The Timeless One

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The Timeless One Page 49

by Lexy Wolfe

Edai — (eh-DAH-ee) The Knowing One's laws about duty and the gathering and sharing of knowledge

  Edai Magus —One of the mages on the Forentan mage high council

  Edai Tredecima — (eh-DAH-ee treh-DES-ee-mah) The thirteen member mage high council

  Elder — A Desanti who is 35 years or older

  Elder bear — A giant bear native to Forenta

  Ellena — Daughter of Grand Master Healer Zeridis and wife of Davin Nadeesi

  Ellis Avarian — (EL-lis) Forentan mage, twin brother of Bennu Avarian and Ash's great uncle, highest ranking mage on the Edai Tredecima

  Emaris — (EM-ahr-ihss) Mute Sevmanan gypsy mercenary, brother of Emil

  Emil — (EH-mill) Sevmanan mercenary-thief, brother of Emaris

  Erik — Forentan boy, Nolyn's nephew

  Etaio — (eh-TIE-oh) Gypsy leader of the Morlaiz clan


  Final Dance — A Swordanzen attack that leaves the attacker impervious to injury, but kills the attacker once completed

  Firebird — A rare bird that dwelled near active volcanos, believed to be able to live and nest in molten lava

  First Home — The only permanent Desanti city in Desantiva

  First Sundering — An ancient cataclysm that created the Forentan and Desanti nations

  Forbidden arts — Forentan magic that has no limitations that end a spells effects

  Foreigner — For non-Desanti, anyone not born of their race, sometimes assigned to those from rival regions within the same territory; For Desanti, anyone recognized as part of the Vodani nation

  Forenta — (for-EHN-tah) The heavily forested northern territory claimed by the Forentan people; name of the Forentan god

  Forentan — (for-EHN-tan) Singular term for a human from Forenta; adjective describing anything from Forenta

  Forenten — (for-EHN-ten) Plural term for a human from Forenta

  Forest Sprite — A species with humanoid bodies and dragonfly-like wings favored by the Knowing One

  Forge, the — Desanti term for the hottest part of the day

  Fortress of Time — Solitary mountain near the World Spine, home to the Guardians of Time


  Gabrielle Avarian — Ash's mother

  Ganessi — (gah-NESS-ee) A Sevmanan-Vodani border port city

  Githalin — (gith-AH-lin) a mortal with a bond to a Totani distinctly marked with a tattoo image of the Totani's animal form on their right shoulder, bearing a physical symbol having two edges to represent the great balance

  Githalin Blades — (gith-AH-lin) The divine created single-edged paired blades given to Githalin

  Githalin Swordanzen — A god-touched Swordanzen

  Great Barrier — The dividing line between the physical plane and the River of Time

  Great War — The war between Forenta and Desantiva that ended in the Second Sundering

  Guardian Adept — A person formally identified to be training to be tested to become a Guardian of Time

  Guardian Adept Elite — A student capable of performing more difficult tasks through manipulating temporal energy but not yet having been tested

  Guardians — Short form for Guardians of Time

  Guardians of Time — Nearly immortal servants of the Timeless One

  Gypsy — Sevmanan nomads

  Gypsy's Grotto — A giant, hidden grotto cavern deep within Fortress where the hidden gypsy clan calls home


  Halfborn — Anyone with parents from two nations (example: Sevmanan and Vodani)

  Hall of Remembrance — Chamber in the butte of First Home with mosaics depicting moments of Desanti history

  Heart of Desantiva — Name for the Desanti God

  Home Port — The first Vodani city, only non-Desanti city in Desantiva

  Hollow — A Forentan term for an inn, usually lower class

  Hunter il'Thandar — The Githalin Swordanzen from the na'Zhekali tribe who sired Jaison with a Vodani weather wisdom


  il'Dzee — Surname of a mage accepted by the Totani Dzee, bearing a circular pendant

  il'Kailee — Surname of a Swordanzen accepted by the Totani Kailee, bearing a two-edged blade with her symbol

  il'Thandar — Surname of a Swordanzen accepted by the Totani Thandar, bearing a two-edged blade with his symbol

  Illaini Magus — (ill-AEE-nee) A god-touched mage

  Ilsa — (ILL-sah) Master Vodani apothecarist of Water's Resonance

  Immortal servant — A minor divine entity that serves one of the gods

  Issonia — Only surviving su'nalia tree

  Itena — (ih-TEN-ah) A gypsy-born Oracle

  Ithesra — (ih-THEHZ-rah) Capital city of Forenta

  Ithesra proper— (ih-THEHZ-rah) The more densely populated area of Ithesra

  Izkynder - (IZ-kyn-der) son of Mureln and Taylin


  Jaison — (JAY-sun) A Desanti-Vodani Unsvet Guardian from Desantiva

  Jaline — (jah-LEEN) A Forentan seamstress; Terrence's intended wife-to-be

  Jakkee — (JAH-kee) A Vodani boy of Water's Resonance

  Joban — (JO-bahn) A Sevmanan man punished by a Guardian


  Kailee — (KAY-lee) A silver desert cat Totani

  Keenan — (KEE-nahn) A young Forentan man

  Kelafy — (keh-LAH-fee) Headwoman to the house of the Illaini Magus

  Kendle — (KEN-dahl) one of the Roylat line of divine servants not imprisoned in the World Spine

  Kin song — a strong sense of family or belonging shared among gypsies

  Knowing One, the — The Forentan tree god

  Kraken — Giant, deep-ocean squid


  Lana — (LAH-nah) mundane midwife serving Sanctuary

  Landwalker — Vodani nickname for anyone from the land bound nations

  Li — (LEE) Forest Sprite guardian of the entrance to the Forentan god's home

  Lowborn — Forentan term for someone of the lower classes

  Lupine — Giant wolf native to Forenta

  Lurkers — Vodani term for darklings

  Lyra — (LIE-rah) Forentan servant and companion to the Dusvet Guardian's Swordanzen students


  Magelight — Light generated by Forentan magic, often imbued into lanterns to allow minor talents to use them.

  Magus — Archaic term for a mage, used as part of titles for the senior most mages

  Magus Academy — Forentan school of magic that occupies an entire mountain

  Majestic Hall — Largest room within the Magus Academy

  Maternasi — (MAH-ter-NAH-see) Largest of the Vodani ships, home to an entire Vodani clan

  Melik — (MEH-lik) Merchant at Market Circle.

  Meredith — (MEH-reh-dith) Unsvet Guardian of Time and follower of Dremmen

  Meris — Forentan guardsman and mage

  Mermaid — An aquatic race favored by the Timeless One

  Mia — (MEE-yah) Mureln's sister, owner of the Silver Seagull Inn

  Morelmi — (mo-REL-mee) a spell used to remove the magic from a living being, generally considered fatal to the caster

  Morlaiz Clan — (more-LAYZ) The gypsy clan Emil and Emaris are from

  Morria — (more-EYE-ah) an ancient Guardian of Time Dahla over 1,300 years old

  Mureln Nadeesi — (mur-ELN nah-DEE-see) A Vodani master bard; Almek's student


  na'Citali — (NAH-sih-TAH-li) Surname used by members of a tribe with a large number of members who follow the Path of the Spirit

  na'Zhekali — (NAH-zheh-KAH-li) Surname used by members of an ancient Desanti tribe, believed to have been patroned by its Totani namesake and to have existed since before the Second Sundering by the Desanti people. Physical traits are eyes a shade of green-gold, copper skin tones that border metallic and brown hair streaked with red and blonde highlights, also bordering metallic in hue and texture.

  Nadeesi — (nah-DEE-see) An old Vodani family line

  Naiya — (nah-EE-yah) Th
e dryad divine servant of the Forentan god

  Naming Blade — A two-edged knife given to a Desanti child by a Totani to acknowledge their transition into adulthood

  Navar — (nah-VAR) A Forentan village

  Naveene — (nah-VEEN) The flamboyant and ostentatious owner of Naveene's Rest.

  Naveene's Rest — A Forentan upper class inn

  Nikkan — (NIK-kahn) a Guardian Adept whose spirit was lost during scrying

  Nolyn Lirai — (NO-lyn lih-RYE) Forentan master mage and former guardsman captain in Ithesra, now Edai Magus and second to the Se'edai Magus


  Oberlain Family — (OH-ber-layn) One of the oldest of the Ancient Houses in Forenta, rival of the Avarian family

  Oracle — a Seer bearing the Timeless One's blessing

  Oracle Stone — A giant opalescent stone the size of a man's torso that is a focus for the Knowing One to speak through Her chosen Voice

  Ophilia — Forentan Guardian student, Kelafy's daughter

  Outlander — Desanti term for anyone neither Desanti nor Vodani


  Pavin — (PAH-vin) A member of the hidden gypsy clan of Fortress

  Pet — A derogatory term used by some Guardians of Time to refer to the shorter-lived humans not blessed with longevity by the Timeless One

  Petal — A forest sprite that attached itself to Terrence

  Perisi — (peh-RIH-see) The last Illaini Magus 300 years before Ash

  Psia Re — (SEE-ya RAY) The tie between the Desanti born and the Desanti god only recognized by mortals as sharing the pain of the trapped god


  Ranshya — (RAN-shyah) Forenten-born archives master

  Radisen na'Citali — (RAH-dih-sen nah-sih-TAH-lee) A Desanti warrior

  Rage wind — Sand storm attributed to the expression of the Desanti god's fury

  Raging One, the — The Desanti dragon god

  Rayn — (rain) Forentan guardsman and mage

  Rest — A Forentan term for an inn, usually upper class

  River of Time — The area outside of the physical plane

  Rowen Avarian — Ash's father

  Roylat — the first race of divine servants, imprisoned in the World Spine after the First Sundering

  Rumblelands — The volcanic plain home/prison of the Desanti god

  Rumor squirrel — Forentan colloquialism for gossip

  Rusty Pelican — derogatory nickname for the Silver Seagull


  Sakir — (sah-KEER) First warrior of the ancient gypsy tribes

  Saleev — (sah-LEEV) Brother of Sakir

  Sanctuary — (SANK-too-ary) the mountainside settlement of Guardians of Time on the mountain of Fortress

  Second Sundering — An ancient cataclysm that created the Sevmanan nation out of the Forentan nation, and the Vodani nation out of the Desanti nation

  Se'edai Magus — (SEH EH-dah-ee) The senior member of the Edai Tredecima

  Seeing One, the — The Sevmanan god

  Seer — a fortuneteller blessed by the Singing One

  Selina — (seh-LEE-nah) The mermaid divine servant of the Timeless One

  Senasa root — (seh-NAH-sah) A plant with properties, when consumed, that help anchor minds when scrying threatens stability

  Sendarli — (sen-DAHR-lee) A Desanti monster that resembles vine covered rock that cannot be killed with normal weapons

  Sevenday — a unit of time equal to a week

  Sevmana — (sehv-MAH-nah) The grassy lowlands south of Forenta claimed by the Sevmanan people; name of the Sevmanan god

  Sevmanan — (sehv-MAH-nahn) Singular term for a human from Sevmana; adjective describing anything from Sevmana

  Sevmanen — (sehv-MAH-nehn) Plural term for a human from Sevmanen

  Sharindel - (SHAH-rin-dell) town at the base of the Fortress of Time

  Shli'zarii — (shlih zah-REE-ee) Swordanzen honor battle, a challenge to prove mastery of the mind and body

  Shodwyn — (SHO-dwin) Mysterious group with an unknown that causes chaos, members also called Shadowlords.

  Silver Seagull Inn — The most popular in of Corast owned by Mureln's sister Mia

  Singing One, the — The Vodani God

  Skyfire il'Kailee — The Githalin name of Radisen

  Spiritwalker — a person able to consciously send their mind/spirit into the spirit realm

  Spyric — (SPY-rik) A four-legged creature resembling a jumping spider, normally two feet tall.

  Soul Oath — A mystical bond created between a Desanti and another

  Storm il'Thandar — (ihl-THAN-dar) Desanti Githalin Swordanzen; Almek's student

  Su'alin — (soo-ah-LIN) A spiritwalker who is a follower of the Desanti Path of the Spirit or blessed by Citali

  Su'nalia — (soo-nah-LEE-ah) A sentient tree native to Desantiva believed to protect Desanti souls

  Sumalen — (SOO-mah-lehn) Desanti warrior

  Sumyr il'Dzee — (SOO-meer) Totani Dzee's chosen Githalin

  Sundered Lands — The term describing the nations of Forenta, Sevmana, Vodanya and Desantiva

  Suthernali Clan — (suh-thur-NAH-lee) a gypsy clan that ranges mostly to the southern regions of Sevmana

  Swordanzen — (sohr-DAN-zen) mortal servants of the Desanti god, charged with protecting the people and the land

  Swordanzen Naming Blade — A two-edged sword given to a Desanti by a Totani to acknowledge their passage of the Swordanzen tests


  Taylin — Sevmanan master healer of the Zeridis temple

  Temporal shifter — a non-corporeal entity from outside the physical plane

  Terrence — Forentan man, master mage, Illaini Magus, and Ash's student

  Tessarya — (teh-SAHR-yah) — A Totani with the animal shape of a silvery blue, winged reptile

  Thandar the Golden — Desert golden eagle Totani, Storm's guide

  Th'yala — (th-YAH-lah) Desanti term for a long term companion that shares all things but children

  Time of Gathering — Traditional time when all Desanti tribes gather in peace at First Home

  Timeless One — The common name for the god of time

  Tlisan — A tribemate within a Desanti tribe

  Tomi — (TOE-mee) Only son of the Blue Rose Inn's innkeeper

  Toss stone — A dice game

  Totani — (toe-TAH-nee) immortal divine servant of the Desanti god, singular and plural form, has an animal shape and a humanoid shape with characteristics of their animal form

  Traveler's Hollow — An inn in Ithesra frequented by lower class citizens or most non-Forentan visitors

  Tree of Knowledge — Name for the Forentan god

  Treewalker — A Desanti term for a Forentan, only derogatory by vocal inflection

  Trifold stone — A stone found in deep waters of the ocean with unique properties of being able to draw or locate pieces of the same stone; used primarily with arrowhawks

  Tristan — The seventh son of Zhekali and Avarian and only surviving A'tyrna Ulan after the Great War

  Tri-tailed deer — A giant deer native to Forenta with three tails

  Tuarik — (too-ARE-ik) The seventh child of Avarian and Zhekali, ancient na'Zhekali chieftan

  Tulis — (TOO-lis) Mureln's brother, Ilsa's long term companion

  Turyd — (TOOR-id) An ancient master archivist of Forenten descent, over 1,000 years old

  Tyrsan — (TIR-sahn) Sevmanan Unsvet Guardian, Dulain of Guardian settlement


  Ulani — (oo-LAH-nee) one of the Roylat line of divine servants imprisoned in the World Spine

  Ulsen — (UHL-sehn) Sevmanan drunkard in Ganessi, killed by Storm

  Unseen — a race of divine servant invisible to mortal eyes

  Unsvet Guardian — (UHN -sveht) A Guardian of Time marked with a metallic mark of a single color on the right cheek


  Verris na'Zhekali — (VEHR-ris nah-zhe-KAH-lee) Senior Elder of the Desanti, Storm's grandfather

tribe — (vih-DIH-sah) Desanti tribe wiped out by a dinnais attack

  Vodani — (voh-DAH-nee) Singular or plural term referring to a human from Vodanya; adjective describing anything from Vodanya

  Vodanya — (voh-DAH-nyah) The ocean and islands where the Vodani people call home; name of the Vodani god

  Voice of the Oracle — The mortal servant of the Knowing One who shares the goddess's memories and whom the goddess speaks through.


  Warriors of heaven — Desanti term for shooting stars, believed to be the freed souls of a Desanti who recently died

  Water's Resonance — Vodani island marked for having natural purple crystal spires

  Wave Dancer — Vodani ship that Almek's students travel on

  World Spine — Impassable north-south running mountains on the western side of the main continents

  Wraith — A temporal shifter that is both extremely intelligent and terribly malevolent, inordinately cruel in its predation of denizens of the physical realm

  Wyvern — medium-sized, four-limbed draconic reptile with wings for arms


  Ysai Oberlain — (yih-SIGH) The Se'edai Magus of the Edai Tredecima


  Zeridis — (ZEHR-ih-dihs) A divine servant, patron of healers; also, an ancient Grand Master Healer and father of Ellena

  Zerik Oberlain — (ZEH-rik) A junior master, member of rival to Avarian family

  Zhekali — (zheh-KAH-li) A Totani whose animal form was of a firebird

  Zoe — (ZOH-ee) A Forentan girl, Voice of the Oracle


  Lexy Wolfe is the author of the highly acclaimed epic fantasy novels of The Sundered Lands Saga. After her time in the Army as a Russian linguist was cut short due to injuries, she has continued a tradition of serving as a translator, now between technical and business folks. Lexy enjoys learning as much about everything, with a special love of all fields of science. Having to set aside a childhood dream, inspired by Carl Sagan, of becoming an astronaut and traveling to other worlds, she now weaves vivid worlds and vibrant characters into intricate stories.




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