Holding Out for a Hero

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Holding Out for a Hero Page 20

by Codi Gary

  God, he really needed to stop with these crazy fantasies.

  “No, it’s okay. I’ll call Best, and he’ll put me up if I need it. Thanks, though.”

  “Okay, well, if you need anything, just call.”

  “Thanks, Han. You’re too good to me.”

  “Good night, Blake.”

  He ended the call, a little bit elated despite current circumstances.

  Blake was pretty sure Hannah had been disappointed he hadn’t taken her up on her offer.

  HANNAH WOKE UP the next morning to Blake’s ringtone and smiled sleepily as she answered. “Hey, you okay?”

  “Tired, but yeah. Had to call my landlord in the middle of the night to fix the door, which was fun. Did I wake you?”

  She squinted her eyes and looked at the clock. It was almost ten. “Nope, I was awake.”

  “Liar. I was going to see if you wanted to go with me today to pick out a new mattress and appliances.”

  Hannah sat up a little at that. He wanted to see her again? Flopping onto her back, she said, “I’d love to.”

  “Good. I’ll give you forty-five minutes, and I’ll even bring breakfast and caffeine.”

  “Grande nonfat, single-shot caramel macchiato, hot.”

  His deep chuckle radiated through the phone and sent a shiver down her spine.

  “Anything for you.”

  He hung up the phone, and Hannah lay there for a minute or two before she dragged her butt out of bed and let Milo out to go potty. Then, she hopped in the shower and pulled on her clothes, finishing the outfit off with one of the scarves her mom had brought her last night.

  She twisted her wet hair into a bun and dialed her parents.

  “Hello?” her mother answered.

  “Hey, Mom.”

  “Well, good morning.”

  Hannah rolled her eyes at her mom’s sarcastic tone. “All right, are you going to be a brat, or do you want to hear about my date?”

  “Are you sure you want to tell me?”

  “Going to hang up.”

  “Oh, fine. I suppose we should have called.”

  Hannah let the rest go. “Thank you.”

  “You were saying?”

  Hannah told her mother about most of the date—some things just weren’t fit for a mother’s ears—and then about the break-in at Blake’s.

  “So, we’re going shopping for some of the things that were ruined or stolen from his apartment.”

  “Well, I am glad he’s okay, but you make sure you don’t go over to his apartment if it’s that dangerous.”

  There was a knock on her door, and Milo went wild, barking up a storm.

  “Hey, Mom, he’s here, so I gotta go. Give Dad my love.”

  “I will. Tell Blake hi for us.”

  Hannah hung up the phone and snorted. Yeah, she’d skip that.

  She opened the door to find Blake holding a white pastry bag and a drink carrier. He was in his usual casual clothing and hat.


  Blake gave her a kiss as he stepped inside. “Morning, beautiful.”

  Hannah blushed as she shut the door behind him. “What did you get to eat?”

  “Cheese Danish.”

  “Yum.” Hannah shushed Milo, who was still having a hissy fit. “Hey, stop it!”

  “I got something for demon spawn, too.” Blake pulled out a package of foil and revealed four bacon strips.

  Holding the meat above Milo’s head, he said, “Want some?”

  He broke off a piece, and as he held it over the pup’s head, he pressed down on his butt until he sat.

  Hannah watched him work with the puppy, and he was so filled with patience and quiet delight when Milo sat. Despite her assurance that she wasn’t thinking of a future with him, she could easily see Blake showing the same care for a child while teaching him how to ride a bike or fish.

  “Have you read any more of Blitzing Emily?” she asked.

  “Not really. I guess I’ve been a little distracted.”

  His pointed smile made her blush. “Me, too. I’ve hardly read a thing.”

  He pulled her hand up to his mouth, kissing her fingers. “Don’t get me wrong, I like the distraction.”

  “Good, ’cause I like being distracting.”

  Blake let out that surprised laugh, the one she’d heard only a few times at the diner, but now, his mirth had become more common.

  “You seem lighter.”

  Blake lost his smile. “What do you mean?”

  “Just that you didn’t used to laugh, not the way you do now. It’s as if a weight’s been lifted.”

  Blake fed Milo another piece of bacon, quiet so long that she almost apologized for upsetting him.

  “I’ve been seeing a therapist, and it’s been . . . helpful, I think.”

  Hannah was shocked. Although they were still learning new things about each other, she never imagined Blake actively seeking professional help.

  “That’s great. When did you start that?”

  “Couple of weeks ago. It was a requirement if I wanted to stay at Alpha Dog.”

  Ah, that made more sense.

  “So, is that why you changed your mind about me?”

  Blake’s hazel eyes blazed at her for a moment. “I already liked you, but I had . . . reservations.”

  Hannah’s heart ached at his words. “Because of your wife?”

  “No, because of me. Not everything is about her.”

  Hannah jerked at his rough tone. “I didn’t mean anything by it.”

  Blake sighed, running his hands over his head. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to lash out at you.”

  Hannah got up from the table and pulled her drink from the carrier. Just as she set it on the table and reached out to free his, she was yanked back into his lap.

  “Eek,” she squealed.

  Blake’s arms wrapped loosely around her waist, holding her. “I am. I’m just trying to put the past to rest and don’t want it dragged up all the time.”

  His lips found the skin of her neck, just below her chin, and she released an involuntary shiver.

  “Hmm, you like that? How about here?”

  He lifted her hair, and his mouth moved farther back, nipping lightly.

  Hannah clenched her thighs together as a shock shot her straight between her legs.

  Blake’s hand came up to cup the back of her neck, then he pulled her down, and she opened her lips as his covered hers. Hannah wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him back, running her hands along his nape and over his shoulders. She didn’t want to be mad at Blake, not when she knew he was going through a lot and trying. Trying for her.

  Blake’s hand crept up to cover her breast, and she gasped into his mouth, pressing closer into his touch. As he squeezed and played with her, she wiggled on top of him, pressing her butt against the hard bulge of his dick. She could feel her panties dampen, and a heavy throb started pounding as she longed to get closer, seeking relief.

  Blake broke the kiss, pressing his mouth against hers once, a brief, chaste peck before laying his head on her chest. Hannah’s hands slid down his back, and she leaned her cheek against the top of his head, trying to slow her racing heart and raging hormones.

  “I’ll try to keep my temper in check from now on.”

  Hannah ran a hand over the top of his head. “Okay.”

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  WHEN HANNAH WALKED into her apartment on Thursday evening, all she wanted to do was see to Milo’s needs and bury herself in her bed. It had been an exhausting week, between Dale’s and school. Plus, she was already grouchy that she hadn’t gotten to spend time with Blake since Sunday. He was busy with Charge and preparing to move, and although he’d come into the diner and they’d talked on the phone every night before bed, she’d wanted longer than a few stolen moments behind Dale’s, making out.

  Hannah had just finished taking Milo out when her phone started ringing. When she saw that it was Blake, she slid her finger across t
he screen and answered in what she’d hoped was a semi-awake voice.

  “Hey, Blake.”

  “Hey, what are you doing right now?” he asked.

  “I just got home. I grabbed some Mexican food on the way and was going to eat dinner, then go to bed.”

  “Man, are you really tired? Because I have something I really want to show you, but if you’re exhausted—”

  “No, I’m fine,” she lied.

  “Fantastic. Do you mind if I swing by and get you in a half hour?”

  “Well, sure, but what—”

  “It’s a surprise. See you soon.”

  Hannah got off the phone and proceeded to scarf down her burrito like a Hoover vacuum. When she finished, she hopped up and raced to her room, Milo hot on her heels, barking excitedly.

  She reapplied deodorant and pulled off her comfy teacher sweater, searching for something else to wear. She finally settled on a scoop-necked red T-shirt and a black open sweater. Spraying herself down with her body spray, she barely had time to brush her teeth before there was a knock at her door.

  Milo barked and growled at the door, and Hannah scooted him back with her foot so she could open it.

  Blake stood on the other side, holding a bouquet of assorted roses, that knee-weakening smile on his face.

  “Hey, Han. Ready to go?”

  “Yeah, just let me put Milo in his crate.”

  Blake walked inside and closed the door while she pulled out a puppy Milk-Bone and led Milo into his cage. When she turned around, Blake held the roses out to her.

  “These are for you. I’m sorry that it’s been mostly phone contact and me coming into the diner to see you. I’ve missed you.”

  “I missed you, too.” Hannah took the flowers, her chest warming as she inhaled their sweet scent. “Thank you, but you didn’t have to. It’s been a busy week for both of us.”

  “Yes, but I couldn’t stop thinking about you.” He cupped the side of her face and covered her mouth with his, giving her a deep, bone-melting kiss.

  “I thought about you a lot, too.”

  “Good. So, put those in water and come on. I want to get there before it’s too late.”

  Hannah put the roses in a vase of water and grabbed her coat before following him out the door. After he helped her into the car, they drove up the freeway and got off on Madison Avenue, heading past Sunrise Boulevard and into Orangevale.

  “Where are you taking me?” Then it clicked. “Are you taking me to see the house you’re buying?”

  “Just hang on, we’re almost there.”

  Hannah settled back in the seat, laughing. “I hate surprises.”

  “I’d never guess.”

  “Secrets, too. They always make me feel skeezy.”

  He made a left and then a right into a quiet neighborhood, pulling up in front of a house with the sign FOR SALE BY OWNER.

  Blake held up a set of keys. “Wanna see the inside?”

  “Yes, but . . . How did you get it so fast?”

  He climbed out of the car before answering, and she jumped out, coming around the front to stand next to him. Even at night, the street was well lit, and the only sounds were that of a dog barking in the distance. The house itself appeared to be light gray or maybe blue with white trim. It was hard to tell for sure in the yellow streetlight. The yard was well kept, and the driveway didn’t have any cracks.

  “This is the one I talked about.”

  “But . . . this is a pretty nice neighborhood. How can you afford this?” Hannah realized too late it was really none of her business, but Blake didn’t seem to mind.

  “When my parents died, I put my inheritance into an interest-bearing account and never touched it. It grew from there, and when I saw this place, I just knew.”

  Blake unlocked the door, and Hannah stepped in. He flipped on the light, and Hannah looked around at the open living room. “This is so great, Blake! I am so happy for you.” She turned around and hugged him hard, elated that he’d wanted to share such a momentous occasion with her.

  He squeezed her back, kicking the door shut behind him. “Come on, there’s more to see.”

  As he excitedly took her through every room, pointing out all the things he wanted to update and fix, Hannah couldn’t help thinking of his wife. Wondering if they’d had a house together before she died. Was this bittersweet for him?

  She hadn’t mentioned her at all since Sunday, figuring when he was ready to share more with her, he would.

  “And this is the master bedroom.”

  Wow, the room was huge, and the attached bathroom had a deep Jacuzzi tub. Hannah almost started drooling just staring at that jetted paradise.

  “Oh, I am so jealous! I would kill for a tub like this.”

  Blake’s arms snaked around her from behind, and his mouth pressed against the side of her neck. “You’ll have to come over and try it out with me.”

  Hannah shivered at the images his words elicited, and she reached up to rub the back of his neck. “Nice of you to offer to share.”

  “Sharing is caring.”

  “Oh, is it?”


  Hannah closed her eyes as Blake’s hands smoothed over her abdomen. “What are you doing?”

  “Touching you. I missed you.”

  Hannah pulled away from him reluctantly and headed back into the bedroom. “So, when are you going to move your stuff in?”

  “I roped a bunch of the guys into helping me out this weekend. Wanna join in? I’ve promised pizza and beer.”

  Okay, so he was inviting her to hang with him and his friends this weekend. That was pretty sweet, even if it did mean manual labor.

  “Would it be okay to bring Milo? Is your backyard fenced in?”

  “Yeah, you can bring that devil dog.”

  Hannah smacked Blake’s arm playfully. “He is sweet! Don’t call him that.”

  “He is sweet to you because he loves you. He hates my guts.”

  “Well, maybe you can keep giving him treats and change his way of thinking.”

  Blake tucked her hair back with a grin. “Maybe I will.”

  BLAKE STOOD IN the hallway, watching Hannah gaze around the house in awe. Despite his resolve to stop comparing moments with Hannah with his past with Jenny, he couldn’t help but think of her in this moment. They had never owned their own home, choosing to live on base since he was gone on tour and he wanted her to have a support system. Jenny had tried to turn their base house into a home, but it hadn’t been the same as if it had been theirs.

  Jenny would have loved this, although she wouldn’t have cared about the tub.

  He’d liked the way Hannah’s eyes had lit up when she’d seen it, and even though it was his house, he wanted her to like it.

  For a guy who said he wanted to move slow, I sure am jumping into this with both feet.

  Blake wasn’t going to feel guilty about being happy with Hannah, about wanting to share this with her. Every time something had reminded him of Jenny or he’d had a twinge of guilt over missing Hannah, he’d tried to remember that Jenny would want this for him. That it almost seemed sometimes as if Jenny had sent Hannah to him because he needed her.

  Of course, when he’d talked to Dr. Stabler about the guilt he was still experiencing, she’d agreed that going slow was probably good. And he did want to do that, to take his time and be sure.

  But he also couldn’t seem to get enough of Hannah.

  “The only problem with this place is I don’t have enough furniture to fill it up.”

  “Hmm, what’s your style?” she asked.

  “Casual comfortable.”

  “Do you mind used furniture?”

  “As long as it isn’t falling apart, I’m okay with it.”

  She gave him a look over her shoulder, and he grinned.

  “What are you going to do with the other three rooms?”

  “I’m not sure yet. Set up one as a guest room, maybe? A gym in the other. Not sure about the third ro

  “It’s a nice-size house. Maybe after we get all of your stuff moved in, we could check out some of the thrift shops next weekend. I found some great stuff in really good condition when I moved into my place.”

  Her enthusiasm was infectious, although Blake had a feeling Hannah was a power shopper. He usually only lasted a couple of hours before he was done.

  “That sounds like fun,” he said.

  “Liar, I can hear it in your voice. You think it sounds like a fate worse than death.” She stood on tiptoe and kissed his lips, and he decided that he’d do anything to keep that smile on Hannah’s face. “I promise to make the whole experience painless and fun.”

  “I’ll hold you to that when you drag me to twelve stores and I’m begging you to stop.”

  “Oh, you so get me.”

  The funny thing was, he felt like he did get the basic core of Hannah. She liked to make people happy and would never intentionally hurt someone. Hannah’s openness brought out a protectiveness in him he’d never experienced with anyone.

  Not even Jenny.

  The thought was like a sock in the gut, and suddenly, all he wanted was to be alone.

  “Well, I should probably get you home.”

  He turned away, but she caught his arm. “Hey, what happened? Where did you go just now?”

  He tried to shake her off and grumbled irritably, “Nowhere. You said you were tired, so I’m taking you home where you can get some rest.”

  Hannah’s lips pinched together. “Fine.”

  Hannah let him go and headed for the door, and for some reason, the sight of her walking away from him sent a cold shot through him.

  He caught her at the door, his arms going around her from behind and his mouth pressing against her ear. “I just thought of something that upset me. It had nothing to do with you.”

  “Yet you have no problem letting it affect the way you treat me.”

  Blake sighed. “I know.” He let her go, shaking his head. “I’m really trying, Han. I just get these bad thoughts and feelings, and I don’t want to talk about them. Not yet, at least.”

  His admission seemed to soften him, and she turned around, slipping her arms around his waist and kissing his chest.

  “Just know that when you are, I’m here, okay?”

  Blake held her tight, the fear that he’d never get there forming a lump in his throat.


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