Holding Out for a Hero

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Holding Out for a Hero Page 15

by Codi Gary

  “I’ve been toying with the idea of getting a tablet for a while, but I actually just needed to get out of my apartment. Been thinking of buying a house, too, someplace bigger with a yard so I can have a dog.”

  He started the car, and Hannah’s heart skipped. “So, you’re planning on staying here permanently, then?”

  “Yeah, I think so. I like my job and the area. I’m getting used to the way you Californians talk”—she caught his wink in the darkened car and laughed—“and I think I can make a home here.”

  Without thinking, she reached out a hand and covered his on the steering wheel. “That’s fantastic, Blake.”

  The warmth of his skin blazed through her palm, and she jerked her hand back. This was all too confusing. They were supposed to be friends. She touched her friends without wanting to glide her fingers across their skin.

  Not Blake, though. She wanted to test the fine hairs on his arms and see if they were as soft as she thought.

  She leaned back in the seat, hoping that eventually, she’d be able to be friends with Blake without the ache for more.

  BLAKE PULLED THROUGH the drive-through of Starbucks and bought Hannah’s coffee, his fingers tingling when their hands brushed as he passed her the cup. In the quiet, one question from therapy continued to haunt him.

  If he had been the one to die, would he want Jenny to be alone and miserable for years?

  The answer was no. He would want Jenny to be happy. To find someone else and live her life.

  So why was he so worried about how Jenny would feel if he moved on? Two years did seem like a short amount of time, but just because he started dating someone new didn’t mean he’d just forget about her. Jenny was a part of him. She’d been his world, and she would always have his heart.

  That didn’t mean he had to be miserable and alone. He could date, have a good time, enjoy sex . . .

  But love? He didn’t know if he could do that again.

  Which was why he couldn’t seem to understand the self-destructive habit of seeking out Hannah. At her work, on the phone . . . She was made for happily ever after, for romance and marriage and a half a dozen kids.

  He wasn’t sure he could give any of that to her, but he couldn’t seem to stay away.

  Live for today. Take it a day at a time, and go at my own pace. She’ll understand.

  They got out of the car at Barnes & Noble, and as they started to cross the parking lot, Blake slid his hand over the small of her back, leading her to the entrance.

  She jumped but didn’t say anything about the touch. Once they were inside, Blake let his hand fall back to his side.

  “So, where should we start?” he asked.

  Hannah nodded to the front display, which had three e-readers and tablets. “There are the NOOKs.”

  Blake looked them over. “Which one do you have?”

  Hannah pointed to one with just a white screen and words on it. “I have the GlowLight, which is great for reading, especially in the dark, but the tablets are nice if you’re in the market for that.”

  “What’s the difference?”

  Hannah stepped closer, her floral perfume drawing him in until his head was bent next to hers. Damn, she smelled good.

  “Well, this one is just for reading and doesn’t get that glare when the sun hits it. The tablet does everything, but you can’t use it to read in direct sunlight.”

  Her shoulder brushed his arm, and he was tempted to reach out and draw her closer, to feel all of those soft curves pressed against his side.

  “Hi, can I help you?” a cheerful voice asked.

  Blake hadn’t even been aware that a salesgirl had come up alongside them, he was so caught up with Hannah. “No, we’re fine.”

  “Actually, can you explain the differences between the NOOKs and how they compare to a Kindle? I need to find the restroom.”

  Blake watched her take off for the back of the store, wondering if Hannah actually needed to use the bathroom or if she’d sensed he was about to pull her into one of the aisles to kiss her and bolted.

  “Sir, if you’re looking for just a basic e-reader, the NOOK . . . ”

  Blake listened with half an ear as the store clerk went over all of the descriptions and features, while all he could think about was Hannah.

  What else was new?

  Chapter Seventeen

  HANNAH DABBED A damp paper towel on her face and neck, noting her flushed cheeks and wishing she could will away the high color. She hadn’t meant to run away like a coward, but Blake’s body so close to hers, the feeling that he was about to touch her, had sent her senses into overdrive. She’d closed her eyes, waiting for the press of his mouth on her neck or the brush of his fingers on the skin of her neck . . .

  Instead, the store clerk had shown up, and Hannah had run away like a coward.

  But honestly, how much more could she take? He was driving her wild one minute and dousing her hopes the next.

  If he was about to kiss me, then I pretty much screwed myself.

  But he’d been the one to say he had no interest in anything more than friendship, so why had this whole night felt a little like a . . . well, a date?

  Knowing she couldn’t hide any longer, she walked out the door and found him right around the corner.

  In the romance section.

  He turned and grinned at her. “There you are.”

  Hannah smoothed a hand over her hair nervously. “Here I am. What did you decide?”

  “I don’t know yet. Still thinking about it, and thought I’d come back here to browse while I waited for you.” Blake picked up a book off the shelf and held it up to her. “Have you read this one?”

  It was a Maya Banks novel and very steamy. She’d read it last year, after finishing the first two books in the series and becoming obsessed with it.

  “Yes, but I don’t think it’s your style.”

  “Because it has flowers on the front.” Blake waggled his eyebrows and gave her a lecherous grin. “Does that mean this is an erotic romance?”

  Hannah crossed her arms and pursed her lips. “I thought you weren’t going to tease me anymore?”

  “I said I wouldn’t tease you about regular romance, but erotic romance . . . Now I’m curious.”

  He started thumbing through the book and opened his mouth as if he was going to start reading it aloud.

  In the middle of Barnes & Noble.

  Hannah flew across the space between them and covered his mouth. “Don’t you dare.”

  His eyes crinkled up, and something wet brushed her palm. She jerked her hand back and wiped it on his sweatshirt. “Gross, did you just lick me?”

  “Yes, you interrupted my performance art.”

  “Seriously, Blake, don’t.”

  Blake closed the book and gave her a sheepish smile. “Fine. I’ll just buy it to see what all the fuss is about.”

  Oh, Hannah couldn’t wait to see the salesgirl’s face when tall, manly Blake went through the checkout with an erotic romance.

  “Oh, please. I cannot wait for this.”

  “What, you don’t think I’ll do it?” There was a challenge in his hazel eyes that gave her a little thrill.

  “No, I think you’ll chicken out.”

  Blake lowered his head and his voice, his hushed tone running deliciously across her skin. “Are you double dog daring me?”

  This time, she burst out laughing. “I’ve never seen this side of you.”

  “What side is that?”

  “Like a naughty little boy.”

  “Oh, you want to see naughty? I can show you naughty.” He grabbed her hand unexpectedly and started pulling her toward the register.

  “What are you doing?”

  “If you don’t witness it, then it didn’t happen.”

  A bolt of joy shot through her as Blake actually laced his fingers with hers. She liked this side of Blake. It wasn’t the glowering, sad man she’d come to know or even the softly teasing one. This side of him was un
fettered by doubt and grief.

  Once they reached the checkout line, she pulled away reluctantly.

  “It only works if I’m not around. Otherwise, they’re going to think you’re just buying it for me.”

  Blake nodded, and when he stepped up to the register, Hannah heard him say loudly, “This book is for me. It’s not for her.”

  Hannah rolled her eyes with a laugh.

  The clerk smiled politely, obviously not believing him, and when Blake finished, she was startled again when he took her hand.

  “I thought you wanted a NOOK.”

  “We’re going to Best Buy first to look at the Kindles, and then I’ll decide.”

  They left the store and walked across the parking lot to his car, her hand still grasped in his. As Blake got her door and released her hand to close it, he dropped the book in her lap.

  “Hold that for me, will ya?”

  Hannah had no idea why holding a Barnes & Noble bag thrilled her so much, but as she watched Blake climb inside, she couldn’t help thinking that tonight sure felt like a date.

  And she would have been happy to live in the moment a little while longer.

  AT BEST BUY, Blake kept ahold of Hannah’s hand. Not because he was helping her across the street or trying to prove something to himself.

  No, Blake held her hand because he just liked the way it felt in his.

  They stood in front of the Kindles, studying the features.

  “So, do you prefer e-books?” Blake asked.

  “Actually, I like to read paperbacks. Something about the smell is comforting. E-readers do save space on my bookshelf, though.”

  Blake glanced over at her, a smile tugging at his lips. “What do they smell like?”

  “Hmm . . . a little musty, maybe. Like paper, I don’t know. It’s nice.”

  He squeezed her hand and found himself twirling her down the aisle toward the iPads. “Oh yeah, it sounds nice. Just what I want to sniff, a musty pile of books.”

  Hannah was giggling now, letting him continue to spin her. “Don’t knock it till you try it.” Finally, she grabbed onto his arm with her free hand, weaving a bit. “Whew, I’m a little dizzy.”

  “Okay, no more spinning. Wouldn’t want you to hurl on the DVDs.”

  She made a face at him. “Classy imagery.”

  Blake chuckled, having more fun bantering with Hannah than he’d had in . . . well, years probably.

  As they started walking again, Blake had to admit that he liked the way his hand linked with Hannah’s; Jenny had been barely five one, so it had actually been more comfortable for her to just slip her arm through his, but Hannah was probably five five or five six, so the height difference wasn’t so major.

  They just seemed to fit together. To complement each other.

  Whoa, I’m getting a little ahead of myself on this.

  They stopped in front of the white tablets, and Blake grimaced a bit at the price. It wasn’t that he couldn’t afford it, but that was more than he’d spent on his laptop.

  “Can I help you?” a young guy in glasses and a blue Best Buy shirt asked.

  “No thank you, we’re just browsing,” Hannah said.

  Blake picked up the iPad, weighing it in his free hand.

  “It’s not ideal for reading. The sun glares off the screen like a laptop.”

  He set the tablet back down and wished that he could nibble the spot just below her ear. It was so bare, and pink, and tempting. “That’s okay, if I’m outside, I’m doing something.”

  “What about the beach?” she asked.

  “I’ve actually never been to the beach,” Blake said.

  Hannah looked so surprised, he laughed. “Is that bad?”

  “No, it’s just . . . Didn’t they have beaches in Texas?”

  “Yeah, we had the gulf, but I grew up closer to Dallas.”

  “Well, California has some pretty spots. I’m going to make it my mission to get you to the beach.”

  Blake really liked the sound of that and decided he wouldn’t mind taking a trip where he lay in the sand all day with Hannah. Of course, in his daydream, she’d be wearing a tiny little bikini.

  Or nothing at all.

  When they walked out of Best Buy, Blake had a new iPad and case and was almost a thousand dollars poorer, but he decided that it was the most fun he’d had in a while, so it was money well spent.

  He drove Hannah back to her place, and when he found himself in front of her door, he debated on what to do. He’d held her hand, which he’d figured was the clearest way to let her know he was interested in being more than just friends, but if this was considered their first date, did he kiss her?

  If I’m going to take this slow, then I need to actually think with my head and not my dick.

  “Thanks for going with me,” he said.

  “You’re welcome, I had fun.”

  She seemed to be watching him expectantly, and he dipped his head, kissing her on the cheek softly.

  “Good night.”

  He walked back to his car without looking back, fighting the urge to back her up against her front door and give her a real, toe-curling kiss.

  But if he was going to do this with Hannah, he was going to do it right.

  Chapter Eighteen

  ON FRIDAY AFTERNOON, Blake walked out onto the field with Charge to find his guys already working with their dogs. He’d spent the morning decorating the ballroom of the Hilton and listening to his friends and their girlfriends make sugary-sweet love talk to each other.

  It had left him feeling nauseated and wistful at the same time.

  Jeffrey Tillman’s freckled face split into a wide grin. “Yo, Sarge, is it true you’re going to some dance tonight to be man meat for a bunch of desperate chicks?”

  Jeff had been with Blake for three months and was one of his favorite kids. He was in for shoplifting—his second arrest—and the judge had hoped their program would help him. So far, the kid seemed to be responding well.

  His boundaries left much to be desired, though.

  “I’m going to a fundraiser, Tillman. And women don’t usually like being called chicks.”

  “Yeah, yeah, but is it like a stripper thing? Are you going to get up on stage and make those dollar bills?”

  Tillman did a dance, shaking his hips and thrusting his pelvis, and the other boys laughed.

  Blake, still not happy about the fundraiser, shot Tillman a fierce look. “No one is stripping, and if you wanna keep it up, I’ll have you doing burpees until your knees give out.”

  “Sorry, Sarge.” Tillman’s grin told Blake he wanted to say more but was refraining.

  Blake made them do laps while practicing keeping their dogs in the heel position, giving him a chance to check his phone. No new messages.

  “Yo, Kline!” Best called from the edge of the training field. “Phone call.”

  Blake nodded and started jogging toward him. “You got my hoodlums?”

  “Yeah, I’ll watch the little monsters.”

  Blake hurried inside to his office, and after he shut the door, he picked up the phone.

  “This is Sergeant Blake Kline.”

  “Sergeant, this is Charles Gunn, returning your call.”

  Blake wanted to whoop. Charles was the friend of General Reynolds’s who was selling his house in Orangevale, and although the address was in a nice neighborhood, Blake had been a little leery about a for-sale-by-owner deal.

  Until Charles had e-mailed him pictures yesterday. The place was perfect, with a big backyard, four bedrooms, and two baths. He’d gone to see it yesterday after work and told Charles he wanted to think about it, but there was no reason to hesitate. He wanted that house.

  So, he’d called Charles back this morning to discuss terms and left a message for him to call him back.

  Now, it was go time.

  “Hey, Charles. You can just call me Blake. I am really interested in your house, but I was hoping you’d take forty thousand dollars less if I g
ave you cash up front.”

  It was a bold move, and he knew it. He had the forty thousand if Charles wouldn’t agree, but he thought it was a fair price with the updates the house needed.

  Charles was silent on the line. “That’s a pretty steep reduction in price. Most people ask for a couple thousand off.”

  “I realize that, sir, but the house needs quite a bit of updating, and it’s been sitting on the market a year at the price you’re asking, which should be indication enough that the price is on the high side. The good thing about this is you can take the money and no longer have this property wearing you down. You can fully retire in Florida with no worries.”

  Charles seemed to be chewing over his words. “I’m gonna need some time to consider before I make my final decision.”

  “I can respect that, and I’ll wait for your call.”

  Charles’s phone disconnected, and Blake breathed out a big, weighty sigh.

  He wanted this house, bad. He only hoped that old Charles came through so he’d have a place to take Charge.

  And maybe a home to bring Hannah back to without worrying for her safety?

  It was true that Hannah had been factoring into his thoughts the last few days, and he actually couldn’t wait to see her tonight at the ball. It was stupid, and he’d never admit it to the other guys, but for the first time in a long while, he had something to look forward to.

  HANNAH DROVE MILO over to her parents’ place that afternoon, carrying him up to the door. His nose and legs were healing nicely, and the fur was even starting to come back. She’d bought him a blue paisley harness and matching leash, but it was just easier to haul him around.

  Besides, she loved to snuggle his warm body against her, and pretty soon, he would be too big to lift.

  Hannah rang the bell, and her mom answered the door, pushing her glasses up the bridge of her nose as she smiled brightly.

  “Ah, my little grand puppy. Are you ready to play with Grandma, Papa, and Uncle Miggons?”

  Uncle Miggons apparently adored Milo and whined when he left. Her mother stepped back and Hannah said dryly, “Nice to see you, too, Mom.”

  “I was going to greet you,” her mom assured her, giving her and Milo a squeeze as they passed. Hannah put Milo down and unclipped his leash just as Miggons skidded around the corner, looking very dapper in his recent lion cut and festive Valentine’s Day sweater.


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