Casual Encounter: The Complete Series Box Set

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Casual Encounter: The Complete Series Box Set Page 26

by Parker, M. S.


  I pushed gently against Finn's chest and he sat back. His face was flushed, breathing heavy, but he didn't try to keep going. I gave him an apologetic smile.

  “I think I should go.” I adjusted my clothes and stood.

  “All right.” Finn stood as well. He smiled at me, his eyes warm.

  Relief flooded me. He wasn't angry.

  “Should I call you?” he asked as he walked with me to the door. “Or would you prefer we stick with small talk in the elevator?”

  I raised an eyebrow as I looked up at him.

  He shrugged. “I don't want you to be uncomfortable around me.”

  “You really are a nice guy, Finn Colson.” I opened the door. “I'll see you around.”

  “See you around.”

  As I walked toward the stairs, my head was spinning. I'd wanted a casual hook-up, something to take my mind off Cade. Instead, I managed to push away a decent guy who could've ended up being a nice fling, maybe more as we saw how much work would be an issue.

  I knew why. I just didn't want to say it. I had to though. I had to admit it.

  I wasn't ready to move on.

  I wasn't over Cade.

  Chapter 2

  When I went to school on Friday, I'd completely forgotten that Mindy had mentioned we were all going to go out to a club after dinner, so when she came bouncing into my classroom, I couldn't figure out why. Then she announced that she and Adelle had planned the perfect night out. After L20, we were going to a club opening. It was supposed to be the hottest new thing, so it was guaranteed to be a blast. At least that’s what Mindy kept telling me. I really didn't want to go, but I didn't want to let her down either, so I didn't say anything. Instead, I went home after work and picked out one of the sexy dresses I'd gotten with Cade. Even if I knew I wasn't going to have fun, I could at least pretend.

  When I showed up at L20, I knew I'd chosen my outfit well. Adelle let out a low whistle and I felt eyes following me as I walked by. Mindy's eyebrows shot up when she saw me and I just smiled.

  “Damn, Bree,” Mindy said. “If you weren't my friend, I'd be all over you right now.”

  “What about your guy?” I teased as I sat down.

  “Oh, I'm sure he'd be very interested in joining us,” Mindy shot back.

  “Man, Cade did an amazing job with you,” Adelle said.

  My smile tightened and I looked down as I put my napkin on my lap. I didn't want her to see how hearing his name bothered me.

  “Mindy said you and Cade are done,” Adelle said.

  Her casual tone didn't fool me though. I could see the interest in her eyes.

  I nodded. “We ended our contract. I'm ready to go out on my own.”

  “So.” Adelle leaned across the table, a smile playing across her lips. “Did he spank you?”


  Mindy sounded horrified so I didn't have to say anything. That was good, because I wasn't entirely sure I could trust myself not to be rude.

  “Sorry,” Adelle said, though she didn't sound sorry. “Come on, Mindy, you can't tell me you're not interested in knowing what kind of kinky stuff our girl learned.”

  Mindy gave Adelle a stern look while I took a sip of the wine that had already been poured for me. I was starting to regret having agreed to this. I changed the subject. “So, Mindy, how are things going with your guy?”

  She smiled and I could see she knew what I was doing. She immediately went along with it. For the rest of the meal, she steered the conversation, purposefully keeping it away from my sex life. I knew she thought it was just because I wasn't comfortable telling them about the things Cade and I had done together, but whatever worked.

  By the time we were ready to head to the club, I was feeling much more relaxed, though that might've had more to do with the extra glass of wine I had with dinner than anything else. Still, Adelle had dropped the subject of Cade and that helped.

  When the taxi dropped us off, the line to get in to the club was down to the corner. I looked doubtfully at Adelle and Mindy, but neither of them seemed bothered by it so I followed them in silence. They walked to the front of the line where a massive man stood, arms folded and a forbidding expression on his face.

  “Nolan McAllister put my friends and me on the list,” Adelle said as she smiled sweetly at the man. “Adelle Merriman-Dane.”

  His expression didn't soften, but he did unfold his arms and looked at a list. After a moment, he looked at the three of us, then shrugged. He gestured toward the door. “Go on.”

  I waited until we were inside before I asked the question. “Nolan McAllister?” I had to practically shout to be heard over the music.

  “He's the owner,” Adelle shouted back. “We had a thing for a while.”

  I didn't push for details, but instead focused on my surroundings. Flashing lights pulsed in time with the music and the bodies on the dance floor below writhed to the beat. The DJ was good, keeping things riding that knife's edge between just enough and too much. Where we'd entered was like a balcony of sorts, a raised area where tables and chairs lined the space next to a metal railing. On the far side was the bar and at regular intervals were staircases that led down to the dance floor.

  “Drinks first?” Mindy asked.

  I nodded. As we walked, I felt eyes on us and, for the first time, I knew they were looking at me as much as they were my friends. I put a little extra swing in my hips and resisted the urge to look around. I was curious to see who was watching, wondering if any of them would be someone I'd want to take home, but I didn't turn my attention from my friends until we had our drinks and were all three turning to survey the crowd.

  “He's cute.” Mindy pointed to a tall blond man with practically no neck and arms bigger around than my thighs.

  I shook my head. “Not my type.”

  She gave me a look.

  “I like muscles,” I said. “But that's a bit extreme.”

  She shrugged. Mindy's taste in partners was wide and varied for both sexes.

  “What about him?” Adelle nudged me and gestured toward a tall man with dark curls. I couldn't tell under the lights if they were brown or black, but I immediately shook my head. I didn't want anyone who could remotely remind me of... him. I didn't even want to think his name tonight.

  After getting another suggestion from each of them, I wanted to snap at them both that I was perfectly capable of doing this myself. Instead, I decided words weren't going to do any good. I needed action. At the end of the bar, I spotted a guy with reddish hair downing the last of a beer. He was ruggedly handsome, only an inch or two taller than me, and lean. All things that were nothing like Cade, which made him perfect.

  I threw back the rest of my drink and started toward the other end of the bar without a word to either of my friends. I didn't have to look behind me to know they were watching. I ignored the butterflies in my stomach as I approached my target. He saw me coming a few feet before I reached him and flashed a smile. He was definitely attractive.

  “Can I buy you a drink?” he shouted the question when I was close enough to hear and I appreciated that he hadn't automatically leaned close to speak in my ear. Too many guys used loud music as an excuse to invade personal space.

  I shook my head and held out a hand. “I want to dance.”

  His smile widened and he followed me down the stairs to the dance floor. I stood close, just a few inches between us and began to move to the music. He did the same and if his dancing was any indication of how well he moved in bed, he was definitely a candidate for my first one-night stand.

  We danced well together, and my body was getting into it, but my traitorous heart wouldn’t relax. I kept remembering what it felt like to move with Cade, our bodies more like a single entity than two separate people. I closed my eyes and forced myself to focus on the music. When I opened them again, the guy had taken a step forward, but he still wasn't touching me. He leaned down so that he was closer to my ear, but kept our b
odies a respectful distance apart.

  “I'm Damian,” he said.

  “Bree.” I gave him just my first name back.

  We danced for a few more minutes before I decided I was going to politely excuse myself. I'd head back to my friends, tell them I'd proven myself and now wanted to go home. The buzz I'd had was starting to wear off and I just wanted to go home and go to bed before I risked a nasty hangover. As we turned, however, I changed my mind.

  There, standing at the railing just a few feet away, was Cade. His face was shadowed, but it was him, and he was watching me. I couldn't see his expression, but it didn't matter. Next to him was a gorgeous blonde with massive amounts of cleavage nearly falling out of her dress. When she put her hand on his arm, I looked back down at Damian and reached for his hands. He looked pleasantly surprised when I put his hands on my hips and moved closer, pressing my body against his. If Cade was going to be here with one of his clients, I was determined he would see me having a good time with another man. He probably didn't care enough to be jealous, but at least he'd see I wasn't home moping over him. I was out with a new guy, putting all of those lessons to good use.

  I could feel the sweat trickling down the small of my back. Despite the fans I knew were blowing, the press of bodies generated its own heat. Damian's hands tightened on my hips and pulled me more firmly against him. I saw his head bending toward me and knew what was coming next. This was decision-making time. I could pull away and leave or I could let him kiss me. Kiss him back. See if that turned into more.

  I glanced up to where Cade had been. He wasn't there, and neither was the blonde.

  I tilted my head to meet Damian's kiss. His lips were firm as they came down on mine. The kiss was brief and he didn't even try to make it open-mouth, but it was definitely pleasant. I compared it to Finn's kiss earlier this week and it was absolutely on par with it. I didn't bother to put it up against Cade's.

  A flare of jealous anger went through me as I thought of what he and that blonde must be doing right now. Had he taken her to a hotel, bent her over the couch and fucked her senseless? Or maybe into the bedroom where he could pay attention to her huge breasts while she was splayed out underneath him? Or, even worse, had they not even bothered to leave? If I went back to the restrooms, would I find them fucking there?

  I grabbed the front of Damian's shirt and pulled him closer so I could speak into his ear. “Wanna get out of here?”

  He turned his head, his bright blue eyes lighting up when he saw I was serious. I wondered what he'd do if I reached down and grabbed the front of his pants to find out how much his cock liked that idea.

  “Hell yes.” He put his arm around my waist, resting his hand at the small of my back, and we walked toward the closest set of stairs.

  When we reached the top, I paused. I needed to let my friends know I was leaving. I wondered what the chances were I'd find them in this crowd, but when I turned toward the bar, they were both still standing there, watching me with wide eyes. It had only been a couple of songs, so I supposed it shouldn't have been that strange they hadn't moved. I smiled at them and gave a little wave. I gestured toward Damian and then pointed to the door. I laughed when Adelle's jaw dropped and Mindy's eyes widened even more. Apparently they hadn't really believed me when I told them I could take care of myself. I waited until they had gotten over the shock enough to nod in acknowledgement, and then I took Damian's hand and led him outside.

  Chapter 3

  We took a cab back to my apartment building rather than the town car Adelle, Mindy and I had arrived in. I knew Adelle wouldn't have minded if we'd taken her car service, but I preferred the cab. The town car seemed a bit pretentious.

  Damian had his arm around me and I leaned against him, but he didn't try to kiss me. I wasn't sure if he was trying to be a gentleman or if he was waiting for me to initiate things, but either way I appreciated it. The cab driver seemed a bit too interested in the amount of leg I was showing and I really didn't want to put on a show for him.

  When we reached my apartment building, I glanced at Damian, wondering if he'd make some comment about the neighborhood, but he didn't. Based on the designer clothes he was wearing, he probably lived in a pricier part of the city. My dress made it look like I belonged with the classier set at the club. This place might be a disappointment.

  “My apartment's kind of small.” I felt the need to make the excuse before he even saw it.

  He grinned as he helped me out of the cab, and he didn't let go of my hand. “Then it won't take long for you to give me the tour and we can get started on more interesting things.”

  A flutter of arousal went through me. That was good. It probably meant I wouldn't push him away like I had Finn. Only a few days had passed since then, but seeing Cade with that other woman had done wonders for me getting over him. I wasn't stupid. There were still things I had to deal with, but I was certain I wanted to sleep with Damian.


  I was so deep in thought that I barely noticed we'd entered the building and had walked past a couple other tenants on our way to the elevator. When the door dinged, I made up my mind. I was going to do this.

  I turned toward Damian and grabbed the front of his shirt, pulling him into the elevator and covering his mouth with mine. I felt surprise stiffen his body for a moment, and then he relaxed and kissed me back. This wasn't a hesitant kiss like the one he'd given me at the club. I was taking control of this one. I parted his lips with mine and thrust my tongue between them as I pressed my body so tightly against his that I could feel his cock start to harden. I was just starting to really enjoy the kiss when, suddenly, Damian was torn out of my arms.

  My eyes flew open to see a shocked and confused Damian being pulled out of the elevator and shoved into the lobby. I started to take a step forward when a body entered the elevator, blocking my way. A hand hit the button and the doors started to close.

  I looked into a pair of stormy gray eyes and my stomach flipped.

  Cade's eyes flashed as he walked forward, moving me backwards without laying a hand on me until my back was against the wall. He cupped my chin, his grip almost painful. “I meant what I said before. I don't want any other man touching you.” His mouth came down on mine, hard and possessive.

  My head told me I should push him away, but my body was already responding. I moaned as his tongue plundered my mouth and my fingers tangled in his curls, tugging at them until he growled. His body pressed against mine and I could feel his thick shaft against my hip. When he raised his head, he kept our bodies together.

  “You're mine, Aubree.” He nipped at my bottom lip. “Only mine.”

  When he pushed back, I barely stopped myself from protesting. This wasn't real, I told myself. This was some sort of test. It had to be.

  Without taking his eyes off me, he pushed the emergency stop and then crossed that short distance again.

  “Mine,” he repeated as he claimed my mouth.

  The moment our lips touched, I was gone. It wasn't smart. In fact, it was probably one of the stupidest things I'd ever done, but I couldn't help myself. My body craved his. The need to have him touch me was almost physically painful. I sighed when his hands slid down my sides to cup my ass. I didn't care what happened next, if he was going to simply walk away, having proven that I wanted him but he didn't feel the same or if this was going to keep going until I was coming so hard my eyes rolled back into my head. All I could think about was how his tongue was twisting around mine and how close his hands were to bare flesh.

  Then his mouth was gone and I was gasping for air. I blinked, confused. I didn't know why he'd stopped. Then I saw him kneeling in front of me.


  Heat flooded my body and I hoped I wasn't wrong about what he was going to do.

  He looked up at me as his hands slid up my calves, over my knees and then to my thighs. When he reached the hem of my dress, I half-expected him to hesitate and ask if it was okay. He didn't and I realized he wa
s trusting me to stop him if I didn't want it.

  Fuck that.

  I swallowed hard as his fingers curled around the waistband of the silk panties I was wearing. He pulled them down and I started to step out of them. I only managed to get one leg out, however, before he was shoving my legs further apart and pushing up my skirt, exposing my bare pussy.

  My eyes rolled as his tongue made a long pass across my folds before dipping between them. I moaned as his talented mouth pleasured me. The shock of seeing Cade and my body's instinctual reaction to his possessiveness had already set me on edge, so it wasn't long before I felt that familiar sensation twisting low in my belly. I ran my fingers through his hair and he looked up at me without taking his mouth away.

  The sight of those eyes darkened with desire, that gorgeous face pressed against me... he sucked my clit and I came. I made a breathless sound and closed my eyes, my hips twitching as he continued to work over my sensitive flesh.

  A finger slipped inside me and I jerked. Cade groaned as my fingers tugged at his hair, but he didn't let up. He made slow, even strokes with his finger even as he licked around my opening, caressing the quivering flesh until I cried out and came again. My eyes closed as I struggled to absorb the myriad sensations coursing through me.

  “Fuck!” My hands slapped against the elevator wall as a second finger slid inside my pussy. I gasped in air, each breath so deep that, if I'd been able to think about it, I might've worried my breasts would pop free of the top of my dress. At the moment though, I could care less. I could've been stark naked against that wall as long as Cade didn't stop.

  He crooked his fingers and I wailed. I clapped a hand over my mouth, stifling the sound before it got too loud. It didn't stop my climax from crashing over me, making my knees buckle. Cade put his hand on my stomach and his shoulders against my knees, holding me in place as his tongue circled my clit, then dropped down to tease around where his fingers were stretching me.


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