The Alpha's Touch Boxed Set (14 Book Bundle)

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The Alpha's Touch Boxed Set (14 Book Bundle) Page 43

by Taylor, Tawny

  Sighing, I returned my attention to the clothes. The selection was mind boggling, but not a single piece belonged to me. Every last blouse, skirt, bra, bustier, piece of hosiery, dress and set of heels had been bought and delivered before we even arrived at the palatial estate the three men shared.

  I threw Daniel a pout over my shoulder. "I still don't understand why I can't have my clothes."

  His mouth turned into a squiggle and color flashed across his cheeks like the lights on a fashion police squad car. He glanced away, his customary ultra-calm façade in place once more when he looked back.

  "Baby girl, it would be child's play for someone to have gone into your apartment without anyone knowing. Your clothes at home could be contaminated, they could have tracking devices in them." He stopped, a familiar scowl twisting his features. "If you'd let me do a security sweep of your apartment, I might consider having your clothes brought here."

  "No." I shook my head. We had been over this at least a dozen times today. I didn't want Daniel or strangers pawing through my granny panties. A few days on and Daniel would have this all figured out. He, Hunter and Aldon would realize the culprit had chosen me as an easy target because I open all the executive mail. No one had a reason to target me beyond that, so my apartment and clothes did not need examined.

  "If you don't like these, I can get you a video shopper tomorrow. One of the clerks will walk around the shop with a camera and you can pick what you like and have it delivered."

  Stepping closer, he brushed the back of his fingers against my bare arm. My bare arm was part of the problem. Whomever Daniel had called to arrange the purchase and delivery didn't have a conservative bone in his or her body.

  The whole store might be stocked exclusively with revealing clothing, which was unacceptable. My clothes had sleeves, most of them down to my wrists. The selection on the bed, while beautiful and expensive, was all sleeveless, with matching silk or pashmina shawls in case things got chilly. The necklines belonged to a much more revealing woman, too, and most of the hemlines would leave me in a constant state of worry that my lady bits would be on display, particularly with no underwear.

  "They're beautiful, but--"

  "No buts then. Gina picked everything and she knows exactly what Aldon and I like." Daniel wrapped one of the silk shawls around my shoulders, his arm lingering to lead me from the room. "Everything will look and feel better after you've had a bite to eat. I think we all missed lunch and dinner. Aldon ordered food brought to the library."

  Like a lamb to slaughter, I let Daniel guide me to the library. Already there, Aldon sat at one end of a big leather couch. In front of him, several small platters of food rested on the coffee table along with a bottle of wine aerating. Seeing us enter, he poured three glasses.

  Noticing just the three glasses, I felt the slow creep of fresh panic at Hunter's absence. Aldon and Daniel had reputations both in and outside the company -- reputations that made the bathroom incident surprising only in Aldon having selected me to receive his attention. Hunter's presence would ensure that Daniel and Aldon behaved like gentlemen.

  I also was worried about my third boss. He had reached across to squeeze or pat my shoulder several times during the limo ride to the estate. He had repeated the gesture so many times that Daniel tried to switch places with him, but Hunter refused. Upon arriving at the estate, however, he immediately disappeared without even saying goodbye.

  "Where is Hunter?" Had he heard something? Had someone other than Daniel witnessed me near creaming in Aldon's arms and snitched to him?

  Aldon waited to answer until Daniel herded me onto the couch and sat down. I realized I was boxed in by a boss on each side. The heavy oak coffee table blocked any forward exit. Aldon put a wine glass in my hand then relaxed against the back of the couch, his body facing me.

  "He's in the gym, still strung out from the scare."

  I nodded. Hunter was slightly obsessive once he started an activity. Nothing wrong with that -- it made him a great researcher. Despite the lab coat I usually saw him in, he clearly spent a lot of time in the gym, where he was probably every bit as obsessive.

  Leaning in, Aldon brushed a strand of hair behind my ear. His finger trailed down until his hand curled around the back of my neck. "We'll make sure he gets everything he needs, pet, I promise."

  Aldon sounded like pure sex, especially when he called me pet. I wanted to close my eyes and melt into his touch, even as I reminded myself I could not afford a repeat of what had happened that afternoon in the executive bathroom.

  Smiling, Aldon guided my hand toward my mouth. "Take a sip, Casey. You're still too tense."

  Tense didn't cover it. I was on guard. I couldn't let Aldon seduce me again. I'd heard all the rumors about him and Daniel and I knew from my tenure at Whitsun that their shared playthings never lasted long. When their interest inevitably waned, I would have a broken heart and no job because there was no way I could put myself through the torture of working anywhere near them after that.

  I didn't even want to think about how Hunter would view me if heard about the bathroom incident. I'd seen him turn his mouth down too many times at his friends' conquests to think he had any respect for the women who shared their bed.

  Aldon coaxed the glass a little closer. "You're safe with us. We have extra men patrolling the grounds. You can relax."

  I hesitated then sipped the wine. From my left, Daniel offered me the small beef tip he held between his fingers. The gesture too intimate, I had no intention of letting him feed me but Aldon skimmed his palm down my thigh. My pressed lips parted involuntarily. Daniel slipped the tender morsel of meat between them.

  Inching closer, he stroked my cheek and watched me chew.

  I swallowed, leaned forward, and placed my glass on the table. I was in danger of getting a big buzz from even a small sip. With my hands shaking, I was also certain to spill wine all over the expensive dress Daniel had bought.

  Leaning back, I felt Aldon's arm slide around my shoulder as Daniel placed his low around my waist. Tensing, I looked between them.

  "What's going on?"

  Loud dummy bells clanged in my head, but I couldn't admit the possibility that my two bosses were making a concerted move on me. I wasn't anything like their playthings, neither in looks nor behavior. They would be far better served having me as their competent, cheerful executive assistant for the next decade than using me for a few weeks.

  I winced, knowing anything between me and my billionaire bosses wouldn't last a few weeks or even days. Their women were not only beautiful and graceful; by all appearances, they also were highly experienced.


  Not so experienced. Aldon was the first man other than my doctor to touch me down there, the first man to stroke his tongue inside my mouth and whisper all the delicious, dirty words that had tripped past his sweet lips.

  "Guys, whatever this is, it's not happening."

  I spoke without acting. Dread and a sharp, sensual anticipation froze me in place. Truth was, I badly wanted their hands on me. I just didn't want the consequences -- the tears, the accelerating disinterest, the eventual turning away.

  As he had that afternoon, Aldon countered with his fingers. Ignoring my shocked gasp, he smoothed the tips under my hem and up my thighs, frowning when they brushed against the lower band of my underwear.

  Angling his head, he addressed Daniel. "I thought we agreed, no panties?"

  I gasped again, which caused Daniel to chuckle. His hand following after Aldon's, he reached the elastic band and gave it a little snap. "These are today's. I couldn't exactly strip them off before we discussed things with her, could I?"

  Discussed things?

  I sucked a little air in, my throat too tight to manage a full breath. Aldon nuzzled my neck at the same time, tightening every other muscle in my body. He ran one finger under the band, hooking and tugging as he kissed below my ear and whispered just loud enough that Daniel and I could hear.

et, I'm certain today's panties are too wet to still be wearing. Your pussy was delightfully responsive and I couldn't fail to notice that wiggle of your sweet, lush ass the entire drive here. I bet your clit is all achy and you're soaking."

  Daniel started on the other side of my throat, his hand mirroring Aldon's under my dress. "They will be too wet in a few seconds, regardless. Let us take them off, love."

  Again with the love! These men didn't play fair. I pushed and wiggled, searching for a little distance and finding none. "You don't understand. I'm not like the women you're used to."

  "We want you, pet -- not anyone else." Aldon dipped his head until his mouth hovered over the bodice of sheer georgette and the betraying pucker of my nipple. He breathed warm, moist air through the fabric, the sensation drawing the flesh tighter.

  "I mean, they are experienced…" I hesitated, trying to get my brain to catch up with my mouth. If I told them the awful truth, would they realize their mistake and back off? "I haven't exactly…"

  I drew a shuddering breath in. There was no way I could admit to these two, gorgeous males I'd lusted after for a year and a half that I was twenty-six and untouched. It would be like revealing a second head. I didn't want them to desire me; that would be too complicated and heartbreaking in the end. But I wanted them to like me and they wouldn't if they understood what an ugly little freak I was.

  "Love, do you mean…" Daniel trailed off. His hand moved from my lower back to tangle in my hair, forcing me to look at him.

  I closed my eyes. Nothing would make me open them, nothing.


  His other hand surfed back up my thigh, fingers easing between my labia to push just inside my pussy with a gentle and exploratory touch.

  My eyes flew open.

  The first thing I noticed was how beautiful Daniel was. He was handsome on his worst days, but his pupils had grown almost as large as the gray irises restraining them. His lips were parted and flushed with the same dark red spotting his high cheeks.

  His fingers moved a fraction deeper and we both sucked in air at the same time.

  He was touching it, that thin, membranous badge that told him exactly how undesirable I was to other men. His fingers retreated. He drew them toward his lips. I watched, mortified and mesmerized, as he sucked the tips into his mouth and his eyes drifted shut.

  "Precious, love."

  "Really?" Aldon's strangled query broke between his hot puffs of air against my neck.

  Daniel opened his eyes, nodded slowly then kissed me.

  Kissed me -- slow and tender and completely. His tongue moved against mine as Aldon's fingers raked the hair covering my mound. I surrendered to Daniel's mouth, the tension in my thighs easing with my capitulation. Parting my labia, Aldon gently tested the truth for himself. Groaning, he licked and sucked at my throat as Daniel drew me deeper into the kiss.

  Daniel's hand drifted to the bodice of my dress and I knew then why he preferred plunging necklines on his women. His fingers slipped inside to capture my breast, tugging and pinching at the nipple while his other hand controlled the tilt of my head. Between my legs, Aldon explored the line of my clit, spending long seconds bossing the little pearl tucked under the hood before he stroked its swollen spine with a soft, lilting pressure.

  Assaulted from both sides, every warning inside my head fell silent and I lost myself. I couldn't be Casey Mack, Miss Responsible, while they touched me like that. I could be nothing more than the sum of my nerve endings, each one on fire.

  I mewled, the sound muted but not lost to Daniel's kiss. Another groan from Aldon then his teeth grazed against my collarbone. He flipped the bottom half of my dress up before tugging my panties down, my hips lifting to assist him.

  "No." Abandoning my breast, Daniel wrapped his hand around Aldon's wrist. "This is Hunter's."


  Hunter was far removed from their occasional flings. Why would Daniel even think Hunter wanted me?

  "I just…" Aldon stopped to lick between my breasts, "I want to make her come. She wouldn't allow it after you barged in."

  I couldn't admit it, but I badly needed him to deliver that relief. My hips lifted and pushed, coaxing him to ignore Daniel.

  "Sorry, brother, but I can't trust you any more than I trust myself." Daniel threaded his fingers through Aldon's, stopping all the sweet petting even as Daniel continued kissing me. "I want her coming and quivering, too. I want to ease my cock into her lovely, tight, dripping cunt…" He stopped, lost for a moment in sucking at my throat, my head rolling back to accommodate his kisses. "How can you want any less?"

  Groaning his protest, my big, bad CEO boss flung himself against the leather armrest. His hand reached along his crotch to adjust the thick bulge beneath the front panel of his slacks before he covered his face.

  I bit at my lip, my fingers curling and stretching with need.

  "Sorry, baby." Daniel's lips whispered across my cheek. "You need to go into this knowing exactly what we need from you and what we're offering."

  So they weren't rejecting me, at least not yet. I dragged a rough breath in as I fought to bring my mutinous body under control. "What do you mean, this?"

  Daniel cleared his throat, his fingers stretching beyond my body to push at Aldon's knee. Aldon lowered his hand from his face. Frowning, he patted his chest. His other hand captured my elbow and gently tugged me closer. Understanding that he wanted me to rest my head against him, I relented, letting a little of my weight sink onto him.

  He threaded his arm around my shoulder, forcing me closer so that I had to relax against him completely or resist. I relaxed, closing my eyes as he explained.

  "This, pet, is everything and forever." Aldon stroked my shoulder. "Daniel, Hunter and I are a package deal."

  Thinking of Hunter, I tightened against Aldon. They both shushed me, their hands smoothing along my flesh until I surrendered again.

  "There are a lot of reasons, keeping Whitsun intact, the bond we have…" Aldon stopped. His fingers stroked against the underside of my chin until I looked at him. "You understand about the bond, Casey?"

  I nodded. I understood, at least a little from what had made the news. The three of them had met in Iraq, Aldon a connected but disinherited rich boy serving as an attaché, Hunter an engineer and Daniel part of the special security team assigned to protect them. The rest of that team was dead, the three Whitsun founders the only survivors of what should have been a routine site visit.

  They had spent more than a dozen days trapped, the other members of their party picked off one by one. Hunter had nearly died from blood loss and infection after a grenade exploded close to him. Drugged and recovering in the hospital, Daniel and Aldon refusing to leave his side, he had conceived GreenStar and dictated early, half coherent details to them.

  The ambush and Hunter's recovery had made the three men closer than brothers. They were always finishing one another's sentences, seemed to sense the other's presence no matter how far apart they were, and they shared everything.

  Now, if I understood Aldon correctly, they wanted to share me, all three of them. But forever? They didn't strike me as forever kind of guys, at least when it had anything to do with the women they took to bed.

  I buried my face against Aldon's chest, my body going tight all over again.

  "Aldon, you need to tell Casey the most important reason." I could hear the gentle admonishment in Daniel's voice. It was the same tone he had used upon finding me in Whitsun's parking lot after hours with a flat tire and no spare and each of the other dozen plus times he had discovered me doing something slightly or extremely dangerous.

  Lifting my head, I looked from Daniel and back to Aldon. Eyes pressed tightly shut, Aldon chewed at his bottom lip. When he opened his eyes, his grip on me tightened. He strained his head forward, his mouth meeting mine and his tongue forcing my lips apart in a commanding kiss.

  Daniel's hands rubbed absently along my hip and bottom and I knew I was in danger of losin
g my panties before either man answered me.

  "None of that." I rolled, almost falling onto the floor but managing to get into a sitting position and keep both men's hands off me. "Tell me this other reason."

  Aldon growled, the vibrations stirring the fine hairs along my skin as his lips brushed against my ear. "I want my hands on you when I tell you I love you, pet. That Hunter loves you--"

  "That I love you," Daniel finished, his hand dodging mine to cup a breast. His thumb stroked the nipple. "For years, it was nothing but a lot of talk, the three of us finding one woman who could share our life forever. Maybe it was an excuse to play together instead of being pulled in three different directions."

  He gave my nipple a tweak, ensuring I understood what "play" meant.

  "Then you came to Whitsun and things fell into place -- for all of us."

  Daniel stopped talking, his mouth zeroing in on my throat once more. Aldon approached from the opposite side, his sea-green gaze lazy and hot as he licked center of his top lip.

  "No!" I planted a palm against their faces and pushed. "I'm not going to argue with you about your feelings, although I would dearly love to disagree--"

  "Why?" They spoke in unison, each curling a hand around my wrist to kiss and suck at my fingers.

  I exhaled a hot breath of air, exasperation puffing my cheeks like a blowfish. I could fill a notebook with reasons, at least one full page having nothing to do with my body, my lack of experience or my all-too-common status. I yanked my hands from theirs and folded my arms across my breasts before crossing my legs. They weren't going to pet or kiss or lick me into submission again.

  "Forget about why," I snapped. "It doesn't matter because you're wrong about Hunter, absolutely wrong!"

  "How many times did he touch you in the limo?" Daniel brushed his fingers through my hair, his breath warm against my cheek as he asked his question.


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