The Alpha's Touch Boxed Set (14 Book Bundle)

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The Alpha's Touch Boxed Set (14 Book Bundle) Page 54

by Taylor, Tawny

  But she and Lori had refused so far. Just because they were friends, and he’s seen them share the occasional kiss and cuddle in the dressing room or alley didn’t mean they wanted to take that on stage. Mack had backed off for now, but Nikki knew he’d be after them again.

  Lori’s music ended and as she walked off the stage past Nikki, she gave her a sharp smack on her ass.

  “Hey!” Nikki spun around, hand on her backside.

  “For good luck, sweetheart. Besides, I love your ass…all of it. And I wanted to be the first one of the night who got to slap it.” Lori sashayed her way to the dressing room, hips swinging, putting as much into her walk as she could, while batting her eyelashes at Nikki over her shoulder.

  Nikki’s music started and she let the first few bars of Welcome to the Jungle play before she strutted onto the stage. Catcalls and whistles greeted her as she danced her way into the light and toward the crowd.

  The other girls teased her for using what they called old-school music, but there was nothing like Axl Rose’s screaming voice to get the crowd wound up, and to get her own heart pounding. And for those who knew the song – those old enough to remember - they’d recognize her costume, the short skirt and sheer black stockings, with the seam up the back, from the brief glimpse of the girl in the opening shots of the video.

  Even if they didn’t catch it, it didn’t matter; she really wasn’t dressed for very long anyway. She liked the song well enough, and began slowly stripping, the sheer blouse first to go, and then the skirt, down to just the stockings and garter belt, sheer black bra and her ridiculously high heels. ‘Fuck me’ pumps, as Lori called them. More like break an ankle pumps. But they did make her legs look miles long.

  She worked her way down the stage, her body moving to the beat, feeling wonderful, lush and sexy and erotic. It got her all wound up, got her hot sometimes even though it wasn’t where she wanted to be. But it was her job and she might as well enjoy some part of it.

  Sometimes, just to make the night bearable she’d pick one guy in the crowd and dance just for him, even if he couldn’t see she was looking at him. That one guy was her focus and she’d dance to images of his hands on her body, his mouth on hers, bending her over a table and taking her hard. For that one dance, she’d make him into her ideal man. But when her dance was finished, she never sought that man out, never. It would have ruined whatever fantasy she’d created while she wiggled and shimmied her way through her set.

  She wished there really was just one guy she could dance for, someone who wanted her for her and not because she was a stripper in a seedy club under the Interstate. Not a married guy out looking for a quick slap and tickle, but a man who would truly love her. And take her away from all of this.

  Sometimes, after her routine was finished, she was so full of pent up sexual energy, and tension, that working her way through the crowd was exactly what she wanted. The hands that touched her when they shouldn’t. The power she felt when she sat some guy in a chair in a private room, knowing he had a hard on because of her. Taking him to the edge, over and over, never really touching him, doing it all with just the movements of her body, her eyes, her words. It was a perverse kind of power, but power nonetheless. And then taking their money.

  Sometimes she’d come close to an orgasm, her body infused with arousal, throbbing and aching for release. But not with any of these men. Never. It was nights like that when she’d find Lori. And then it would all be better. As much as she loved men, Lori did things to her, knew her in a way no one else did, understood her like no one else. It wasn’t perfect and even though it took care of that one physical need, it still left her feeling empty, aching for something else, for a deeper connection. But she pushed that need aside.

  Nikki was on her hands and knees now, back arched, slinking her way to the end of the narrow strip of stage that extended into the crowd. There were a few guys who grabbed at her, but she skillfully avoided them. There were always a few.

  By the end of the song, she was at the end of the stage, eye level with the guys sitting closest. She recognized a few, gave them that special smile she reserved just for them, and gyrated through the last few bars of the song.

  As the music stopped and she stood, looking up, eyes sliding over the tables of hooting men, the same every night, all turned on by the fantasy she created. The lights were hot and blinding, but through them she saw him. Or she thought she did, hoped she did. Her heart skipped a beat.

  Tall, black hair, staring right at her. Again. He’d been there for three nights running and she’d hoped he’d be standing there tonight, watching her. She could never find him while she danced and she didn’t want to. But when she was finished, she’d look up and there he’d be. Their eyes would meet and for a brief moment all the noise and smells and chaos of the club would fade.

  Nikki had no idea who he was, or why he did what he did to her, but he took her breath away. And it bothered her that she even noticed him at all, that she’d started looking for him in the crowd. Customers weren’t supposed to turn into anything other than money in her pocket. Getting attached spelled trouble. She’d seen it happen and she should know better by now.

  But for the last three nights, by the time she’d gotten dressed and came back out on the floor, he’d be gone. While there were always regulars in the club, guys who came just to see her, she’d never missed them if they weren’t there and she never went searching for them, anticipated seeing them…wanted to see them. She never let herself care. Caring was too dangerous.

  Lori was lounging in the dressing room, wearing a sheer robe, long legs crossed, perched on the edge of the sagging couch, long legs crossed. Nikki made a bee-line for her locker, pulling out filmy bits of clothing, flinging most of it to the floor in frustration, searching for the perfect outfit.

  “You late for something, Nikki?” Lori straightened, watching Nikki intently through a haze of cigarette smoke. “Oh, wait. Your mystery guy is out there, right? I knew it.”

  Lori leaned back again, idly swinging one leg as she watched Nikki frantically pulling on a pair of fishnet stockings.

  “You know Mack wants us to mingle, not play favorites. Even if the guy is drop dead gorgeous. And…” Lori stood, stubbing out her cigarette before stretching her arms over her head. “Even if he smells divine.”

  Nikki whirled around. “How do you know what he smells like?”

  Lori laughed. “You should see the look on your face, love.” She walked over and reached out, pinching Nikki’s cheek. “I have no idea what he smells like. But you’re smitten, kitten. And that’s not wise. Mixing business with pleasure is a recipe for disaster and you know it.”

  “Don’t you have some place to be, like out on the floor?” Nikki pulled a pink baby doll top over her head, adjusting the top to accommodate her ample breasts. Lori leaned against the next locker, watching her.

  “Yeah, I’m getting there. Needed a rest. Rough night this morning.” Her eyes traveled over Nikki’s body. “You need help getting dressed? I’d be happy to lend you a hand.”

  Lori reached out, fingers sliding up Nikki’s arm.

  Nikki slapped Lori’s hand away, laughing. “I’m perfectly capable of getting dressed myself, doll.” She gave the skimpy top of her outfit another tug. “There’s just a little more of me than there is of this outfit.”

  “I can see that.” Lori pushed herself away from the wall. “In your line of work, less is more, you know. Less clothing, that is. Not less of you.” She dropped her robe to the floor, checking the reflection of her tawny body in the mirror.

  “I see how the guys look at you and then I think I should put on a couple pounds.” She ran her hands down her sides, over her flat stomach, turning side to side.

  Nikki frowned at her friend. “Why on earth would you do that? You’re beautiful, just like you are.”

  “Yeah. I know…but sometimes. I see how the guys look at you,” she repeated. Lori caught Nikki’s gaze in the mirror. “All those
lush curves, big boobs, hips they can hang on to. They must imagine fucking you is like diving into a vat of whipped cream…sweet and soft and delicious.”

  Nikki laughed. What else could she do? Lori had been saying outrageous things like that for as long as she’d known her, going back as far as high school. It was one of the things Nikki loved about her.

  She bent over, dragging a brush through her hair, trying to get it big and sexy. She flipped it back, hurriedly smoothing the top layer with her hands.

  “I guess that’s all I can do.” She pushed in front of Lori at the mirror. “Excuse me…some of us have to work for a living.” Lori sighed dramatically, rolling her eyes for effect and sauntered over to her locker.

  Nikki ran a finger across her lipstick, wiping away an errant smudge and inspected her eyeliner and mascara. She glanced over at Lori, still half-dressed, still bare foot. She scowled, tapping her foot.

  Lori grabbed a black g-string, pulling it up her narrow hips and then started tugging on a black leather bustier that fit her like a second skin. She waved her hand in Nikki’s general direction.

  “Go on. You’re going to miss him if you wait for me.” Lori winked. “And that would be tragic.”

  Nikki left the cramped, dingy dressing room, a strange mix of anticipation and dread settling into the pit of her stomach. Recipe for disaster said it all, but the thrill outweighed all thought of caution.

  The crowd was facing the stage, watching the next dancer, someone new that Nikki didn’t know. She thought her stage name was Neon, but she wasn’t sure. And right now, she didn’t really care. Her eyes were scanning the back of the room, searching for any tall man with dark hair. But there wasn’t anyone that looked like her guy.

  Nikki’s heart sank and she breathed out a sigh tinged with relief. She had turned toward the bar for her one free drink of the night when she felt someone at her shoulder.

  “Looking for someone?”

  The voice was rich and deep, and it sent a shiver down her spine. She knew it was him, knew it in her bones, without even looking. She briefly closed her eyes, drew a breath and turned around, with what she hoped was a seductive smile on her lips.

  “I just might be…” Her words faded as she looked at the man standing in front of her.

  It was him. But up close he was even more breathtaking. Tall and lean, but muscular, with black hair cut short, exposing a chiseled, square jaw and sculpted face, this was the guy. Same black t-shirt and black jeans. Nikki’s breath caught in her throat and she knew she was staring, knew it was rude, but she was powerless to look away and found herself completely powerless to speak.

  His lips were curved into a sensuous line, an amused smile as he watched her, and it was all she could do not to reach out and run her fingers over his lips. She finally looked up into his eyes and blinked.

  They were gray, almost silver, like moonlight on a winter night. The shiver she felt intensified and she impulsively wrapped her arms around herself.

  The man tilted his head, his smile deepening, clearly enjoying her reaction. “Would you like a drink?”

  Nikki finally found her voice. “Yeah…yes. I would. Thank you.”

  With lithe grace the man moved to the bar, steering Nikki in front of him, his hand on the small of her back, easily cutting through the crush of men crowded at the rail. Behind the bar Sam caught her eye briefly before looking at the man.

  “The lady’s usual, and I’ll have a Campari and soda.”

  Sam, the bartender nodded, moving down the bar. The man’s hand was still on her back and her skin was on fire, as if the outline of his hand was being seared into her flesh.

  “Do you have a name?” He’d bent close to her, his breath stirring the hair near her ear.

  She turned toward him and his lips brushed lightly against her cheek.

  “Nikki. I’m Nikki”

  Their lips were almost touching, his eyes locked with hers. Nikki leaned forward, yearning for contact, aching for his kiss.

  “Nikki, drinks.” She heard the thud of the glasses hitting the bar, Sam’s voice sharp in her ears. The not-so-subtle reminder: take it to a private room and make them pay. Nothing was free in Mack’s club.

  The man straightened, retrieving the drinks, handing Nikki hers. She took a long swallow, feeling instant warmth spreading out from her center.

  “And what’s your name?” She leaned into the man, her hand on his arm, pulling him toward the private rooms, finally remembering she was at work and this should be a paying customer, nothing less and nothing more.

  But there was so much more here she wanted, more than just giving this guy a lap dance and sending him home with a hard on and a memory. She didn’t know why this was happening, but this man was stirring up a storm inside her that no amount of shimmying and shaking was going to quell. She needed something more from him and it wasn’t something she was going to get here at the club. For the first time in her life as a dancer, she seriously considered taking this guy home.

  “My name is Jax.” He took a sip of his drink, his eyes never leaving Nikki’s face.

  “You’ve been here before. Are you looking for something special?” She caressed his arm, her fingers trailing over his skin, over the hard muscles beneath. He watched her hand and she had the sense of predator watching prey. And that sent another thrill through her body. Two could play at that game.

  “I might be.” His eyes moved over her body, lingering on every curve she had.

  “Let’s take this some place private.” Nikki took his hand, leading him to one of the many small private rooms that ringed the side of the room, putting as much sway into her hips as she could. She unhooked the curtain to the room, letting it fall closed behind them.

  He was gorgeous, all long legs, narrow waist and taut ass. The image of him with his broad, muscular chest and shoulders hovering inches above her, his skin flushed with heat as he rose naked and ready sprang into her mind and the intensity of the vision made her gasp.

  She was wound up from dancing, in the zone, and the thought of having this man totally under her spell, at her mercy, set her heart racing. She took another swallow of her drink before setting it on the small ledge that ran around the room.

  “Have a seat.” She nodded toward the room’s only chair and took Jax’s drink, setting it next to hers. With a smile, she plucked the cherry from her glass, turning back to Jax, her tongue flicking out to slowly caress the red cherry. He was sitting in the chair, looking relaxed and confident, watching her intently.

  “Rules. We have them and you have to abide, otherwise…you’re out.” She pouted, tilting her head.

  “And I really wouldn’t want you to leave. Not until we’ve gotten to know each other better. So the deal is, I can touch you, but you have to keep your hands to yourself, mister.”

  Jax looked up at her, his eyes locked with hers. “In here, you’re the boss, lady. I do as you say.” And then he smiled, his lips slowly curving up at the corners. Nikki’s knees went a little shaky and she wondered if she was going to manage to dance for this guy without falling off her heels. She took a deep breath, twisting her torso so that she was partially back to, her ass was pointed at him and she gave it a shake. Teasingly, she wrapped her lips around the cherry before pulling it from the stem with her teeth. She dropped it to the floor.

  Nikki started to move, dancing slowly toward Jax. She bent forward, put her hands on his knees, gently pushing his legs apart while giving him a good view down the front of her outfit, shaking her shoulders just enough to set her breasts swaying.

  He’d put his hands on the arms of the chair and kept them there as she straightened, gyrating between his legs before turning her back to him, bending and twisting, giving him a good show.

  She turned back to face him, resting her hands on the arms of his chair. As she slid her body up his, her breasts brushing against his chest, she felt his hands move, covering hers. She tensed for a moment. With any other customer, she’d have stopped
the dance and left the room, called Frank the bouncer and had the guy tossed out.

  But this was different, really different. She drew in a sharp breath, her dance coming to an abrupt stop. His eyes were locked with Jax’s, her heart thudding in her chest. Different, and dangerous. And it was everything she wanted.

  Without thinking Nikki leaned forward, lips parted. Jax slowly ran his hands up her arms, his fingers leaving behind a trail of goose bumps on her skin.

  “I…” Her voice was barely a whisper, tinged dark with lust.

  “Shhhh...” He sat forward; his lips so close to hers she could feel his breath, smell his masculine scent. His eyes drew her closer, held her enthralled, captive.

  When his lips brushed against hers, it sent a wave of heat through her body. She shuddered, closing her eyes, letting him claim her lips with his, moaning against the sensual feel of his mouth against hers.

  The tip of his tongue traced along her lower lip, and she gave herself over to the kiss, opening her mouth, meeting his tongue with hers. She settled her body against him, arching her back as his hands moved from her arms to slide up her torso.

  He held her easily, his hands spanning the curves of her body, resting just beneath her breasts. It felt as if she were weightless, suspended against him as he slid further down in the chair, as her body rested against his. She was aware of his growing erection pressing against her stomach, hard and hot, and she wiggled in his grasp, seeking more contact. Jax flexed his hips upward, pressing himself against her, moaning against her mouth.

  Time seemed to stand still, the kiss deepening, intensifying, sending frissons of pleasure through her body. It could have been minutes or hours, but when Jax finally sat up, gently setting her feet on the floor, she was weak and breathless.


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