Never Lost (The Dirty Heroes Collection Book 5)

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Never Lost (The Dirty Heroes Collection Book 5) Page 10

by Tl Mayhew

  I consider myself a monster, a devil, a ruthless, powerful man who can do what I want, when and how I wish. I don’t care what happens at these parties, as long as they all get what they want, sexual gratification. I have the women bowing at my feet, even the unwilling become willing.

  Sex, I love it — the more deviant, bloodthirsty, and shameful the better.

  I wore an elegant black suit with a high collar to show my authority, a dark silk tie that would come in use later, and a custom-made gold warrior mask.

  I watch as the guests were scanned for weapons then taken to the booths for headshots, for identification reasons, if required. Those were the rules, my rules, no room for negotiations.

  I liked to watch the girls enter to see who took my attention and made my dick hard. I had to choose wisely. I have a reputation to uphold, and the woman I select must be able to keep up and be ready for pain and degradation, without a damn clue about who I was.

  I used to do these parties without masks, and all the girls flocked to my feet and begged me to use and abuse them like I was God. I learned my lesson, and now…masks were to be worn until the guests were shown to their rooms for their pleasure.

  Once security cleared them, they were each offered a glass of cava before they proceeded to the grand hall and to take part in any events they wish.

  I observed the ladies and did a double-take when the most stunning woman walked through the large door. My breath hitched. She wore a fitted gold dress that sparkled, dazzling my eyes. Her body was stupendous, slender and divine, her long dark hair fell in loose waves. A mask covered half her face, leaving her mouth exposed and right then…I wanted to kiss her red lips.

  She entered the booth, and I eagerly watched for her to emerge.

  Soon the beauty exited the booth, and like a breath of fresh air, she moved to take a glass of the cava. She looked around the grand foyer to take in her surroundings. I watched as she trailed down the rounded staircase, and lifted her head, before tilting it back to look at the painted ceiling of hell, showing death, the grim reaper, and all the pain and despair that fiery pit held.

  Her eyes magically found mine. She stilled, to gaze at me for a few seconds. My dick pressed firmly against my slack zipper, begging to come out and play.

  Much to my annoyance, security moved her along. She glanced back at me briefly before she walked forward and disappeared from my sights.

  I rushed down the staircase, I had to get to her before anyone else did. I bowed my head to greet the guests as I passed. I wasn’t going to speak; I didn’t need to.

  Inside the booth, I whispered to the photographer… “The girl in a sparkling gold dress who was just in here.”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  “Information,” I ordered.

  He moved to the computer and scrolled up the list, and there she was, her face was beautiful. Her brown eyes hypnotised me and sent pulses to my dick.

  “Tell me she’s single?”

  “She’s single.”

  I grinned, delighted with the result. I smirked with thoughts of her and what pleasure I was going to have with her body. I stepped away from the booth and pressed my hands together, thinking of my desired plans for her. The first thing was to get closer, examine, devour and bring her to her knees. She was mine, and no one else was to touch her. I plan to make her scream her orgasm to the point she explodes.

  I made my way to the grand hall, a spacious room with marble pillars on either side of the entrance. Tables and chairs were placed strategically, with the orchestra at one end, the walls and ceiling were painted with figures of Roman mythology, death, and betrayal. There were large chandeliers that hung above, shining on the marble floor. My chair was placed at the opposite side of the hall but I had no plans to sit there, none at all. I wanted to keep my guests guessing where the devil prince was.

  I made my way around the hall in slow motion as the orchestra played, bellowing out their classic orchestrated music blissfully. Each piece was carefully selected for the evening.

  I moved between guests, in an attempt to find her. All the women wore masks and glorious sexy dresses, some covered more flesh than others. I was on a hunt, where was this single woman who would be my feast for the evening, and she had no idea. The music forced me to feel its power racing through my soul as my heart pounded against my chest wall. I was eager to find her and claim her before another.

  Shadily, I move through the guests, I smiled and nodded to be polite; but my eyes only searched for her. She appeared to have disappeared into thin air.

  I moved to the centre of the room, my eyes sweeping the area so fast it seemed the room was spinning.

  A new piece started to play, and within seconds the ballroom floor was littered with guests, they embrace and move to the flow of the orchestra.

  I moved aside and once again went in pursuit of her. How the hell could she be that difficult to find?

  I did my best to avoid getting in the way of the dancers. I heaved in a deep breath, and then I spotted a sparkling gold dress behind a pillar. I moved toward her in a heartbeat; only much to my surprise, it was a different woman. I smiled at the woman before moving on.

  This was like a game of hide-and-seek, only I was the one hunting, and she was the one giggling somewhere in delight that I could not find her. This was not her game to play. I was the one who held all the damn commands not her. I clenched my fists and released them when I spotted her from the corner of my eye, standing across the ballroom. I stared at her, afraid to take my gaze off her in case I lost her again. She had no escape this time.

  In an expeditious movement, I strode to her side of the hall and was about to make my swoop, when a waiter offered me a glass of cava. I took one and swiftly moved behind her. She must have sensed me. She turned slightly glancing over her shoulder.

  I smiled down at her; I knew how beautiful she was under that mask. My dick throbbed; the music played in sync with the beat of my heart. I moved back slightly, and she studied me, not taking those breath-taking eyes off me.

  I swallowed and saw the Queen, her blonde hair flowing, evil eyes painted in different shades of pink and blue, her mask was a skeletal jaw from her nose downwards, her silver dress covered tiny parts of her slim body. She was seated in her chair beside where I was meant to be, only she would be sitting alone. Her guards took their positions behind her, wearing leather kilts and armour down one arm, bare-chested.

  My attention was thrown back to the girl, my mission, to take this brunette from every orifice. She was in for trouble, and if she wished to survive the night, she needed to get out now.

  The music played; guests danced elegantly across the ballroom.

  I looked at her, as she watched the dancers, floating around the floor in perfection.

  They stopped when the music paused, only for the Waltz to erupt, my favourite ballroom dance. My mother taught me this dance when a child before she died in a terrible accident that caused her to drown in the lake. Each time I heard this symphony I thought of her.

  There was no time to dwell on the past. A man was talking to her. I swooped in and interrupted.

  “May I have this dance?” I reached out my hand and bowed.

  I lowered my head before lifting to find her eyes on me.

  “I don’t know how to,” she spoke sweetly, her voice stole another ounce of my sanity.

  “I’ll guide you,” I offered, not believing this woman had no idea how to Waltz, but then, not everyone had been as lucky as me to be brought up with money and power. I waved my hand to her, encouraging her to take it.

  She licked her lips and scanned the dancefloor before her eyes met mine. I offered her my hand once again. She had to take it in order for me to make her mine for the night. There was no way she would go to another. I wanted her on my St Andrews Cross, there were torture apparatuses just for this occasion.

  Once in the middle of the ballroom floor, I placed my free hand on her lower back.

  “Keep looking in
to my eyes,” I ordered.

  I lifted her onto my feet, and she gasped and her eyes widened. I smiled and she returned it. We started moving about the floor. I didn’t falter once, continuing to move as I gazed into her eyes. I pictured the pretty woman I’d seen earlier on the computer screen. In a few elegant swoops, we moved around the floor in time to the music. My heart raced in my chest. I moved her to the ground, then spun her around, and brought her back into my chest. She fell into step, and we danced like the wind about the floor. I made certain she focused, and I held her tight around her tiny waist, guiding her to make sure I didn’t make a show of the fact that this was her first Waltz. I was completely transfixed by everything about her, her eyes, her scent, her hair. I would dump her in a split-second if I wasn’t.

  I had no time to mess about. I expected my woman to be perfect at everything, like the women I had in the past, older, younger, whatever stole my fancy. I like a woman with power who loved the sadistic man I was. I was no damn prince charming, if anything, I was a man who thrived on pain.

  I had her.

  She was mine.

  With each motion, her body called to me. I hoped she was ready to lose that dress and have the night of her life, one that would change her forever. I had plans. She was the plan. She was going to be my fulfillment.

  The Queen watched me dance with the woman, and I knew what she was thinking. She was the one who held all the cards tonight. She was the one who set the challenges, fulfilling our darkest fantasies.

  The air in the room filled with dry ice, the lights were dimmed, and the night was unfolding. I grew hornier by the minute, eager to get on with tonight’s thrill. I would steal every ounce of the woman’s purity and ruin her opinion of sex in the future. I would mark her, bleed her dry, make her weep in ways that corrupt her mind. She would be scarred, left weak and of no use to anyone.

  I was sick, deranged, a menacing man with bizarre erotic desires. I had my easy little bitches, and once I was done with them, I threw them away like scrap, to the hounds. I had no remorse and no control. The Queen made me this, a sick fucker. She taught me all the games, introduced me to the world of BDSM and sadism. I could not count the times she’d put me under her hypnotic control and forced me into this dark world, and …I was now addicted. It was her fault.

  The Queen preyed on me like a hawk. I hated the woman, and she had this hold over me, a deep hold I could not get out of. She held my inheritance, this house the fortune my parents left to me. I had to be a good boy. I had to do what she told me without questions. She had me by the balls and squeezed them hard until I kneeled.

  The Queen waited for me to give the nod, to tell her this girl was the one and once that happened, she would swoop the girl away to be prepared for me.

  I kept my hold on the woman, gazing at her from time to time. She was so radiant, and her lips so supple and delicate. I wished to remove her mask and admire the pretty girl I saw on the photo, only not in here. I wondered how I could possibly get closer or leave the hall without the stalking eyes of the Queen. Her guards watched me; I had no goddamn chance of even taking a piss without her knowing about it.

  The music ended, and she glanced around the floor to see what the other ladies were doing and like them, she positioned herself to take a curtsy as I took a bow and stood in front of her, our eyes locked. I tried not to look at the Queen aware her evil eyes were filled with darkness, and I felt it too.

  My heart thumped hard against my chest, and the saying treat her mean, make her keen came to mind.

  “Thank you for the dance.” It took everything in me to walk away from the mystery woman, but I knew that if this night were to go to plan, I needed to move away from her.

  I walked around the room and greeted regular guests of ours, a vile man who ended up killing some of his girls and another who attended every ball had a thrill to make her behave like a horse. Strange, but then, I was not one to judge.

  I had to fight the desire to turn to her and see what she was doing. The woman had a hold on me. My dick throbbed and I didn’t even have her stripped naked and shackled.

  I was in for a serious treat tonight.


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  I would like to thank my beta reader Ashley Cestra for her input and all around go to person!

  About the Author

  TL Mayhew is a Contemporary and Dark Romance writer from Nebraska. Her love for reading started back in elementary school when her favorite books, The Black Stallion, Black Beauty and Misty of Chincoteague all seemed to have one theme... a horse as the leading character. It's fair to say that since then her reading tastes have changed and now, instead of a horse as the leading character it's a hot alpha.

  It wasn't until she married and had two kids, that TL put any thought in to writing. And even then it was close to a year before any words were put on paper. Amazingly those words were the direct result of a question "Do you want to give it a try?" from an Author TL idolizes. If it weren't for that question she may never have realized her love for writing and wouldn't have her first work releasing in January 2018.

  Also by TL Mayhew

  Midwest Sins Duet





  Wicked Lady T




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