Spearwood Book One

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Spearwood Book One Page 5

by A. S. Oren


  “Your father is a Dragon shifter, and your mother is an Angel.” He runs his hand over his hair and gives his ponytail a tug.

  Like in that book I read? With the Sun and Moon gods? I still haven’t finished it.

  Edgar nods. “Yes, like in the book. One thing the book doesn’t cover is the curse that was placed on female Dragon shifters over seventeen-thousand years ago. When most of man was still in the Stone Age.”

  Why? Who cursed them?

  “A woman Shaman, the first in her clan. The dragon shifters took her lover, who was a mermaid, and didn’t allow her to return to the water at night.”


  He shakes his head. “I don’t know. It’s never said in the lore. She died. As revenge, the Shaman cursed the women of Dragon shifter clans for all eternity; they would be forced to transform into their dragon selves every night, and with it, they would feel the pain they had caused her lover.”

  Maverick comes out of the cabin now, carrying two sets of clothes. He hurries past us and up the steps.

  Then what happened?

  Edgar sighs. “The curse carried onto their unborn daughters, who would die while in the womb in the ninth month of pregnancy, often takin’ their mother’s with them. You are the first true female to be born to Dragon shifters in over seventeen thousand years.”


  He shrugs. “I honestly don’t know. Some thought the curse had ended, but that wasn’t the case. Others, like me, think it is due to the fact your mother is an Angel. We thought her blood had cured you of the curse or that you were more Angel than Dragon but after tonight, I think we were wrong. Something has changed within you and has triggered the curse to awaken.”

  I shift my legs under me to lie more comfortably. This will happen every night?

  “Yes, I’m afraid so.”

  There’s no way to get rid of it?

  Another rub at his eyes. “There may be a way. Hidden somewhere in this world, but no one has found it yet.”

  What about the Shaman woman; what happened to her?

  “Some say her mermaid lover made her immortal, and she now travels the world helpin’ people. Before our ancestors killed her lover, she was a very loving Shaman, helping those in need. Others say she died of a broken heart, takin’ the cure for the curse with her.”

  I don’t want this to happen to me every night.

  He stands from the steps with a crack of his knees and walks over to me. “I know, Avalon. I don’t want it to happen to you either. You don’t deserve to bear the curse our ancestors created.” He pats me on the head, just like he does when I’m human.

  “Try and get some rest. At least in dragon form the cold air doesn’t bother you. I need to go speak with the boys. They should be done with their baths by now.”

  I awake the next morning to Edgar wrapping a blanket around my body and picking me up. Again, just like yesterday, my arms and legs weigh a thousand pounds. I can’t lift them far.

  I force my eyes to stay open. “I’m me again?”

  Edgar nods. “Yes.”

  I give into the overwhelming need to close my eyes. “I’m so sleepy.”

  He climbs the stairs and heads for my room. “You need to rest.” With one arm he cradles me, while pulling back the blankets on my bed with the other.

  With a gentleness, he lays me down and covers me. The back of his hand touches my forehead and then his own. “You don’t have a temperature, that’s good. Get some sleep. I’ll be back later with something to help restore your strength, though you may not like it.”

  Maverick and Paden come to the door, both still in their pyjamas. Maverick steps over to us first. “Is Lon okay, Ed?”

  Edgar ruffles my hair. “She’ll be okay eventually. Go back to bed. It’s too early for you two to be up yet.”

  Paden inches closer now. “We can’t sleep. Can we stay in here with her?”

  Edgar sighs. “That’s up to you, Avalon. Do you want them to stay in here with you?”

  It takes my last ounce of energy, but I manage a, “Yeah.”

  Edgar walks from the bed. “Okay but only for a little bit. You two still have your training today.”

  Maverick climbs over me and gets under the covers to my right. Paden lies down under the covers on my left. They each take one of my hands, the jolts from their touch making the heaviness leave my muscles. I don’t fight the sleep anymore as their breathing evens out and Edgar closes the door.

  “Avalon, wake up. You need to eat something,” Edgar’s voice calls to me, forcing me out of my dream of playing with Amr. I open my eyes. Maverick and Paden have gone and the heaviness in my muscles has returned.

  Next to my bed, Edgar has a standing tray with a bowl on top of it. It smells awful, like meat, but I find myself wanting some. He sits down on the edge of my bed and helps me sit up.

  “What is that?” I cover my nose.

  “Beef bone marrow broth. I know you don’t like most things made from animal, but I’ve infused this with herbs, and the marrow will help restore your strength. I’m hoping you’ll be able to walk around again by the end of the week. Boys of our kind don’t need to recover, so I’m learning how this will go with you. ”

  He dips a spoon into the brown liquid and holds it to my mouth. My stomach rumbles. I sip the broth; it doesn’t taste as bad as it smells. Maybe it will help me.

  Soon the bowl sits empty, and my stomach rests full. Sleep comes to take me again.

  For a week, I go from sleeping in my bed to transforming at night. I’m happy to discover my room is big enough to house my Dragon form, so I don’t have to spend the nights outside.

  By the eighth day, I’m able to stand from my bed and walk around the house. My body aches, but I’ve gotten so used to it that it sits as an irritation at the back of my mind. I don’t want to be in bed anymore. I want to play and train with Paden and Maverick.

  I take the stairs one at a time as I make my way to the kitchen. “Okay, now place the cheese on it and the other slice of bread, buttered side facin’ up.”

  Edgar stands next to Maverick and Paden, who stand on chairs overseeing a griddle.

  Maverick sees me first. He grins. “Lon!” He jumps off the chair and runs over, hugging the breath out of me. The jolt, like always, brings relief.

  “Maverick, I’m glad to see Avalon up and about too, but you’re cookin’. Get back over here.”

  He lets go of me and smiles again. “Yes, sir.” With a leap and a jump, he’s back on his chair, flipping over the sandwich with a spatula.

  I make my way over to the kitchen table and sit down in a chair. I’m tired again, I just woke up, though. I rub at my legs. Edgar comes over and ruffles my hair. “Are you sure you want to be out of bed? I can take you back upstairs.”

  Tears well in my eyes. “I just want to be normal again! I want to play and train, too!”

  Edgar places a hand on my shoulder. “I know, Avalon. We’ll figure out a way to get you up to speed again. I bet this time, next year you’ll be running around with the boys again.” I nod. It will take at least a year for this to get better.

  Paden and Maverick come over to the table with a plate. A grilled cheese sits on it, one half burnt and the other one golden. Paden nudges it toward me. “We each made a half. It’ll help you become strong again, Lon.”

  I wipe away the tears, pick up the golden half, and take a bite. I’m going to get strong again, so I can play and have fun.

  “Try mine, too!” Maverick points to the burnt half.

  Paden laughs. “Yours is burnt, though.”

  “So! Mom S said that as long as it’s made with love, that’s all that matters;, and I made it with love!”

  He folds his arms over his chest. “Then I dare you to eat Mom S’s tuna casserole when we see them again.”

  Maverick presses his lips together and swallows hard. “Okay. She always cooks with love.”

  I pick up the burnt half and take a bite. “It do
esn’t taste bad. Thank you.”

  Maverick shoves Paden. “See! I told you she would like it!”

  Nearly One Year Later….

  “Happy Birthday!” Maverick and Paden yell as I walk into the kitchen. I rub the sleep from my eyes and stare at the table. A lavender-purple cake stands in the centre with a number seven candle resting on top, already lit.

  I smile and quicken my step to sit down. “Cake for breakfast?”

  “We thought it best to have your birthday dinner first.” Edgar places a mug next to my plate and smiles. “The boys couldn’t wait to have you blow out the candle. So we’re having cake first and then dinner; it’s your favourite.”

  My eyes go wide. “Veggie burgers?” I take the mug and down the bitter liquid, Edgar’s pain relief tea. It helps me so I can make it through the day. Now, I only drink it once a day. I’m hoping in a few years I’ll no longer need it.

  “Yup and regular burgers for the boys.” He takes the mug back.

  Edgar makes the veggie burgers from scratch. We tried the store bought ones once, but I hated them. It was like sucking on cardboard, so Edgar got a vegetarian cookbook and learned how to make them just for me.

  Paden points to the wilting number seven. “You better blow out the candle; it’s starting to melt.”

  I close my eyes and blow. I wish to not be cursed anymore.

  Maverick eyes the cake, like he’s forgotten about the two cakes we had last month for their birthdays. “Whatcha wish for?”

  I run my fingers across my lips. “I can’t tell you, or else it won’t come true.” There’s no reason for me to put a damper on everything. They have put in a lot of effort to make this morning special.

  We all grin at each other, and Paden lays four forks down on the table. “Time to dig in!”

  We take our forks and scoop chocolate cake into our mouths.

  Edgar shakes his head and laughs. “Animals, the lot of you.” He joins in, though, taking a bite of cake for himself.

  With half the cake gone, Maverick glances up at Edgar, wiping purple frosting off his mouth with the back of his hand. “Ed, can we do presents now, too?”

  Paden nods his head. “Yeah, can we? Please?”

  I laugh. I think they are more excited than I am to see me open them.

  Edgar rolls his eyes. “You two have the patience of a flea. Yes, you can give your presents now. Go get them.”

  Paden and Maverick hop off their chairs, wash their forks, and rush outside.

  “Edgar!” Paden calls, his voice ripe with worry.

  Edgar stands in an instant and sprints for the door. I leap down from my chair to follow. What happened?

  Stepping onto the porch, I twist the ring Amr gave me. The boys and Edgar crouch around something.

  Someone screams, and a green thing comes at the porch, headed right for me. A boy. I grab him by the hand and stop him from going inside the house. He’s naked; his body coated in a slimy green liquid. His body jerks as I take hold of his hand. A jolt goes up my arm, just like it does when I touch Maverick or Paden. He glances at me with wide grass-green eyes. For a moment, he stands still, staring at me.

  I lick my lips, breaking the dry seal on them. “Are you okay?”

  He blinks and rips his hand out of mine, diving for the porch swing. Without a second thought, he crawls under it and curls up into a ball.

  Edgar stands and watches the boy. “What in Sun’s name?” He runs a hand over his hair. Maverick and Paden come and join me on the porch.

  Paden shakes his head. “Who is this kid?”

  Maverick walks over to the swing and crouches down to peer beneath. “Are you an alien?”

  The boy screams again.

  I go to Maverick and pull him back. “You’re scaring him, give him some space.”

  “I just wanted to know if he’s an alien.” He goes back to Paden, who rolls his eyes.

  I balance on the edge of the porch as Edgar comes to stand with the boys. I lie down on my stomach across from him. Far enough away that we can see each other but still not close enough to reach out and touch him.

  He shakes, curling into a tighter ball.

  I smile. “I’m Avalon. I don’t know what happened to you, but you’re safe here. It’s the safest place in the world. No monsters can get you here. I promise.”

  His eyes are so green. I swear they’re glowing in the darkness under the swing. “I know those guys seem scary, but they aren’t. Edgar’s the old guy. He’s like a dad to us. Like teaching us how to cook and run for miles without losing our breath. It’s pretty awesome having him take care of us.”

  His shoulders relax. He continues to stare at me. Does he even speak English? Talking to him seems to be helping.

  “And the blond kid is Paden. He’s a bit cold when you first meet him, but if you start talking about comic books, especially Spiderman, he’ll never shut up.”

  His legs relax.

  “And the one with the white stripe in his bangs, that’s Maverick. He’s just smelly.” I laugh.

  “I took a bath…last week.”

  I inch my hand a bit towards the kid. “See, he just proved my point.”

  A smile pulls at his lips.

  “What’s your name?”

  He presses his lips together.

  “Where did you come from?”

  He turns his head in the other direction, facing the house.

  “It’s okay. You don’t have to talk. I like to read. I just finished Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. I can’t believe the next book isn’t out yet! I don’t know if I’ll be able to wait. I hope Miss Rowling writes fast.”

  He turns his face toward me again.

  “Edgar has a ton of books, and so do I. The Flea Market sells a ton for really cheap. Do you like cartoons? We have a ton of those, too. How ‘bout you come out from under there? I’m pretty sure Paden’s clothes would fit you, and a warm bath would feel nice. It’s not exactly warm out here.”

  I reach out towards him, offering my hand. “It can’t be too comfortable under there. You’re safe here. I promise.”

  He glances at the others before focusing on my hand. His own inches towards mine, and I help pull him out. We stand. He moves closer to me, burying his face in my shoulder. My hands hover over his back, hesitant because of the slime that covers him. He wraps his arms around me. Touching his back, I allow my hands to sink into the green goo. I swallow hard, so gross. “It’s okay.”

  Edgar steps over to us but keeps some distance. “I want to take a sample of that slime. To make sure it’s nothing serious. After, you may take a bath.” Edgar reaches out for his hand. The boy screams and starts to shake in my arms.

  “I’ll help, Ed. He’s too scared of you three right now.” I pat him on the back, trying to soothe him; the slime sticks to my fingers in long strands. “Come on, let’s go inside.” I pry his arms off my neck and turn him; I walk into the house. The half-demolished cake sits in the centre of the table. He stops to stare at it before allowing me to steer him toward the sink area. “Don’t move. I’ll be right back.”

  I let go of him and slime drips off my arms. Grabbing the stool, I drag it over to Edgar’s vial cabinet, the one he uses for his potion work during the camp season. He’s been teaching the boys and me how to make potions, amongst other things. I’m still not allowed to make my pain relief tea. With a vial in my hand, I go back to him, scooping some of the goo from his arm into the vial and corking it.

  Edgar and the guys inch into the kitchen, making sure to keep their distance. The boy eyes them but thankfully doesn’t scream. I hand the vial to Edgar, who takes it by the cork. Whatever this goo is, he will figure it out.

  A frown etches Edgar’s face as he watches the boy stare at us. “I think it would be best if he took a shower first, to rinse all that off. Then, if he wants, he can take a bath. Paden, go find some clothes for him. Maverick, run the shower and help him if he needs it.”

  He screams, and I wince. “I’
ll run the shower for him, Ed. I don’t think he likes boys.”

  Edgar shakes his head. “I don’t think that’s a good idea. We don’t know who he is or how he got here. I’m the only one that can bring people on this land. No one knows of its location.”

  “Maybe he’s like my Mom. You said Dad found her in the woods, and you didn’t bring her here.”

  He tugs at his white ponytail. “Yeah, but she came here from a completely different plain of existence.”

  I fold my arms over my chest. “Well, maybe he did, too. Now, are you going to let him stand in your kitchen all day, with that slime dripping off him? I can take care of myself.” I suppress the urge to stomp my foot. Ever since the curse awoke in me, I’ve had a hard time controlling childish impulses. “See?” I light the tip of my finger with a flame. I just learned to do that before training camp ended in August.

  With a huff, he waves his hand. “Fine. You can help him but keep the bathroom door open and scream if he tries to hurt you. I’ll be in the hallway.”

  I smile. At least he trusts me, somewhat. I go to the boy and take his hand with my slimy one. No jolt greets me. I frown. It’s never stopped with Maverick or Paden, odd. Must’ve been a one-time thing. “Come on, let’s get you cleaned up.”

  He jumps when the screen door closes behind the guys going outside. I take him by the shoulder again and steer him up the stairs to the guest bathroom. Edgar keeps his distance but follows behind us. I push the curtain back and turn on the shower to a nice warm temperature, just how I like it. I help him step into the tub. “Okay, rinse that off you, and then I’ll run the bath. I’m just going to go to the sink over there and rinse off my hands and arms.”

  He gives a small nod. Well, at least I know for certain now, he understands me. I close the curtain around the bathtub and go to the sink. I scrub at my arms with lathered soap and rinse them with warm water. Surprisingly, all the slime comes off with ease. I use the hand towel to dry off. This will have to go into the wash now.

  He pokes his head around the curtain to stare at me. Dark red hair sticks to his head. So, that’s what it looks like. “Ready for a nice bubble bath?”


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