Four Degrees of Heat

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  “First off, he’s not a nigga. His name is Black.”

  “I know his name. Did you fuck him, you slut?” Joy joked.

  “Oh, did I,” I lamented.

  “Nicoli, could I try these on?” Fertashia asked. She and Stacy were stripping butt-naked and trying on my clothes before I could give a response. Stacy’s bony body was quite embarrassing to look at, so I turned away. I couldn’t figure out where she mustered the courage to prance around naked. You couldn’t tell Stacy that she wasn’t sexy. While she should have been wearing baggy clothing to hide the fact that she had a skeletal body, everything she owned was snug.

  For some reason I felt different aboutthese clothes. Usually, since we were girls, I’d let them try on my clothes and shoes. Just as long as they didn’t ask to borrow them. But suddenly I felt a sharp pain in my stomach watching Fertashia and Stacy try on the new clothes that Black had just bought for me.

  “Take my shit off,” I exploded and the room became pin-drop silent. “You funky chicks are nice ’n nasty. Runnin’ up in here tryin’ on my new shit with your funky bodies. Coochies so funky I could smell it from here. I bet you too didn’t even wash your ass today. Did you?” I screamed in all my ghetto fabulousness. Then I realized that that wasn’t the person I wanted to be. So I said, “You can’t see that I’m a fastidious woman?”

  “Huh?” Stacy exclaimed.

  “What da fuck is wrong wit you?” Fertashia asked.

  “Just give me my garments,” I retorted and started grabbing my things from off their bodies, barely allowing them to remove them themselves.

  “Damn, they just clothes,” Stacy sulked.

  I ignored her and began putting my clothes on hangers. Just then the telephone rang. I nearly sprained my ankle trying to answer it.

  “Hello,” I seductively breathed into the telephone receiver.

  “Where the fuck you been?” Corey said.

  I had been dodging telephone calls the whole time I was with Black. Corey hadn’t heard from me in days. Disappointed, I said, “I been sick. What’s up?”

  “What was wrong?”

  “I had a stomach virus,” I lied.

  “Want me to come over and make you feel better?”

  “I’m better. What’s up for tonight?” I asked, realizing that even though Black had taken me shopping, he hadn’t put any money in my hands. I hoped that I could get a few dollars from Corey tonight.

  “I got some shit to take care of. I’ll hit you back later. One.”

  We both hung up, and I continued to talk to my girls. I walked to my bed and flopped down. Something had been eating at me for days.

  “You guys know I fucked Black, right?” I said.

  “You told us that already. How’s the dick?” Joy retorted.

  “The dick is so-o-o-o-o good. We fucked all around his house. His apartment is bigger than Central Park.”

  “Git the fuck outta here. That’s what’s up. That nigga really feelin’ you. Dat’s my word,” Joy said.

  “Is he really?” I asked.

  “Stop actin’ stupid, Nicoli. The brother practically kidnapped you. And he took you shoppin’. He don’t even know you. That’s what’s really good,” Fertashia said.

  “Well, I have to tell you girls something. But you gotta, I mean, you have to, take it to the grave.”

  Everyone crossed their hearts. We did this to signify that we could keep a secret. Once I felt certain that I could confide in them, I flat-out said, “He didn’t eat my pussy.”

  “What?” Everyone screamed in unison.

  I could see they were disappointed. I was the only one in the room, up until now, who had gotten my pussy eaten by every guy I ever fucked. That meant a lot to me. It signified that a guy was really feeling you. It was my rule. I would ridicule my girls if they came back home after fucking and had not gotten their clit licked. Now, my constant badgering had come back to bite me in my ass. And Joy let me have it the most.

  “I thought you said, ‘Nicoli, don’t fuck no nigga unless he go down’?” Joy was loving this moment.

  “It just happened.”

  “No, Nicoli. It didn’t happen. Isn’t that what you just said?”

  “Stop being fucking facetious. You know what I mean. The first time we fucked, it happened too quickly. Plus I was drunk.”

  “What about every time after that?” Joy wouldn’t let up, so I decided to let her have her moment and throw in the towel. No use in making excuses.

  “You’re right. He never ate my pussy, no matter how many times or ways we fucked. He wouldn’t do it. In fact, he said he didn’t eat pussy at all.”

  “Well, then, Nicoli, I wouldn’t feel bad. Maybe he don’t go down. You know not all guys do,” Stacy said, coming to my defense.

  “Of course all guys eat pussy, Stacy. They may not eatevery bitch pussy. But if they feelin’ you, they gonna go there,” Joy challenged.

  “I believe that too, Joy,” I said. “So what do you girls think? Is it over between Black and me?”

  “Oh, well. At least you got some fly shit outta da deal,” Stacy said.

  “Yeah. You right. Even if he doesn’t call again, I did get something out of him,” I said.

  “Did you suck his dick?” Joy continued.


  “Stop fuckin’ lyin’. He just bought you all of that shit, and you didn’t go down on him?”

  “When did I start lying to my girls? I said ‘No!’ He didn’t bless me—so I didn’t bless him.”

  I could tell they didn’t believe me.

  After we sat around talking for a while, we all decided to go to DJ Red’s new sports bar, Passion. It had just opened, and we had to be there. We made plans to hook up with the music industry’s elite. I was hoping I’d get a shot at Red. I could care less that it was alleged that he was dating singer Brianna. Until wedding vows are exchanged, that brother has a For Sale sign taped to his dick.

  My infatuation with Black had faded for the moment as the anticipation of some new prospects filled my heart.

  After I finished discussing Black, Joy had her dirt to dish. She explained that she had spent the night with a new kid named Jason.

  “I asked him for a thousand dollars, and he gave it to me.”


  “Word. He just reached in his pocket and tossed me a wad of cash. It was exactly what I needed for my car insurance. If I don’t pay, the insurance company is going to drop me.”

  “That’s why I’m glad I don’t have a ride. Too much responsibility,” I stated.

  “True,” Stacy agreed.

  Since we were going out, everyone had to find something to wear. Fertashia ran next door, and Stacy went with her. While Joy was in my shower I thought about the money she’d gotten from Jason. I quickly went to her Gucci pocketbook and went in her wallet. I opened it, and just as Joy said, she had $1,000 in it. I quickly peeled off $700 and left her with the rest. It would take her until the next day to figure out her money was missing, and by then she wouldn’t be able to blame anyone.

  As I started to close her wallet and put it back in her pocketbook, Fertashia and Stacy came walking back into my room with their outfits draping over their arms, and Joy emerged from the shower. Quickly, I tossed Joy’s wallet back into her pocketbook and jumped up. Joy and I locked eyes, then she looked over to her pocketbook. I walked into the bathroom with her money tightly hidden in my fist. I swiftly closed the bathroom door and hid the money underneath my sink in my tampon box. I could hear Joy flipping out. She started banging on the bathroom door, asking me to come out.

  “I’m all wet. I’ll be out soon,” I said.

  “Hurry up!” Joy demanded.

  When I came out, Joy was furious.

  “One of y’all mutherfuckers took my money!” she exploded.

  “It wasn’t me,” we all said in unison.

  “Well, it didn’t just git up and walk away!” she challenged. She was staring directly at me.

“Well, I don’t got to steal from no one. I don’t have a problem with asking my men for money. You better check Fertashia and Stacy.”

  “What!” they both screamed.

  “Y’all heard me. Why the fuck you guys left out so quickly? Y’all probably went to hide her money,” I accused.

  “Joy, I didn’t steal your money. I swear on my mother, may she drop dead,” Stacy said.

  “I didn’t take it either,” Fertashia said.

  “Well, you know I didn’t take it,” I said.

  Joy stared at me. Then tears filled her eyes. You could tell she was trying to hold them in.

  “I needed that money for my car,” she cried.

  “Stop crying. Just ask him again,” I said. Joy just glared at me. I shrugged it off and proceeded to get dressed. We had a party to go to.

  Chapter 7

  It didn’t take Joy long to regroup. We were all still getting dressed when my air conditioner broke. “Goddamn it!” I yelled. “G-a-i-l-l-l-l-l-l-l.”

  My mother came running into my room with her nightgown on and hair curlers in her hair. The hair curlers made her already large head look alien in size. She must have recently taken a shower because her dark skin was drenched in baby oil, giving her skin the look of patent leather. She looked a hot mess.

  “What’s da matter?”

  “My AC is broken. It just stopped working.”

  “So, wha’cha want me ta do?” she spat. “I hope you got a coupla dollars in ya pocket. Rent due. I don’t live in here by myself.”

  “Does it ever stop?” I asked. “All you do is beg for money. Day in, day out. I didn’t get any money from dude. But he took me shopping. You wanna see my shit?”

  “Nah, I don’t wanna see ya shit. I’m walkin’ ’round here in rags, and I bet you didn’t bring me nothin’. What you got for me in those bags?” she asked with a slight hint of hope in her voice.

  “Now, Gail…,” I said, and didn’t finish my sentence because I didn’t have to. Gail knew it wasn’t that type of party. Everyone up in this house is fending for themselves. Gail was right about me owing rent money. I should have asked Black for some money before I left.

  “Okay. Forgit you. And you ain’t gettin’ my AC.”

  “Whatever!” I snapped.

  A few minutes later my mother returned, lugging her heavy air conditioner. We didn’t even stay to feel the cool air. We were already heading out the front door to go to the party. It was opening night of the sports bar, and everybody plus their mothers was going to be there.

  Once we reached the party, the line was at least two blocks long. Girls were begging to get in, trying to hook up with anybody that had VIP status that would let them tag along. The police had closed off the block. They weren’t letting any cars drive down the street. It was a chaotic scene that got my adrenaline flowing. Security was so tight, no one was sneaking past them. I saw a has-been rapper that I had fucked a few times when I was younger and immediately ran over to him to see what was up. As he saw me approaching, he bebopped over to me. His pimp-limp was pathetic.

  “What’s up?” I inquired.

  “Whaddup, sexy? You lookin’ right t’night. Let me git your new digits.” he asked.

  “No doubt,” I said and began getting out a pen and paper to give him my cell phone number.

  “That’s what’s up.”

  “What is?” I challenged.

  “What had happened?” he asked in bewilderment.

  “Nothing happened. No action occurred,” I scolded. Just as Black would have scolded me. “Anyway, never mind. You rolling up in there?”

  “I’m beepin’ my mans ’n them right now so he can come out and get me. Too many mutherfuckers are out here t’night. Security ain’t lettin’ nobody up in dat piece.”

  “Who ya man?” I inquired, immediately falling back into my slang dialogue.


  I looked him up and down for a long moment. His clothing was worn. His sneakers were dirty, and he looked downright broke. He wasn’t getting up in that piece tonight, and I seriously doubted he even knew Red. I left him standing alone and walked back to my girls. I decided to alter our plans.

  “Look, we not gettin’ in. We been here for two hours, and security is actin’ real cocky. Let’s break out while we can still get into a club,” I reasoned.

  “You right. Where we goin’, though? I really wanted to get up in there,” Fertashia sulked.

  “You and me both,” Joy commented.

  We decided to go to the club Exit in Midtown. When we got there, we cut the long line and got right up front. Right before we were to go inside, Fertashia whispered, “Nicoli, I don’t have any money. Can you pay my way in?”

  “Hell, no!” I retorted.

  “What did you ask her, Fertashia?” Stacy said.

  “I don’t have any money, and I wanted Nicoli to pay my way in,” Fertashia explained.

  “Why you can’t pay her way in, Nicoli? I paid her way in last time,” Joy challenged.

  “Look, I said no. I don’t have to explain. Why can’t you pay her way, Joy? You still got three hundred dollars left, and that’s more than what I have in my wallet.”

  “How do you know what I have left? I never told you,” she challenged, trying to trip me up. But I’m too swift.

  “Joy, the first thing you said was how much was stolen from you.”

  “Really?” she said trying to recollect our earlier incident.

  “Yes, really.”

  “Well, somebody’s got to pay my way in,” Fertashia pleaded.

  “We can’t let her stand out in the cold,” Stacy reasoned.

  “Too bad. She knew she didn’t have any money. I work hard for my shit.”

  “So what she gonna do?” Stacy continued.

  “Take the train back home,” I said.

  “This late?” Joy said.

  “Look, y’all bitches are all grown. I’ll see what I can do. If I can get us in free, then we all roll. If not, the A train is making all local stops.”

  “That’s cruel, Nicoli. Real fucking cruel,” Stacy said.

  “Shut up, Lurch. You look just like Lurch from the Addams Family,” I teased and we all started to laugh. Even Stacy.

  At the booth to pay, I started flirting with security and got us in free. That felt good. I knew we were going to have fun. In fact, I was dead set on having a good time.

  As the DJ played cuts from Sean Paul’sDutty Rock album, I flew on the dance floor and started my show. Guys were fighting to dance with me. I would playfully grind up against one and then leave him to go and grind up against another. Soon, a familiar voice came up behind me. “Nicoli, why the fuck don’t you return my phone calls?”

  I immediately spun around to face Kevin. His overweight ass was dressed in a gray sweat suit, platinum jewelry, and the new S. Carter sneakers. He was chillin’.

  “Hey, you,” I flirted.

  “What you drinkin’ on?”

  “Cristal,” I said without hesitation.

  We walked over to the bar and Kevin ordered five bottles of Cristal and had them sent over to VIP. I grabbed my girls, and we went with Kevin into the VIP section. We were with the one guy in the club that every girl in there wanted.

  Joy was a little tight for a moment. She saw how Kevin was doting over me, but she sat back and let it flow.

  Kevin snuggled up next to me. He was whispering in my ear and flirting. “You are so pretty,” he crooned. “I love your hair like that. It shows your whole face. If a girl can’t look pretty in a ponytail, she ain’t pretty. Do you agree?”

  “Yeah, not too many bitches can pull this off,” I arrogantly replied.

  I had my hair pulled up in a tight bun, with a pair of diamond earrings adorning my earlobes. I had actually bought the earrings myself from Gabriel the jeweler. They cost me $6,000.

  “So, what’s up for tonight?” Kevin asked.

  “What’s up? After the club? What else could be up?” I asked in

  I knew what he wanted, but I wanted to make him beg for it. I thought about whether I’d go home with him after the club and decided I would. The champagne had me feeling nice, and the club was popping.

  “I was thinkin’ that we could go and hang out at my crib.”

  “My girls and me?” I teased.

  “Nah, Ma. Just you.”

  As we were conversing, the VIP section started getting crowded. Guys were coming up to Kevin and giving him handshakes. Girls were coming by and kissing him on his cheek. All the while he never lost focus on me and our conversation.

  Stacy, Fertashia, and Joy were drinking Cristal like it was water and plotting on the array of celebrities. Occasionally, Joy and I would make eye contact. She’d nod her head or wink her eye to reassure me that she was okay with me getting with Kevin that night.

  I smiled at Joy and took another sip of my champagne.

  Just as I was about to solidify my late-night date with Kevin, I heard someone yell, “Nicoli, what the fuck you doing up in here?”

  Startled from the outburst, I swung my head around like in the movieThe Exorcist , to face Black. I didn’t respond.

  “Yo, whaddup?” Kevin said to Black. Black ignored Kevin and kept glaring at me.

  “What are you doing here?” Black asked again, this time a little more politely.

  “What does it look like?” I sassily replied.

  “It looks like I’m about to punch you in your smart mouth!” Black roared.

  I sat unaffected.

  Detecting an altercation, the small crowd began to grow larger. Onlookers stopped mingling to see what would transpire next. My girls scurried over to me with a look of pure terror plastered on their faces. However, I was as calm as a river at dawn.

  Kevin and I stood up at the same time, but I confronted Black.

  “Somethin’ buggin’ you, Black?” I asked, not completing my words just to infuriate him.

  “Don’t show off in here. Didn’t I tell you to stay home, and I’d be calling you later?”

  “I don’t always do as I’m told. I’m a naughty girl. You should know that,” I said and licked my lips seductively. We stared at each other for a long moment until the spectators became uncomfortable. I was completely amused that Black was checking for me this hard. So he’s the type to leap with caution, I thought. I like that.


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