SEALs of Summer: Military Romance Superbundle - Navy SEAL Style

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SEALs of Summer: Military Romance Superbundle - Navy SEAL Style Page 10

by Sharon Hamilton

  “Has she been doing it a long time?”

  “Nearly ten years. Makes a solid income. She’s a single mother.”

  “Ah, so she gets to live vicariously through the heroines in her books,” Kate added.

  “Who knows? She says so. Her ex took off before she made it big. But then, he was a dumbass. Sorry.” Tyler lowered his gaze. “She’s better off on her own. Besides, she’s got designs on a couple of my buds from the Teams.”

  He darted a quick look at her face just to check to see if she’d picked up his verbal slip, and saw confirmation she didn’t miss a thing.

  “So,” Kate began slowly, “you’re a SEAL?”

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  Chapter Four


  By the time they landed in Portland, they had shared most of their “firsts,” which was odd for him, being normally fairly private. First kisses, first dates, first crush, first prom. They conspicuously avoided the first sexual encounter. That was okay with him, although he was dying to know hers.

  She’d stopped ordering crushed ice, which Tyler took as a small triumph, not that it really meant anything. But he preferred to think so. He looked at the half-melted cup of ice on the tray table in front of her.

  She was light-hearted by nature, which warmed him. He liked uncomplicated, easy-going women. He’d been truthful when he said he’d never been close to getting hooked up with anyone permanently. And the honest fact was, all the guys on the Teams thought he was some big player, but at heart, Tyler was shy, not that anyone would ever know. He sensed she was as well, and something about that pleased him.

  “Your sister picking you up?” he asked, interrupting her read.

  “I’m supposed to text her when I land.”

  “I got a friend meeting me. We could give you a ride, if you want.”

  “Thanks, but I think Gretchen will be there.”

  She smiled with her fresh face, the matter-of-fact look of her making him wish he could watch her all day.

  “Really nice of you to offer,” she added.

  “My pleasure.” He let it roll out and over his tongue before he could hold it back. For a second he thought he saw a flutter of her eyelids, like she’d wanted to close them and changed her mind.

  Once they’d taxied and come to a halt, he helped several people remove their bags from the overhead bins before getting hers down. He caught her sneaking looks at his abdomen, which he sucked in. Her eyes traveled over his biceps and up along his light blue T-shirt, under his chin and rested gently on his lips. She was admiring him. No question about it.

  He felt a flame flicker in his stomach, light and barely perceptible. Something inside his chest felt good. It was his heart.

  Passengers began filing down the aisle. He stepped back and allowed her to go in front of him, for all the right reasons, he told himself. He was thinking about the gentleman he was not while he watched her jeans-encased ass sway very slightly down the aisle. She was ample, which he liked. Squeezable, but not heavy. He knew she’d have a perfect shape and would fill his palms deliciously.

  The baggage carousel was backed up. Kate was on the phone and appeared not to be able to reach her sister. Her frustrated expression ended when they made eye contact again. Then she began to speak to someone on the phone, a little furrow developing between her eyebrows as worry spread over her face. She turned her back to him and finished her conversation in private.

  Tyler made a point of looking at his feet, but he used his peripheral vision to watch her swing around and head in his direction. He’d been trained to do this. The monotonous hum of the machinery and the thud as bags deposited onto the turnstile was background to the way his heart had quickened, just knowing she was looking at him, and coming his way. He let her wait just a second or two before he let his eyes travel from her knees to that pretty, innocent face he wanted in the worst way to kiss. He couldn’t help but smile.

  “Um. She’s asked me to take a cab. Would it—?”

  “Done,” he said, interrupting her. “Let’s get your bag.”

  She told him it was a bright red one with a red ribbon. He set his duffel at her feet and worked his way through the crowd to retrieve it for her. Funny how this little mission gave him so much pleasure. How his soul was tickled. He’d get to spend a few minutes more, at least, in her company. And she’d asked for it. Her idea, not his. She was someone else’s girl, after all. But he was grateful he’d had the foresight to offer earlier.

  “Where does your sister live, or did I just commit my friend to driving to Vancouver?”

  “I forget what they call it. In the hills overlooking the water. Hundred Thirteenth Northwest or something. I have it in my purse.”

  “That’s not too bad. I think we can manage.”

  Outside, the air was chilly and he was grateful he’d slipped on his jacket. He felt the buzz of his cell phone and knew Kenny was nearby. Then he heard his best friend’s familiar shout-out.

  “Dude, you finally did it. You brought a girl!” The tall lanky kid-of-a-man dressed in a bright blue Hawaiian shirt, cargo pants and flip flops grabbed Tyler around the waist and hauled him up off the ground. But he didn’t take his eyes off Kate.

  “Whoa, whoa, there Kenny,” he interrupted, “This is Kate, and we’re just giving her a ride.”

  “I got ya. Well, if you get tired of his ride, you can always try mine.” Kenny wore a goofy expression, gawking at the beautiful Kate.

  Tyler saw her blush, though he could tell she was trying hard not to, and suspected she was feeling uncomfortable. “We’re dropping her off at her sister’s.”

  “Uh huh,” Kenny said, unconvinced. He stepped back two paces, giving Tyler lots of space. Then he deliberately ran back and punched him on the arm. “You been holding out on me, dude.”

  Tyler knew Kenny lived vicariously through him. His friend had problems with the female population because he was so shy. His gangly frame reminded Tyler of Coop, actually. He made a mental note to invite Kenny down to San Diego when they got back, maybe arrange a little face time with Cooper, who would appreciate his knowledge of computers and computerized gadgets.

  Tyler rolled his eyes and put his palm on Kate’s shoulder like she was a porcelain doll that might shatter under his fingers. “Please don’t mind Kenny. He’s harmless enough.” He saw that she stiffened a bit at his first touch, but then relaxed and rewarded him with a warm smile.

  “I understand. Got friends who would be the same way.” She wrinkled up her nose but her eyes still danced. “They’d get the wrong idea and such.”

  Tyler squeezed her shoulder and then let his hand drop. Kenny was over by his Gremlin, had already popped the hatchback and opened both doors. The men put all the suitcases in the rear, while Kate slipped behind the front bucket seat on the passenger side. Tyler sat directly in front of her next to Kenny, and they headed west.

  Kenny was listening to oldies, and the music was so loud it sucked up the dead airspace. Gave Tyler time to think about things, and strategize the next few minutes. Kenny’s dash was covered with glued-on dinosaurs and military action figures, a couple of felt-tipped pens on end and a crooked hula girl. He had beads and a miniature Native American headdress hanging from the rear view mirror. His weeklong stubble would barely cover the size of his little fingernail, whereas Tyler’s beard by the end of three days would cover his entire face, if he let it. Kenny’s skin underneath was pearly white, indicating he’d spent the majority of his time these days in a darkened room in front of a computer screen.

  Tyler turned down the music and leaned over the old Gremlin’s partially ripped black vinyl bucket seats. Kate appeared to be comfortable and slightly amused as she scanned the eclectic car. Looking at the plastic figures on the dash, she pointed, squinting at Tyler.

  Tyler leaned into the creaking bucket seat, angling to see her face. “Kenny’s an acquired taste, I admit,” he said. “But harmless as hell, which is why I like him, right Kenny?” He cupped hi
s friend on the shoulder, careful not to distract his driving.

  “Damn straight,” Kenny sputtered. “I just tell people, ‘don’t fuck with me or I’ll get my Navy SEAL friend to come up here and whup your ass.’”

  Tyler rolled his eyes. “Great, Kenny. Appreciate that.”

  He’d been worried earlier the vehicle and Kenny’s Aloha shirt and state of hygiene had put her off, but she actually seemed to be enjoying herself. He couldn’t believe it.

  “I think you should buy yourself one of those Hawaiian shirts, Tyler,” she said. “It would look good on you.”

  She warmed him all the way to his toes with her smile. God, she had perfect white teeth. Her fresh face was so kissable.

  Kenny had a coughing attack, disguising an unmanly-like giggle. “See there, Tyler. I’ve got my shit together, in spite of what you say. Lady knows her Tommy Bahama shirts.”

  Tyler cursed under his breath.

  Kenny winked at Kate through the rearview mirror and continued to rub it in. “For once you’ve got a looker, not like those librarians you’ve been dating.”

  Tyler wasn’t comfortable at all with that reveal. Yes, he had to admit to himself, he liked dating bookish girls who didn’t give him any trouble. And he found girls who read a lot had wonderful imaginations, too, which certainly didn’t hurt in the sack.

  He stared out the windshield until he remembered they didn’t even know where they were going.

  “You have her address?” he said as he leaned his shoulder into the seat and peered over the top.

  Kate handed him a slip of paper she’d prepared. “That’s her address.”

  Under the address was a phone number. It wasn’t a Portland area code.

  “And that?” he said as his index finger touched the number.

  “My cell. Just in case.”

  Just in case, my ass. Just in case I can’t sleep tonight thinking about how beautiful you look. How nice you smell. How cute you look in the back seat of this old beater. Would I be granted this if I asked for it? Even if you’re taken?

  But he didn’t reveal any of that. “Right. Thanks,” he said and turned forward, handing the slip of paper to Kenny.

  “No problemo, dude.” Kenny stared into the rearview and asked his back seat passenger, “You want to stop and get something to eat?”


  Tyler heard the response, and it made him glow. Sure was such a wonderful word, really. Totally compliant, willing. Full of possibilities.

  “Where were you thinking?” Tyler asked.

  “Voodoo Donuts.”

  Of course it would be Voodoo Donuts. It was the only place Kenny ate. Tyler couldn’t understand why the silly computer nerd never gained any weight.

  Tyler leaned back and spoke to Kate. “You don’t want to order the ones with the blue-green jelly centers. Word is they’re NyQuil-filled.”

  “Good to know,” Kate said as she pursed her lips. Her eyes danced. Did she realize how attractive she was? Lots was going on inside his chest and other places, despite his reminder she belonged to another man. Tyler could contain his actions, but he could not begin to tame his thoughts.

  He looked out the dirty, cracked windshield at the city of Portland coming into view. The skyline, with the bridges and buildings highlighted by sunlight, the bright, white clouds that filled the blue sky but might threaten rain five minutes later, always made him relax. He was at home here. Not that he wanted to live here. Just that it was home. A place where he could safely melt into his past, and where his eccentric friends and relatives, all of them self-absorbed extroverts, would take some of the attention off him.

  In his entire family of hippies and environmental zealots, no one ever had ever gone into the military. But being a SEAL really wasn’t about being in the military. It was more about being part of a family, a brotherhood of guys he’d die for. Seemed hard to imagine right now, sitting in Kenny’s old Gremlin. Reminders of high school brought back memories of the unsuccessful years he spent trying to get laid, where everything looked so normal. He’d been certain even then that death, destruction and evil were out there. Now he’d seen it overseas. But just because you couldn’t taste it, smell it or sense it, didn’t mean it wasn’t right here too. He was just one of those guys who would give his life so everyone else could go around being batshit crazy.

  And it was okay with him. It was his job. Even today it was his job, delivering this young woman to her sister’s house safely, making sure no one messed with her, that she was protected. He liked opening the door for her, running around to make sure he opened the smudged glass door to the donut shop for her before Kenny could get there first. That was all part of his job. And it was something he loved doing.

  The unmistakable bakery smell was intoxicating, but would have been more so if it weren’t for the heavy metal rock music in the background and the tat-covered 2X beauty behind the counter with a large nose bone and plates in her ears. He hoped she took the bone out at night when she slept.

  “Kenny!” she shrieked as she ran around the counter and body-slammed his skinny nerd buddy. Her hands were still in plastic mitts, but that didn’t stop her from running her crinkly fingers through his hair and placing a liplock on him that sounded more like a toilet plunger.

  Kenny was unaffected, as in embarrassed. He actually kind of blushed. This thing with the lovely 2X was a recent event.

  Holy god of SEALs, Kenny finally got laid. It had only taken him twenty-seven years, but finally lust had dusted the boy with sugar and put chocolate sprinkles all over him. He was grinning just like those days when they’d get stoned out behind the soccer field and Kenny would look up at the sky and point out animals and people’s faces. That kind of a goofy, sheepish, yup-I-fucked-her grin. Hence the reason for the Voodoo stops.

  And then he remembered Kate, with a start. She had missed all of it and was looking into the glass case, examining some pink frosted mini donuts displayed next to a couple of wilted green salads. But she was more interested in the salads.

  “Sorry about that,” Tyler started to say, with his hands in his front pockets. Shoot, now he was feeling like a goofy high schooler again. Funny how coming home did that to him. “Kenny—”

  Before he could finish, Kate leaned into him and gave him a kiss. Just a quick one. Just enough to make all the rock music and the intoxicating smell of sugar and baking cakes disappear. His heart pounded in his chest. His face had followed hers in retreat until it almost caused him to topple. He was desperate for another one.

  Wow. Holy. Fuckin’. Wow!

  Chapter Five


  Kate didn’t know why she’d done it. The impulse to kiss him was just too strong. She’d just crossed the barrier between her ordered, “perfect” life with the man she thought she loved, and did something dangerous with someone she barely knew, but trusted.

  What in the world was happening?

  The warm creases at the corners of Tyler’s blue eyes made her heart flutter. Unless she was losing her ability to read men, he’d loved her little surprise kiss, her spontaneity. And, based on the way he’d leaned into her, he wanted more.

  All of a sudden, she didn’t know what she wanted. One thing was certain. She was in serious danger of taking a huge detour. Something that would change her life forever.

  She tore her eyes off his face and scanned the case containing dangerous round things covered in sprinkles and powdered sugar. The heady aroma made her want to swoon. Out of the corner of her eye she could see him lean forward, felt him wrap her forearm with his warm fingers. His hand slipped down to her wrist and hesitated while he studied her. She didn’t resist when he slid his fingers in between hers, mated them without saying a word. He waited, rubbing the back of her hand with his thumb.

  He was asking her a non-verbal question she wasn’t sure she’d be able to answer. The confections were safer—way safer—than the blue of his eyes and the warm blush of his lips, if she would but sneak a peek at
him. The distraction of their sugary irresistibility would only last so long. She’d have to look at him soon, and that would tell her everything she either did or did not want to know.

  She drew her breath in, gaining courage, and looked up to return his gaze at last.

  His head was tilted to the side. He swayed like he was going to ask her to dance. His knowing smile and warm eyes seem to laugh at the budding of a new relationship looming as large as the little shop. Instantly she felt the attraction, starting at the pit of her stomach, almost like a food craving. Something about him was so right on so many levels, and so wrong on a couple of big ones.

  As if he was acknowledging her internal thoughts, mirroring them with identical ones of his own, he slightly nodded. The unashamed way he allowed the lust in his eyes to show as he focused on her mouth again, as he squeezed their fingers together, as she let him pull her to him, sent her ears buzzing and her heart racing. Slowly, their lips met again as old, hungry friends, and this time it was a proper kiss. She opened to him, and she felt his chest rise, a slight moan emanating from deep inside him somewhere.

  Then Kate realized the moan was coming from her own throat. She tasted him, exploring the texture of his tongue, the softness and warmth of his lips on hers as they slid and angled the length of hers in play. They dropped their entangled fingers and he placed his palm at the small of her back, pulling her to him as she stepped into his full embrace.

  Her palms traveled up the hardened muscles of his torso to the base of his neck, then around, pulling his head down to hers, lazily letting her fingers sift through his hair. He wasn’t going to go faster than she wanted to go. Each motion she made was perfectly matched with his own, such that they led each other, drew each other together and savored their shared heat.

  Something in the back of her mind was sending up an alarm, like part of her knew this kiss wasn’t wise. But, rational was a distant planet. Kate wanted to let herself be carried away, lose the bonds of her own control. Being this intimate with this complete stranger somehow seemed as natural and right as smiling.


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