The Alpha's Touch Boxed Set (14 Book Bundle)

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The Alpha's Touch Boxed Set (14 Book Bundle) Page 136

by Taylor, Tawny

  “Oh, I don’t know,” Alex said. “I was about to say the same about you.”

  “Well, like I said, Alex, I’ve always loved a challenge.”

  They held each other’s gazes for a long moment.

  “By the way,” she said, breaking the connection with an amused smile. “You’ll never guess who I ran into.”

  Alex’s smile wavered. “Surprise me.”

  “Your client.”

  Alex heard a siren suddenly wail in his head.

  “Nora, I have so many,” he said in feigned nonchalance.

  “I doubt you have many that would double as a Playmate.”

  Oh... shit...

  “Ah, your somewhat agitated client we met at the wedding?”

  “Oh ... her,” Alex blurted. “I had a brief meeting this morning with her. She didn’t even have an appointment. God knows I’ve asked her so many times just out of courtesy...” His words trailed off as he watched Nora’s disbelieving expression.

  “You never told me what campaign you’re working on for her,” she said, daring him to continue.

  “Um, a cosmetic line. She used to be model. She’s just throwing around a few ideas at the moment ... so, what did she say to you?”

  “We didn’t really talk that much,” Nora said with a mischievous spark in her eye. “I’d finished with legal and went down to reception to get my parking space sorted out. Tisa saw me and introduced herself. Did you know that her cousin is the receptionist? Small world, isn’t it, Alex?”

  You have no idea...

  “I think she’s mentioned something about that before,” Alex replied, feeling uneasy.

  Nora rose and headed toward the door. “I see. So we’ll talk later, okay?” she said, winking at him as she stepped outside.

  Alex stared at the door like he had been stunned with a cattle prod. It was only his ringing cell phone that broke his stupor. He fumbled for it, feeling like he had somehow misplaced his lips, since nothing he had uttered in the last several minutes had emerged as much more than inane gibberish.

  “Alex Stone.”

  “Hey Alex, it’s Rick.”

  “Tell me something good, man. Tisa was just here and I barely avoided a nuclear detonation.”

  “Yeah, well, she just called me,” Rick said. “Bent my ear going on about how she never knew I was interested and why didn’t I tell her, blah, blah. I tell you, it was painful.”

  “Yeah, she’s one crazy bitch.”

  Rick coughed. “Yeah she is, but she’s also smoking hot.”

  “Yeah, well there’s such a thing as too hot, my friend. Trust me, her attention span is about as long as one of her fake nails. At some point she’s going to get tired of you.”

  “Well, I’ll enjoy it while it lasts at least,” Rick said. “I’ve fantasized more than once about her but yeah, I don’t expect to be planning a wedding any time soon. I know her reputation.”

  “Losing your touch?” Alex asked.

  “I don’t know, Alex. You losing yours?”

  “Never,” Alex chuckled. “I appreciate your help, Rick.”

  “No problem,” Rick replied. “But if things get out of hand, if Tisa becomes too much to handle, I’m bailing.”

  “Sounds good, buddy. Thanks.”

  “Don’t thank me just yet,” Rick replied with a chuckle. “You never know what might happen with a woman like Tisa.” He hung up just as there was a knock at the door.

  “Come in,” he said.

  Nora stepped inside and glanced curiously at him.

  “You okay?” she asked. “You look upset.”

  If only you knew...

  “No, not at all.” Alex said, slipping his phone into his pocket. “What’s going on?”

  “Want to grab a quick bite at the cafe before the Carters return? Think we’re going to be tied up for the rest of the day.”

  “I have an even better idea. Why don’t I have them send something up? We can order from the menu and work from here.”

  “That could work,” Nora said. “Your office or mine?”

  “How about mine?” Alex said. “If you were planning to have the Carter’s sign in your office, better it didn’t smell like a deli.”

  Nora laughed. “Good point,” she said.

  Alex retrieved a menu from his desk drawer and handed it to Nora.

  “Check it out. They’ve got some great selections.”

  While Nora perused the menu, Alex watched her, entranced by the way her perfectly arched eyebrows cocked in concentration. The sunlit office cast her creamy complexion with a tint that no makeup could recreate. She truly was a natural beauty that no collagen shot could even touch. He imagined trailing his fingers along the alluring curve of her cheek and sliding one of his fingers into her hot, wet mouth.

  Nora’s eyes suddenly rose to meet his. “Something wrong, Mr. Stone?”

  “Just wondering what took your fancy, Miss Myers.”

  Nora smiled, as if considering the meaning of his words. “I feel like something spicy. Maybe the salsa guacamole wrap?”

  “Good choice, though I wouldn’t have taken you for someone that had a taste for...”

  “For hot and spicy?” Nora said, staring playfully at Alex. “Since I know you like it, perhaps we can share.”

  “I ... just meant that I thought your tastes were a bit more ... sophisticated.”

  Nora fanned the menu coquettishly before her face before handing it back to Alex.

  “I just may surprise you, Alex,” she said. “I’m actually quite fond of spicy cuisine. I love Indian food, as well as Southeast Asian and Latin cuisine. My dad is an amazing cook and has a collection of recipes from around the world.”

  “You’ll have to invite me for dinner sometime when they’re in town,” Alex said. “I imagine it would be an amazing experience.”

  “It would be interesting to see if you’re up to the challenge,” Nora said. “It won’t be anything you’ve ever tried in a restaurant.”

  Alex rose from his seat and approached Nora. “You’re on,” he said. “Just let me know the date. I’m not one to run away from a challenge, Nora. That, I can guarantee.’

  Nora looked into his eyes. Snared in their velvety green depths, Alex saw a strength and determination that captivated him.

  “I’ll let you know,” she said. “It should prove quite an entertaining evening.” She glanced at her watch. “We’ll have to discuss menu planning another time. The Carters will be here soon. What do you say we order lunch?”


  “Well, I hear that a congratulations is very much in order!” Brad’s excited voice boomed from the conference speakerphone. “This is some excellent news, Nora! Well done!”

  “Thank you, Brad,” Nora said, beaming at the Carters who had just completed signing the campaign paperwork.

  “I think we should be the ones thanking you, Nora,” Logan said.

  “You’ve taken our ideas farther than we could have imagined,” Grace added. “I can’t wait to get started.”

  Alex sat smiling until he felt his lips start to go numb.

  “Nora’s a firecracker, all right,” Brad said. “Her first day on the job and already one contract under her belt.”

  “Don’t worry, Dad,” Alex said. “I’m going to be reeling in the Langley Luxe campaign over the next couple of days so we’ll have another reason to celebrate very soon.”

  “Excellent,” Brad said. “Once that’s out of the way I want you and Nora to work on every project together. You’re a force to be reckoned with.”

  Alex forced his smile not to falter.

  “I appreciate that, Brad,” Nora quickly interjected, “but I’d prefer to get my feet a little more wet if that’s okay with you.”

  “Actually, if I can jump in here a moment, Brad,” Grace said, sliding the last of the contract paperwork over to Logan. “I have a friend who’s looking to expand her cake decorating business. She’s been extremely successful locally, but wants to hit t
he reality show circuit.” Grace smiled at Nora. “And Nora is the perfect person to handle it.”

  “I appreciate that,” Nora said. “It sounds like it would be a fun campaign, assuming we get tasting privileges.”

  Everyone laughed, though Alex’s was a bit more forced.

  “I think that’s a great idea, Grace,” Brad said, “In fact, I think this could start an important new trend for Stone Advertising. Nora, what’s your thought on focusing more on up and coming niche markets?”

  “I was actually giving that some thought,” Nora said.

  Of course you were... Alex thought, shifting in his chair as though he were trying to extricate a wad of gum from his pants.

  “Details?” Brad asked.

  “Well, Grace’s suggestion about the cake decorating business is just one example,” Nora said, “but if you look at other growing trends such as specialty spas, pet boutiques and anything green, we have the ability to tap into a vast source of marketing far surpassing previous trends.”

  Alex’s mind raced. If Nora could focus on what he considered softer-focus markets, they might still be able to work side by side without being direct competitors. Knowing the Logan’s and their vast circle of friends and associates, a whole new world of possibilities suddenly opened up before him.

  “I think that’s a fantastic idea,” Alex said. “We can leave our competitors in the dust. Think about it, Dad. It doesn’t have to be about big, upscale or extravagant. Whatever the trend is, we jump on.”

  “Sounds like a plan,” Brad said. “Look, I’ve got to get back to my meeting. I’ll call you this evening. Logan, Grace, good to have you on board. Nora, Alex, talk later.”

  Logan and Grace rose. “We’d love to talk more,” Logan said. “But we’ve already pushed back too many other commitments.”

  Grace approached Nora and gave her a hug. “Let’s talk tomorrow,” she said. “I’ve got ideas flying through my head.”

  “Send me some details about your friend’s goals,” Nora said. “We should be able to come up with a preliminary outline for her.”

  “I’ll do that,” Grace said, turning to shake Alex’s hand.

  Logan followed suit, then hugged Nora. “You two really make an amazing team,” he said. “Believe me, we’ll be passing your names around to everyone we know.”

  “I’ll walk down with you,” Nora said, escorting Logan and Grace out of her office. She glanced over her shoulder at Alex and gave him a thumbs up.

  Alex smiled, but as soon as the door closed and he heard everyone’s footsteps retreat, he slipped back into his office and brought up the Langley Luxe presentation. He scrolled through the slides, his fingers flying across the keyboard as he tweaked, tightened and added.

  He glanced at his desk clock. If it meant sleeping in his office until the presentation for Miles Langley was finished, he was ready.

  “Two can play that game, Nora,” he said, feeling his competitive streak stretch like an awakening tiger.

  Yet even as Alex spoke the words, an image of Nora as a tigress popped into his mind. Claw to claw, tooth to tooth, he wondered who would win the battle.

  Chapter Seven

  Walking into the building the next morning, Alex felt his adrenaline kick in. The presentation for Miles Langley was scheduled for eleven, and he fully anticipated the reaction his lean and clean campaign would elicit. His smile faltered when he passed a group of students taking a tour of the building. Standing by reception, dressed in a migraine-inducing floral print dress with matching stilettos, Tisa spoke animatedly to Margarita.

  Noticing Alex, Margarita whispered to her cousin. Tisa turned, her eyes pinioning him like laser sites. Her glossy fuchsia lips turned up in a smile, and short of breaking into a run, Alex knew he would never reach the elevators in time.

  “Tisa,” he said, quickly scanning the area to ensure Nora wasn’t around, “it’s really good to see you again.”

  “Hola, querida,” she said, standing close enough to him to display her more than ample cleavage. “I’ve missed you, too.”

  Uh, oh...

  Alex made a show of glancing at his watch. “I’m afraid I can’t talk,” he said. “I have an important presentation to prepare for.”

  “I’m going to lunch with Margarita after I come back from shopping,” she said. “Maybe you can take a quick break later?”

  “Today won’t work,” Alex said. “Sorry. Dad’s been on my ass about this presentation and I haven’t even had time to shave.”

  Tisa stared appreciatively at Alex’s sexy scruff. “That’s a very good thing,” she said, getting a look in her eye that set alarm bells ringing in Alex’s brain.

  “So how’s Rick? Haven’t heard from him in a few days,” Alex said with an encouraging smile. “You keeping him busy?”

  “We had a muy romantico dinner last night,” she said.

  “Sounds great,” Alex said, cutting her off in case she continued with more detail than the general public needed to know. “Rick’s a real hearts and flowers man.”

  Her halfhearted shrug sent a thrill of terror through him.

  Rick ... you’re a dead man.

  “I like him a lot,” Tisa said, “but he’s just not you.”

  Alex smiled thinly. This was definitely not what he wanted to hear. He started drifting toward the elevators.

  “Well, Tisa, I’m going to have to cut this short. Enjoy your lunch. Give my regards to Rick when you see him.”

  A conveniently opening elevator provided his cue to dash toward it. Tisa watched him with abandoned puppy eyes before a stream of people entering the elevator blocked her from view. Pressing himself against the rear of the elevator, he was only able to release the breath he held when the door shut.


  The ride to his floor seemed to take forever as he watched the indicator lights flash with agonizing slowness from one to the next. Gone was his earlier carefree confidence, the thought of Tisa on the prowl was the last distraction he needed right now. When he arrived on his floor, he dashed from the elevator and headed straight to his office. He was going to have to have a very long talk with good old Rick.

  Hearing Nora’s muted voice on the phone, Alex paused by her office door. He hadn’t intended to eavesdrop, but a quick glance confirmed that no one was nearby. Pretending to check his phone, he leaned casually toward her door.

  “Well, Tracy, I think that would be a great way to kick off the campaign if you want to test the waters ... yes, that’s right. I agree. No ... I think your approach would be a better first step...”

  The phone ringing from Alex’s office reluctantly prompted him away. Tracy was obviously Grace Logan’s referral, but he would have to pump Nora for information later. Dashing into his office, he answered the phone.

  “Alex, tell me you didn’t just get to the office.”

  “Hell, no, Dad,” Alex said. “Are you serious? Getting ready for the Langley presentation at eleven. Just stopped off to get a coffee.”

  “How’s Nora doing?”

  “Been too busy to talk to her, but I’ll catch up with her later.”

  “Never mind. She checks in with me regularly. I’ll talk to her when she calls me.”

  Okay, then...

  “I’m hoping we’ll have another cause for celebration,” Brad said. “The Langley contract would be a huge coup.”

  “Don’t worry, Dad, I’m on it.”

  “Okay, got to run,” Brad said. “Meeting’s about to start. Let me know how it goes. Good luck, Alex.”

  “Thanks, Dad,” Alex said, hanging up.

  Rick would have to wait another time. Gathering his documents for the presentation, Alex headed off for the conference room to prepare for battle.


  “So in conclusion,” Alex said, “the focus of the Langley Luxe campaign is to cater to the discerning, but busy client seeking an exclusive source for their shopping needs, or cater to the needs of personal shoppers.”

  Reclining in
his chair, dirty Martini in hand, Miles Langley raised his glass in a salute. Mature, dark and sophisticated with features lending more than a passing nod to Clark Gable, he exuded a suave charm and magnetism that suited a luxury goods mogul.

  “That’s absolute genius,” Miles said. “May I propose a toast to the brilliant Alex Stone and the success of the Langley Luxe campaign.”

  Feeling that familiar buzz course through his veins, Alex reached for his dirty Martini still sitting on the tray and raised it. It had been his tradition never to take a sip from a celebratory drink until the client was sold, but it was more than evident that Miles was ready to sign.

  “To the success of the Langley Luxe campaign,” Alex said, taking a generous sip. “Shall I have legal draw up the paperwork?”

  “If we can get to it now,” Miles said. “I’d prefer to wrap this up as soon as possible as I’m flying to Buenos Aires later this afternoon for a couple of weeks.”

  “Why don’t we go down?” Alex said. “I’m sure this won’t take long.”

  He paused long enough to switch off the presentation and open the blinds. Miles finished his drink and rose. As Alex opened the door, he literally caught Nora about to knock.

  “Are you finished already?” she asked.

  “Yes, just now, in fact,” Alex said.

  “That was quick. I was hoping to sit in and watch the master at work.”

  “Why didn’t you let me know?” Alex asked.

  “Grace Logan’s referral kept me on the phone longer than I expected.”

  Thank you, Grace. Alex thought. The last thing he needed was Nora creating the distraction he felt from his rising pulse.

  “Alex, you have to introduce me to this very lovely lady,” Miles said, casting an appreciative eye at Nora.

  On second thought...

  “Miles, I’d like you to meet our newest team member, Nora Myers,” Alex said. “Nora, this is Miles Langley.”

  “Charmed,” Miles said, taking Nora’s hand and raising it to his lips.

  Nora beamed. “Mr. Langley, this is indeed a pleasure. I’ve heard so much about you.”


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