SEALs of Summer: Military Romance Superbundle - Navy SEAL Style

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SEALs of Summer: Military Romance Superbundle - Navy SEAL Style Page 114

by Sharon Hamilton

  “All right, Jack, it’s a date.”


  Jack lived in Coronado, a charming little town surrounded by water. They had to cross a bridge over the San Diego Bay to get there, and even after the long flight Darci could hardly contain her excitement. She was in California with Jack, with her whole life ahead of her. Suddenly her predicament didn’t seem so horrible. But this was how she always reacted whenever she experienced something for the first time. Jack had offered her a chance to do something she loved. How could she not be excited?

  They drove past cafes and restaurants with outdoor dining and a dozen shops she couldn’t wait to explore. There were parks and beaches and Darci loved it all. The sun shone full force, promising a hot day. Jack had the air conditioner on, but Darci asked to turn it off so she could roll her windows down. He obliged with a smile and turned down another street, this one leading away from downtown.

  When they pulled into the driveway of a small, white cottage with red shutters, matching roof and a stone path leading to the front door, Darci couldn’t help but gape. She had expected Jack to live in an apartment or condo, a bachelor pad, not a cute little gingerbread house with its octagonal turret above a covered porch. Not what she expected to see on a California beach either, but it sat on the end of a narrow road with a sprinkling of other equally cute houses.

  “This is yours?” She opened her door.

  “Is that a compliment?” Jack came around to her side to open the door for her, but she was already out and trotting up the path.

  Darci grinned over her shoulder and waited on the porch while Jack lifted her bags out of the back of his beat-up Chevy. The truck was a workhorse, not meant for vanity, but to pull his sailboat. It didn’t look shiny and new, but it ran like a luxury vehicle. He took care of the things he cared about and it made her hot all over.

  A bag in each hand, Jack strode up the stone path toward her. “Not me, I know,” he said. “A friend of my mom’s was selling it because she didn’t want to put the time or money into restoring it and sold it to me cheap a few years ago. She made me promise to renovate, not tear down. I couldn’t let her down, so I spent the past five years restoring it.”

  A man of his word. Someone could have easily made that promise and turned a profit within a year, but not Jack. Honorable through and through. Big, tough alpha male living in a red and white gingerbread house.

  “Well,” she said, “it looks like you did a fine job. It’s adorable.”

  Jack winced as he set one of her bags down and reached out to unlock the door. “Adorable isn’t exactly what I was going for.”

  “Oh, well, how about masculine? It’s very masculine in a…cute, Victorian kind of way.”

  Jack groaned and pushed the door open. Darci walked in, took a look around at the very non-Victorian interior and raised an eyebrow at Jack, who grinned sheepishly.

  “The stipulation was for the exterior only. Mary didn’t think it fair to keep the rose and green décor.”

  “Kind of her.” Darci wandered through the foyer into the living room. Not a very big room, with a dark green sofa in one corner and matching chairs in the other two. A loaded entertainment center occupied the remaining corner, creating a cozy, turn the lights down and cuddle on the couch atmosphere. For a man he was incredibly coordinated.

  “Original wood floors,” Jack said, following her. “My favorite part of the house, besides the fact it’s on the water and I can dock my boat.”

  The floors were beautiful and he didn’t cover them with rugs like in most Victorian homes. He’d done a good job restoring them and, she noticed, he had kept the original Victorian cornice trim on the walls and ceilings. A bit old fashioned and a bit Jack, a nice contrast.

  “Come on, I’ll give you the two-cent tour.” Jack led her back into the foyer where a wooden staircase rose to the second floor.

  “Head is to your right,” he said, passing the stairs and turning right into the kitchen. More cornice trim lined the straw colored walls. The appliances were modern, the kitchen small and quaint. She noticed a vase of fresh cut flowers on the kitchen table. They stopped her dead in her tracks and for the first time she considered the fact that Jack may be involved with someone. He hadn’t promised her more than dinner and had mentioned a spare bedroom on the plane.

  Jack followed her gaze. “My mom leaves fresh flowers from her garden every week. She must have dropped these off while I was in Boston.”

  Darci let out a breath. Of course, his mom. Not a girlfriend or lover. Thank God. She didn’t think she could handle meeting Jack’s girlfriend.

  “Your mom drops off flowers.” She stepped closer and nested her nose in the bouquet. “How sweet.”

  “Yeah, well, don’t tell anyone.”

  “Who would I tell?” she asked, thinking it incredibly sweet that Jack got flowers from his mom.

  “Remember that when I take you to Demarco’s this afternoon. Want to freshen up before we have lunch?”

  Darci turned to face him. He stood beside the fridge with one shoulder propped against it, looking so sexy that she suddenly wanted more than lunch. She liked who Jack was, on and off the island, and she needed to be close to him right now.

  “I’d love a shower,” she said, watching Jack’s eyes darken when she licked her lips. They may have gone their separate ways, but the chemistry was still there.

  “You can use the one upstairs.”

  “Lead the way,” she said and followed him, with any luck, to his bed.


  Damn. Wondering what color lace she wore beneath her shorts and tank for the past twelve hours was killing him. At this rate he’d be dead by sunset. Maybe lime green or purple? He’d really like to see her in purple.

  Raking a hand through his hair, Jack trotted back down the stairs, trying to ignore the sounds of Darci’s shower. He had put her bags in the spare bedroom, not wanting to push her, and tried not to read too much into the disappointment in her eyes. He hadn’t called in a few favors to screw it up now, no matter how much he wanted to climb into that shower with her.

  Phase one over. She liked his house. She was the first woman he’d ever brought home and he’d been nervous as hell. He knew his house wasn’t very big or grand, but he owned it, free and clear.

  And she’d called it adorable. Shaking his head, Jack went into the kitchen and started a pot of coffee. He’d drunk green beer and fallen in love with a spirited, Celtic rock singer who thought his house cute. Who would have guessed?

  The phone rang and he answered, holding it between ear and shoulder as he poured water into the pot.

  “You’re home,” his mother said. “Is she with you?”

  Jack smiled. “Hello to you too, Mom, and yeah, she’s here.”

  “Oh, Jack, that’s wonderful. I talked to Francesca a few minutes ago and everything is all set.”

  “Good. We’ll be swinging by within the next hour.”

  “I can’t wait to meet her. You’re sure she isn’t going to mind us being there?”

  Jack heard Darci walk out of the bathroom and into the spare bedroom, imagined her in nothing but one of his towels, and lost his train of thought.

  “Jack? Hello?”

  Snapping his attention back to his phone call he said, “I don’t think she’ll mind. She’s very open to new experiences.”

  His mother chuckled. “Good, because meeting the Demarcos and your mother all in one day is going to be more than the poor girl should have to bear.”

  “Believe me, if anyone can handle it, Darci can.”

  “And it makes me happy to hear you say that. She sounds like a special lady.”

  Jack smiled, and turned on the pot. “She is. I think she’s out of the shower. I better let you go. See you in a few?”

  “I wouldn’t miss this for the world. And don’t worry, everything is prepared for tonight.”

  Jack knew with his mom and Donovan’s three sisters in his court, Darci didn’t stand a chance. Tonigh
t was going to be a night she would never forget.

  “Thanks, Mom. She’s coming, gotta go.”

  Jack hung up the phone and grabbed two coffee cups out of the cupboard just as Darci walked in.

  “I wasn’t sure what to wear. Is this okay for lunch?”

  He turned around and almost dropped the mugs. She had chosen a form-fitting halter dress in sky blue. It brought out the color of her eyes and made her skin glow. The dress was meant to be casual. On Darci? Sexy. The hem flirted around her knees and made his mouth go dry. It had been two months since he’d seen those long, sexy legs, and damn but he’d missed them. He couldn’t help but wonder what color of lace she’d chosen to wear under the dress.

  “Perfect.” He set the cups down before he dropped them. Put a tango in his sights and he was steady as a rock, but put him within fifty feet of Darci O’Shea and he cracked. No woman had ever affected him like this before. He knew without a doubt he’d made the right decision when he flew to Boston. He only hoped that after tonight Darci felt the same way.

  Chapter Fourteen


  Demarco’s was not at all what Darci had been expecting. Tucked away in downtown Coronado, near the water, with a dining area out front. Small, round tables with red, white and green umbrellas littered the sidewalk, almost every one of them occupied. A canopy of similar colors with the word Demarco’s scrawled across it invited people inside the restaurant.

  With a hand on the small of her back, Jack led her inside the most amazing restaurant she’d ever been in. More spacious than she’d imagined from the outside and smelled like heaven. The walls were light brown stone with large windows and solid wood floors. The oak tables held a wine glass for each setting. Paintings of Italy adorned the walls. Near the back a door led into the kitchen. Most of the tables were occupied and waiters weaved between, hard at work.

  A stunning woman with dark brown hair and even darker eyes greeted them at the door. When she saw Jack, a smile lit up her face and she flew into his arms. Darci watched her kiss each of Jack’s cheeks before standing back. Darci tried not to compare herself to this voluptuous brunette, but couldn’t stand up to her lush curves.

  “So nice to see you, Jack, it’s been awhile,” the woman said. “And this must be Darci. I’m Francesca. We have your table ready.”

  The woman pulled Darci into a hug, catching her totally off guard. With a frown at Jack over Francesca’s shoulder, she hugged her back. But she didn’t have time to ask what was going on as they herded her to a table in the back and introduced her to the entire Demarco family. She met Roman and Maureen, the parents, the four darkly handsome brothers, Luciano, Donovan, Marcello and Shane, and the other two sisters, Gabriella and Angela. They all greeted her with open arms, hugs and a kiss from each brother.

  Shell-shocked, she could only stumble her way through the introductions. Donovan Demarco was tall and gorgeous, with dark Italian looks and Irish blue eyes. He looked like he had just stepped off the cover of GQ magazine and had the eloquence of a king, but something about him said this man would never be tamed. Maybe the sparkle in his eye or the way he worked the crowd, but Darci knew this man wouldn’t easily be caught.

  Jack sat next to her, grinning and interacting with the family as if he were one of them while Darci tried to keep up. When they finally ordered lunch, she was exhausted. The Demarcos were a high-strung group that all spoke at the same time and argued more than they agreed, but without anger.

  She instantly adored the three sisters. They were all beautiful and spirited, not putting up with any guff from their brothers and soon Darci hammered them with questions about some of the shops she’d seen downtown. Angela, the youngest, and most fashion savvy, invited her to go shopping. Darci, of course, made sure to include it in her plans.

  Luciano delivered a delicious-looking tiramisu, bowed slightly, and left them alone to enjoy dessert. Darci picked up her fork as yet another someone approached the table.

  “Hey, man, you can’t expect us to wait until dinner to meet the woman you can’t stop talking about,” a deep male voice teased.

  Darci looked up to see five brawny men standing in front of her, and almost dropped her fork in her lap. Sweet mercy, these were Jack’s friends? She’d never seen so many muscles in one place in her life.

  Jack introduced the men as Michael Kreegan, Brogan Steele, Jace Malloy, Grey Stone and Rush Gallagher.

  Jack looked at them pointedly and said, “All right, now you’ve met the team,” Jack said. “Thanks for stopping by, guys.”

  She glanced at Jack. “The team?”

  “Yeah, SEAL Team 5.”

  Her gaze bounced back to the five men. “You’re all Navy SEALs?”

  They nodded.

  That explained it. Of course Jack’s friends were Navy SEALs.

  “And Donovan, too?”

  “Yep,” Jack said. “Sorry, babe, I wanted to warn you before you met them. I know my team can be a bit intimidating.”

  She waved him off, although she agreed. “No, it’s all right. I’m happy I got to meet your teammates.”

  “Don’t worry, they were just leaving,” Jack said, his meaning clear.

  The guys got the point, said their goodbyes, and filed out of the restaurant after chatting with the Demarcos for a few minutes.

  Darci dug into her tiramisu, still reeling.

  A blond-haired woman and a tall, distinguished looking gentleman approached the table. When Jack saw them, he smiled tenderly and stood to shake the older man’s hand before giving the woman a bear hug. When he turned to her, pride shone in his eyes.

  “Darci,” he said, “I’d like you to meet my mom and her husband, Wally.”

  Darci almost choked on her wine. His mom? He introduced her to his mom? First his best friend, Donovan, and now his mom. She didn’t know what to think, but she knew what to do. Standing, she held out a hand to the pretty blond woman who didn’t look anything like Jack except in the eyes.

  “Nice to meet you, Ms—”

  The woman smiled and pulled her in for a hug, not allowing her to finish. “Call me Nina and it’s such a pleasure to finally meet you. I hope Jack hasn’t overwhelmed you with introductions. The Demarcos are a wild bunch.”

  The comment was made with such warm affection, Darci smiled. Like her, Jack came from a close family and good friends.

  Wally shook her hand and when they sat down Darci met Jack’s eyes. He winked and she knew he’d planned this from the start. He wanted her to meet his friends and family. He hadn’t prepared her for it because he knew her well enough to know she liked new adventures. She thrived in situations like this and he knew it. They’d both learned that in the Caribbean. Heck, that was where she’d learned her true capabilities.

  And without Jack she never would have made it home alive. Without him she wouldn’t be here, having the time of her life, meeting new people, eating a world-class meal and getting a glimpse of the real Jack Taggart. A glimpse of the man she wanted more and more with each passing second. He was everything she wanted: strong, honorable, family-oriented and handsome. He had come along at a low time in her life and saved her once again. And she knew for certain she wouldn’t walk away with her heart intact this time.

  “So, Darci, I hear Jack hasn’t taken you shopping yet.” Nina moved closer to so they didn’t have to talk over the men.

  “No, we haven’t had time.”

  “Well, the girls and I are taking you before dinner. There’s a nice boutique downtown that you have to see. We can meet Jack here afterward. I think Donovan wants to talk business with Jack anyhow. You don’t want to be bored with that, so what do you say?”

  Darci glanced at Jack, who talked and nodded at something Wally said.

  Donovan pulled up a chair and also nodded.

  She liked the idea of spending time with Nina, but had hoped for some alone time with Jack. But she wouldn’t get in Jack’s way. Besides, this would be a great opportunity to get to know his mom.

  “Sure, that sounds like fun,” she said, looking away from Jack to Nina.

  Nina smiled. “Great. Now, tell me more about yourself. Jack tells me you’re from Michigan…”


  Shopping with Nina and Donovan’s sisters turned out to be an exhausting event. They dragged her through shop after shop and helped her pick out a new dress for dinner. Jack had something planned. She was the only one who didn’t know what. All she knew was that she had to be back at Demarco’s by eight. Which meant she had to get back to Jack’s so she could freshen up and change into her new dress. She couldn’t wait to see what Jack had planned for her next. So far she didn’t regret her decision to come here. She loved it here, adored Jack’s extended family and every time she thought of returning to Boston to her lonely apartment it made her sad.

  But they weren’t finished with her yet. They stashed her purchases in Angela’s apartment and dragged her to a park in the center of town. It covered eight acres and featured a playground and gorgeous gazebo. The park was crowded with people enjoying the warm summer evening, some sitting on the lawn and others in chairs.

  Inside the gazebo a small, local band played music Darci instantly liked. A mixture of jazz and blues and stirred her soul.

  “Oh, there’s Jack,” Nina said, waving.

  Darci looked up and saw Jack striding across the lawn toward them, Donovan at his side. The two were attracting quite a lot of attention and she knew why. Donovan with his eloquent grace and Jack in his hunky, sexy glory. She had to hold herself back from running to him and throwing herself in his arms, completely at his mercy.

  “Broke yet?” he teased.

  “Nah, I put it all on your bill,” she returned and watched a slow grin light his face. Lord, he was a handsome devil.

  “Then I’m broke,” he chuckled. “Come on, the music’s already started.”

  He laced his fingers through hers and led her to a spot on the lawn where they all sat to listen to the band. Darci sat beside Jack, leaning slightly against him as she watched and listened.


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