Her Mafia Boss

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Her Mafia Boss Page 5

by Bianca Cole


  It makes sense that they would start riding the bus, trying to find me. Bruce is out for my blood, and I shouldn’t have risked going to Mode. Even though Leo demanded it, and you don’t deny a Romano when he tells you to do something.

  The bus comes to a stop, and I keep my head bowed, praying they don’t see me. It would be a damn miracle if they don’t recognize me.

  Bruce knows I always use the bus, and I should have been more careful. The only problem is, it’s my only way of getting around. I knew if I’d walked, they’d definitely find me. They’re always out on the streets, dealing drugs at night.

  Ryan pays their fares, and Jimmy is heading toward me. I can see him out of the corner of my eye. “Well, well, look who it is,” Jimmy says, stopping directly in front of me.

  I swallow and then glance up at him. “Hey, Jimmy, how are you?” I say, trying to keep my voice light.

  Ryan laughs behind him. “We’re good now that we’ve found you.” He shakes his head. “Bruce has offered a grand to find you.”

  I narrow my eyes. “A grand,” I say, laughing. “You honestly believe he’ll come through and pay you?”

  Ryan’s face turns serious. “He will or he will regret it.” He punches his palm with his fist. “No one fucks with us.”

  Ryan and Jimmy are two good for nothing drug dealers. All of Bruce’s friends think they’re hard, alpha males. But when it comes down to it, they’d piss their pants if they came up against someone like Leo.

  Ryan slumps into the seat on my right side, and Jimmy slides into the seat on my left. “Hasn’t anyone told you it’s dangerous to travel alone at night?” Ryan asks, sneering down at me.

  “Piss off, both of you,” I say, crossing my arms over my chest, trying my best to appear unaffected by their presence.

  A lady sitting a few seats down looks at me concerned. Inside, I’m a panicking mess. They can’t take me back to Bruce. I won’t go anywhere near that fucking bastard again.

  Jimmy grips hold of my thigh, squeezing so hard it hurts. “Don’t fuck with us, Ellie.” He leans closer to my ear. “You know what we’re both capable of.”

  Do I know what they’re capable of? As far as I’d been aware, these two cowards have only ever been capable of selling drugs to vulnerable teenagers and hookers. “Leave me alone,” I say.

  Ryan laughs at that. “Or what? You’ll beat us up?”

  Jimmy joins in. “What are you going to do? Ride the bus until the end of the line.”

  I glare at him, wondering if I could take these two. They both have less meat on them than a size zero model. My stop is ever nearing and I know I’ve got to get up. I stand to my feet and hold onto one of the rails, trying to get away from them.

  Ryan comes after me, sliding a hand onto my shoulder. “We know you’re getting off at the next stop. Sid told us where you are staying.”

  My jaw clenches. So much for Sid being Bruce’s only decent friend. I move toward the front of the bus, ready to get down the steps and run if I have to.

  The bus slows down, but I know they’re just behind me. It’s going to take one hell of a dash to out run them, but they’re both crack heads who don’t work out. Hopefully, I’ve got the upper hand.

  The driver pulls over to the bus stop and gives the two men behind me a wary look. “Are you all right, Miss?” he asks.

  I nod at him, knowing if I get him involved they’ll end up beating him up. The driver has to be about sixty years old, with gray hair. “I’m fine, thanks.”

  Ryan pipes up, “She’s safe with us, now mind your own fucking business, old man.”

  I step off the bus, and it’s at that moment I realize there’s no use running. They know where Ashley lives, and if I run there, they’ll just find me. In turn, it would put Ashley and her boyfriend in danger.

  I’ve got nowhere else to go, but I’m not bringing these assholes to my best friend’s doorstep. Instead, I step off the bus and turn to face them, walking backward toward the wall.

  It’s going to be fight or fucking die at this point. There’s no way in hell I’m letting them take me back to Bruce. “What do you want?” I snap, trying not to show fear, despite feeling sick to the stomach. I keep my fists clenched and ready.

  The bus driver stares out the window at us and so does the other lady who was on the bus. He hasn’t moved the bus on yet, and I can tell from the look on his face that he is flirting with the idea of intervening.

  Any on looker would know these guys are after trouble. I meet the drivers gaze and shake my head slightly.

  He revs the engine, and I watch the bus pull away. Ryan steps even closer to me, blocking me into the wall. “How about we do this the easy way?”

  I shake my head. “There’s no way in hell I’m going anywhere with you.”

  Jimmy chuckles. “We’ll take you to him, even if we have to drag you kicking and screaming.” His hand circles my arm and I writhe against him, trying to break free.

  “Over, my dead body,” I spit, bringing my fist up to his face and punching him hard.

  “Fucking bitch,” he spits, grabbing me even harder and pushing me against the wall with such force the air is knocked from my lungs.

  Okay, maybe Jimmy is stronger than I anticipated. A yelp from Ryan startles me, and I glance over to see him out writhing on the floor, clutching a bloody nose.

  “What the fuck?” Jimmy says.

  Movement behind him catches my eyes and I realize someone has come to my rescue. The guy who put out Ryan moves so quick I barely see him as he grabs hold of Jimmy, turning him around and punching him in the stomach. Jimmy doubles over and my breath catches in my throat at the bright blue eyes that lock with mine. It’s only at that point I realize it’s Leo.

  He’s saving me from these assholes. A flood of warmth fills me, as he turns his attention back to Jimmy. His jaw is clenched and eyes full of rage as he protects me like no one ever has.



  Mode’s music is pumping hard and fast, as I step out of the back entrance. My heart rate is thundering at a hundred-miles an hour and won’t slow down. Ellie is like fucking cocaine. I’m hooked on her.

  The way it feels when I tie her up and fuck her is unlike anything I’ve experienced before. It’s a primal and basal need with her. A need to claim her and make her mine.

  I run a hand through my hair and breathe a deep breath. Anytime I shut my eyes, her face appears in my mind. It’s driving me mad. It’s only been twenty-four hours since I met her, but she’s burrowed her way under my skin like no one ever has been.

  My Mercedes beeps as I press the unlock button, straightening my tie as I slip inside. The engine roars to life, and I try to focus on anything but her, shifting into reverse and pulling out of my space. I pull onto the main road, driving slowly along it. She left twenty minutes ago, but I’m not sure if she was walking. I’m hoping I’ll see her again.

  It’s irrational. We’ve barely said two words to each other, but I need to see her. I drive down the road, keeping my eyes peeled for anyone walking.

  Ellie has done something to me no other woman has achieved in my life before. I’m nearing the highway, as a bus pulls out in front of me suddenly. He didn’t even fucking indicate. I honk my horn, breaking in the nick of time.

  The moment it pulls away, I see her. Ellie is standing there and two guys are towering over her, forcing her to keep stepping backward. For a moment, I watch what is happening, trying to gauge the situation. When I see Ellie punch the guy in the face, my heart swells with pride. My tough thief can put up a fight.

  Then, the moment of pride is broken when the guy grabs hold of her arm forcefully. He slams her against the wall with such force, and it feels like someone has given me a shot of adrenaline.

  I absolutely lose my shit. Something that has never happened to me before. It’s a foreign sensation, as rage filters through me, setting me on fire. I pull over onto to the curb, shifting the car into park. I don�
�t even turn off the damn engine, as I fling open the door and rush toward her.

  My fists clenched and body tense. They don’t even see me coming, as I grab hold of the nearest guys collar. He yelps as I pummel him into the floor, before picking him back up and punching him in the face. A sickening crack fills the air and blood rushes from his nose. He holds a hand up to it, yelping like the wuss he is.

  “What the fuck?” the other guy says, letting go of Ellie and turning toward me. The moment he sets eyes on me, he turns as white as a sheet.

  I crack my knuckles, barely noticing the pain from punching that guy.

  This coward who touched Ellie and threw her against a wall, holds his hands up. “Please, I don’t want any trouble.”

  I shake my head. “Too bad, the moment you set your hands on her, that’s exactly what you found.”

  His eyes go wide, as I move quickly, punching him in the gut first. He doubles over, clutching his stomach. I grab hold of his shoulder and push him against the wall, forcefully. My fist connects with his jaw first and then his nose, breaking both of them swiftly. I don’t even feel any pain in my knuckles, despite knowing they’ll swell up by the morning.

  I bring my arm back to punch him again, but a hand tightens around my forearm, forcing me to stop. In my rage, I twist around ready to pummel the other guy who has clearly come back for more.

  I stop in the nick of time, as I register Ellie staring at me, fear in her eyes at the look on my face. I snap out of my rage and drop my fist, searching her eyes.

  “Stop,” she whispers, so quietly I can barely hear it.

  I nod and step away from the men, closer to her. Blood coats my knuckles and I pull out a handkerchief from my pocket, wiping it away. Ellie watches me with a look of curiosity in her eyes. Once I’ve cleaned them off, I wrap my hand around hers and pull her toward the car without a word.

  I’ve never been one to break the family rules, but in two nights since I’ve met Ellie, I’ve broken two. The first was allowing Ellie to live when she tried to steal from us. The second was showing someone in public that I care about another person, other than my family.

  Ellie has got to me in a way I can’t understand. I beat up two drug dealers, men who push our drugs, in the street. There will be talk about this once they recover and come out of hospital.

  I open the passenger’s door. “Get in,” I command.

  She looks at me hesitantly. “Where are we going?”

  It’s the first time she has ever questioned me. My jaw clenches. “I said, get in.”

  Fear floods her eyes, and she slides into the seat without another word. I slam the door shut behind her, and rest my head on my hand against the top of the car. My eyes shut. What the fuck have I done?

  The two guys are still groaning, rolling about on the pavement. I fire off a text to one of my men, telling them to get over here as fast as possible and get them off to hospital.

  I need to keep them quiet and guys like them can be bought easily. We’ll offer them two grand to keep their mouths shut about what happened, and it will be fine.

  My phone buzzes.

  Joe: Right away, boss.

  Once I get the confirmation, I slide into the driver’s side and turn over the engine. Ellie is sitting with her feet up on the chair, hugging her knees to her chest.

  “Seat belt on,” I say, unsure how to act toward her.

  A part of me wants to hold her close and tell her everything will be okay. I mean, she just witnessed me beating those men to a pulp with little effort. I know doing that to save her goes against everything we stand for.

  I shift the car into drive and pull away, leaving my mess behind me. In the rearview mirror, I can see the guys rolling about on the floor, trying to get up and failing drastically. Ellie remains silent as I pull onto the highway, pressing my foot hard to the floor.

  I’m conflicted, and I hate it. On the one hand, I want to touch her so bad my finger tips are itching. On the other hand, I know once I show her kindness there is no going back.

  After what feels like too long of painful, tense silence, the need to touch her wins out. I slide my hand onto her thigh, gripping it possessively.

  She gasps, lips parting as she meets my gaze.

  “Don’t worry, everything will be okay,” I say, clenching my jaw the moment the words escape me. This isn’t me. I don’t comfort people, ever—it’s not my style. “Where are you staying?” I ask, keeping my eyes fixed on the road.

  There’s a moment pause, before she sighs. “A friend’s place, but those guys know I’m staying there.”

  I grip the steering wheel so hard my knuckles turn white. A flood of anger hits me, learning that those guys targeted her and are searching for her. The need to protect this woman rises inside of me so strong it obliterates any other thoughts. She’s mine, and no one touches what is mine. “Don’t you have a place of your own?”

  “No,” she mumbles, gazing out of the window.

  My jaw clenches and I wonder what shit this girl is in. “Why not?”

  “It’s a long story.”

  The fact she doesn’t want to tell me that story irritates me more than I can put into words. Silence falls between us, other than the roar of the engine as I push on closer to home. There’s no use asking her anymore questions, not now anyway. She doesn’t want to talk. All I know is there is no way in hell I’m letting her out of my sight again.

  Those drug dealers are the lowest of the low—the bottom of the hierarchy—but it doesn’t make them any less dangerous. In fact, it makes them more dangerous. They’re barbaric and disgusting.

  Ellie needs protecting from them, and I know I will be the one protecting her—no matter what.



  Silence fills the air as Leo drives down the road, hand possessively gripping my thigh still. The way he beat-up those guys for me, protected me, was undeniably hot.

  He was full of rage and power, and I’m worried if I hadn’t stepped in he would have killed them. The only thing that is making me feel sick to my stomach, is why he did it.

  I’m his play thing to punish because I stole from him until I learn my lesson. It makes little sense why he’d want to protect me. He didn’t seem thrilled when I told him I’m homeless, and he hasn’t alluded to where we’re going.

  His fingers stroke the inside of my thigh, making heat pulse through my veins. I swallow hard, wondering if he knows exactly what he’s doing to me.

  I allow myself to look at him, and he is staring straight ahead at the road, eyes focused. He looks so brutally handsome in the dim light of the moon shining overhead. His high cheek-bones are enough to make any woman envious. It’s the first time I’ve really studied the man I’ve fucked twice, since most the time I’ve been bound with my back to him.

  “What are you looking at?” he asks, voice stern.

  I shrug. “You.” I look down at my hands. “You are so beautiful,” I say.

  He chuckles at that, shaking his head. “I’ve been called a lot of things before, but not beautiful.” His fingers trace higher on my legs, edging under my skirt. “You are the beautiful one here,” he murmurs, hooking a finger into my thong. “I love that my cum is still dripping out of you and soaking into your panties.”

  I soak through more, shivering at his light touch. This man is an addiction. I love his dominance and the way he gets my body to respond. Bruce acted as if he was an alpha male, but he’s not. A real alpha male never beats a woman the way Bruce beat me.

  “Where are we going?” I ask, again, trying to keep my mind off his finger teasing my soaking wet lips.

  “To my place.”

  I swallow hard, trying to reign in my fear. The Romano mansion is like Fort Knox, as far as I’ve heard. Once he gets me in there, he could keep me there forever. The thought is scary and exciting at the same time. “Why?”

  He shakes his head. “Too many questions, Ciccino.”

  I moan as his finger dips inside of me, w
hile he keeps his eyes fixed on the road ahead. Who ever said men can’t multi-task? Leo is proving that is so wrong right now.

  I let my head fall back against the headrest, as he fingers me. I bite my lip, as he curls his finger, hitting the spot deep inside of me that floods me with pleasure.

  “Fuck,” I rasp, as his finger moves from my pussy to my clit, circling it in a way that makes me crazy.

  “You’re so responsive,” he groans, forcing my eyes toward his lap. His cock is hard and pressing against the fabric of his pants.

  “Can I touch?” I ask.

  His eyes meet mine and then he looks down at his cock, lips curving into a smirk. “Go ahead, baby.” He pulls his fingers from my pussy and licks them clean, tasting me.

  I lick my lips and shift in the seat, reaching across the console to unzip his pants. My heart pounds in my chest as I reach in for his huge cock, freeing him from his boxers. The head is swollen and glistening with precum, as it stands upright in front of me.

  It looks ridiculously huge in my small hands, as I stroke him from root to tip. More precum floods from the swollen head, dripping down the side of his length. It makes my mouth water at the thought of tasting him again.

  “Suck it,” he groans, lacing his fingers in my hair and guiding me down to him.

  I close my lips around his head, breathing through my nose as I let him sink right back into my throat. He grunts above me, thrusting his hips upward. It drives his cock even deeper down my throat, sending a pleasure through me I can’t explain. I’ll never get enough of this man, and the way he takes control of me.

  I moan around his cock, pulling back and swirling my tongue around the thick, swollen head. Delicious precum floods my mouth, and I swallow it. The thought of him shooting his load down my throat makes me needy. I want to swallow every drop of him. Leo is as addictive as he is dangerous.


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