The Champions

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The Champions Page 8

by Jeremy Laszlo

  “Very well Borrik, shall we head to the front lines then?” Seth asked.

  “If you wish, master.”

  Seth nodded slowly, tired yet without the need or desire to sleep. It was his soul that was weary. Standing, Seth pulled Sara to her feet, though she obviously needed no help, and together the four walked back to the field of battle. Many of Seth’s troops awaited his arrival. Others showed up each minute. Beyond his troops all of his created champions where there as well, minus his father and Jack. Each of them had been told that their purpose was to hold back the common troops of Sigrant, and slay only the champions. Seth hoped they all stuck to the plan. He also hoped his brother had not changed it.

  The enemy approached from the opposite side. Only moments remained.


  King Sigrant listened as his head cleric explained her theories. He was intent, like her, to discover exactly what was going on, and further, how he could use it to his advantage.

  “As far as we can tell, your majesty, it works much like a disease,” the woman named Salidaran explained. “Think of it as a magical virus.”

  “Very well,” nodded the king.

  “When a person is bitten they contract the disease, and a short period later our healers can do nothing for them. The disease itself does not kill those infected though. We have made a discovery, and as it turns out, those infected cannot withstand the sun. It kills them in about a minute,” the cleric said, so giddy with excitement that she nearly clapped.

  “So they get bitten, get infected and, like a rabid dog, bite others. Then, they all walk into the sun and poof, they are all dead?” Sigrant asked, skeptical.

  “Yes, but we have discovered even more amazing things about the disease,” she responded, then carried on without awaiting the king’s approval. “Your majesty, the disease also has benefits. It makes those infected heal more quickly; it makes them stronger, faster, and more agile too. It is like creating your own champions simply by having the infected ones bite others!”

  “So let me get this straight. The virus makes normal people into magnificent warriors, but also makes it so the sun kills them and they feed upon everyone else uncontrollably?” Sigrant asked mockingly.

  “Yes, your majesty, but it can be stopped without killing all those infected,” she added to entice him to listen further.

  “How so?”

  “When you were bitten, the disease began to spread through your body just as it had already through your wives. Had I arrived seconds later you would have died as the disease would have blocked my healing abilities. Except the disease vanished. When the infected man in your tent succumbed to the wound in his heart, all those he had infected, such as yourself and your wives, were cured. I managed to heal you all with little effort. All your wives are alive and well, your majesty,” Salidaran exclaimed.

  “So we hunt down the original thirteen infected to spare the rest,” Sigrant summarized, assuming that was the cleric’s plan.

  “We could, my king, but at present we are doing some experiments with the one we captured,” she stated.

  “What kind of experiments?” the king asked but before the head cleric could reply a junior mage rushed around the corner shouting, “You were right, head mistress! You were right! Feeding and transmitting the disease does make them stronger!”

  King Sigrant glared at the young mage, seriously considering having the man put to death for his interruption. Then, realizing what it was the boy had said, pieces of a great puzzle slid into place in his calculating mind.

  “Explain yourself, whelp!” the king demanded.

  “Apologies, my king. We have been feeding him, and with each person he infects he grows stronger,” the boy explained.

  “Where is he now?” Sigrant asked.

  “He has escaped, my king. He grew so strong he bent the bars to his cage, but we still have the ones he infected,” the young cleric responded.

  “Leave me. I need to think and I have a battle to oversee.”

  Chapter Seven

  Linaya and Zorbin both awoke refreshed. Over the last weeks they had become accustomed to sleeping upon the ground so the beds were a welcome change. Rising, both of them dressed, and with nothing better to do they waited for Gumbi to return and take them to meet the king.

  Linaya found the dwarven hierarchy interesting and, in the absence of other matters to discuss that they had not already spoken of, she voiced her questions.

  “Zorbin, how are the dwarves ruled?” Linaya asked and then continued as if to clarify, “I mean, without a royal council, how are the duties of the kingdom divided?”

  “A good question, m’lady,” Zorbin replied. “It is simple really. Many, many generations ago when dwarves first came to these mountains, there were twelve different clans. Each clan had a chief. Today each of those clans is a warren, and each warren is overseen by a thane. The king rules the thanes.”

  “And the king is chosen in a fight to the death?” Linaya questioned.

  “Long story short, yes,” Zorbin replied with a smirk.

  “So, all the candidates get locked in a room and a few hours later the last man standing is crowned the king,” Linaya stated more than asked.

  “Short version not enough for ye, huh?” Zorbin joked. “Thought the purdy ones wasn’t sposed to think none?”

  Linaya laughed so hard she snorted. “I thought I was so ugly it might be contagious?”

  This time it was Zorbin’s turn to laugh.

  “To be honest, it is infinitely more complex than a simple fight to the death. Imagine a giant chamber filled with everything two people need to survive. Now imagine you put twelve people in the room. There are supplies in the room to do just about anything, but not enough for everyone. Some might gather the food and horde it, while others find a place they can defend easily. Others yet might begin by seeking weapons and armor. Some may share and barter, while some might fight for what they want. It takes every skill each of them has to survive the trial, and actually two come out alive. One has to accede to the other’s leadership. This part, in the past, has taken weeks. Supplies in the chamber are limited, but two have to survive. Once out of supplies it is a battle of attrition. The weaker will eventually give in and the stronger will assume the throne. It is not a ritual that happens frequently as we dwarves live longer than you humans, but it has been known to take a month or more when the warrens have chosen their candidates well.”

  “By the gods, what is the shortest amount of time it has taken?” Linaya asked, concerned.

  “Nine seconds,” Zorbin replied smiling. “My great-great-grandfather was the first into the chamber. First thing he grabbed was a pick axe. Killed ten men in about seven seconds, as soon as they climbed through the portal. Only took two more to convince his last opponent to give up.”

  “Oh my,” Linaya exclaimed.

  “Never missed a meal to home neither!” Zorbin announced proudly.

  “That’s not the way I heard it!” Gumbi said, striding into the room. “I seem to recall it was eleven seconds, maybe fourteen.” The dwarf smiled through his immense beard.

  “T’was it not for my great-great-grandfather being so convincing, Ol’ Gumbi here might not’ve been around today,” Zorbin proclaimed.

  “Truly Gumbi? Your great-great-grandfather was the last survivor to stand before Zorbin’s and he acceded to his rule?” Linaya asked, enthralled.

  “Tis true, but how could he not with the man standin’ in the way with an ole pickaxe?” Gumbi questioned.

  “What was your great-great-grandfather’s name, Gumbi?” Linaya asked.

  “T’was Gumbi as well, the seventeenth methinks,” Gumbi replied.

  “If you don’t mind my asking, what does your name mean in the human tongue?” Linaya queried. She found dwarven culture exhilarating.

  “Roughly it be meanin' man who walks with a swollen chest,” Gumbi answered.

  Linaya could not stifle a giggle.

  “Hey now ther
e, lady, ‘tis a proud name among my people,” Gumbi said, almost sternly. “If ye wants a laugh, ask ole Zorbin what his name be meanin’ in your tongue.”

  “Zorbin?” Linaya asked.

  “I ain’t sayin,” Zorbin replied.

  “Oh come now, Zorbin, ole swollen chest told me his,” she giggled again.

  “Fine,” Zorbin relented. “It means, he with bearded nipples and a bald bottom.”

  Linaya was overcome again and began laughing. Within seconds all three laughed, but even so Gumbi had one last tidbit to add.

  “Funny thing is, ole bearded nipples here is named after his mother!” Gumbi cried before he rocked back on his heels laughing so hard his beard and belly bounced with the action.

  Linaya, moments later, had to pull herself up from the floor. She had laughed so hard her legs began to tremble and she barely avoided peeing herself.


  King Robert Sigrant stood looking out upon his army. He watched as the opposing force moved into position and suddenly had a change of heart. It had been his intention to destroy the champions of Valdadore, for they were really the only thing standing in his way. Now, however, seeing how it appeared the young king of Valdadore was trying to protect the bulk of his army behind the front lines, Sigrant decided to change tactics.

  Raising his hand the king signaled a messenger.

  “Tell the generals to ignore Valdadore’s champions, and better yet, avoid them altogether. Strike the main force of the Valdadorian army.”

  The messenger bowed, and turned to dash off between soldiers, racing as fast as his legs would carry him to the front lines.

  By now the young fool king would believe him dead. Sigrant smiled.


  Tommy raced right past the champions of Valdadore, looking to report to King Garret himself. Leaping high into the air he looked around and spotted the young king not but a few hundred yards to the west. Changing direction, just a few bounds later and Tommy stood before the king.

  “The deed is done, your majesty!” Tommy nearly yelled.

  “You are certain?” Garret asked, believing the war would now end as the opposing army would fall apart.

  “Yes, your majesty, I saw it with my own two eyes. Sigrant fell. He was missing an arm, and bleeding from the throat as his entrails were spilled out around him.”

  “How far from his healers?” Garret asked.

  “Too far for them to make a difference once summoned,” Tommy grinned, showing his stubby, pointed teeth.

  “Well done, Tommy. Join the troops. Let’s see how long it takes for Sigrant’s army to disintegrate,” Garret grinned wickedly.

  Thousand Hole Tommy bowed low, and turning, he sprang into the air to cover an impossible distance before leaping again. Two jumps and Tommy was among the other created champions who served Valdadore.

  Garret liked the new plan. Not because he thought his brother was right in his thinking about the gods; perhaps he was, perhaps he wasn’t. Garret liked the plan because once the invader’s champions were destroyed, the rest would turn and flee. The battle could be ended this very day. Garret liked the idea of returning to the city a victor, and summoning Linaya to return and reclaim her place by his side. Today the chosen champions of the gods led by the fallen King Sigrant would follow him to the grave. Garret smiled and strode towards the front lines.

  His troops had their orders; everything was in place. Valdadore stood waiting, looking out across the field at the enemies who simply stood looking back.

  Garret waited. Seconds turned to minutes and minutes seemed to take eternities. Garret paced back and forth, wearing a rut into the grass beneath him. Those around him simply observed the enemy who either did nothing, or milled about seemingly just as anxious as the defenders.

  More minutes passed and Garret realized what the problem was. The invaders had no one to call the attack. Simple enough, Garret thought, he would just attack the attackers and draw them out.

  Calling upon his blessing Garret exploded in size, sending a concussive wave of air out in all directions. Taking this as their cue, the rest of Valdadore’s blessed called upon their abilities as well and in seconds an imposing wall of giant warriors and beasts stood before the common troops of Valdadore, blocking any enemies from moving upon the infantry and archers. Seeing no reaction from the enemy, Garret did the only thing he could do. He ordered the attack.

  A wall of giant soldiers rushed across the field to meet their enemies, each of them fully expecting the blessed champions of their enemy to retaliate in kind. Nothing happened. With orders not to kill the enemy’s common troops, the Valdadorian champions, having closed the gap, simply stopped when they met the enemy unsure as to what they should do. Garret was too late to realize what he had done.

  From the middle of the enemy army a surge of troops rushed forward between the giant Valdadorians. These appeared to be common troops, and as such the champions ignored them. Having passed the Valdadorians, however, the enemy troops called upon their blessings as well. With nothing standing between them and Valdadore’s common soldiers, Sigrant’s champions hurled themselves at the wall of shield and spear-wielding infantry.

  Garret turned in time to see the first couple of blows as several troops of the likes he had never seen before exploded in size, wearing nothing but armor carved from skulls and bones. These troops, though only twelve to fifteen feet in size, were devastating. There were at least two hundred of the bone-clad warriors, each twice to three times as tall as a man. They hit the wall of spears and shields in a single blow, driving the defenders back all along the line. Spears bristled, but to little effect against the large opponents. The warriors clad in bone were a breed of berserker and cared little for their wounds.

  Blow after crazed blow the bone-clad warriors landed, sending men flying in twos and threes. In seconds hundreds were dead as the champions of Valdadore rushed to protect their common troops. Borrik was the first to retaliate and Garret watched as the beast man swooped down among the enemy, hacking and stabbing whilst throwing fireballs as well. It would take a full minute to make it back to the rear lines, and by then thousands would be dead, maybe all of them. Fireballs began to lance from Valdadore’s mages, but it was merely a feeble attempt to scare the enemy away. Neither the mages nor the archers dared shoot into their own troops. As Garret and the other blessed soldiers of Valdadore raced back to their rear lines, they all watched in dismay as thousands were slaughtered upon the weapons of their foes.

  One instant two armies faced each other across a field of battle as Garret and his primary force raced to save their weaker allies. The next moment an explosion sounded unlike anything ever heard before as two entire armies were thrown from their feet by the wall of air blasted out in all directions.

  So strong was the blast, shields were ripped from the hands of soldiers and were caught up upon the blast and thrown hundreds of yards away. Those closest the blast were dead, and the next nearest who survived bled from their pores. Nearly all bled from their ears.

  Picking themselves up off the ground, both attacker and defender alike looked for the source of the blast. None could miss him. Standing near the center of the battlefield was an enormous man that none had even heard tell of in legend. Standing close to ninety feet tall the gray-skinned man raised his four massive arms in defiance, and screamed in rage. Just yards away from the immense giant lay another four-armed man, identical to the first but smaller. This one lay face down, several bones bent at odd angles. Enraged the enormous beast began striding towards the beleaguered Valdadorian line. With each step the ground trembled, and those already fighting to regain their feet were tossed to the ground again.

  Reaching the line the enormous four-armed beast began plucking Sigrant’s troops from Valdadore’s line and hurling them back at their own army. The bone-clad warriors began to panic and flee in all directions but the giant beast would have none of it. Some he scooped and hurled, others he squashed beneath his feet as they
sought to elude him.

  Garret watched as the giant beast singlehandedly destroyed the bone-clad warriors to a man. He knew his brother’s work when he saw it, and was impressed by the massive creation. The giant warrior had saved thousands if not tens of thousands of lives.

  Hearing cries from the lines of Sigrant’s troops, Garret spun anew to face the enemy, and again he was too late. Fireballs, lightning, ice, and water flew across the field. Every mage the enemy could muster had singled out the same target. Garret turned again.

  More magical blasts than a man of any size could take struck the immense man over every portion of his body. Lightning blasted a hole through his flesh in over a dozen locations as fire blistered and peeled his skin. Giant balls of ice smashed against his skull and face but the enormous man remained upright. Though pain showed clearly upon his contorted face, he glared defiantly across the field at the enemy and began to sing a song of battle that echoed across the land, shaking the very earth beneath them. It was a song Garret had heard the day before and returning his gaze to the great warrior he recognized his father just as the second volley of magical attacks hit. Something inside Garret snapped and his vision turned red.


  Seth and Sara stood side by side upon the front lines of Valdadore’s army. Borrik and Jonas were with the pair and together the four of them watched the enemy across the battlefield. The enemy watched back. Seth smiled. He bet the gods were seething right now. If no one was fighting, no one was dying. This was even better than his plan.

  For an hour they watched and nothing happened. Looking down the line he could see his brother pacing, even from here, and knew that being patient was not one of his brother’s strengths. Nor was it his own, but Seth was loving this. More time passed and still nothing. Seth, growing amused, thought it might be nice to sit in the grass and enjoy the view from another perspective for a while when he heard his brother’s booming voice echo across the field of battle.

  Seth could not believe his brother was calling a charge. Who would they charge? The troops all had orders to leave the unblessed soldiers of the enemy alone, yet the enemy’s champions had not revealed themselves. Sadly, Seth watched as his brother and all of those blessed for melee battle charged into the fight. Turning, Seth nodded to Jonas and Borrik. The latter sprang into the air as the former placed his hand to his chest and muttered a simple prayer as he darted off across the open expanse. Boom after thunderous boom sounded as over a hundred men and woman blessed by Seth expanded in size faster than eyes could witness. The charge fanned out across the entire field of battle, but as expected it was wholly one-sided.


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