SEALs of Summer: Military Romance Superbundle - Navy SEAL Style

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SEALs of Summer: Military Romance Superbundle - Navy SEAL Style Page 4

by Sharon Hamilton

  “I don’t usually go straight for the finish,” he said, his breaths short and shallow.

  “I love foreplay, but I’ll kill you if you try it now.” Desire gripped her belly and she waited, biting her lower lip.

  “Glad we’re on the same page.” He leaned over her, bracing his weight on one hand and reaching down to spread her folds. He flexed his hips and pushed, breaching her.

  Susan dug her head into the pillow, her eyelids dipping, watching him between the slits as he stared at her sex and sank inside.

  “Fuck, you’re hot. So fucking wet.”

  “Sweet Jesus,” she gasped as he pushed deeper, stretching her skin. “You’re a big boy.”

  “Not a boy.”

  Her fingers tightened toward her palms. “Don’t I know that.”

  Their gazes met and Justin grinned.

  Which tugged her mouth into a full smile.

  His dark eyes twinkled. “Did you think you’d be this hot for it?”

  “With you? SEAL-boy, I was counting on it.”

  Chapter Four


  Justin was poised to thrust, and he knew he’d draw no complaints from the woman lying beneath him. Instead, he paused, his body tensed.

  What the hell was he doing, rushing this interlude like he was a teenage boy with the first girl to say yes? Susan was worthy of so much more than a quick tumble. He ought to be worshiping her body, seducing her mind to ensure her pleasure and make double-damn sure she said yes again. Because he wanted more.

  Slowing down was going to kill him. Her hair was a wild, tangled damp mess. Her skin a little pink from sunburn. And yet, she was impossibly beautiful. Long and lean. Her small breasts tipped with pretty cotton-candy pink nipples. Her mound was smooth, a courtesy he appreciated because he wanted to spend time with his mouth buried there—maybe hours and hours.

  Her eyebrows furrowed, and her hand shot downward, passing his cock to grip his balls. She gave them a firm tug. “This is not the time for an attack of finesse.”

  Damn, that feels so good. His breath gusted with a laugh. “An attack of finesse?”

  “Yeah, you don’t have to prove a thing to me. Just be quick.”

  Relief shivered through him. She was on the same page. He grunted and gave her a swirl of his hips, sinking slightly deeper into her slick channel. “How’d you know?”

  Her gaze narrowed. “You had this look, like you were dying to go with it, do it fast, but then you sighed.” Her eyelids dipped and her gaze grew smoky. “I won’t be disappointed. I promise. I can already tell this will be something special.”

  “And you know that how?”

  She tugged his balls again, but then her fingers began to roll them, massaging them, and his cock got a little harder. “I know,” she whispered, “because you’re right there, and so am I. Finish it.” She released him, and her hands clamped both cheeks of his ass, her fingernails digging into his skin.

  A breath huffed out through his tight lips. “Sweetheart,” he murmured. “You’re gonna leave bruises.”

  “And you care?”

  Sassy…he liked that. He gave her a crooked grin and planted both hands on the mattress on either side of her shoulders. “Might be hard to explain to my other girlfriends.”

  “Are you trying to piss me off?” Her gaze narrowed to a slit and she slanted her head.

  “Yeah. I like it when your eyes go cold as icicles.”

  She shook her head and gave a sexy snort. Then her legs shifted, feet sliding up, and she pumped her hips, forcing his cock deeper inside. “You fill me up, SEAL-boy. Do it now.”

  And since he was more than ready to concede the battle, he took the plunge, his thrust so hard and fast her breath gusted. He gave her another deep, sharp thrust and watched her head tilt back, her mouth opening as she held still, suspended, the pleasure there for him to see in her reddening cheeks and tightly closed eyes. “That’s it, baby. That’s it,” he said with another strong pump of his hips. He burrowed and twisted, tunneling fast into her slippery depths.

  When at last he was fully seated, he came down on an elbow and slid a hand beneath her smooth, round butt, squeezing and molding it as he gave her shorter thrusts, more targeted, waiting for her gasps. A whimpered mewl told him he’d found just the right spot to rake the crown of his cock against again and again.

  She curled under him, lifting her head to nuzzle his neck, slinging a long leg around his hip as she countered his thrusts. The way she hugged him close made his chest fill and tighten. She was a snuggle-bunny, a mewling kitten, a sexy mess as she rubbed and hummed and moaned.

  Holding her fast, he rolled, bringing her over him, and she shook back her hair, snugged her knees close to his body, then began to rock, forward and up, down and back, slowly at first, biting her lower lip as she savored the motion, driving down on his cock. Then she pumped faster, her breasts quivering and jerking. Wanting to touch more of her body, he reached up to cup them, fondling the flesh and rubbing the tips, watching them grow engorged, the tips extending. His abdomen knotted as he leaned up to toggle one with his tongue, and then he sucked it into his mouth, noting the catch in her breath and the hot liquid flowing around his cock as she churned her sweet cream.

  He suckled her other breast, and she cried out, but she was losing rhythm, her movements jerking as she became more frantic. He rolled their bodies again and pushed her thighs upward, hands skimming the backs of her thighs, his lips grazing the tender insides before he locked her ankles behind his neck. Holding her gaze, he lifted her hand from his shoulder and sucked two fingers into his mouth, wetting them before popping them free. “Baby, touch yourself.”

  And then he braced his weight on his hands and began to piston fast, fucking her hard, watching avidly as she lowered her wet fingertips into the top of her stretched folds and rubbed.

  Her breaths were ragged, chopped apart with his quick thrusts, and she was gasping, moaning, wriggling beneath him as he pounded. Sweat slicked their bellies and their faces, and added another layer of moist sounds to their coupling.

  The moment she came, her sex tightened around him and he shouted, the sensation of her clenching around him too much, too delicious to resist. He exploded, threw back his head and rutted harder. His body tightened, every muscle in his thighs and abdomen, his arms, shuddering as come spat from his balls in wave after wave of release.

  When he opened his eyes, he locked his gaze with hers. He quickly reached back to unwrap her ankles and help her slide both legs down to rest on the mattress. Then he fell against her, nuzzling into the corner of her neck, smiling as her fingers combed through his hair and rubbed his cheek and ear. Both their chests billowed as they recovered their breath.

  At last, Justin lifted his head, sought her mouth and kissed her. Their tongues touched, a tentative caress, sweet in its wonder.

  “You okay?” he whispered. “Stretch any tendons?” he said, lifting a brow as he propped himself on an elbow.

  Her smile was tired, but blissful. “I’m better than okay. Need a little praise?”

  “Yeah. Stroke me, baby.”

  She laughed. “Justin Walsh,” she said, trailing her fingers through his hair. “I’m speechless.”

  “I’m not.” His smile stretched and he swept a look over her luscious curves.

  “Are you ever?”

  “Now, what do you think?”

  Her gaze slid away. “I think, you have a right to be boastful.”

  He was glad he hadn’t frightened her with his intensity. “Now that’s very pale praise,” he drawled. “Hardly worth mentioning. Guess I’ll just have to try harder next time.”

  She dragged in a deep breath. “You were…” She stopped and swallowed, “…exactly what I needed.”

  He sighed his relief then offered another smile. “Spend the night on the boat with me.”

  Her mouth pursed as she considered, then eased as she lifted her chin. “Only if you promise to let me finish what I started.”
  The thought of her mouth on his cock tightened a knot in his gut. “You want to give me a blow job?”

  She wrinkled her nose. “I want to explore.”

  “Deal.” He leaned away and extended his right hand. They shook, and he swooped down and gave her mouth a quick buss. “We should shower before we join the others.”

  Burying her face into his chest, she groaned. “Everyone’s going to know.”

  “Now, how would they? They won’t have heard a thing because they’ve been busy making their own noise.” He trailed his fingers over her shoulder.

  “They’ll know.”

  He grunted, his eyes wrinkling at the corner with his smile. “If we don’t tell them, how will they know?”

  “Because I can’t stop smiling. And you’re smirking.”

  “I’m a gentleman. I don’t smirk over my conquests,” he murmured and then gave her a smirk.

  Laughing, she slapped his shoulder. “A shower it is. Although I really do hate washing the smell of you off my skin.”

  A sentiment he seconded wholeheartedly.

  Lace bumped the side of her hip against Susan’s. The three friends stood in a line at the rail, watching as the crew brought the yacht into dock. “Well?” Lace asked.

  Aware of Lace’s intent scrutiny, Susan had to fight from giving her a frown. Lace would read it as exactly what it would have been, an attempt to deflect the truth. A silent “butt out.” “Well what?” Susan said, lifting her chin and meeting her gaze.

  Lace’s gaze narrowed.

  Despite her best effort, Susan felt her brows lower at the thought she’d really have to admit this.

  “I knew it!” Lace crowed, grinning widely.

  “Knew what?” Maya said, her gaze bouncing between the other two women.

  “Suze and Justin—they did it.”

  With a quick glance over her shoulder, Susan shushed her. “Are you five?”

  “She did?” Maya asked Lace, then stared at Susan, eyes widening. “You did?”

  Adopting her haughtiest expression, Susan crossed her arms. “It’s really none of your business.”

  “Was he sweet?”

  “Did he get physical with all the manly muscle?”

  “Are you going to see him again?”

  Okay, so keeping secrets was a lost cause. Susan rolled her eyes. “We have a date. Tonight.”

  Both women sighed. Maya slung an arm around her waist and gave her a sideways hug. “I knew you two would hit it off.”

  “I’m the one who suggested it,” Lace said with a jerk of her chin.

  “Don’t go printing off wedding invitations,” Susan muttered. “It was just sex.”

  “Fabulous sex though, right?”

  Susan couldn’t resist the hopeful gleam in Maya’s dark eyes. “Better than fabulous,” she said, lowering her voice. “Maybe the best I’ve ever had.”

  “Seriously?” Lace squealed and bounced on her toes.

  “Shhh!” Susan aimed warning glances both their ways. “This is vacation sex. And Justin is…a very sexy man. But it’s not anything more than that. So, don’t get too excited.”

  With their glee muted, her two friends eased away.

  “Where’s he taking you?” Maya asked.

  “We’re staying aboard the Clementine.”

  “How convenient,” Lace muttered with a shake of her head. “And lazy. He’s already here. Doesn’t have to buy you dinner.”

  “And you’re steps away from a cabin with a comfortable bed,” Maya murmured. “Yup, lazy.”

  The word “bed” conjured up all sorts of wonderful images. Susan laughed. “You do realize this is a luxury yacht, right?”

  Maya snorted. “He thinks he already has you. That he doesn’t have to put forth any effort. Girlfriend, don’t be a doormat.”

  She couldn’t help it; she started chuckling. “The last thing he thinks is that I’m easy.” No, she’d shown him he had to expend some effort to impress her. She remembered the moment she’d squeezed his balls to persuade him to take her quickly. “Maybe he’s too easy.”

  Lace gave her a sideways glance. “So, is he built?”

  At the single word, she felt her body warming at the memory of Justin’s attributes. “Are you really going to ask me whether he’s hung?”

  “Of course not.”

  Her disappointed pout was amusing. Relenting, Susan slung her arms around her friends’ shoulders and brought them in for a huddle. “Justin Walsh is a very, very well-made man.”

  A throat cleared loudly behind them.

  Well, crap. Susan winced but couldn’t deny the rapid beat of her heart.

  “Busted,” Maya muttered.

  The three women peered over their shoulders.

  Angel and Dex all wore fierce frowns. Justin’s face was reddening, but he was grinning hugely. “Is that how you women talk?” He shook his head.

  Maya hurried to Angel’s side, pasting on a smile. “Are they about ready to lower the plank?”

  Angel reached out and clamped an arm around her lower back, pulling her in close. “I think we need to have a little talk.”

  Maya peered over at the other two women and gave them a surreptitious wink. “Yes, sir,” she said, as meekly as could be.

  Lace pressed her lips into a straight line, her gaze down as she approached Dex. “Are we having a little chat, too?”

  “There won’t be any talking, sweet cheeks,” Dex growled.

  Lace rubbed her bottom. “Well, goody.”

  As the two couples strode away, Susan gave Justin a sheepish smile. “They were relentless.”

  “Looked like you caved pretty fast.”

  She lifted her shoulders and gave him a smile, her face heating. “They could tell I was pretty impressed.”

  “Then I guess it’s all good.” He lifted his chin. “Come here.”

  Without a thought of resisting, she walked toward him, stopping inches from his body.

  “Very, very well made, huh?” he said softly as his gaze ran over her face.

  Desire tugged low in her belly and she giggled. “I won’t live that one down, will I?”

  “There I was thinking I’d have a hard time living up to your exalted expectations.” Justin placed his hands on her hips and lowered his head.

  Susan raised hers, sighing as his mouth closed the gap. He rubbed gently until she opened, inviting him inside. A groan leaked from his mouth into hers, and he pulled her closer.

  “I’m glad we don’t have far to go,” she whispered against his mouth as she soaked in the warmth from his body.

  “You don’t think I’m lazy?”

  Uh oh. She drew back her head. “You heard all that?”

  “Every word. We tiptoed over.”

  Susan laughed, envisioning the three big men creeping up on them. “Do guys really do things like that?”

  “Sneaky SEALs do. We had to drag Angel along.”

  Her chuckles quieted, and she held still inside his embrace. Again, that sense of connection between them was strong, along with a deep inner glow that she suspected was real affection. She genuinely liked Justin. He was all man, but not too proud to be playful. Funny and kind and sexy as hell.

  “Do you want to see off your friends?” he asked.

  “Not really.”

  “Want to see whether the staff has changed the sheets?”

  “I won’t be disappointed if they didn’t.”

  Justin studied her face, his expression growing solemn. “You’re my kind of girl.”

  His praise made her breath hitch, and then she tilted her head and looked at him from under her lashes. “Not a girl.”

  “Don’t I know it.”

  Pleased he’d remembered her words to him, and a little surprised, she smiled. When he dropped his hands and then caught hers inside his firm grip, she followed as he walked sedately toward the stairs. They had all the time in the world. Why waste energy rushing when they both knew they had an entire night ahead of them

  Over that thought, Susan felt a momentary pang. She wondered what tomorrow might bring, and whether whatever was happening between them would fade. Certainly, one night couldn’t satisfy their evident need. Would a week? And would this feeling linger long after she boarded her flight home? Part of her hoped not. She didn’t want to nurse any regrets. That’s why she avoided sticky relationships.

  But another part was already half-convinced she was falling in love with Justin Walsh, and that part was giddy with happiness, lost in lust for her handsome lover. Already, she craved his kisses, missed the weight of his body pressing her into a mattress. More than the sex, she liked the way he made her smile. Something not many men had ever been able to do. And never so consistently.

  She hadn’t known how much she would love it. The feeling was breathtaking, freeing. The way he looked at her when she laughed made her wistful. She felt as though she’d gifted him with something special, something he cherished. And that was just plain crazy.

  Susan took a deep breath, trying to rein in her thoughts. They were nearing his cabin door.

  He glanced over his shoulder. Something of what she was feeling must have been in her expression. Because he halted, his brows furrowing. “What’s wrong? Second thoughts? Would you rather we join the others at the big house?”

  Blood rushed through her body. She shook her head, finding it impossible to mask her uneasy state.

  He opened the cabin door, drew her inside, and then leaned against the door and pulled her close.

  Taking a step, she eased into the space made by his spread legs. His arms were warm and strong. His chest so broad she was tempted to rest against it and let his steady heart soothe away this funny mood. Her friends were right. Beneath his easygoing facade was a nice man. A kind one. Why did he hide behind that breezy mask?

  A kiss landed on her forehead, and she glanced up. He didn’t say a word. Just watched. Waiting patiently for her to make up her mind about what she wanted to happen next.

  Holding his intent gaze, she pulled away and slowly drew off her clothes. Standing naked, she made sure to keep her expression equally as open.

  His glance trailed over her skin, down her body and up, before resting again on her face. And then he pushed away from the door and slowly disrobed, not saying a word to break the silence that stretched between them.


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