it’s true if it doesn’t kill you, it makes you stronger. So be happy, and please keep in touch, that’s all I ask.”
As Sammi turned to leave, she heard excitement and love in their voices as they went in to explore the house, and she knew she made the right decision.
One more stop to see Wilson. She asked Mitch to ride with her to his Columbus office.
His office was exquisite with beautiful furniture and accessories. He had two associates, two paralegals and three office assistants. Maria had an office as well.
“Wilson, this is beautiful,” she said. “Absolutely beautiful.”
“Well, the attention I received from your case created so much business, Maria has been decorating and sprucing things up,” he said looking around at the office.
Sammi noticed the painting she had purchased with the cherry blossoms hanging over Maria’s desk. “I love it, Senora. Muchas, muchas gracias.” She hugged Sammi’s neck.
“Well, Wilson, do you have that other item of business ready?” she asked.
Sammi had already paid Wilson a handsome sum for his defense even though he argued that he never had to defend her. “That’s beside the point,” she told him.
“Yes, as a matter of fact I do. Please come in and sit down. You, too, Mitch.”
“Wilson slid two pieces of paper toward Mitch. One was a document to set him up in the lawn care business. The other was a check for $250,000 to pay for equipment.”
“What?” he looked at Sammi with a question mark on his face.
“Mitch, this is just a token of my appreciation. You were my knight in shining armor. When I did not have a clue about what to do or who to call, you came to me, bringing your brother with all your faith in me. Not once did you doubt my innocence. And you’re just a very nice man.”
“Thank you, thank you so much,” he said. “But you were always so kind to me, bring me water and juice to drink, make me lunch, tell me to take break, not work so hard. I knew you didn’t do it. I knew Wilson could help you. And you’re a very nice lady.” Everyone laughed.
“Oh and by the way, the Jensen’s want you to stay on as the gardener.”
“My first client!”
Chapter 35
On the last morning of the school year students, parents and teachers filled the school auditorium with sounds of applause every few seconds. Awards for perfect attendance and honor society were distributed. The DAR Good Citizenship recipients were announced. Ten worthy students received scholarships for higher learning. JJ and Sara almost fell off the bleachers when their names were called.
Sammi, Cain and Chip stood and cheered together as JJ accepted the substantial amount of money. Sara’s mom and dad were just as proud and grateful. It was a great day!
Before she left for the summer, JJ stopped in to see Dr. Jacob who gave her a big hug. “I’m so proud of you, JJ. I’ve found you a tutor if you’re still interested. Here’s the information.”
“Thank you so much. I’ll call and set it up. Now more than ever, I’m ready to ace my senior year. I hope you have a great summer, and I’ll see you in the fall.”
JJ, of course, stuck her head in Mr. Grumma
n’s office and flashed that big smile, saying, “See you, Mr. Grumman. Hope you have a good summer. Are you planning anything special?”
“Probably travel a little bit. I’m taking a course toward my doctorate in Athens.”
“That’s good. I’m getting some help with my math and science. I’m hoping for some advanced classes next year.”
“Well, don’t work too hard! That’s some scholarship you got. Congratulations!”
“Thanks, Wow, was I shocked?
“I imagine,” he said, longing to kiss her goodbye.
“Don’t you work too hard either. See you in September?”
“I’ll be here! Bye, JJ, see you, too!
She hurried out to her car unbelieving of her good fortune. It was the last day of school and the first hour of summer vacation.
Mr. Grumman watched her from his classroom window, her long hair bouncing off her shoulders as she waved and yelled at her fellow classmates. She looked so happy and as beautiful as he had ever seen her. He watched as Sara ran up to her and hugged her neck.
Mesmerized by her beauty and energy, he watched her drive away as he had done almost every day since he met her at the water cooler. He knew he loved her and no one else. “You’ll graduate next year,” he said in a whisper. “Then you’ll be mine.”
Yes, JJ was indeed a happy girl. She had a date to meet Chip waiting at the River Town gazebo on the river. He greeted her with a big hug and a soft kiss. They would spend the entire afternoon picnicking under the cover of cherry trees, walking along the riverbank, enjoying the beautiful warm weather and falling in love.
Only the beginning!
Now that you have finished my book, won’t you please consider writing a review? (Links are below.) Reviews are the best way readers discover great new books. I would truly appreciate it. Nancy
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Major Characters
JJ Matthews–High school junior, works part time at Exquisite You Beauty Salon
Samantha (Sammi) Solomon Brockton –Accused of Blake Brockton’s murder
Blake Brockton –One of the Southeast United States wealthiest men found dead on the threshold of his colonial mansion
Jonas Attaway –Neighbor who found the body
Officer Dan Jensen –Policeman married to Sherry
Cain Matthews –JJ’s dad who is an award-winning journalist for the Macon Monitor
Chip James –Deputy Sheriff
Bill Fritz –Personal assistant to Blake Brockton at Brockton Real Estate
Wilson Lopez –Sammi’s lawyer married to Maria and brother to Mitch, Sammi’s gardener
Detective Hilda Marabell –Primary detective on the Brockton case
Detective Jasper Nelson –Working with Hilda on the case
Exquisite You Beauty Salon
Evelyn Young –Owner
Jenny –Manicurist married to Jess, Sammi’s massage therapist
Anne Jones –Stylist married to Austin, mother to Alan and neighbors of the Brocktons
High School
Mr. Grumman –JJ’s history teacher
Dr. Jacob –JJ’s favorite counselor
Dr. Christian –Counselor married to Everett Christian
Dr. Early –Assistant Principal married to Patsy who works at Macon Monitor
Sara –JJ’s best friend
Wanda –JJ’s nemeses
In July of 2006, I met a woman in a South Georgia shopping center who was returning home from an annual writer’s conference. (I noticed her T-shirt.) We had a most delightful conversation about the conference and the book she was writing about four grandmothers.
“I wish I could write a book,” I replied and, of course, she encouraged me beyond belief. I wish I knew her name. It was that night I penned the first chapter of With His Dying Breath. Chapters kept coming but somewhere along the way retirement, a new career, my remarriage, two moves, my son’s marriage, the birth of a grandbaby and, well, life waylaid the novel.
It was not until January of 2012 that I returned to JJ and her murder mystery.
JJ, Sammi, Evelyn, Anne, Jenny and their men have been fun to get to know. They even surprised me at times! Cain, Hilda, Jasper were fun to introduce and, ladies, didn’t we all know a Mr. Grumman in our teenage years?
So, to you, my reader, thank you for reading With His Dying Breath. I hope you enjoyed it and will leave a review on Amazon. If you’d like to contact me personally, my email address is [email protected]. You can also find me on my Facebook author page, Nancy Hogue.
The Internet is very helpful in conducting research but sometimes you just want clarification by a real person. I extend a big thank you to Stephanie Sutton Mercer, my niece, for her technical expertise with the 9-1-1 calls and to Robert Sisk of Butler Toyota in Macon, Georgia for answering my questions about Blake’s Prius.
So many close friends were the first to purchase my novel expressing heaps of encouragement and best of all, entering their five star reviews. To them I say a huge thank you.
To my wonderful son and his sweet wife and to my grandsons, I love you!
Finally and most of all, to my wonderful husband, John, who encourages me to write every day, supports me in all I do, never complains about anything and calms my frustrations (especially with computer glitches) — I love you very much and thank you so much!
Thanks again for reading my break-out novel. I look forward to hearing from you! Nancy
Next in the Series
His Sins Exposed now available on Amazon for Kindle!
River Town citizens breathed a heavy sigh of relief when their much-loved community returned to normal—normal in the sense a person could be out and about with their families with no worries of a desperate predator inciting fear in their lives. Last spring, the town became a resting point for news junkies and curiosity seekers when news alerts across the globe broadcasted the murder of Blake Brockton, one of Georgia’s wealthiest citizens, and the subsequent arrest of his young, beautiful, jet-setting wife, Sammi.
The TV and cable news trucks, reporters and cameras created traffic jams all over the small town. Combined with the daily funeral possessions caused by this madman’s attacks, well, it was chaotic to say the least. Finally, after the surprising confession, arrest, and incarceration of a fellow citizen ending the nightmare, the families in this beautiful hamlet along the Ocmulgee River outside of Macon, Georgia, enjoy a peaceful existence once again.
But it doesn’t last long. JJ Matthews gets caught up in the crimes of a subversive group within a large mega church in her community when she extends her helping hand to the victims in a plane crash. Someone doesn’t want her help and will stop at nothing to keep her from destroying the plan.
The story begins on the last day of her junior year as citizens prepare for the many Memorial Day events honoring their Veterans and fallen heroes. However, the fireworks display will not compare to the real fireworks happening under the noses of the fine folks in River Town, Georgia.
Click here to look inside and read several chapters!
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