The Alpha's Touch Boxed Set (14 Book Bundle)

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The Alpha's Touch Boxed Set (14 Book Bundle) Page 10

by Taylor, Tawny

  “You’re in danger.”

  “No, I’m not. I’m perfectly safe here with my friend. And my dog.”

  As if on cue, Lulu let loose with a less-than-threatening snarl that sounded more like a burp.

  He raised a single eyebrow at Lulu. One corner of his mouth curled up, pulling it into a lopsided smile that made her knees wobbly. “That… ball of fluff?”

  “She’s tougher than she looks.”

  He reached out with his free hand to pet the quivering animal, and Sylvie stiffened.

  “Don’t!” she said, recalling Lulu’s reaction to Burke.

  He didn’t flinch. “Why not? She’s such an adorable little thing.” He patted the top of her head and, being the attention whore she was, Lulu wriggled in Lisa’s arms in an attempt to get closer. “Not much of a guard dog, though.”

  “Tell me about it,” Sylvie deadpanned. Evidently, Lulu didn’t have it in for all vampires.

  “Time to go.” He gave the dog one last scratch behind the ears then turned to the door and pushed open the screen door. There was no doubt she was heading to parts unknown with her second Master.

  Some parts of her put up a loud cheer of excitement.

  But the small portion of her brain that was still functioning reminded her that posed a huge problem for Burke and Isabella.

  “Wait! I… I need to let Lulu out first.” Catching him off guard, or so she assumed, she easily wrenched her arm free and snatched Lulu from Lisa. She headed toward the French doors leading to the backyard with Lisa hot on her tail, rattling off a million reasons why she didn’t need to worry about Lulu’s more basic needs at the moment.

  Turning, she gave Lisa a meaningful stare. “I insist. I’m already asking a lot from you.”

  Lisa might not have completely understood what she was trying to say, but she backed off. “Ooookay.”

  Sylvie stepped outside, set Lulu on the ground and searched the dark for Burke and Isabella. She heard nothing, and it was too dark to see. After turning to make sure Miko was still inside and out of earshot, she whispered, “I’ll leave the door unlocked, but I’m not staying here. Miko is inside. He’s insisting on taking me with him. If I try to leave, you’ll have nowhere to go.”

  “Dammit.” The male voice came from a nearby bush.

  She stepped closer to the source of the voice. “There’s nothing I can do. I have to think of your safety first. With me gone, he’ll have no reason to come back here. You can hide in the basement. There are a couple of bedrooms down there. No windows. It’ll be perfect.” If she hadn’t been so upset at the moment, torn between her new and unexplored feelings for Miko and her loyalty to Burke, the fact that she was whispering to an evergreen might have been funny.

  “It’s okay,” Burke said, stepping out from behind the bush. He pulled her into an embrace that felt so warm and wonderful she never wanted to leave. She held him tightly, wishing she could literally crawl into his skin and fuse with him forever. He stroked his flattened hand down her hair. “It’s okay. I know what you’re feeling, what you’re struggling with. It’s the way it’s supposed to be. It will get easier. When I’m gone.”

  “Gone?” She tipped her head to look at his face. When he didn’t meet her gaze, her heart grew as heavy as a bus. It sank to her gut. “Gone!” He was going to leave? Forever? No. Not forever. “No, this is just goodbye for now. See you later.”

  “Go to your Master. You’ll be safer with him.” He gently pushed her away.

  Tears burning her eyes, she backed from him, snatched up Lulu and went inside, making sure to leave the door unlocked.

  What a strong and sweet man. He’d pushed her away for her own good, for her protection. She knew that. It didn’t make her feel any better about leaving him, but it sure did make her respect for him swell to enormous proportions.

  Her heart heavy, she turned to Lisa, handed her Lulu and went to Miko. “I’m ready now. Let’s go.”

  Miko took her hand in his and led her outside to his waiting car.

  * * *

  Battling the most unpleasant emotion he’d felt in a long time, Burke stood in the shadow of a tree and watched Sylvie leave with Miko. It wasn’t jealousy. He was sure of it. He could feel nothing but joy for Sylvie. She’d found her second Master. That could mean completion, the Binding, if it weren’t for the fact that he was a ranking Excoluni officer. No, this pain was more a sense of loss and frustration. The Binding could not be completed until the true murderer had been found and his name was cleared.

  He knew the agony would grow. He’d be compelled to go to her, to find her. It would be difficult to fight the compulsion. But he had to think of Sylvie first. Miko would protect her from the killer. He would provide for her.

  “I can’t believe you sent her away,” Isabella said, stepping up beside him just as Sylvie’s friend cut the lights in the living room and, with dog in tow, left the room. “I know that had to hurt.”

  “It’s for the best.”

  “You’re going to suffer.”

  “So be it. There wasn’t another option.” He reached for the door.

  “How will you keep from going after her?”

  “I don’t know.” He turned the handle, motioning for Isabella to follow him into the house. “Let’s get inside before the sun rises or none of that’ll matter.”

  Chapter Nine

  Miko couldn’t believe he’d found her, his Origo Sylvie. Safe. She was safe. Unfortunately, the fever her nearness spiked wouldn’t allow him to relax, even though daybreak was mere minutes away.

  He knew he wouldn’t be able to sleep until he’d had his fill of her, regardless of how weary and tired he was.

  He hadn’t believed what he’d seen back at the bar. Until he’d felt the symbol rise on his inner arm, he’d always believed Origos were the stuff of legend. He’d never seen one. Never read of one. It was one of those things that had been passed from generation to generation by word of mouth. No one actually knew anymore if it was based on truth or fiction.

  Except now he knew for certain.

  He wondered how much his mate understood. He wondered if she’d found her other Master. If she had, her Master would follow her, search for her. If the legends were true, her Master would be powerless to stop himself.

  He peered at her after parking the car in his garage. She was sitting silent, her hands clasped together in her lap, her expression glum.

  She needed gentle reassurance. Patience and understanding. The fire burning through his veins would make it hard for him to be patient, but he would try his best.

  He had been put through the most rigorous Excoluni training. It tried a man’s self control and strength on every level. Yet, he suspected it would be nothing compared to the challenge of resisting the urge to take Sylvie before she was ready.

  A Master serves his submissive first. Her needs must come before his own. Always.

  Those words had meant a great deal to him. He remembered them whenever he took a new submissive to his dungeon. But now their meaning took on a new importance. They were more than polite reminders. They were the key to his sanity.

  He shut off the car and gave her one last look. She was staring down at her hands. Still. She hadn’t moved since they’d left her friend’s house. “Are you sure you aren’t hurt?”

  “I’m fine. Just… very tired.” She gave him an empty smile.

  Guilt pricked him. He should wait, let her rest. Tomorrow night would be soon enough. “Remain here. I’ll get the door for you.”

  She sat obediently and waited for him to walk around to the passenger side and open her door. And she politely thanked him when he offered her a hand as she exited the vehicle. He was overjoyed when she left her tiny hand in his as they walked into the house.

  “This way. You may sleep in the guestroom tonight.”

  She gave him a slightly brighter smile. “Thanks.”

  It nearly killed him but he allowed himself the pleasure of only a small kiss on her forehe
ad before leaving her. Even that brief contact of his mouth to her skin left his cock painfully erect and his balls heavy.

  The needs of a submissive must always come before the needs of her Master.

  “Goodnight, Miko,” she said, meeting his gaze for the first time since they’d left the bar.

  He mentally reached for her mind, to psychically send her soothing thoughts. What he found, however, as he gently prodded her mind had the opposite effect on him.

  She had found her other Master.

  He was Langton. The murderer.

  “Rest,” he heard himself murmur. “We will talk later.”

  * * *

  Sylvie woke up some untold hours later. She felt better, although she wasn’t exactly in the mood to sing a cheery tune.

  Miko, being the thoughtful guy he’d revealed himself to be last night, seemed to have anticipated her every need. Her room was warm, her bed comfy. And there was a tray sitting on the nightstand with a pot of piping hot coffee and a dish covered with a metal lid to keep the food warm. She salivated at the scent of bacon but made herself wait to eat until after she downed her first cup of coffee.

  It was positively delicious, better than the stuff she paid a small fortune for occasionally at the local coffee shop. Sigh. And sigh.

  She could get used to this treatment.

  She wondered how Burke and Isabella were doing. Had they been able to sneak into Lisa’s house? Were they safe?

  The phone sitting on the nightstand on the other side of her bed jangled. She set her coffee cup down and scooted across the bed, tipping the receiver to peer at the caller ID.


  She scooped up the receiver and answered, “Hello?”

  “Hey. Just calling to make sure you’re okay. We didn’t get to talk much last night.”

  “I’m a little better. I think I slept a week. What time is it?” Sylvie asked, searching the room for a clock.

  “It’s almost five.”

  “Five? Holy crap. Five at night?” She emptied her coffee cup in a series of frantic gulps and refilled it. “Did you talk to the detective?”

  “Yeah. He said you can open up tomorrow.”

  “Excellent. I can’t afford to stay closed any longer than necessary. I’m in deep shit.”

  “I told you I’d help --”

  “No,” she interrupted before her friend offered yet again to bail her out of financial trouble. Living in poverty sucked. Using people you loved sucked even more. She had nightmares about her past, about being homeless and scared and cold. But she wouldn’t stoop to taking money from her friends. No way. “I told you I won’t take a loan I can’t pay back.”

  Her friend’s sigh sounded as tired as Sylvie felt. “Can you get to the bar tomorrow?”

  “I don’t see why not.”

  “Okay. Call me if you need me.”

  “Will do. Thanks.”

  “Gotta go. Bye.”

  Sylvie hung up the phone and devoured the absolutely delicious breakfast Miko had left for her. Cheese omelet, bacon, sausage, fruit salad. The man was a god, although the hearty eating was not going to do her figure any favors.

  Stuffed to the point of shame, she took care of some personal issues in the attached bathroom then poked around the closet to see if he’d been so kind as to whip up a new wardrobe for her while she was sleeping.

  Good-golly, he had.

  I’m in love.

  Yes, it was a little shallow falling in instant love with a man who had magically produced some food and clothing, especially after saying farewell -- temporarily or not -- to Burke last night. But she’d been stressed lately. She was due for some shallow indulgence.

  Okay, maybe her justifications were a little lame.

  Actually, she’d thought long and hard about this whole thing last night, or rather this morning. She’d laid in bed, her eyes closed, her thoughts her only company. And she’d worked through some things.

  She missed Burke, no doubt about it. A part of her physically ached after leaving him last night. That pain hadn’t eased even a tiny bit, and she figured it probably wouldn’t until they were together again. But pain in any form was an old friend to her in some ways. It never left her, not as long as she could remember. So, it was pathetic, but the pain of leaving Burke added a little to the already enormous burden she carted around every day. Like a dull throbbing headache. She just kind of got used to it and moved on. Always had to keep going. That was life.

  Whether she was truly ready to accept it or not, Miko was a part of her life too. He might be a virtual stranger to her now, but deep down inside she knew he was destined to become an important part of her future, as big a part as Burke. Eventually they would all be together. It was just a matter of time.

  She was ready. Ready to face Miko. To face the hunger that had been plain in his eyes last night. He’d been kind by denying himself last night, kind and patient. She knew he wouldn’t be able to resist today.

  She knew something else as well. She knew she’d want him as much as he’d want her. Regardless of any preconceived notions of what love and relationships she’d had for the first twenty-something years of her life, she’d accepted the fact that these men did something to her that no human ever would. And she decided to allow herself to embrace it. She wouldn’t fight the overwhelming desire any longer.

  They needed each other. All three of them. They would not be complete until their circle had been closed. There was no reason to be scared or guilty. Despite what she’d grown up believing, wanting, needing -- even loving -- two men was possible. She could do it. There was room in her heart for both Miko and Burke.

  Perhaps she would love them differently. She didn’t know yet. But she knew for a fact she would love them with everything she was.

  She passed up the tailored blouses, slacks and skirts and went to the lingerie. A short black sheer nightgown caught her eye. It was uber-sexy in an understated, sophisticated way. As she expected, it fit her perfectly, covered everything it needed to while enhancing what it should. It was the outfit to greet her new Master in.

  If she was going to spend the rest of her life as a submissive to two absolutely drool-worthy vampires, she was going to do it whole-heartedly. And with style.

  Was there any other way? Really?

  At the faint metallic sound of the doorknob rattling, she lowered herself to her knees, rested her hands on her thighs and waited. He was coming to her. She hoped he would be pleased.

  Her heart racing, she kept her gaze lowered and watched a set of well-shod feet step inside and pause. Did all vampires have a thing for expensive shoes?

  Silent, he pushed the door closed, walked to her and stopped.

  She wasn’t sure if he expected her to look up at him or not. She took a chance and glanced up.

  He was looking down upon her intently. He nodded. “I see your other Master has taught you well.”

  “He hasn’t had much of a chance, really. We were together for such a short time before we were separated.”

  “How long?”

  “Less than two days.”

  “I will keep that in mind.” He circled her and she felt her face flush with excitement and embarrassment. The sheer material didn’t hide much, and she’d never felt particularly comfortable with her body.

  “The clothing suits you perfectly. You look lovely.” His voice was rich and warm and comforting.

  Some of her self-consciousness faded. The heat gathering in her belly didn’t though. If anything, his sweet compliment cranked it up a notch or two. “Thank you.” The sight of him in his black trousers and unbuttoned white shirt cranked it up another six or seven.

  He was in some ways very different from Burke. But in other ways he was similar. He was every bit as handsome. Every bit as muscular. Every bit as sexy. How was it that she’d been chosen to be with two absolutely gorgeous men?

  “Do you miss your Master?”

  She hadn’t expected that question. Not now. Not when th
ey were about to… do whatever they were about to do. She tipped her head up again and looked him in the eye.

  “I suspect I know your answer but I want to hear you say it,” he said.

  “Yes. I do miss him. Even though we were together for such a short time, there was something there. A connection. It was very strong -- is very strong.”

  He nodded. “It’s something only an Origo and her Masters can know. How quickly and intensely the bonds form.”

  “Does it bother you? That I miss him?”

  “No. It is as it should be. We are three parts of one. Burke, you and me.” He took her hand in his and gently pulled, urging her to her feet. When she stood, he ran his fingertip along the lace trim at the nightgown’s plunging neckline. “I feel the ache of his absence too. It’s more compelling than I expected it to be. Complicates things a bit.” He licked his lips.

  How would he taste? Would the first kiss be as sweet as Burke’s? Would he kiss her roughly, his tongue darting in and out of her mouth, his lips firm? Or would the kiss be soft and sensuous? Staring at his mouth, she murmured, “How?”

  He pushed one narrow strap off her shoulder. Her breath caught in her throat as he lowered his head. “I want to feed from you. I need to feed from you. But I can’t.” He nipped her skin and she flinched at the sting. “I have to resist. I can have you in all ways but that. Without the Binding complete, I can’t take even a taste of your essence. Yet that is the one thing I will be compelled to do. The hunger is the worst kind of agony.” He nipped again, this time lower on her shoulder. “I am sworn to bring him to justice. If he is executed for murder, I will never be able to feed from you. And the hunger will only grow and grow.” As if to illustrate or make his point, he dragged his tongue down the side of her neck. She was instantly coated in goose bumps.

  She closed her eyes. This man had barely touched her. A couple of nips, a lick. Yet the moment was soooo erotic. It was difficult to remain standing, to remain still.


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