Her Lucky Cowboy

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Her Lucky Cowboy Page 25

by Jennifer Ryan

  “I don’t have anything to wear.”

  He barely heard her whispered words.

  “We’ll take care of that tomorrow. Tonight, you can wear one of my shirts to bed.”

  “I’d rather just be close to you.”

  “Crawl into bed. Let me wash the smoke off me, and I’ll join you in a couple of minutes.”

  “Did you lock up the house?”

  “You have nothing to worry about, sweetheart. Not only did I lock everything but there’s a man at the front door and back. There’s a sheriff’s vehicle parked just off the turn into the ranch. They’ll keep watch all night.”

  “You set that up?”

  “Gabe did. Not that I wasn’t going to set up a watch myself, but Gabe sent over a couple of guys from Wolf Ranch to help out my guys. We’ll split shifts until Rowdy is caught. You will be safe here. I promise.”

  Bell’s lips pressed to his in a soft kiss, which she held and he sank into with a sigh. He needed her so much. She needed him. They’d get through this.

  Chapter 19

  The minute Dane slid naked into bed beside her, Bell reached for him. She needed to be close, take in his warmth, smell his skin, and feel his strength wrapped around her. She needed to feel something good and not all this empty numbness.

  “Dane.” She poured every request and need into just his name.

  Understanding everything unspoken, he rolled her to her back, kissed her long and deep until her mind went blank. He didn’t stop there. His hot, wet kisses trailed down her neck and chest until his voracious mouth found her hard nipple and clamped on tight. With his big body pressed along her side, she sank deeper into the bed and deeper in love with him.

  His big hand caressed her side down to her hip and over her thigh in a sweep of heat that spread like a wave of lava. She ran her hands over his wide shoulders and down his back, digging her fingers into all those tense muscles. His hand swept up her thigh to her center, his fingers caressing until she couldn’t help but moan. He pressed one long finger inside her. She rolled her hips and let go of everything but the feel of his big body next to hers and the pleasure he evoked, like a sorcerer casting a spell.

  Her body hummed. Completely in tune with her, Dane shifted, grabbed a condom from the drawer, and tore it open with his teeth. She snagged it, sheathed him, and pushed him onto his back. She straddled his hips. He grabbed her sides, guiding her down on top of him. She took him in, filled herself up, and sighed out her relief at being this close and connected to him. She rocked forward, then took him back in slow. His big hands covered her breasts, squeezed, and shaped her to his palms. Eyes closed, she focused on everything her body felt. As all her inhibitions washed away, she let the power of seduction reign and gave herself over to loving this man.

  The intensity in Dane shifted from giving her pleasure and holding back his release to joining her in the push and pull that became an erotic dance. They moved in unison. Her hips rocked to his thrusting deep. His hands gripped her hips and smoothed up her back. She leaned down for a searing kiss. His hands smoothed down and over her hips, pressing her center to his as he thrust deep and ground against her. That spell he cast exploded into a fireworks finale that made her gasp and pant as her body convulsed around his. Dane’s whole body tensed and pulsed below her. When his hands relaxed on her hips, she fell on top of him, completely spent. His breath heaved in and out at her shoulder, his warm breath a soft caress that soothed her.

  He wrapped his arms around her back and hugged her close. “That was something altogether different.”

  She lay with her face buried in his neck, her heart pressed to his, and whispered, “I love you, too.”

  He’d given her the words, but she’d held them back until now, too steeped in her grief, when her world had shattered, to share something so wonderful. His love put it all back together. Though the cracks might still be there, she’d gathered herself in and found she was different, but better. She’d let go her past and found that elusive happiness she’d dreamed of having one day with this unexpected but oh-so-right man. He loved her. It didn’t change who she was, or make her better. It made her feel real for the first time in her life, that somehow she was finally enough—just by being herself.

  Dane rolled to his side, and she settled next to him. Face-to-face with him, wrapped in his arms, she stared into his dark eyes as he said, “I love you so much, Bell. Don’t ever scare me the way you did today again.”

  Tears clogged her throat, but she held them back. She’d cried enough for her past. Now she wanted to celebrate her future and enjoy this moment and all of those to come with this man.

  “I’ll try not to. You have to stop running on that leg. Does it hurt?”

  “You can’t help yourself, can you?”

  “I’ll always take care of you.”

  Dane held her tighter. “I will always take care of you.”

  She fell asleep in his arms and woke to his smiling face the next morning.

  “You’re like a cat. Every time I tried to move this morning, you sank your claws into me.”

  She stared at her hand on his chest and the half-moon marks her nails had left. “I’m sorry. I guess I wanted you to stay with me.”

  “I’m happy to do so, but I’ve got some work to do before we head over to your grandmother’s place and check on things. You need to call your office and have someone take over for you for at least a week. Maybe two.”

  “Dane, I can’t put my whole life on hold until they find Rowdy.”

  “I’m not asking you to. I’m asking you to give me time to figure out how best to deal with this situation and for you to have the time you need to grieve and sort out your life. You lost everything in that fire, Bell. I’m sure it will take at least a couple of days just to buy you a whole new set of books to fill the shelves you need to buy for the living room.”

  Her heart felt lighter knowing how well he understood her. She wasn’t worried about her clothes or other minor things. Her books had been her treasures. Her lifeline to a world she’d been kept from for too long. A world she’d thought existed only in books, in which she found solace even now. Her emotions were still so raw, but when she picked up a book and lost herself in a story, she gave her heart and mind the time they needed to heal while she discovered a new place, or person, and experienced a different reality.

  “You said you have a ton of time saved up. Take it, Bell, give yourself permission and time to sort all this out in your head and in your heart.”

  “How is it that you understand me so well?”

  “You’re different. Everything about you interests me. I want to make you happy, so I pay attention.”

  “I’m not used to that. No one ever paid attention to anything I did.”

  “Get used to it. I am. I always will.”

  The doorbell rang three times. Bell tensed, but Dane smiled. “They’re here.”

  “Who is here?”

  “The family. Come on, put on some clothes and come downstairs.” Dane rolled out of the bed and pulled a pair of jeans out of the closet. He bent and stuck his legs into the jeans, tugging them up to his hips. She admired the view. God, the man had muscles. Long and lean, he took her breath away.

  “Like what you see?” he said, smiling at her.

  “Yes. I do,” she admitted on a sigh. “It’s hard to reconcile that as smart as I am, you make my insides turn to goo every time I see you naked.”

  “That’s a good thing, sweetheart.”

  “Yes it is, but I’m a doctor. I’ve seen tons of naked people. But when I see you, I want you.”

  Dane planted his hands on the bed on both sides of her head and leaned down for a kiss. “I love how honest you are about everything. Don’t ever stop saying and doing things with that much truth in them.”

  Like how she’d made love to him last night. She’d not only told him she loved him; she’d shown him with her open and uninhibited lovemaking. She’d shown him her heart and soul, trustin
g in him to see the truth she’d laid bare and to not break her heart.

  The doorbell rang again. “Go get that before your brother kicks it in.”

  “He won’t. He’ll just think I’m up here making love to you.”

  The blush went up from her breasts to her forehead. Dane gave her one of those smiles she loved so much. “That smile might kill me.”

  “You’ll die happy, sweetheart. I promise.” He kissed her quick, spun and sat on the bed to pull on his leg brace, and left the room to answer the door.

  She got out of bed and went into the bathroom. She didn’t hesitate to jump in the shower and use Dane’s things. She found a toothbrush in the drawer and brushed her teeth. Dane walked into the bathroom just as she finished brushing her hair with his brush. He held shopping bags in each hand and set them on the counter, pulling out a new brush, makeup, deodorant, lotion, and an assortment of other bathroom essentials, including a new hair dryer, hair spray, and gel.

  “You didn’t have enough time to go into town. Where did this come from?”

  “Ella and Gillian are downstairs. I’ve been ordered to tell you to get dressed.” He pointed to the jeans, blouse, underwear, and bra on the bed. “They’re bringing in the rest of what they got you.”

  “The rest?”

  “You lost everything you own yesterday. Ella is like the master shopper of all time. She met Gillian this morning, and they restocked some of what you need.”

  “I don’t know what to say.”

  “This is what friends and family do for each other. Get used to it.”

  Bell stared at the clothes on the bed and the toiletries scattered over the marble counter. “Uh, I guess I’ll get dressed.”

  “I’m jumping in the shower.” Dane bent and pulled the straps free on his leg brace, stripped off his jeans, and stood before her gloriously naked. “You’re staring again, Doc.”

  “Uh, hmm.”

  Dane’s lips met hers in a long, soft kiss. “I love it when you’re speechless. If I had time to erase every thought from your head again, I would.” He smacked her on the bottom and shoved her toward the door. “Get dressed, or we’ll never leave this bathroom and my brothers and sisters will come hunting for us.”

  That got her attention. They had company. “They’ll be gone later, right?”

  “And I will have you all to myself.”

  Yep, that wolfish grin melted her insides every time.

  While he showered, she dressed. The clothes fit perfectly. She couldn’t believe Ella and Gillian did so well on the sizes. The pretty dark blue blouse suited her feminine style and her mood for the day. Soft against her skin, the material clung to her figure and outlined her breasts. She turned to see Dane standing in the bathroom door, naked, dripping wet, running a towel over his dark hair. His eyes held a light of appreciation and temptation. She didn’t move, afraid they’d both leap at each other and lose themselves in each other’s arms. A distraction she’d enjoy but wouldn’t stop her from having to face the reality of today. She needed to go back to her house and survey the destruction. She hoped they recovered her grandmother’s remains today. Should she plan the funeral, or leave that to her father? If he took care of it, would she be invited?

  “Go back to drooling over me. I don’t like that somber look on your face.”

  Dane pulled on a pair of black boxer briefs, his jeans, and a dark gray thermal Henley.

  “You look just as good dressed.”

  “The new clothes look great on you.” He limped to the bathroom to grab his brace and strap it back on. The man healed quickly. The fact he couldn’t rein in his activities probably accounted for his improved mobility.

  “Your sisters are amazing, but they forgot shoes and socks.”

  “I’m sure they’re in the bags downstairs. Come see.”

  “I’m going to have to go to the bank and DMV. My purse was in the house. I don’t have my ID, a checkbook, an ATM or credit card. Nothing I can use to pay them back.”

  “I already took care of it.”


  “I paid them already. It’s no big deal.”

  “It is a big deal. You don’t need to buy me new things.”

  “Well, I did need to, otherwise you’d be naked right now, or wearing your dirty clothes. Besides those points, I wanted to do it for you.”

  “You knew they were going to go shopping for me?”

  “Gabe didn’t say so in so many words yesterday, but I guessed this is what he meant. Face it, sweetheart, you’re a part of my family and this community. Once word spreads about what happened, people will be wanting to help you get back on your feet.”

  “I’m fine.”

  “You still need clothes. Don’t suck the fun out of this for yourself or my sisters. They are happy to do this for you. You’ll see.”

  Dane took her hand and led her downstairs. The stairs didn’t slow him down anymore. He walked in the brace like he’d never been injured.

  Bell stopped at the bottom of the stairs and stared at the stacks of bags on the coffee table and sofa.

  Ella and Gillian stood behind the couch.

  “Our condolences on your loss, Bell,” Ella said, hugging her close.

  “I’m so sorry for your loss,” Gillian said, hugging her, too.

  The tears filled Bell’s eyes, but she didn’t let them spill down her cheeks. Instead, she sucked back her sorrow and stared at the bounty before her. “You guys got all of this today?”

  “We got to the stores right when they opened. I hope you like what we picked out,” Ella said.

  “It should be enough for two weeks. A couple of work outfits that you can mix and match. Jeans, slacks, T-shirts, blouses, sweaters. Oh, a new coat and a heavy sweater. It’s navy blue. Ella and I got the same one in black,” Gillian said. “We couldn’t resist.”

  Ella picked up a bag and pulled out an ice blue blanket. “This is for you to curl up under and read a book. Feel it. Nothing is softer than this.”

  Bell took the blanket and held it to her chest, running her hand over the ultra-soft material. “I love it. Thank you.”

  “That’s not all,” Gillian said, pointing to the door.

  Gabe and Blake walked through the door carrying a camel-colored chaise lounge. They placed it next to the side table facing the TV. A couple of guys walked in carrying boxes. They set them on the floor next to the chaise and went back out the front door.

  “What’s all this?” she asked.

  “Well, you’ve got your blanket and a place to read. All you need is some books.” Ella opened the lid of one of the three boxes and pulled out several books, then stacked them on the chaise. “We stopped by the bookstore in town and picked up a selection for you.”

  “Mysteries, a few romances, biographies, and nonfiction books about a range of subjects. Even a few gardening books. Dane said you liked those. I found one on tomatoes, like he asked.”

  Bell turned to Dane, one eyebrow raised in question.

  “I kept my phone on vibrate last night. We shared a long series of texts early this morning while you slept.”

  She looked at everyone around the room and hoped they saw in her how much she appreciated everything. “This is too much. I thank you for everything. No one has ever . . . I never had anyone . . .” She couldn’t find the words. “It’s more than I expected and ever hoped for, but I am so lucky to have friends like you.”

  Gillian took Bell’s hand and pulled her around the sofa to the boxes on the coffee table. “You are not going to believe some of these shoes.” Gillian flipped open several box lids. Ella, Gillian, and Bell got lost talking about all the purchases and oohing and aahing over the shoes. At one point, Bell caught Dane’s eye and smiled. He and his brothers stood across the foyer by the dining room, talking in low tones. Probably about Rowdy and how they were going to keep her safe. She felt the target on her back, but she didn’t worry too much. Not with the men looking out for her. Not with Dane looking out for her. She
’d never had anyone care about her well-being and her happiness.

  “Try these on.” Gillian held up a pair of dark brown riding-style boots.

  They’d definitely complement her outfit. Bell slid on a pair of socks, pushed her feet inside the boots, and zipped them up the side. She rocked back and forth in them, admiring the leather strap that went across her ankle with the silver heart and star studs across it.

  “These are so comfortable and cute. I love them.”

  “We tried to mix the practical with what you’d need for work. Anytime you want to go shopping for more to fill out what we’ve got here, just give Gillian and me a call and we’ll go with you,” Ella said, smiling, like they did this all the time.

  “I’d love that. I’d also like to take you two to lunch or out for dinner and drinks to thank you for doing this.”

  “Oh, we had a blast.” Gillian touched her shoulder. Such a simple gesture of friendship, but it meant so much. Bell might have lost all her possessions, but what really mattered in her life was standing in this room. Her friends and Dane. She hoped one day they’d be family.

  “We need to go,” Dane said, pulling her from her thoughts. “Nice boots.”

  She stared down at them, then up at him. “I love them.”

  “They suit you. Ella and Gillian know your chic style.”

  “Yes, we do.” Ella and Gillian both walked into Dane’s arms and hugged him close.

  “You think I’m chic?” she asked.

  “Yes,” they all said in unison.

  He wrapped his arms around both of his sisters and pecked each of them on the head. “Thank you for making her smile. And saving me from taking her shopping.” That cocky grin slipped when both Ella and Gillian nudged him in the ribs for being ornery. Just like real sisters. Like family.

  She’d never had that either. Not really. Here she was a part of this. Included, not shunned and pushed aside and out of sight. Here, they took her into the fold and included her. They went out of their way to help her. She didn’t know if her heart could take such overwhelming joy.


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