by Sarah Gai
Nolan nodded. Charlie had told him she had been existing, not living. He saw it for himself when she returned home. He also saw her wake up again, come alive, and how beautiful she was when that happened.
"Right, now imagine being her. She comes home terrified because my fiancée tells her I'm in the hospital only to find out she was lied to—again. You just walk back into her life, sweep her off her feet, find her the job of her dreams, and shock her system into giving up the life she built in Seattle. I invite my mother for Christmas without so much as warning her and then expect her to just deal with the fact that Abigail treated her like shit and ignored her for years and then I silently beg her to just make it through lunch. Then she finds out, all in one day, you're the spawn of a billionaire, you paid for her living expenses and school in Seattle, and once again we kept her in the dark and stayed silent about it."
Nolan nodded his head in understanding and rubbed his chest, his heart aching, before interrupting, "Yeah I get it. And then she finds out I have Connor’s box, his keepsakes, and journal."
Shit, what had they done? What had he done? Did he expect her to just come home and fall into this new chapter of her life? He rushed her. He didn't ease into the relationship. He wanted her so bad, he never once thought about the consequences.
Nolan crouched down on his knees in the middle of the quiet street, the sound of hammers banging and saws at work in the background. He cradled his head in his hands, "What am I going to do Charlie? I love her so much. I can't think straight and right now I feel like I've lost her for good, pushed her too far," he groaned in pain.
"Honestly, I don't know," Charlie sighed just as defeated as Nolan. "She's not even speaking to me or Nicole. We just pray she comes home for the wedding. It's only six weeks away. Until then, we just wait I guess," he shrugged.
Nolan pulled himself back up and planted his hands on his hips, his head low. “I don't know if I can wait, Charlie. I've waited years already. But I guess I have no choice."
February, 2017
The text messages and emails from Nicole, Rosie, and Charlie kept coming through at rapid pace. The last day she saw any of them was disastrous. She couldn't stay in Port Townsend; there was too much hurt and confusion for her to sort through. Her emotions were turned up to full, so she did the only thing she could think of—she called a cab to take her to the airport where she took the next flight back to Seattle.
She was so infuriated with everyone, even her Aunt Peggy because she would have known about the money. Winter had a little money saved and, although she knew it wasn't nearly enough, the moment she arrived in Seattle she wrote a check and sent it to Nolan. It had been almost six weeks and he still hadn't cashed it, which pissed Winter off even more.
Aside from that, she had been lucky her boss offered her back the position she had previously, although she was yet to find another apartment, she was lucky enough to have a wonderful friend like Holly with an extra room to spare. Winter stayed up her first night back telling Holly about everything that happened.
"Oh, I know you're upset and hurt now, but maybe after a few days this won't feel so bad. I mean, from what you told me about while you were there and the kind of guy Nolan is, do you really want to let that go?" Holly tried to be the voice of reason.
"Please Holly, I really need someone on my side right now."
"No, you are absolutely right. And I am on your side, always, and you know you always have a place with me," she grinned as her animated face, covered in freckles the same color as her hair, nodded towards Winter. "Just...think about it, okay? It's not every day you get a second chance to find your soulmate. Look at me, I've been single so long, I'm down right depressed!"
"Oh Hol…" Winter started.
"Oh, no you don't. Don’t feel sorry for me. I can feel it coming. I know Mr. Right is just around the corner. Am I right?"
Winter laughed, knowing how blessed she was to have a friend as sweet and funny as Holly. She would never take that for granted.
Winter tossed and turned many a night, warring with herself, as Holly's words caused her to ruminate. She was dismayed, but she missed Nolan so much, often crying herself to sleep. Why couldn't she get past this hurt and forgive him? Because that's what she always did; she allowed people to walk all over her, too afraid to be hated. Instead, she let all of them exclude her and keep things from her rather than treating her like they would any hearing person.
She knew she had to go home for the wedding. She had fortified herself to see them. No amount of hurt or sadness was going to stop her from attending. It was her brother for goodness sake. She may have been upset, but he was family and she loved him dearly. And Nicole matter how much time or distance was between them, she was still her best friend. Winter wasn't blind; she knew a lot of their disconnection was her doing.
There were still times when she wished she had fought for her loved ones and stayed in Port Townsend and worked through her grief. Maybe then things wouldn't feel too far or hard to come back from. As Winter packed up her desk, powering down the computer and preparing to head back to Holly's before her flight, her boss, Andrew, saw her still there and his face lit up as he walked towards her.
"Ready for tomorrow?" he signed. Winter shook her head as she slung her bag onto her shoulder. "I can go with you," he offered.
It wasn't the first time those first few weeks back that he offered. But like every other time, she turned him down. She really appreciated Andrew and the lucky girl who would catch his heart, but it was not Winter.
"Okay, well, I'll see you soon," he waved. Andrew turned to leave and stopped, swinging around to look at Winter once again. "Whoever he is, I hope he knows how lucky he is," Andrew smiled sadly at her.
Winter didn't respond, just watched him leave the office floor before exiting the office herself.
Winter arrived back in Port Townsend at eight o'clock Saturday morning. The taxi dropped her off at Charlie and Nicole’s house. Before she even finished paying for the ride, she spotted Nicole running out the front door. Grabbing her bag, she couldn't help but smile as the tall, crazy woman ran towards her in a pink, terry-towel robe and large rollers in her hair.
"You're here!" she signed right before hugging tighter than a boa constrictor. Winter squeezed back before Nicole pulled away, grabbing her by the hand, and pulling her up the front steps through the door.
Rosie waddled over to greet her, looking as if the baby was ready to come. Rosie was crying as she approached Winter. "Don't you ever leave again without saying goodbye. I can't bear to lose you," she chastised.
Winter felt guilty—again. She did leave without letting her know. She looked at her mother-figure and nodded. "I love you, too, Rosie and I promise I will not do it again."
She nodded her head, knowing Winter would stay true to her word. "Okay, let’s get you ready. We only have four hours until showtime." Rosie grabbed her by the hand, leading her towards the bathroom. Winter waved at Mrs. and Mr. Gains, Nicole's adoptive parents, as she passed, their faces beaming at what the day was to bring. Winter felt relieved when she didn't spot her mother.
The hours seemed to fly by as their make-up and hair were done and dresses put on. Winter wore a navy blue, satin ankle-length, sleeveless dress. Her hair was curled and styled loosely over one shoulder. Her small bouquet consisted of simple white roses tied with lacy navy ribbon.
They arrived at the hotel and Mr. Gains helped her out of the car before reaching back in and offering his arm to his daughter. As they entered the main reception and stood before the doors ready for their cue to enter, Rosie tapped her on the shoulder to let her know the music had started and it was time to walk. Ushers opened the double doors and Winter began her stride down the aisle.
Half of Port Townsend was there. The rows of chairs decorated with roses, tulle, and white balloons. She looked ahead, her eyes zeroing in on her brother standing in a black fitted suit, his hair styled, looking as handsome as e
ver. He smiled at her, his face beaming to see she was actually there allowing his shoulders to drop as if he could finally take a breath.
As if she would ever miss this day, she shook her head at him knowing he knew what she was thinking. It wasn't until she took her spot at the front and prepared to turn to watch Nicole walk down the aisle did she glance at the man standing tall next to her brother. Nolan looked straight at her; his melancholy eyes pleading. It broke her heart to see him like that though he looked as adoringly sexy as always, her stomach in knots at the sight of him. She quickly peeled her eyes away from him and watched as the bride entered.
Nicole was exquisite in a princess-cut dress with a lace bodice and carrying a bouquet of red roses. Her hair fell in soft curls complimented by a long veil that streamed behind her. As her father kissed her and handed her arm to Charlie, Winter almost cried. They were perfect for each other. They were about to embark on their real-life fairy tale and no couple she knew deserved it as much as the two who stood before her, exchanging vows.
Her undoing though was watching them repeat their commitments to each other, both signing so she could be a part of it as well. Of course the kiss didn't need any interpretation at all. Winter clapped along with everyone else as the couple made their way down the aisle.
As she turned to follow, a soft hand grabbed hers. She looked up at Nolan. Of course they were to walk out together. Oh God, she still had to get through the photos, the reception, and the dancing yet. But she did it one step at a time without Nolan pushing her. He kept his distance as much as possible. When it was time to dance, he gently led her onto the floor, pulling her in close and swaying her hips. Winter tried to look everywhere but at him. She saw her mother sitting quietly in the corner watching the newlyweds with a look of pure happiness. Winter balked; she hadn't seen her mother smile in years. It was a foreign sight to watch. Aunt Peggy was out on the dance floor shaking it up needing no dance partner to have a good time. Her brother gently moved his new bride around the room, every few seconds kissing the side of her face. It was so sweet; Winter’s heart was melting, wishing for just a moment she felt what it was like to be adored again.
Nolan stopped dancing, looking to his side. Standing next to them was a face from the past; it was James whom she hadn't seen since Connor’s funeral. She remembered the day they all went swimming. James had been tall, but lanky, with hair down to his shoulders. Not now though; the boy had filled out into a man, his long blond hair now just touching his ears. She was momentarily taken aback by the changes. He had become very handsome. When he smiled she remembered that cocky grin and smiled back at him. Nolan reluctantly let her go and allowed James to cut in. She watched as he walked away and out the reception door.
"Long time," James said down at her as he began to sway side to side, holding her close.
She nodded. Although she liked James, her body was already missing the warmth of her last partner. Winter stopped dancing and took James by the hand, leading him off the dance floor. She didn't stop until she exited the reception. She spotted Nolan outside the hotel, his hands in the pockets of his dress pants, looking around, as if waiting for something. She didn't stop moving until they were outside standing in front of him. Nolan looked at her stunned for a moment.
"Could you please interpret for me? I would ask Charlie but..." she signed.
Nolan shook his head in understanding. James looked between them both waiting for something and trying to figure out what was going on. She watched Nolan speak to him and he shook his head holding two thumbs up towards her. She forgot how funny he was.
"Hi James, it's good to see you. Been a long time." Nolan repeated her words and so the conversation went.
"Yeah, same to you Winter. You look mighty fine these days,” he winked and Nolan hit him in the arm before reluctantly repeating it to her.
"I could say the same of you."
"Okay, guys seriously enough with the flirting. Besides, I thought you had a thing for my sister?" Nolan added.
Winter looked at James, his face frowning. Winter watched as he closed himself down. She watched him speak to Nolan, picking up very few words like “Have not seen” and “Who knows.”
Nolan was polite enough to let her know "James met Summer a few years back. They had been keeping in contact, but the past year he hasn't heard anything from her. I've actually been trying to reach her also with no luck," Nolan frowned. He kept signing for Winter’s benefit as he spoke to James aloud and for that Winter was grateful. "I promise tomorrow I will try and get in contact with her, James. If I have to go there myself I will, okay?"
She watched James nod, his happy demeanor diminished. She stepped over and wrapped her arm around his waist to which he slung his over her shoulder squeezing. "Thanks for the support guys. It really is good to see you, Winter and I hope now you're home we can catch up more," James stated, Nolan letting her know.
She didn't have the heart to tell him she wouldn't be staying so she just nodded her head and placed a smile on her face. James kissed the top of her head and let them know he was going back inside. "Oh, before I leave, Sadie is on the hunt for you and I don't think Henry can keep her at bay much longer. She's really trying to make amends with you," he let her know.
"I'll make sure to say hello before I leave," she promised. When Nolan finished being the middle-man for them James stepped back inside. Winter rubbed at her arms, the weather still chilly and contemplated why she was even out there anymore. Nolan placed his hands in his pockets and continued to look at her.
"So, why are you out here?" she asked him.
"I'm waiting on something to be delivered. A wedding gift," he replied.
"Well, I'll leave you to it," she smiled and turned to leave. A soft touch brushed at her elbow.
"Hold on, it's here," he turned her around and pointed towards the red truck pulling in off the main road, something large covered in a sheet and tied with rope to keep it steady in the truck bed. As it pulled to a stop right outside the reception hall, Winter watched as a tall, well-built young man jumped out from the driver’s side, turned, and pulled the young woman who was in the passenger seat across and out the door into his arms. She was beautiful with her long blonde hair, her eyes crinkling in laughter. He entwined their hands and walked the short distance to meet with Nolan.
Winter stayed back watching the interaction. She had no idea who they were and they most certainly were not dressed for a wedding, both wearing jeans, cross-trainers, and sweatshirts. She could tell by the way they gravitated towards each other they were in love; their bodies had to be touching in one way or another as if they needed the constant reminder the other was still there.
Nolan held out his hand inviting her over. Winter nervously stepped forward and joined them. "Winter, I would like you to meet Eric Foster and his girlfriend, Autumn Nash," he signed while speaking aloud.
"My fiancée," Eric corrected. Nolan made the correction also. She watched the young woman blush and cover her face, her ring finger daintily sparkling back at Winter.
"It's nice to meet you and congratulations. I'm Winter," she held out her hand. They looked towards Nolan as he repeated and then turned back to her. Eric tipped his head in greeting. The young woman, Autumn, took Winter’s hand in hers, pulling her around the side of the truck to the passenger door. She looked back at Nolan.
"You stay with these guys and I'll go get the newlyweds," he grinned before running off.
Autumn opened up the glove compartment and began to rummage through until she found what she was looking for in delight. Pulling a notebook and pen out, she began to scrawl and passed it to Winter.
"Sorry, I don't know sign language, but I thought we could officially speak by writing. Is that okay?"
Winter nodded and replied, "That would be great. Although Nolan really is a great interpreter."
"Are you and Nolan together?" she wrote.
"No, no not really." She looked up at the puzzled woman’s face.
; "Could have fooled me."
Winter changed the topic. "So, how do you know Nolan?" she asked.
"Well, we don't actually. I mean this is the first time we have met him in person. We just drove two days to deliver his commissioned wedding gift. Eric is a sculptor."
Winter began reading the note, but it was torn from her hands as Autumn added, "Oh, and he's going to be a minister real soon. Sorry had to add that part." Winter watched her giggle.
"Are you in town long?" she replied.
"Nope, but we figured we would like to stay a day or two before heading home to Ligonier and going back to work. We should catch up. Who knows what will happen when two seasons meet!" Autumn continued to joke. Winter loved her instantly.
"Yes, getting together sounds great as long as you don't mind all the writing."
"Nah, I’ll get your number and we can text—it's faster. I just got my first phone so I'm still trying to gain some skills."
Winter looked at her strangely. Who only just gets a phone in this day and age? As if Autumn understood the weird look she was getting, she quickly wrote, "It's a long story and one I hope to tell you."
Winter saw Nolan return with Charlie and Nicole, and practically everyone from the wedding in tow. Eric pushed himself off the side of his vehicle and began to untie the knots with Nolan’s help. Autumn took Winter by the hand and pulled her around to stand next to Charlie and her new sister-in-law.
Eric pulled off the sheet and Winter gasped. It was beautiful. It was a life-size wooden statue made of a man and a woman embracing. The wood had an outer shell completely made of wire, caging them in, protecting their loving forms from being harmed. It was magnificent.