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Bible passages referring to the difficulty of a rich person entering the Kingdom of God: Matthew 19: 23–24.
A ⃒B ⃒C ⃒D ⃒E ⃒F ⃒G ⃒H ⃒I ⃒J ⃒K ⃒L ⃒M ⃒N ⃒O ⃒P ⃒R ⃒S ⃒T ⃒U ⃒V ⃒W ⃒X ⃒Y
acid rain, 47, 155
Adams, James Truslow, 181
Africa, 91, 115, 157, 178
agriculture, 87, 134–135, 158. See also livestock farming
air plants, 129
air pollution, 47
Alaska, 30, 64, 65, 68, 73, 77, 78
alcohol, self-medication with, 184–185
alders, 37, 70, 139–140. See also red alder
Aldo Leopold Foundation, 125
alpine meadows, 45
American chestnuts, 115
American Dream, 181–182
American elm, 115, 117
Americans and Their Forests (Williams), 87
American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, 190
ancestor, last universal common (LUCA), 176–177
Anna’s hummingbird, 137–138
Arctic Ocean, 78
artificial life vs. real life, 189
ascertainment bias, 161
Asia, deforestation, 91
Association of Southeast Asian Nations, 17
asteroid impact and mass extinction, 154–155
Atlantic salmon, 74–76, 77
avian malaria, 115
awareness, importance of, 11, 14, 190–192
Baby Boomers, 181–182
background extinctions, 155
and human body, 105
and invasives, 112
nitrogen-fixing, 49, 84–85, 106
photosynthetic, 56, 62
Bahls, Peter, 23
and land survey records, 39
and salmon, 68, 69
and Tarboo Creek restoration, 28–29, 32, 34
and Woodhenge, 142
bald eagles, 142, 151, 165
bare-root stock (trees), 83–84, 101–103, 110
bats, 115, 127
beaked hazelnut, 49
beaver hats, 150
beavers, 139–151
bank lodges, 143, 148–149
dams, 142–143, 146–147, 148–149
Eurasian beavers, 150
North American beaver, 140–145, 150–151
protecting saplings from, 147–148, 149
beavers, mountain, 137, 139
Beaver Valley watershed, 146
beef and beef cattle, 91, 134
bigleaf maple, 21, 25–26, 40, 49, 99
Billion Tree Campaign, 96
biodiversity, 33, 79, 105, 136, 157, 166–168, 182
birds, 12–14, 115, 116, 154, 156, 161. See also individual bird species
black bear, 138, 152
blackberry bushes, 24, 116, 117, 121–122
black plastic sheeting, 32–33
black-soil zone, 100
black-tailed deer, 174. See also deer
Boeing, Bill, 39
Borneo Orangutan Survival Foundation, 96
bottle gentian, 121
Brazil, deforestation, 91–92, 94
Bristol Bay (Alaska), 64, 73
British Columbia, 45, 78, 81
British Petroleum, 41
Brokaw, Tom, 181
Brooks, Arthur, 186
burr oak, 119, 120
bushtit, 12, 13
Caillebotte, Gustave, 150–151
cambium and vascular tissues of trees, 138, 144–145
Canada, 77, 114
carbon dioxide (CO2), 41–43, 92–94, 130–132, 167
carbon sinks, 130–132
Carl Leopold Forest, 125–127, 132, 136–138, 139, 152
Carnivora order, 145
carotenoids, 56
Cassandra (female salmon), 58–60, 61–62, 68
Castor canadensis, 140, 150
caterpillars, 114
CDC (U.S. Centers for Disease Control), 184, 185
cedar of Lebanon, 87, 96–97
cedars, 83, 125, 126–127. See also cedar of Lebanon; incense cedar; Port Orford cedar; western redcedar
cedar shake mill, 86
channelization, 24, 27
cheatgrass, 116
chickadees, 12–14
chicken wire, 148, 149
Chimacum Creek, 39, 146, 147
China, 89, 96, 145, 182, 185
Chinook salmon, 52, 56, 68, 69, 81. See also salmon
Christianity, guiding principles of, 186
chum salmon, 56, 68, 71, 72, 73, 76. See also salmon
Clark, William, 76
clay soil, 51–52, 103–104
Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990, 47
climate change, 14, 41, 42–46, 48, 78–79, 91–94. See also global warming
CO2 (carbon dioxide), 41–43, 92–94, 130–132, 167
coal. See fossil fuel use
coho salmon, 56, 57, 68, 69–71, 72–73, 74, 146. See also salmon
coir matting, 30, 31, 32, 140
Columbia River, salmon in, 65, 76, 80, 81
community, role in natural life, 192
commuting, costs of, 126, 188, 189
connections between organisms, 174–175
conservation, reasons for, 165–166. See also land ethic concept
conservation biology, 158
conservation movement, 36, 153–154, 159, 163–166, 182, 187
conservation spending, 182
consumerism, 181–182, 184, 185–187, 189
convergent evolution, 145
copepods, 79
Cornell University, 163
Costa Rica, 95, 115
cranes, 151–152, 163–166
Cretaceous-Paleogene (K-Pg) extinction event, 154–157
Cronin, Mike, 95
cultural connections, human, 177, 178–179
culverts, 22, 24
cutthroat trout, 22, 71. See also trout, in Tarboo Creek
Dabob Bay, 20, 73
dairy cattle, 27
dams and dam removals, 52, 76, 80, 140–141, 142–143. See also beavers: dams
Dead Zone, 51–52, 54, 103
deer, 109, 139, 168, 174
deforestation, 85–92, 94
Delia, Jeff, 71
democracy, and ethical standards, 17
depression (mood disorder), 184–185
dichotomies, human preference for, 182–184
disease-causing organisms, 112–114, 115
ditch replacement, 28, 31–34, 70. See also channelization
diversity of species, 33, 79, 105, 136, 157, 166–168, 182
DNA repair and cell division, proteins for, 175
docodontans, 145
black bear sign, 138
harvesting and thinning, 129, 134, 136
planting, 49–50, 83, 84, 101
size of, 111, 127
downed woody debris, 21, 75, 127, 142
and climate change, 45, 91, 92
in Pacific Northwest region, 27, 39, 99
in Wisconsin, 51
drugs. See alcohol, self-medication with; prescription medications; street drugs, self-medication with
eagle poles, 142
ecological restoration goals, 39, 136
economic well-being, 15, 184, 185–186, 189
ecosystem services, 167
Ecuador, 12, 85
electronic devices, 190–191
elk, 52–54, 152
Elwha River (Washington) floodplain restoration, 52–54
endangered and threatened species, 33–34, 80, 133, 159–161. See also extinctions and declines of animal populations
end-Cretaceous (K-Pg) extinction event, 154–157
engagement, as part of natural life, 187
environmental protection movement, 36, 153–154, 159, 163–166, 182, 187
epiphytes, 129
Escherichia coli, 175, 176–177
ethical behavior, human, 16–17, 35, 165, 186
Eurasian beaver, 150
Eurasian blackberry, 24, 116, 121–122
Europe, 47, 74–75, 87, 132, 181
European Union, 17
evergreen huckleberry, 49
evolution, 117, 145, 155–158, 175–177
exotic diseases, 115. See also disease-causing organisms
exotic plants, 111–114, 116
extinctions and declines of animal populations, 151–153, 154–157, 159–162, 163–164
eyes and vision, human, 66–67
eyes and vision, salmon, 66
Fabio (male salmon), 58–60, 68
FAO (United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization), 89–91
farming, specialty crops, 134–135
Finger Lakes Land Trust, 125
fires and fire danger, 44, 45, 88, 90, 91–94, 96. See also prairie burns
firs, 99, 111. See also Douglas-fir; grand fir
floods and flooding
and climate change, 45, 78
and salmon, 21, 61, 78
Tarboo Creek, 28, 68, 98
and wetland preservation, 165
Florida Museum of Natural History, 114
food, self-medication with, 185
Forbes magazine, 182
forest fires. See wildfires and fire danger
forest fragmentation, 90
forest products industry, 133–134
forests and forest types, 45, 89–90
fossil fuel use, 41–42, 43, 47, 48
Frankia alni, 84, 85
Freeman, Susan Leopold, 18, 34, 58–60, 119, 120–121, 123
freshwater mussels, 33–34, 153
frogs, 115, 169–171, 173, 177
fuel oil. See fossil fuel use
fungi and fungal pathogens, 21, 104–107, 112, 115, 117
Gallagher, Sean, 29–30, 34, 68, 72
garlic mustard, 112, 117
garter snakes, 171–173
gasoline. See fossil fuel use
genetic makeup, human, 177–178, 183
global warming, 42–43, 44–45, 77–78, 92, 191. See also climate change
goldenrods, 115
grand fir, 49–50
grasses, 24, 97–99, 109–110, 115, 116, 122–123. See also prairies
gravel, for creek bed, 28, 31
great blue heron, 28, 30, 71, 149
Great Chain of Being, 175
Greatest Generation, 181
Green Belt Movement, 96
Greene, Erick, 14
greenhouse gas emissions, 43–44, 48
Gulf of Mexico, 155
gyppos, 87
habitat destruction and loss, 80, 161
happiness research, 185–186
harbor seals, 73
Harrison, Bob, 29, 31, 32–33, 70, 142
hatchery-raised salmon, 74, 77, 79–81
Hawaii, 115
herbicides, 98, 117
herbivorous insects, 114
herons, 28, 30, 71, 149
Himalayan blackberry, 24, 116, 121–122
hoedads, 101
holiday spending in United States, 182
holly trees, 116
Holtz, Carl, 11, 14
Homo erectus, 157
Homo floresiensis, 158
Homo neanderthalensis, 157–158
Homo sapiens, 157–158
Hood Canal, 20, 73, 74
housing options, 188–189
Hudson, Henry, 75
human behavior
ethical behavior, 16–17, 35, 165, 186
preference for dichotomies, 182–184
human cultural connections, 177, 178–179
human evolution, 157–158, 175–177
human eyes, 66–67
human genetic makeup, 177–178, 183
human population growth, 14, 126, 158, 161
hummingbirds, 137–138
Iceland, 74, 77, 82
Iglitzin, Alan, 24
incense cedar, 45–46
India, 163, 182, 185
Indonesia, deforestation, 91, 92
Industrial Revolution, 41
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), 43–44, 78, 94
International Crane Foundation, 163–166
International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN), 159–161
invasives, 111–117
iridium, 155
iron, in seawater, 78
jacks (salmon), 60–61
James I, King of Scotland, 75
Japan, 12, 76–77, 115, 163, 168
Jefferson Land Trust, 23
Johnson, Jim, 95
Kenya, 96
kingfishers, 28, 30, 71, 149
King Island (Alaska), 30
King of Fish (Montgomery), 74
knotty wood, 137
kokanee, 71. See also sockeye salmon
Korea, 163
K-Pg extinction event, 154–157
kudzu, 116
Kyoto Protocol (1997), 48
Lake Washington (Seattle), 46, 169
land conservation spending, 182
land ethic concept, 17, 34–35, 186. See also conservation, reasons for
land health, 167
land ownership patterns, 133
land survey records, 39
last universal common ancestor (LUCA), 176–177
lateral line system, 64–65
Leopold, Aldo
and Holtz, 11, 14
land ethic concept, 17, 34–35, 186
and land health, 167
philosophies, 164, 189, 191–192
on restoration, 120
A Sand County Almanac, 16–17, 34–36, 151, 153
Leopold, Carl, 138, 181. See also Carl Leopold Forest
on natural life, 189–190
at Tarboo Creek, 36, 124
tree planting, 95
and Wisconsin restoration, 34
Leopold, Estella, 29, 34
Leopold, Luna, 28–29
Leopold, Lynn, 95
Leopold, Nina, 35, 189, 191
Leopold family farm (The Shack), 34–35, 119, 120, 152, 189, 191
Leopold Memorial Reserve (Wisconsin), 121
Lewis and Clark Expedition, 26
livestock farming, 27, 91, 134
livetrapping of pest animals, 141
damage to trees, 99
history, 40, 86, 100
methods, 25–26, 133
sustainable, 94–95
logs, installation in creeks, 28, 29, 70
LUCA (last universal common ancestor), 176–177
Maathai, Wangari, 96
madrone trees, 49
magnetosensing, 65
mahogany, 90
malaria, avian, 115
Malaysia, deforestation, 91
mallards, 149
mammals, 145–146, 156, 157
maples. See bigleaf maple; vine maple
marbled murrelet, 129
“Marshland Elegy” (A. Leopold), 151
mass extinction events, 154–157, 159–162
masu salmon, 76
Meeker, Ezra, 76
Me Generation, 182
mice, 83, 109, 146
David, 74, 81
Montreal Protocol (1987), 47
mountain beavers, 137, 139
muck soils, 103–104
mulch for saplings, 109
Museum of Modern Art (New York City), 191
mussels, 33–34, 153
mutations, and invasives, 117
National Park Service, 52
NATO, 17
natural disasters, and climate change, 45
natural life, how to lead, 187–192
The Nature Conservancy, 33
nature-versus-nurture debate, 183
NCADD (U.S. National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence), 184, 185
Neanderthals, 157–158
and alders, 49, 50, 84–85, 106
nutrients for trees, 98, 105–106
and salmon, 62–64
in seawater, 78
nitrogenase, 85
nitrogen oxides, 47
nonnative diseases, 115. See also disease-causing organisms
North America
deforestation, 87–89, 94
invasives, 112, 115
mussels, 33–34
pollution, 46, 47
salmon, 75–76
North American beaver, 140–145, 150–151
northern Pacific tree frog. See frogs
northern spotted owl, 133
Northwest Watershed Institute (NWI)
eagle poles, 142
plant-a-thons, 50–51, 83, 109, 122, 153
salmon harvest observations, 73
spawning surveys, 69, 72
Tarboo Creek restoration, 23–24, 29–30
noxious weeds, 24
nurse logs, 100, 127
obesity, 185
ocean acidification, 77
carbon sinks in, 132
nutrients in, 78–79
sea-level rise, 43
temperatures, 77–79, 91–92
oil palm plantations, 89, 91
old-growth forests, 21, 86–87, 127–130, 132–133, 142
olfactory bulbs of salmon, 65
Olympic National Park, 69, 97
orcas, 60, 79
Oregon, 44, 45–46, 81
Organization of African States, 17
osprey nest, 23
oxidation reactions, 42
ozone depletion, 47–48
Pääbo, Svante, 178
Pacific Decadal Oscillation, 77
Pacific Northwest
and climate change models, 44, 78
drought, 27, 39, 99
forests, 104, 129, 130
history, 76, 77
Pacific oysters, 20
paleontology graph, 154
palm warbler, 11
parasites, 112
parasitoids, 114
parks, decline in visits to, 168
grasses and reforestation, 97–99, 101–103, 122–123
productivity decline, 75–76, 94
protecting saplings, 109
restoration of rainforests, 95, 115
Tarboo Creek property, 37, 50
peat, carbon sinks in, 132
perched wetlands, 52
Saving Tarboo Creek Page 19