Discovering Treasure

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Discovering Treasure Page 15

by Crystal Mary Lindsey

  The Wilsons were a large family and a lively bunch, with eight children ranging in age from their twenties to six years old. The younger ones stared at Frank. His clothes were different to those worn around the valley. Finally one young tow-headed boy asked him if he was a Pommie.

  Frank smiled at the slang used for being English. “No son,” he replied, and, using the slang for German said he was a Kraut.

  “Oh! One of those,” the child replied, whereas his sister sidled up to him and whispered loudly in his ear asking what that meant. “Dunno.” Her brother shrugged.

  Frank wondered how the word would travel around the family and end up being pronounced completely different. It made him smile.

  Kelvin announced on the drive home that Harry Wilson made a bargain requesting two of the pups in exchange for Paris’s food and lodging. “I hope Treasure is okay with that. I think it was pretty fair,” he added to Frank, and Frank nodded in answered agreement.

  “Would you like to drive round and see a bit more of the place?” Kel asked.

  Frank agreed, he would like that very much. So the two men spent over an hour, driving the dusty twisting roads. Twice they stopped to let a mob of emu’s stroll across in front of them. A troop of kangaroos stood together about half a mile away, watching, until one took off over the crest of a hill and the rest swiftly followed.

  “You know not to mess with those don’t you, mate?” Kel asked him,

  “I sure do,” Frank laughed.

  “Well, old Marcus, should roll-up on the twenty-first, about lunch time. You know its Treasure’s birthday then don’t you?” Frank didn’t know and was glad Kelvin informed him. Gosh, that was only two days away; he wanted to buy something for her, but what?

  “Where can I go to purchase her a gift?” Frank questioned now.

  Kelvin was not one to buy women presents and had no idea, so he shook his head.

  Riding in silence until they reached the town, Frank’s mind was in full throttle. He thought about the women back in London, they were into fans, and with the heat of this place, that could be a nice idea. “Listen, Kelvin, take me to the general store and I’ll see what they have there. Perhaps we’ll go to the baker after, and order her a special cake; they have plenty of time to make it.” Kelvin thought Frank was extremely clever to think of that.

  The general store was big inside with so much clutter that Frank wondered if they even knew what they stocked. He motioned to the owner to come closer and quietly told him about his request. “It’s a surprise –, if you have a nice one.” Frank informed him.

  The man nodded and climbed his ladder to a shelf, bringing down a large flat box.

  “The wife bought these a few years back and I put them away because no one around here is likely to buy one.” The box held three in different colors –, blue, green and purple. They were the flat open feathered kind and lovely.

  “I’ll take the green and purple trimmed ones, announced Frank, and I’d like pretty paper to wrap them in and two birthday cards.” He was told the book shop would help out with paper and cards. After reminding the storekeeper not to talk about his purchase, he walked there. Following that, the baker was given an order for a large birthday cake, and Frank felt very pleased with his purchases.

  On the morning of Treasure’s birthday, Matilda, gave Connor, a large piece of soft material with a pattern painted all over it. The background was cream with swirls and dots of dark red, yellow, and white. Matilda’s smile broadened with delight when Connor exclaimed over it. He confessed to her about the engagement ring and wanting to give it to her but never finding the right time.

  “You give it to me Mr Connor; I show you how to give it.” Taking the ring box from his hand, she then wrapped it inside the material. Already having a pretty silver crepe paper, this was then wrapper around the lot.

  “Now, you give her this present and say it’s from Matilda, especially for her. When she opens and finds the box, act very surprised. Then when it’s opened, you ask her to marry you.”

  With this she laughed her head off—, flashing her white teeth –, very pleased at her own joke, and Connor liked it also.

  Frank phoned Connor at his office and invited him to the house at one o’clock to celebrate Treasures twenty-sixth birthday. Marcus would hopefully arrive shortly before that and Thomas was also invited. They would make it formal in the dining room, and Frank requested Connor call on the baker and bring the surprise cake. He was instructed that Kelvin would watch for him and whisk the cake straight into hiding in his abode. This way, the cake and gifts would all come out after the meal.

  Frank sounded gleeful, this was to be his first birthday with his daughter, and he wanted it to be special. Ella confided in him just that morning how Treasure felt forgotten with her birthday so close to Christmas. It seemed to her, with all the other festivities, she never experienced something that was totally for her. Living in Paris, as with every major city, Christmas was a busy time of the year. So her birthday sailed past as just another day except for a small celebration as an afterthought. So Frank intended for this one to be very different. It must be special.


  Happy surprises

  Marcus was clued in beforehand, that when he arrived he was to bring the Christmas presents in and place them under the tree in the dining room, with no mention of Treasure’s birthday. He was to act busy; unpacking his bags and then asking when lunch would be served. Connor was to stroll in as if to welcome Marcus back and Thomas would arrive just prior to the meal and be asked to stay. Nellie put on an act about the extra people and it being best to eat in the dining area. Poor Treasure, she didn’t have a clue. But when the lunch meal of steak and kidney pie was over and the cake came in with everyone standing for her, and singing Happy Birthday, she burst out crying.

  With the cake eaten, all the presents were offered for her to open. She couldn’t believe she was the center of attention, and took her time opening her gifts and exclaiming over each one. Connor waited until last before presenting his. Treasure held her breath when she looked at the delightful design from Matilda, made particularly for her. It was unique. And then the small red velvet box fell out onto the table. Opening it, she stared at the beautiful ruby. It was then that in front of all, Connor knelled and requested her hand in marriage.

  It wasn’t an easy balance, and Treasure seemed to take forever to answer, but at last she looked from the ring to his face, and answered, “Yes!” Her eyes shone with the thrill of this being such a special time. Marcus helped Connor to his feet, and when Treasure rose, from sitting, Connor placed the ring onto her finger and gently kissed her lips. Everyone applauded with hearty clapping and congratulation, kisses for Treasure and hugs for Connor. The pair stood together in their afterglow of happiness. God’s timing was perfect – could it get any better?

  Since no one knew of the engagement, there were no gifts. Frank proposed they all just put in money and he and Nellie would take off for a short while and select and return with the engagement offering. He remembered seeing some fine items in the hardware, so was sure something appropriate could be found.

  Nellie felt proud to be included for this important task, she removed her large apron, collected her handbag and went off with Frank in Kelvin’s borrowed truck. Frank had an idea as he drove, yet if Nellie didn’t approve, then something else would be chosen.

  He led her to the very back of the hardware. A large sheet covered something tall which showed only the bottom of exceptional polished timber. Frank wanted to show Nellie what he himself saw on his last visit.

  Nellie looked from him to the large object, and when he dragged the sheet away, she gave a gasp of wonder. “Oh, my, now isn’t that something! a grandfather clock. And why on earth was it stuck back here in this dark corner, I wonder?”

  Frank didn’t need to answer because he knew. This was kept hidden to be uncovered today as a gift for the perfect couple.

  “Do you think we have enough money to p
ay for it?” Nellie whispered looking around and hoping no one was observing them. She felt like a conspirator, and indeed in a way she was.

  Frank just gave a laugh and signaled the store owner, over. Introducing himself, he requested the price of the clock. Jeb could not recall; although, he tried to remember while scratching his head. He told how his wife was talked into buying it, from a travelling salesman a couple of years back.

  “Mad!” Jeb shook his head. “I wish I’d been here when he tried his tricks, he wouldn’t have gotten away with it, I can tell you!— Ah well, these things happen!” He shrugged his shoulders, finding it hard to believe he had a willing buyer. “Give me an offer –, and I’ll consider if it’s reasonable.”

  Frank offered a realistic amount, after all, a clock like this needed exceptional care in reassembling after moving, otherwise it would be worth naught. So both men came to a resolution and with the money handed over, the heavy clock was lifted and carried out to be stood with care on the trucks tray.

  Nellie felt she would burst with pride and joy, on returning home and being sent inside to ask Kelvin to come and help with the carrying. Marcus helped guide them back inside. It was a difficult task, climbing up the three verandah stairs and not always being able to see where a part of the heavy clock might hit something, so Marcus became their eyes. Eventually, it was placed near the back wall of the dining room. Treasure and Connor stared, trying to imagine how on earth Frank contrived to find this elegant piece that would likely become an heirloom. It was so perfect, not just in looks but as the ticker of time passing on their lives together. All were thanked profoundly for their contribution and for a gift that could not have been more exceptional. Frank beamed. This child of his heart, just as much as his Isabella, at last knew the meaning of a very special birthday and he as her father, was there to share her joy.

  After a time, Connor and Treasure took off for a walk together. Treasure, so aware of the ring on her finger did what most happy girls do, and kept turning it every which way for the sun to make it glitter and shine. Connor noted this and his own pleasure increased, observing her happiness with his choice. As they walked the dusty road holding hands and enjoying the peaceful warmth, every noise became more audible. The birds sang louder, and then as silence descended, a cow’s moo travelled across the land. No sooner was it quiet again than children doubling past on a bike yelled at them as a scare, to make them jump. Next a large flock of cockatoos flew low, screeching loudly as if heaven’s gates opened to the angel’s commemorating!

  In the time of their leisurely walk as a couple, Treasure reminisced on how glad she was not to have given herself to just anyone, before finding her true love. Connor thought of his uncertainties and anxieties now melting away to nothing. This was proof of trusting God’s Word instead of trying to make life turn out his way. He smiled to himself, thinking of Matilda and how well her plan for presenting the ring worked. Noticing his smile, Treasure wanted to know the reason. Connor felt like teasing her then on consideration, knew she’d enjoy hearing of Matilda’s plan.

  While they were away, Frank worked on the clock mechanics. Handy at fixing anything mechanical, he talked to himself as he did it, kept the others spellbound.

  “Now, it’s flat on the floor and solid against the wall, so the next thing is that the gut lines are still on the winding barrels and have not dropped off onto the winding spindles.” Nodding to himself that this was right, the next part was the pendulum. The flat, polished part of the pendulum bob, should be at the front. After positioning this correctly, came the weights and the pendulum was ready to swing. With a gentle push it was off and running alone. Frank looked up at his audience and gave a sigh with, “Thank God!”

  “What are you saying?” asked Ella. Don’t tell me you thought it might not work?” She shook her head. “Papa, you’re always the same, always kidding around, but this time you almost made us have a heart attack.” Seeing the hands of the clock at four, Ella headed for the kitchen to put the kettle on for a cup of tea. She reckoned after that they all needed one. Returning to the room and under Kelvin’s direction, Nellie sat at the piano and began to sing “When Irish Eyes Are Smiling.” And it was to this that Connor and Treasure entered the house. What a delightful day, Treasure thought, I believe it’s the happiest day of my life.

  Christmas Eve fell on a Thursday with Christmas Day on Friday which meant there was four days of Public Holidays adding to a long weekend. Marcus was grateful for this as he’d instructed his staff that even though he would be away until after New Year’s, they were to remain diligent. It was up to him to recommend the best worker to take his position when he moved on. Rather than tell his staff this, Marcus relied on the remarks of best service by his regular customers. His house was finally on the market, and the Real Estate agent anticipated holidaying families looking to live in the city, could be interested. Hoping for this to happen, he could buy land and have his house built within walking distance to his new place of work and of course Treasure’s.

  His bank was pleased to make him manager of a new branch, and the response from the community so far, was a promising one.

  With Connor and Treasure planning to be married there was the consideration of where they intended to live –, at Connors home or Treasure’s. All these thoughts scurried around in Marcus mind. He couldn’t wait to get away to a more casual mode of life.

  Christmas Eve it was a busy day, Paris was still away and dearly missed. Ella phoned the Wilsons that morning to check on her. After reassurance that all was well, but it was best for her to remain with them until after New Year, Ella resolved that it was only one more week before Paris was at home again. Following the call, Ella was booked for three hair styles, so went into her salon straight after breakfast. Her appointments were all before noon so following that time she was free.

  Her business—, now open for the past two days was slow, but hopefully in time the trusting clients would come.

  Treasure went with Connor to pick the pretty native Christmas bush plant, with pink tipped leaves and little red bell flowers to place around the house for decoration. This was the first Australian Bush Christmas, as called by Outback dwellers, for the girls to experience. There was no comparison to the rush and bustle of an elegant city festive season. Here chicken was the exclusive meal reserved only for this special day.

  But, this year, dear Kelvin’s gift to everyone was two ducks, ordered after Treasure arranged his new quarters two months ago. What a treat! And Kelvin with his usual wide smile, announced he was off to collect them and would do the honors of dressing them also. Nellie never ceased to be thankful for this considerate man. Two large plum puddings were mixed and shaped into round balls before being wrapped in clean linen and left in the ice chest to be boiled on the morrow. With the luxury of their own cow, those puddings could be eaten with cream and custard.

  Church was held at six on Christmas Eve instead of Christmas Day. This helped those who lived far out of town, and gave them time to arrive back home before dark. The service was happy and encouraging. Nellie was now in her element as song leader, and tonight she also sang a solo which was a treat for those who’d never heard her beautiful voice on its own before. More and more people attended services, and tonight it was packed with children even sitting on the floor in front. A beautiful new nativity scene sat near where Thomas preached. This was the art work of Matilda and Nellie with their sewing group of girls. Matilda’s husband made the fetching manger woven from young sapling tree branches. He was a proud man that night as everyone shook his hand and congratulated him on a good job.

  Treasure’s household enjoyed the summer twilight walk home, with Thomas accompanying them after locking up. He was invited to spend the night with Connor and be back for the special day following breakfast that Matilda would prepare them. Many of Matilda and Roy’s family began arriving a few days earlier, and in aboriginal style set up camp in the paddock within sight of the farmhouse. So their Christmas was to be
spent outdoors in their traditional indigenous style with a corroboree. Connor remembered spending a few Christmases with them and always enjoyed their communal get together.

  Since Matilda and Roy were Christians now, they often recited the story of the savior’s birth to family, while sitting in a circle on the ground. Their Christmas fare was kangaroo and a huge lizard, baked in an earth dug-out full of hot coals. They also enjoyed wild yams and other vegetation. Connor gave a box of mangos, purchased especially as a treat they all relished.

  Thomas and Connor sported new shirts, created and sewn by Matilda. Frank, Marcus and Kelvin admired the unusual look, in preference to the usual plain white. Decisions were made to order one each for themselves. While lunch cooked, they sat in the dining room exchanging gifts. Nothing was over the top or terribly expensive as all realized this was the Lord’s Day and not theirs. Frank did divide Ella’s gift between both of his girls. Treasure received the set of ornament hair combs and Ella the bracelet. Nellie’s gifts to each were all handmade, making them special. Thomas purchased a heart locket for Ella, and Connor’s gift to Treasure was a dressing table, hand mirror, brush, and comb set. Since it was Christmas, everyone helped with setting the table and serving the meal. Being the eldest male by two months, Marcus carved the roast ducks. Instead of Thomas leading grace that day, Frank requested that he should be the one to give thanks, as no one had more to be thankful for than he.


  Baptism and meeting Grace

  New Year’s Day was settled as the time for Marcus and Treasure to be baptized. This was announced the Sunday before. After three people responded to an Altar call at the close of the service, invitations were extended to them as well. Among these three to Treasure’s joy was Evelyn Cosgrove and her father. Evelyn’s mother later confided to Treasure about her years of praying for both. Evelyn was quieter, listening more and speaking less –, there was a significant change.


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