Destiny's Gate

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Destiny's Gate Page 22

by Lee Bice-Matheson

  I zipped into my new green Guess jeans and a red cable knit sweater Peggy had made me for as a Christmas gift. Opening the door, I was stunned as my gaze met a man’s; Carole’s uncle had a strong presence. I shivered momentarily. I thought it was rather odd that she had brought him directly to my bedroom.

  Uncle Kyle nodded his head in greeting and asked, “Where can we speak in private?”

  I responded, “My photo lab in the basement would be the best place.”

  The three of us did not speak again until we reached the lower stairs.

  “So nice to finally meet you, Paige. I understand you know who I am?” Uncle Kyle asked. “And I’ve been informed that you are having trouble with interference from the spirit world. In fact, I’ve had a vision showing me so. Call me Kyle. I am honoured to help you in any way that I can. Please tell me what’s happening to you now?”

  Kyle waved his hand, allowing me to enter the lab first. I stumbled in and sat on a bench situated against the far wall. He insisted to Carole that she should enter next. Carole grabbed her chest and then she motioned for me to carry on. I wondered what that was all about.

  “Apparently, there is an evil force brewing on the estate. It holds my family and my ancestors responsible for something that happened several generations ago. That’s the gist. I also have been attacked by black savage dogs and wolves...”

  “Whoa, stop right there! Black dogs — how big?”

  “They vary in size — one, in particular, keeps showing up. The last time I saw him he was in the flesh, before was as if he was a ghost.”

  Kyle paused, reflecting on what was said. “Oh, my, you aren’t talking about hellhounds, are you? Why, it can’t folklore, they are often the gatekeepers to something; it could be a graveyard...”

  “That’s it,” I interjected. “The cemetery with the angel, Carole, you remember — we ran by her on Halloween.”

  Carole nodded, a look of fright on her face.

  “Well, that could be a good thing, or not,” Kyle explained. “Did you smell something like a fire burning, because they’re known for that, or did you notice their growl? It is often described as loud and then low, like thunder rumbling...just before they attack?”

  I studied Kyle’s face, and noticed his pupils were dilated. Fear seemed to show itself, briefly, and then he seemed fine.

  “Come to think of it, yes, I guess I’ve smelled a smoky odour, and definitely, the growl is exactly as you’ve described. What do you mean...good or not?” I asked exasperated.

  Kyle paced the lab as he spoke. “I’ve been very fortunate to have the opportunity to travel through most of the United States, as I am often called upon to consult, as a spiritual counsellor. One day, I was on my way to a healing ceremony when I found myself stranded in an airport in Missouri. I met a man, who sat next to me, a Doctor Jolly, who struck up a conversation, talking about the blasted weather, as he put it. It was thunderstorming and our flight was delayed. He asked if he could tell me a story. Now before I begin, I just want to say up front, I don’t believe in hellhounds. With that being said, this is what the man told me, Paige. While he was riding his horse one night, crossing a stream near a cemetery, I think it was called Baysville Cemetery, he saw a figure of some sort. As he rode closer, he saw it was a dog, but much larger. Imagine his shock when he noticed it was walking on water, with no sound or ripple effects. Doctor Jolly claimed he saw it many times; the most memorable sightings happened once in the daytime, and once in bright moonlight. He went on to explain, contrary to the myths, hellhounds can be used for a common good, not just bad, depending upon the circumstances. It’s not like everyone thinks. For instance, hellhounds can be sent to bring back lost souls wandering the earth invisible to most people. These are nasty souls not meant to inhabite this good earth. So for the common good, hellhounds send them to the Underworld. They may also safeguard a cemetery according to the wishes of the originator of the cemetery — to protect the family buried there — from evil spirits. I do believe that the good doctor had no doubt his story was true. He also added one can enlist the aid of hellhounds under certain circumstances. They can also be the protector of a woman, or, their worst enemy.” Kyle emphasized, “You will have to make up your own mind.”

  Kyle had a medium-sized build and dark brown hair, pulled back into a long braid down the middle of his back. His weathered face became more expressive as he pondered his last few sentences. Kyle fixed his gaze on me for some sort of reaction — I gave him nothing. At this point, I was numb from his confirmation that these horrible dogs existed. As far as I was aware, from horror movies, they were just downright evil working for the devil to serve his selfish desires.

  “The funny thing is, I’ve always wondered why Doctor Jolly picked me to tell his story to. Now I get it. I know this is difficult to hear, Paige, whatever is haunting need spiritual help.” He patted his braid and I noticed a small feather in the leather hair band.

  I explained that I already had a mentor, and she was the one to help guide me, and some help from the spirit world. I added a quick thank you to both Kyle and Carole and whispered an excuse that I had to get back upstairs to help my grandparents. Carole looked down, grabbed her uncle’s arm and led him out of the room. I guided them back up the narrow staircase, feeling rather sheepish, and said goodbye. I watched Carole and Kyle head down the hall to the east entrance. Kyle’s boots echoed down the corridor followed by a loud bang.

  I wheeled around to lock the three quarter door when something touched my hand. An immediate jolt of electricity shocked me. I recoiled and gasped; when I turned around there was nothing visible. I was growing tired of the earthbounds’ childish games. More importantly, I hoped deep within my heart that I had not ruined my friendship with Carole or insulted Kyle. I had been told by many that Peggy was my spiritual guide. She had been a guide to the O’Brien clan for years.

  As I approached my bedroom, I spied Jonathan in the hallway in his beautiful white wolf form, waiting for my return. He trotted into the room ahead of me, and transitioned in the flesh with his white-blond hair and electric blue eyes. “Paige, you had visitors today. Remember they are only trying to help you, as are Peggy, your grandfather, Carole, Allan and Trixie. Now Archangel Michael has enlisted too! What a lucky soul you are!”

  “Archangel Michael. What are you talking about?” I dropped onto the bed and put both hands on my head disbelieving my own ears.

  “Many do not remember that Michael was a healer first, before he was known as the protector of all souls. He is here to help awaken you to your true self on a soulful level. You are a healer and protector, as well. We can never have enough helpers, especially when we do not know what we are battling, yet.” Jonathan held my hand and said, “Listen to me, sister. I lost you in the last lifetime and I do not want to lose you in this one. The next time you are speaking with Carole, please thank her for her offer, and for her uncle’s, and ask that they say a protection prayer for you. It will be more powerful than you can imagine. Carole’s ancestors come from a long line of medicine men and chiefs. They know answers to questions that most do not even have the knowledge to ask. It wouldn’t hurt if they made a medicine bundle for you to heal your soul and any physical ailments. It must be blessed by many chiefs, or shamans, and First Nations peoples. It will take time to create it. Just know that I am with you in spirit, Paige. It is my turn to leave now. Know who you can trust and who you cannot. Listen to your gut. Not all are who they appear to be. In fact, sometimes, the nicest person can be the betrayer of souls.”

  As Jonathan revealed this last warning, he began to fade away until I could no longer see him. I rolled onto the floor and leaned against my bed wondering how I was going to figure this all out. Am I to wait until my parents return in June? Is mom supposed to help me? It is her bloodline after all. I bowed my head and asked for help from Creator. It was merely seconds until I heard l
oudly and clearly, you will know what to do when the time comes. Live from a place of love. It conquers all that is evil. Everything is as it should be.

  Grabbing two pillows from my bed, I got comfortable on the floor and fell asleep until lunch time. I stirred as I heard a loud bang and sat upright to watch the clock as it digitally displayed 12:00 p.m. Surveying the room, I wondered what the noise was. I began to twist my hair around my index finger, like mom loved to do, and thought, oh joy, another mother-daughter trait. When did the change occur? I giggled aloud only to be jolted back into reality with another loud bang. It was coming from the bathroom. I manoeuvred my way, stepping lightly, over clothes strewn about the floor and rounded the bathroom door. Inside, I spied a white orb that transformed into Mackenzie. She wore the same white eyelet dress and blue ribbon tying back her long, blonde hair, from my first meeting with her. Mackenzie pointed to something on the ceramic counter. I studied her wondering why she would not speak to me, and then noticed the angel charm Dexter had given to me. I looked at Mackenzie quizzically, who smiled, and then faded away.

  As I picked up the precious angel, I wondered why everything seemed like one giant puzzle that had split into a gazillion pieces. Why was it my responsibility to fit them all back together and solve the mystery? What in the world did my ancestors do to deserve such a plight? Instantly, I experienced an overpowering feeling of nausea and a flashback to the little boy tortured in the basement ice vault. Could it be all about him? And who was he, really? These were questions for my grandfather. Again, a wave of nausea hit; wrong answer. Perhaps, it was a question for Peggy. The nausea lifted; now, I was beginning to master my gift.


  Sasha Grace Returns

  Texting Carole as fast as my thumbs could manage, I offered humble apologies for my rude behaviour to her and especially to her uncle. I followed it with another text asking for a protection prayer to be said on my behalf, and for a medicine bundle for healing, as guided. Awaiting her response, I exited the estate using the east wing and was drawn to the rose garden, where Dexter and I had first talked about the danger at O’Brien Manor. Standing next to the bench he shoved me off, when Allan was casing the manor, I smiled. I would always cherish the memory of Dexter bestowing his sacred angel charm to me, pressing it tightly into my hands. I recalled his strength and encouragement to help me overcome evil, and then Carole’s text appeared. She sent a smiley face and texted, Uncle Kyle is happy 2 help in any way he can. The next text said, he understands this is new 2 u & did not judge your reaction 2 his suggestion re spiritual guidance. Her third text said, my uncle wishes u had asked about wolves — his main area of expertise. That admission startled me. And then the fourth text said, Uncle Kyle knows u r in good hands & everything will turn out as it should. There were those words again — turn out as it should. That and everything is as it should be is what I seemed to be hearing from spirits. As thankful as I was to know Kyle was going to help me I thought, how about a little more obvious help here, please?

  Quite honestly, I was not convinced I was as evolved as I should be at this point. I was certainly no expert on the spirit realm, or how it really worked. And on that self-doubt came, you know more than you are willing to accept. Just open your heart to love and have faith in yourself. It will come to you when you need it most — the skills to battle the evil that surrounds you and your family. No forethought is necessary.

  An overwhelming sense of grace and peace descended upon me, and again, I sighed with relief. Well, if that’s all I have to do, then love and faith it is. I remembered something mom said to me on my thirteenth birthday. Paige, the only thing in life to be feared, is fear itself. And with that, a light bulb went off. Who puts fear into our hearts and souls? Hmm...lost souls, perhaps?

  I flopped on the snow-covered bench and visualized Allan crouching near the forest, studying the estate. Thinking back to that day, I skipped a heartbeat when I remembered how I declared he was the evil one trying to hurt my family. How wrong I had been. Next, I wondered how the medicine bundle was made and what rituals would be performed to bless it. A bright, red, male cardinal landed on the opposite end of the bench. I froze, not wanting to scare him away. It warmed my heart as he chirped. I looked up to the cloudless, sunny, indigo sky and felt the warmth on my face. One thing I was beginning to appreciate was living in the now, taking in precious moments.

  I spied a white wolf standing at the edge of the forest and knew it was Jonathan saying goodbye. I jumped up and waved at him; he howled a soulful howl that touched my heart. I was overjoyed knowing he was a kindred spirit and family, after all. Again, I felt empowered and happy to know that I had great supporters when I needed them most.

  Allan, and Trixie in her human form, appeared from the brush and I ran to greet them. Hindered by a deep snowdrift, they laughed, as they watched me slowly fall backwards onto the pillows of snow. While I lay there, I decided to make a snow angel and felt like I was five again as I flailed my arms and legs to my sides and back again. Allan and Trixie joined me, creating angels of their own.

  After our playful interlude, we helped each other up and proudly gazed at our beautiful snow angels. In the middle of our artistic endeavours, Mackenzie, Conall and their mother appeared. My pulse quickened. I was delighted to see them, especially the mother. I never thought I would see her again. Allan and Trixie took several steps backwards as she approached me and put her hand on my head.

  “I am just a reminder to you, Paige, that you are being watched and guarded zealously from those appointed. We are always with you, child. You are never alone, even on the days you think you are. We are here to help you, at anytime. Just call out my name, Sasha Grace, or ask for Archangel Michael. We will be here immediately to fight by your side.”

  Feeling humbled, I glanced away and when I looked back, they were gone. Allan and Trixie were seated on the ground with stunned looks on their faces.

  “Whoa! I’ve never seen one before!” cried Allan. His hand was on his head; Trixie smiled ear to ear.

  “One what? An angel?”

  “No! A guardian angel. You are so lucky. She is powerul. Her spirit is so bright... I could not look at her. Could you, Paige?”

  “Of course. She looks no different than the two of you,” I responded. “Could you see her children? Mackenzie and Conall?”

  “Not at all. Trixie, could you see them?” asked her stepfather.

  “Nope, but I felt an overpowering, serene presence and that’s all I need to know.”

  “Well, I guess I am lucky. Another blessing on this precious day.”

  “Tell us, what does she look like?” inquired Allan, his voice child-like.

  I spoke in a soft tone and cleared my throat, “Picture the most divine angel with a long, flowy gown and hair, her radiant wings outstretched behind her, floating in mid-air. She looks youthful and of course, she’s all in white. Her name is Sasha Grace.”

  “Sounds beautiful,” Allan said. He smiled and gave me a pensive glance. “I have something I need to talk to you about but it can wait until tomorrow.”

  “Thanks, Allan. I really want to hold onto this moment,” I pleaded.

  “Yes, father. You and I can do what we need to do today and maybe, Paige, we can talk another day? Meet us at the guest house, when you can?”

  “For sure, Trixie. I’d be happy to.”

  Stepfather and daughter made their way through the snowdrifts, goose-stepping to navigate the knee deep snow. When they reached the treeline, they broke into a gallop and transformed in mid-air to the canines they truly were — a beautiful alpha male with grey fur and reddish highlights across the shoulders and behind his ears, and a black lab. It was a touching sight to behold.



  Scrambling back to the manor, I tiptoed into the kitchen, and was disturbed to see Hanna standing in the darkness, staring off into space. She
seemed to be murmuring to herself or to someone I could not visualize. I leaned in to eavesdrop, accidentally knocking an empty candy dish off the kitchen counter. It smashed into a gazillion pieces. Grabbing the dust buster, I glanced at Hanna; she turned, and for a brief moment, her eyes appeared black. I tumbled backwards through the unlatched kitchen door and spilled outside onto the patio. Hanna darted over to me. As I got up and brushed off my elbows, I looked into her eyes again, and her hazel eyes, light golden brown with a hint of green, had returned. I recoiled as she tried to help me. She glowered at me and as I blinked, she forced a smile. Recalling Jonathan’s warning about the nicest people sometimes can be a host to the evil, I quivered. Dark energies can sneak in and influence the best of us, if we are not careful.

  “Paige, dear, come back inside and I’ll make you a cup of white tea with a dash of ginger. It will help you recover from the shock of your fall,” Hanna said. She grabbed the dust buster, bent down and vacuumed the floor for several minutes. As she stood, Hanna said in a low, guttural voice, “How nice to see you again, Paige!”

  I broke out into a cold sweat as I recognized the voice from the bonfire and it scared me half to death. “Hanna, are you okay?” I pleaded, as I stepped around her, and moved towards the hallway. A blast of cold air crossed my body and I gulped, here we go again!

  She latched onto my arm, and repeated, “I said, so nice to see you again, Paige! Remember your recurring nightmare back in Scarborough?” Hanna continued; her eyes wild. “Who do you think put those nightmares into your head? Remember my voice now?” She stood with hands on hips.

  I continued backing into the hallway and fled to my bedroom, locking the door behind me. Whoever was speaking, it was not Hanna. She had been hijacked by a lost soul, one I was all too familiar with. Footsteps resonated down the hall and a brisk rap on the door made me flinch. When I did not respond, the rap escalated and became so aggressive, the whole door shook. Scared out of my mind, I heard a squeal and then nothing. I collapsed onto the floor in a clammy sweat. I stayed still as a cat about to ambush a mouse, yet I was the mouse afraid to move or make a sound. When I was sure the coast was clear, I snuck into the bathroom and screamed aloud as I saw a message written across my mirror, in what looked like blood — ‘I’ll get you yet!’ I texted Carole with one word — Help — and threw up in the sink.


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