A World Of Dreams

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A World Of Dreams Page 3

by Jade Damboise Rail

  Chapter 2-

  Selequester was on his third attempt to summon one of the major spirits of the dream world. Well not of the dream world exactly, but of one of the other associated worlds no living creature had even gone too. But these spirits came from this world and whether they liked it or not, he was going to bring one of them back. He didn’t know which spirit could bring him what he wanted but he knew any of them could answer his question. He was wearing the mystical Topaz, which could take the form of anything you want, but that always contained a small, multicoloured Topaz. It was hanging around his neck, and the young brunette, bound and gagged at his feet by long snakes knew exactly what it was and her eyes were open wide with fright. Het guardian, a beautiful, thin, clawed creature, with silver reflecting fur, was bound as well, long legs brought up to its long neck and laying on the ground. It’s flowing golden hair that shocked anyone it touched. The bond between them was obvious,. It was the same with every dreamer and their guardian, a guardian devoted to protect them no matter what, and a dreamer ready to put themselves at risk to protect them before they realise if they die in the dream world, they’ll come back the next dream anyways.

  But now, the guardian was struggling, tossing itself across the ground, trying to defeat the snakes that bound it, but they were just tightening their grip. Selequester sighed and rolled his eyes, fed up, and more snakes appeared and buried themselves in the ground, holding the guardian there. The girl was making squealing noises, the only thing she could do with a snake covering her mouth. Her poor heart must be beating so fast. He knew what it was like to be in her situation, Selequester though, as he stood there, covered in a cloak literally make of shadows and stared down on her. That made him angry. Why did it have to happen to him, why did he have to watch as poor Thres writhed and died before him. Guardians weren’t like those useless pieces of imagination one created as minions. Guardians were a part of you, once they were created; they had a mind of their own. They are people. Some even say the soul inside the shell created by the dreamer were the dreamer’s corresponding spirit in the land of the dead, one complementary to them. Some even say once you know your complementary spirit, you can’t live without it.

  “Death to them, I have lived without Thres, and I will live forever without him!”

  He kicked the girl in the face. Blood began spewing from her nose and she began having trouble breathing. He guardian began struggling more, letting out wounded and desperate noise. When he looked its way, he say how large and wet its eyes were, imploring. But Selequester felt, notihng nothing. He kicked the guardian. He could feel nothing! Nothing but pain and anger, nothing! And everyone had to pay.

  “You will both pay for this.” He hissed.

  His voice traveled like a stream of gaseous ice, chilling the girl and the guardian to the point they felt like they were going to die that very moment. A sword appeared in his hand, seemingly growing out of his palm and shimmered with all the colours possible. While he was wearing the topaz, any weapon he wielded contained its power. Everything else was all in place. He doubted the columns he raised around him would have anything to do with the summoning, but he wouldn’t take the chance of avoiding silly customs. The saturated his surroundings with spirit energy from his own spirit. It was the first time he did this, and every time he did, he became less and yes humans, less and less capable of feeling, but couldn’t stop now. His energy was floating around him like a mist, he was ready to invoke a spirit.

  “Spirits, I sacrifice this creature of spirit to thee, for I need your guidance.”

  A wind that only appeared in these circumstances wailed as if in pain as he brought his weapon infused with the power of the topaz right into the heart of the creature. As it died, the girls mouth opened, the snake sliding away,hissing as if burnet. A tortured scream sounded, that would have doubtless chilled Selequester to the bone if he actually had the capability of feeling emotion. But even though her mouth was open, it didn’t seem to be coming from her mouth, but rather her entire body. Selequester sneered at this, it hurt his temples and he wished he could do without.

  Then the girl fell to the ground like a rag doll, her eyes glassy, empty, as if she had nothing to live for in the entire world. The snakes released her as if sensing the futility of their bondage. Suddenly, something between a sight and something catching fire sounded and a shimmering white figure filled the air, a dove that quickly rearranged into a human figure, not quite male or female with flowing wings. The spirit’s face had a look of eternal sadness. It looked down at the guardian, no longer bound on the ground and shinning tear streamed form its eyes, a behavior learned purely from humans. This one was foggy and had a brighter inside than outside. There were discrete differences between spirits that marked them, since they always changed shape. Floating, its shape was trembling at it peered at the human girl collapsed on the ground the energy drained from her. She knew there were only a few possible outcomes for her. She was either going to kill herself, stop caring for herself or slip into death, become delirious and be locked up into a mental hospital or become a crazed monster like some of the rare ones. only a few managed to survive this and lived in misery until they died and were reunited with their other spirit, their guardian. And even after death, it took a while for both spirits to reconcile with each other and get over their separation.

  “I will never understand how one who has known such pain could inflict it on another. How many spirit pairs have you torn from each other?” The spirit said in a soft, neither male nor female voice.

  Selequester, feeling pumped now that he finally succeeded, marched forward with an air of importance and grabbed the limp body of the girl, placing a knife glowing with the power of the topaz on her neck.

  “I ask the questions, freak.”


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