Home > Romance > PHENOMENAL GIRL 5 > Page 14

by A. J. Menden

  “You will.”

  “If I do not come back this time, if this was my last life, then I am happy to have spent what time I had with you.”

  My tears fell as he kissed me, long, lingering, and full of emotion. It expressed everything we couldn’t in those last moments.

  When he pulled away, I knew our time was up. “It’s going to happen soon, isn’t it?”

  He nodded.

  “Does it hurt?” My throat was clogging with emotion.

  “If it does, I will be beyond pain by then. It is a strange process, cara. I transform into a new person from the cellular level up. Everything in my body resets itself to that of a twenty-year-old. I do not know why.” He got up out of bed. “There are a few last things I need to attend to, before…”

  I nodded, wiping away my tears, wanting to be strong for him.

  He got dressed, with me silently watching. Turning, he walked over, picked me up off the bed, and kissed me hard. I poured every ounce of feeling I had into that last kiss, feeling tears dampen my cheeks again and not sure if they were mine or his.

  “Pretend I am coming right back,” he said, forehead against mine, holding me against him. “Make it easier on the both of us.”

  “I love you,” I whispered, clinging tighter.

  “I love you too, Lainey,” he said, slowly releasing me. I could tell it was as difficult for him to let go as it was for me. “I will always love you. And that is a promise.” Then he turned and walked out the door, closing it behind him.

  I made sure I heard footsteps going downstairs before I gave in to my tears, feeling the loss of him with such brute force that it tore sobs from my throat. I curled up with his pillow, breathing in his scent, shaking with grief.

  After a few moments, I took a deep breath and forced myself to calm down.

  “He’s coming back. He’s coming back,” I whispered, like a mantra. He had to: he was the Reincarnist. That’s what he did, he always came back. Yes, Robert was gone in a very real sense. But he would be back, just a lot different. And I was going to have to figure out very quickly how to deal with that.

  The worst-case scenario was that he wouldn’t remember me. It would be painful, but that was a simple fix: Just remind him. I’m Lainey. I’m your partner and your girlfriend. Was I his girlfriend? Was that presumptuous, thinking we had a relationship now that he’d been reincarnated into a new person? Well, what else was I going to say? I’m Lainey and I’m your lover? God, that sounded trashy, like it hadn’t meant anything. And making love to Robert had meant something. Girlfriend sounded much better.

  As I thought harder about it, I realized that loss of memory wasn’t the worst-case scenario. The worst-case scenario was that he wouldn’t remember me and then the new him didn’t like me! Who knew how much his personality would change? Or what if he remembered what had happened and didn’t like me? That would be awkward.

  On the other hand, what if he came back too different, and I just didn’t feel the same way about him? As much as I couldn’t fathom that happening, it was as conceivable as any of the other scenarios.

  Or maybe he would come back, different but similar, would remember everything, and it would all be okay.

  Please, God, let that be the case.

  I knew I was driving myself crazy with the possibilities of what was going to happen. I was sure of one thing, though: I didn’t want to face it naked.

  My costume still had blood on it, so I did a very girlfriend-like thing—I took one of his button-up shirts to wear as a nightshirt. It still smelled like him, overwhelming me. Tears burned in my eyes again and I wiped them away. I didn’t want to be caught crying by a strange man that used to be my boyfriend.

  I was still shaking and my limbs felt like they might collapse, so I slid back under the covers and awaited fate.

  Fate was faster than I would have liked. I heard footsteps coming my way and sat up, heart racing. Two people were coming toward the room, talking. It was Mayhew and an unfamiliar voice.

  “I should explain…” Mayhew was saying, and then the door opened.

  And I came face-to-face with the new Reincarnist.


  I am ashamed to admit that my first thought was, Wow, he’s hot! Still in the same somewhat understated way, but this version of Robert would turn more than a few heads. He was about six feet tall, with a wiry build that was subtly muscular, and narrow shoulders. He had light brown hair and a sexy five o’clock shadow that turned a boyish face into something rugged and slightly dangerous.

  But his most striking feature was his eyes. This time they were a dark blue. Yet they were still soft, and at the same time penetrating. They say eyes are the window to the soul, and I’d have to agree, because when I looked into this stranger’s eyes I saw Robert. It gave me hope that everything would be okay.

  We stared at each other in silence for a long moment, and then he spoke.

  “Who are you and what are you doing in my bed?”

  I hoped my face didn’t betray the hurt I was feeling. It doesn’t matter how much you know something painful is coming, it is still devastating when it happens.

  He looked so lost and confused, expecting me to fill in the blanks. I found my voice.

  “L-Lainey,” I managed, clearing my throat. “I’m Lainey. You were training me to be in the EHJ—that’s the Elite Hands of Justice. I’m…your partner.”

  Is that all I am? I chastised myself.

  “Lainey. I’m supposed to remember you,” he said, and I was thrown by the use of a contraction in his speech. “I don’t…” He trailed off, noticing my borrowed clothing, and his face drained of color. “Oh, God, we’re not lovers, are we?” His tone was pure panic.

  I felt like I had been kicked in the stomach. Bad enough he didn’t remember me, but to act disgusted at the very thought? That killed me.

  I tried to gather up a bit of my pride and come up with a plausible lie. “I was injured—well, dead, actually—and you brought me back. That’s how it is that…you’re here. You brought me here, said I should get some rest.”

  A look of relief crossed his face. “Oh. Yes, of course.”

  Mayhew was giving me a pointed look. I ignored him, wondering how much he knew and how much he assumed.

  “I’ll just get out of your hair,” I said, gathering up my ruined clothes. “My costume was wrecked, and I needed to borrow a shirt. Sorry.”

  He waved a hand. “No problem. I’ll have to have them tailored; I don’t think they’ll fit anymore as is. But, if you were…dead, you can stay and I’ll just go to a different room. God knows I have enough to get accustomed to without inconveniencing anyone. You don’t need to be up and about just yet.”

  “Oh, I’m fine. And you’ve been dead, too.” The pain that spiked through me at those words brought tears to my eyes. “I-I’m just across the hall, anyway.” I hurried to the door and grasped the handle. “I’ll see you later.”

  “Goodnight,” he said, like an afterthought, looking around as if seeing his surroundings for the first time. Which, I guess, he technically was.

  I went to my room and shut the door behind me, feeling like my lungs were seizing up. God, this was worse than I’d thought. The Robert who had loved me was gone, replaced by someone who was repulsed by me.

  I grabbed my poetry book off the shelf, clasping it to my chest, my last link to our own “theft of a moment.” I could still smell Robert’s scent on my skin and the shirt I wore.

  I curled up in a ball in my bed, alone, and cried myself to sleep.

  I awoke in the morning knowing something was wrong, but forgetting in that first moment what it was. Then the pain was fresh again. Puffy-eyed, I stumbled around the room, found clean clothes, and headed for my shower. Hesitating, I stripped off the shirt I had been wearing and tossed it in the back of my closet. He wouldn’t miss it, and I wanted something that still belonged to Robert and not the stranger who had replaced him.

  In the shower, I let m
y tears fall again, feeling the loss gnaw at my heart. It wasn’t fair! Why wasn’t I allowed to keep anyone who loved me? First my parents had been taken before I even got a chance to know them, leaving me to be someone who forever kept people at a distance, making few friends and never connecting with any of the foster families that took me in. I had kept up a wall around my heart just so I wouldn’t be hurt when someone else left, and had buried myself in my career. But I had taken a chance and fallen in love with someone who loved me back. Now that person was gone. Thank God I had thought to take precautions last night. That would have been the cap on an already lousy situation, if I had ended up pregnant. Then I would have lost both my career and my love, and would have been stuck with a responsibility I wasn’t sure I wanted, certainly not by myself.

  I stopped those dark thoughts as I turned off the tap and stepped out of the shower. I dressed, catching a glance of my reflection in the mirror. I looked like death, pale and splotchy with puffy red eyes.

  I put on light makeup just to compensate, so I didn’t have to face the Reincarnist, version 2.0, asking me if I had been crying.

  I took a deep breath and squared my shoulders. I had to do this for my career, which was all I had. I had to numb myself while being around this new guy. We had to work together, and it wouldn’t do to be crying every time I saw him. After it had became apparent that he had absolutely no memory of me and didn’t even want to entertain the thought that we had ever been together, I knew my hopes of picking up where we left off were over. I especially recalled what Robert had told me while I was training with him: to think of his reincarnations as descendants, not as the same person. The man I loved had died saving my life. His progeny was going to be working with me now. We might become friends, but everything Robert and I shared had died with that lifetime. I had to finish up working with this new Reincarnist so I could move on to become a full-time member of the EHJ.

  When I walked into the breakfast nook to find the new Reincarnist there with a bagel, a cup of coffee, and a book—so typical of Robert—my heart hurt.

  The new guy glanced up. “Good morning,” he said.

  “Morning.” I took the seat across from him.

  “Have you had any ill-effects since the resurrection spell? Numbness, loss of muscle control, memory loss?”

  If only. “No. Same as usual.”

  He smiled. “That’s amazing. I must say, in the entirety of written history, no one’s been able to perform that spell correctly. The side effects are so dangerous; either the resurrected comes back as a zombie with no will or mind, or is trapped in his own body, unable to control it, or the spell just kills the caster…Well, I guess it did that.”

  That put a damper on my appetite. I pushed my bagel away.

  “I wish I would’ve written down all the variables so I knew how it worked—not that I’d ever be able to perform it again, but for posterity, you know?” He’d been speaking to himself; now he seemed to notice me. “No, you wouldn’t know. Sorry. I don’t mean to make light of what happened to you. I’m sure it was very traumatic.”

  I tried not to hear the contractions. “You don’t remember anything that happened yesterday?” At the moment, I wasn’t sure if I wanted him to remember or not. This new guy was not Robert.

  “Everything’s still a bit of a blur. I know about the EHJ, I know in my former life I was respected for criminal profiling and crime-scene investigation, and I remember how to work all of the spells I’ve learned, except that last one. It’s like there was a power surge to my brain and I’m trying to reset all systems. Everything else is coming to me in odd little flashes.” He cocked his head to the side. “There. There’s one. I was a pirate once. Did you know that?”


  “Neither did I.” He frowned in concentration. “In 1716. Had my own ship and everything.” He shook his head. “There. It’s gone again.”

  I shivered. This was more than a little spooky.

  “At least it’s better than coming back as a total void, no memories at all. That resurrection spell really could’ve done a number on me, you know?” He shook his head. “No, I barely understand it, I don’t expect you would.”

  Did he just call me stupid?

  “But I’m afraid any training we were working on is going to have to wait until I get myself settled…” He trailed off and stared helplessly at me.

  I stared back until I realized he was looking at me to remind him of my name. Because he didn’t remember it.

  I gritted my teeth. “Lainey. Lainey Livingston. Phenomenal Girl Five.”

  He had the good sense to act sheepish. “Right. Lainey. Sorry. Um, I’m thinking of using Wesley.”

  I blinked at the topic change. “Who? And for what?”

  “For my name.”

  “Wait, Robert isn’t your real name?”

  He laughed. “My real name would sound very old-fashioned by today’s standards. I change names for every life. The last one was Robert Elliot. This one I think will be Wesley Charles.”

  “Sure, if you want to be the guy with two first names,” I said.

  “Elliot is a first name as well.”

  “It sounds more like a last name than Charles.”

  He frowned. “I like it.”

  “Well, it’s your fake name,” I muttered.

  “Yes, it is.” He closed the book he had been reading, drumming his fingers on the cover, closing his eyes. The awkwardness between us was almost tangible. We were off to a fabulous start.

  The silence grew heavy and I sipped my coffee, trying to figure out just how long I had to sit there and be polite.

  He opened his eyes again and shook his head. “By the way, the memorial service will be on Friday.” I watched as he stirred some cream into his coffee. I’d never seen Robert take it any way other than black. I didn’t understand how something as basic as how you take your coffee could change.

  Wait, what was he talking about? I tore my eyes away from the cup. “What memorial?”

  He narrowed his eyes, rubbing a hand across his forehead like he was getting a headache. It was obvious he thought I was dense, giving me a flashback to my early days here. “For Robert, of course.”

  My stomach twisted. “You’re going to set up your own funeral?” My voice rose in disbelief. “You’re going to host it?”

  “We have to have it for the people who knew Robert Elliot as Robert Elliot and not the Reincarnist, although I’m sure the members of the Elite Hands of Justice will attend. It’d be strange for the civilians to have him just disappear and me take over his things without any explanation. And it’s not really my funeral, it’s Robert’s.”

  “So, what, you’re going to pass yourself off as his son?”

  “No, just his legal heir.” He cleared his throat. “It might help you to think of me as your friend’s son, and not him. That way you won’t expect me to remember everything or act a certain way.”

  My laugh sounded bitter to my own ears. “We’ve had this conversation before.”

  “Excuse me?”

  “Back when Robert and I were discussing one of your former lives, he said almost the exact same thing.” I set my cup down on the table and stood, unable to take the strain of being around him anymore. “I get it, Mr. Charles. You’re not him. That’s obvious.”

  “Look, I’m sorry I don’t remember you,” he said, reacting to my icy tone. “And you don’t have to call me by my formal name; Wesley is fine. From what I’ve been told by Mayhew and from what I’ve read, we were friends.”

  “Hold on,” I said. “From what you’ve read?”

  He held up the book he carried. “Apparently it took a couple of lives to figure out the need to write things down. A large number of the books in my library are diaries of my former lives. Including one of Robert Elliot. Sometimes it helps to read about my last life while everything’s reordering itself in my brain. Helps me bring details back to the surface and make sense of it all.”

  My heart drop
ped into my stomach. “What does it say in there about me?”

  He didn’t seem to notice my anxiety. “It’s all been complimentary. He didn’t seem to be the type to allow for close friendships, and yet it is obvious that you were. Close, I mean.”

  I knew that was my cue to tell him the truth. I had told Robert I would remember for the both of us. And yet, I couldn’t bring myself to talk about it with this complete stranger before me. I didn’t know if it was residual hurt feelings from Wesley’s apparent disgust at the thought of us being together, or worse, that I was angry with Robert for forgetting.

  “Did he mention what happened last night?” I asked, hoping I sounded nonchalant.

  “About your death?” A look of sympathy crossed Wesley’s features. “No, the last diary entry he made was a couple of days prior. Mayhew told me he wanted to write down last night’s events, but he just didn’t make it. Robert told him about killing Jihad because he had murdered you, and Mayhew was there for your resurrection, so he told me about that. I don’t know much of the details about the Jihad incident, but that’s just as well. From what I remember of the EHJ, they don’t like anyone on the team killing anyone. At least not without forms signed in triplicate.” He gave me a weak smile. “Sorry. I shouldn’t joke about that. Jihad murdered many people in his time, and someone needed to put a stop to him. He kept escaping from prison or jumping to higher dimensions while he hatched his next plot.”

  Though a part of me agreed, this sounded nothing like the man who had read me the riot act and compared me to a psycho vigilante for almost letting Death Dealer plummet to his death. The one who had cautioned me about being consumed by the darkness and had kissed me on the forehead so gently after…

  “The EHJ may still speak with you about the incident for their files, so be prepared. If you’re having any problems dealing with what happened, they have counseling services, I’m sure, for that sort of thing.”


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