Home > Romance > PHENOMENAL GIRL 5 > Page 10

by A. J. Menden

  I made my way through the grid, forcing myself to go a bit faster. Maybe if I went through his little system with a record-breaking time, he wouldn’t make me do it again.

  I cleared the last hoop and headed for the button. It was only a few feet away, and I stretched out my hand, ready to punch it—

  —and hit what felt like an invisible brick wall.

  I plummeted to the ground like a bird that had hit a window, and lay there in a daze. What had just happened?

  Robert stood over me, holding one glowing hand up.

  “What did you do?”

  “Shield.” He leaned over and punched the button. “Your time is up.”

  “That’s not fair! You cheated.”

  He raised an eyebrow. “Are you going to complain to a magic-user villain that he is cheating if a situation like this happens in the field?”

  “No, I’m going to punch him in the face.”

  “Not if you cannot touch him. So what else could you do?”

  “Distract him so he’ll let his guard down. Throw a car or something big at him so he’s occupied with that and then go hit the button, figuratively speaking.”

  “I myself would try something involving less property damage, but that might work. You did show good reflexes with the obstacles, and were making good time. But you forgot about one tool you have at your disposal.”

  “And that is?”

  “Magic. Which is the next part of your training. If you would follow me, please?”

  “Can I at least get a drink or a shower?”

  He ignored me and we walked back to the house.

  “You said I probably wouldn’t be able to cast a spell.”

  “That is right; I said probably. I did not say definitely. So we shall try it and see what happens. And you should know your way around magic, since I am the highest-level magic-user today and you are my partner.”

  “You go around telling people that at parties? ‘Hello, my name is Robert Elliot, and I’m the highest-level magic-user today.’ ”

  “Of course not. I would say I am the highest-level magic user today.”

  I smiled at the joke. “Of course, you’re the one who ranks all of the magic-users, so it’s a bit of a cheat, isn’t it?”

  He gave a soft laugh. “A perk of the job, but it does not make it any less accurate. I still rank a ten.”

  “Braggart.” I returned his smile. Since my meltdown, things had still been somewhat tense. It felt good to be getting back on friendly ground.

  “Well, even though it probably won’t work, I’m game to try,” I said as we descended into his lair.

  “Good. First you are going to start learning Italian.” He walked over to one of the tables and picked up some CDs. “Start listening to these during your free time.”

  “What free time?”

  “Instead of watching television, you can do something productive.”

  I made a face at him. “Can’t you just teach me the spells in English?”

  “I could, but that is not how it is done. I was taught them in Italian, therefore I teach any pupils of mine in Italian. It is tradition.”

  “Alright. So I’m learning Italian.” I watched as he went to a cupboard and took out a few vials and small bags. “What am I learning today?”

  “I assume the School went over the basics of magic with you?”

  “We had a class in rudimentary magic knowledge, yes.” At his expectant look, I sighed. “Magical forces are all around us, but only a few people are born with the ability to tap into those forces and use them as their own. It’s a power, like strength and flight are mine.” He nodded and I continued, feeling like I was back in school again. “There are three effectors of magic: word, deed, and will. Word, hence your use of Italian. Deed can be a physical action, like a hand gesture, or a physical ingredient, like the powders you use in the teleportation spell. Will is taken from you.”

  “They can all combine, too. As a matter of fact, some of the highest-level spells will use all three. Will, however, is the key ingredient to any high-level spell. Understand that the spell powers itself from you on a physical and spiritual level. Many magic-users have died trying to perform high-level spells, like resurrection, for this very reason—it drains their bodies and their souls until there is nothing left. That is how I go about ‘leveling’ magic-users. The higher the level, the greater their capacity to do will spells and survive. Teleportation spells are mid-level magic, say a level five, and they only use word and deed. The mind spell I used on Cyrus is a high-level spell; no one below a level eight could work it, and it uses word and will. Word will work its way into most spells. That is why you need to learn Italian.”

  “So, what are we trying?”

  “Something basic, since you are a level one.” He motioned for me to sit in the chair in front of the desk and I did so. “Focus on the book sitting open on the table. Now you are going to raise it. Point to it, make a motion like you are picking it up, and say ‘Libro di aumento.’ ”

  The book lifted off the table.

  “Sorry about that. My magic made it do that just by saying it.” He motioned for the book to settle back down and then nodded at me. “Try it now.”

  I took a deep breath, pointed, said, “Libro di aumento,” and lifted my hand.

  Nothing happened.

  I swallowed hard. “Libro di aumento!”

  Still nothing.

  “I told you I couldn’t do this.”

  “You have to believe you can. You are letting doubt cloud your power.”

  “You sound like a mentor in the movies.”

  “I do not watch television or movies. I find better ways of occupying my time.”

  “You’ve got all the time in the world. You’re allowed to kick back, relax, and do something stupid, like wasting time watching television.”

  “I would rather waste time by going to a play or reading a book.”

  I shook my head. “Fine. Snub television. Be that way.” I gave him what I knew was a flirtatious smile, and was delighted to see him return it. Yes, it was definitely better to be back on friendly terms.

  “Try again. This time try to clear your mind. Think of nothing but the book, the words, and lifting it up.”

  I closed my eyes and took a few calming breaths. I opened my eyes slowly, focused on the book, pointed, and said with all the conviction I had, “Libro di aumento.”

  The book lifted from the table, hovered there a moment, and then dropped back down again. My mouth hung open. Robert looked pleased.

  “Very good. Better than I expected. Now remember, you do not use magic carelessly. As I said, you are using a bit of your will every time you work a spell. You do not want to drain yourself, or worse, become addicted to the power of spells. And I think it goes without saying that you should not use your magic to harm others.” He held up a hand at my impending argument. “Yes, there will come a time in our business that you may have to use your magic to defend either yourself or someone else against someone who means harm magically. It is key for you to find a balance. Just as you cannot go around punching people who say the wrong thing, you also cannot go around silencing them magically. That kind of magic abuse is the way to downfall.”

  “Again, sounding like a movie mentor.” At his frown, I held up a hand. “No using spells for frivolous reasons or to be a bully. I got it.”

  “It is not just yourself you could harm, but the environment as well. Too much inter-dimensional travel using teleportation can rip a hole between this dimension and the next.”

  “You mean we’re going to another dimension when we teleport?”

  “Briefly, yes. And that is why I only use teleportation spells for official business and do not use them to, say, zip around town.”

  “I doubt I’ll be able to work a teleportation spell anytime soon.”

  “You keep practicing and learning Italian and I will have you up to a level four or five before your training is finished.”


  “Absolutely. In our spare time, I will have you work on both physical and magic training every day.” He handed me a leather-bound book. “Here is a book of spells you can try on your own.”

  “Sure, what else have I got to do but read?” I joked. Between working on the Syn case, patrolling at night, and doing menial office tasks for him during the day, I was always busy.

  “You knew how involved this job would be when you took it. The only place that villains are stopped without any hard work or effort is on Saturday morning cartoons.”

  “It really bothers you that there is no Reincarnist on the Elite Hands of Justice Morning Hour, doesn’t it?”

  He laughed. “Do I seem like I care?”

  “They left you out for a wise-cracking teen sidekick that never existed. All I’m saying is that has to hurt. But you know what? I’m willing to put in the hard work and effort because I have a new power!” I did a little happy dance and noticed he was watching me in that way guys do when they are checking you out. I deliberately caught his gaze, just to see what he’d do.

  He met my gaze and held it. The room temperature seemed to climb. I swallowed hard, my mouth going dry.

  “Sir, Fantazia is on the line, returning your call,” Mayhew said, popping into the doorway. He must have sensed something going on between us, because he cleared his throat and said, “I’m sorry, am I interrupting?”

  Robert turned to him, hands behind his back, and once again, the moment had passed. “Not at all, Mayhew. I will take it in the library.”

  “Very good, sir.” Mayhew turned and exited.

  “She is one of the heroes on our list,” Robert said to me, as if I didn’t know. “She may know something about Syn.”

  “What would you like me to do?” I asked.

  He smiled. “Start studying the CDs, cara.”

  “Cara? What does that mean?”

  “Study the CDs and you will find out.”


  I hurried around the room, putting the finishing touches on my look for the evening. As busy as we had been in the past few weeks, I’d barely had the time to eat, let alone to prep for the social event of the season. I could hear noise downstairs; the guests had begun to arrive, but Robert didn’t seem to mind. Apparently even though he was hosting the big party, he didn’t have to be there to greet the guests. According to Mayhew, my boss would show up at some point during the festivities, thank everyone for attending, and tell them to have a good night. Then he’d disappear back into his lair before being forced to be too social.

  It was going to be my job to mingle, though I was supposed to be going with him as his “date.” I tried to ignore the fluttery feelings I got from the wording, as he’d made it clear when he asked that I was simply saving him from having to put up with someone else’s company.

  I was wearing a dress created by a heroes-only designer that cost more than three months’ rent at my former apartment, shoes that weren’t much cheaper, and I’d had my hair and makeup done like I was going to the Oscars instead of a benefit party. I nearly had a heart attack from hearing how much this evening was costing me, but as Robert had said, what else was I spending my money on? He was footing the bills for my basic necessities, and the EHJ paid very well, so I could afford to splurge.

  It was nice to be able to take a night off from the usual routine of patrolling, helping the police when needed, and all the while still searching for a still-nameless villain. Not to mention cramming in magic training, like making books float, while still maintaining my daily workout of obstacle course running and swimming laps in the pool. Maybe seeing me looking the hottest I ever had would finally inspire Robert romantically. Doubtful, but hey, I could dream. I enjoyed just being around him. I had learned a lot in the month that we had worked together, and we were now good friends. Granted, I wished for more, but I was used to loving guys from afar.

  Still, for the amount of money this evening was adding up to, I’d better get at least a dance with a hot guy instead of being ditched twenty minutes into it. No, for that amount, I should get a hot and heavy kiss in the coat-check room, and possibly felt up—but the likelihood of that happening was slim to none, so I’d settle for a dance.

  I was checking my hair one last time and wondering how movie stars did this on a daily basis when I heard a knock on the door.

  “Yeah, come in,” I said, reaching for a blue velvet box sitting on my dresser. Inside was the most gorgeous piece of jewelry I had ever seen: a sapphire necklace surrounded by diamonds. Robert had a deal worked out with a jeweler to rent pieces for just such an occasion. I just had to return it in the morning.

  I took out the necklace and started to fasten it around my neck when Robert appeared in the mirror behind me.

  “Do you need some assistance?”

  I jumped. “Yes, please. Make some noise when you walk, man! You scared me.”

  “It is the carpeting.” He took the necklace from me and fastened it around my neck. “You look lovely, cara.”

  “Th-thank you.” I was thrown by both the compliment and the Italian endearment. Thanks to my studies, I had learned that cara meant “beloved” in Italian. I tried not to read too much into that; I had once worked with a hero who called all the women “darlin’,” and it definitely didn’t mean anything other than he couldn’t be bothered to learn our names. But the times I found Robert looking at me with a warm gaze he didn’t even bother to conceal anymore gave me hope for some meaning behind the word.

  “See how well color suits you?” he teased. “Get you out of costume and you are really quite stunning.”

  I couldn’t resist. “So you’re saying you want to get me out of my clothes?”

  Heat flickered in his eyes. “Lainey Livingston, that would be a very inappropriate thing for me to say, being your boss.” His wry grin said he knew I was teasing. But I noticed he didn’t deny it, either. Interesting.

  “You clean up very well in non-work-related clothing, too,” I said, returning the compliment. Armani made a nice tuxedo, and Robert filled it out even better.

  “Let us go and get this over with,” he said, holding out an arm.

  “Robert, we haven’t even got there yet and you’ve already used up your social skills for the day?”

  I took his arm and we left my room and walked down the hallway. Mmm, he smelled good up close like this. Don’t go there, Lainey. “You remind me of those grumpy old men who are impatient at restaurants and complain loudly about how long it’s taking.”

  “My dear, I am a grumpy old man.”

  “You’re forty, that’s not old, so you can’t use age as an excuse.”

  “Compared to you, I am old.”

  “That’s only fourteen years difference. And in a weird way that makes my head hurt, since you start over at twenty every incarnation, and you’ve lived as Robert Elliot for only twenty years…that makes you six years younger than me. So there.”

  “ ‘So there’?” His grin sent a shiver of desire down my spine. “That sounds like the height of maturity.”

  “Hey, just because you can’t use your advanced age as an excuse for your antisocial behavior doesn’t mean you get to pick on my vernacular. I don’t mention your never using ‘don’t’ instead of ‘do not.’ ”

  “A long time ago, that was how one spoke. Everyone did not dumb down their speech with slang.”

  “I’ve heard you use slang!”

  “Maybe I just talk that way to put people off.”

  “It works.”

  He stopped outside of the hall door. Inside, I could hear the party going full swing.

  “Your lack of reverence is refreshing,” he said, and dropped a quick kiss on my forehead. “Se soltanto fossi libero amarli.” He opened the door and led me inside.

  “Wait, I didn’t understand all of that.” I was still dazed from the forehead kiss. Why did he keep doing that? Did he think I was three or something? My skin wasn’t tingling, so
it wasn’t a spell he was working. “Did you say something was free?”

  He ignored my difficulty with the Italian language and pulled me along to a group of society members. “Good evening Mayor Thompson, Police Commissioner Dunn. May I introduce my assistant, Miss Lainey Livingston?”

  The mayor of Covo City shook my hand like most men do, as if it would break if he gripped it too tight, not realizing it was quite the opposite. “Nice to meet you, Miss Livingston.”

  “Nice to meet you too, Mayor Thompson.”

  “Please, call me Doug,” he said in a booming voice. “How have you been enjoying working with our Mister Elliot?”

  “Just fine, sir,” I said, mind still on the Italian thing. What was that about? I really needed to study the CDs more. “It has been a learning experience.”

  “Nasty business with that Syn character,” the commissioner said. “I heard you were injured during the capture.”

  “I’m fine now.”

  “Well, we must mingle,” Robert interjected, antsy already. “Do enjoy the evening.” He dragged me off to the next bunch of people.

  In the same whirlwind blur, I was introduced to almost every muckety-muck in town in the space of twenty minutes. Grabbing a glass of champagne off the tray of a passing waiter, I tried to figure out a way to get Robert to slow down or otherwise stay with me at the party instead of going to his underground lair or room to hide. Hearing the orchestra start up a dance number, I had an idea.

  “What lovely music,” I said to Robert, who was trying to get away from talking to an extra-chatty society matron.

  “Mmm…yes,” he said distractedly.

  “And oh, look, people are starting to dance.”

  “They generally do at these benefits,” he said, as the society matron waddled off. “I thought she would never leave.”

  “You know, as the host, you should probably dance at least once,” I said. “Before you go.” Come on, no one is this thick!

  “That is an excellent idea,” a purring voice said, and Victoria strutted up to us. Well, she strutted up to Robert; she pretended I didn’t exist, sandwiching herself between us and leaning up to give him air kisses and rub her ampedup cleavage on his arm in the process. Her black dress was skintight, leaving hardly anything to the imagination, but still appropriate in the way only designer dresses can be. “Well, darling, how do you like the little party I threw together for you?”


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