What to Read After FSOG: The Gemstone Collection (WTRAFSOG Book 2)

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What to Read After FSOG: The Gemstone Collection (WTRAFSOG Book 2) Page 62

by Vi Keeland

  When Brie finally came back to earth, she became aware that he was still thrusting inside her. He leaned down and kissed her on the lips. “Good girl.”

  He grabbed onto her pelvis and pushed in as deep as her body could take him. She felt his cock pulse as he came inside her. It was so erotic that she cried out with him, wanting to share in his ecstasy.

  The two lay there for several moments, catching their breath after such an intense session. Finally, he pulled away from her and then reached between her legs to slowly remove the plug. She felt empty when it was gone.

  Brie rolled off the bed and stood up groggily, weak from their encounter.

  “How do you feel right now?” Sir asked.

  “Completely satisfied, Sir.”

  “Are you still afraid to take a man anally?”

  She glanced at him, debating whether to be totally honest. “Yes, but not as much, Sir.”

  He gave a snorting laugh. “I appreciate your honesty, Miss Bennett. You appear to be taking our critiques to heart, although I was concerned when your Dom started to penetrate you and you clammed up.”

  Her Dom laughed, nodding in agreement. “Yes, she was a difficult read there for a bit, but I figured her out.” He picked up the corset and started fastening it around Brie. Once she had her skirt zipped up, she gathered her hose, shoes, and panties to put on at her seat. She was about to skip off the stage when Sir reminded her curtly, “Thank your Dom.”

  Brie couldn’t believe she’d forgotten. She put her items down and walked back to him with a smile on her lips. She was grateful that he had helped her to overcome one of her fears. “Thank you, um…Dom?”

  He stroked her cheek with his thumb. “You may call me Baron.”

  “Thank you, Baron.”

  He kissed her one more time and then walked off the stage. She gathered her things and scooted down the stairs to take refuge in her seat.

  Brie was shaken by the experience. So many new things had happened in a short amount of time—it was too much to take in. She was barely aware when the next girl took the stage, or of the fact the girl ran out of the auditorium after quitting the program.

  “Miss Bennett.”

  Brie ripped herself away from her inner thoughts. “Sir?”

  “You are expected to observe each student so that you learn from them.”

  “I apologize, Sir.”

  “Are you okay, Miss Bennett?”

  She sat up in her chair and tried to convey a sense of calm, although she was anything but. “I’m fine, Sir.”

  He whispered something to Ms. Clark, and then turned to Brie. “Let’s talk outside.” To the other girls he said, “Ms. Clark will call up the next student.”

  Brie quickly got to her feet and followed behind Sir. She heard the name ‘Ms. Taylor’ called and glanced back to see a girl with fake boobs and a pink corset get up on the stage.

  Sir was silent until they were inside his office. He shut the door behind her before asking, “What are your thoughts?”

  “I am having a paradigm shift, Sir. Everything that I thought I knew about myself seems to be wrong. Is this real, or am I deceiving myself because of the new environment?”

  “I told you to follow your instincts. Have you been doing that?”

  She shrugged. “Yes, but what does that prove?”

  “Who you truly are is made clear when you respond instinctively.”

  “But why wouldn’t I know myself better by the age of twenty-two?”

  He graced her with a charming grin. “You haven’t been with the right people or in the right situations.”

  Brie looked down at the floor. “I feel so confused right now.”

  “Did you enjoy tonight?”


  “Brie.” It was the first time he’d called her by her first name. “I believe you are a rare commodity. You long to please the man you are with, no matter who he is. Now I want to test the limits of what you will do for him.”

  Having Sir speak to her so positively made her uncomfortable. For some reason, it was easier to be criticized than to be praised by him. “I would hate to disappoint you, Sir.”

  “Be yourself and you won’t.”

  Brie nodded, relieved nothing more was required of her.

  He asked, “Are you ready to finish your first day of training?”

  She looked up at the clock and saw that there were less than thirty minutes left. “Yes, Sir.”

  They made their way back to the auditorium. Before they entered, Sir leaned towards her and said in an intimate whisper, “I will be the one to take your virginal bottom tomorrow.”

  Brie stopped in her tracks. The rush she felt was disconcerting. She forced herself to continue following him, but she stumbled in her shoes. He did not reprimand her, but she silently screamed at her shoes, I will fucking conquer you!

  She stared at Sir exclusively as he recapped the evening’s events and asked the panel of instructors to share their final thoughts. When midnight rolled around, Sir spoke to their dwindling class.

  “Congratulations, submissives. You have survived your first day of training. We started with six and are now down to four. Look around you. I predict that after tomorrow, at least one of you will be gone. Get some rest—I promise tomorrow will be even more thrilling than today.” Sir looked at Brie briefly, with a hint of a smile on his face, before he walked out of the room.

  His smile did Brie in. She was consumed with the thought of being possessed by Sir. Tomorrow couldn’t come soon enough.

  (Day 2)

  Brie Learns to Obey

  Making an Impression

  Brie woke up and immediately put on her six-inch heels as per the instructions of her teacher, Mr. Gallant. On her first day at the Submissive Training Center, she’d made a bad first impression by stumbling around. She was taking her homework assignment seriously, determined not to let those damn shoes embarrass her again.

  While teetering on the impossible heels, she made a pot of coffee and ate a simple breakfast of toast with a sunny side up egg on top. Unfortunately, she rolled her ankle when transferring the egg from the stove onto her plate and felt a shooting pain travel up her leg. She ignored it—the shoes would not get the better of her. Her goal was to impress Sir.

  He’d promised that tonight would be their first time together as Dom and submissive. The butterflies she felt just thinking about it made food difficult to swallow. After taking only a few bites, she threw her breakfast in the trash and got dressed for work.

  When she entered the tobacco shop, Mr. Reynolds coughed loudly and said, “Um, Brie, what’s going on?”


  “You’re overdressed for this place.”

  She looked down at the simple white blouse and purple skirt. Neither was remarkable, so she figured the shoes made the outfit seem sexier than it was. “Just felt like being a little different today.”

  He was staring at her legs in a way he never had before. It gave her a thrill, even it if was only Mr. Reynolds. “You might cause a few heart attacks among our older clientele,” he commented before walking off.

  Brie stifled a grin. A pair of shoes could make that kind of difference? I never knew…

  She moved about the tiny shop more than usual, practicing her grace while walking. She had to slow her movements and as a result, everything she did felt more sensual. She even caught Jeff checking her out on several occasions. The lazy little shit suddenly became helpful, handing her merchandise with which to stock the shelves. It was amusing, but the boy was uncouth enough to stare at her ass without shame. She had to shoo him away.

  Unfortunately, all of her practice left her feet excruciatingly sore by the end of her shift. Every step was so painful that she worried about stumbling just as badly as the first night.

  The submissive training started at seven PM and lasted until midnight. She was required to wear a school uniform, but it was not a typical ensemble. The sexy uniform consisted of a miniskirt, a l
eather corset, crotchless hose, a thong, and—of course—the shoes.

  Brie applied her makeup with care and added a few extra curls to frame her young face. She wanted to look irresistible for Sir. They were going to couple that night in the most intimate of ways. He had promised to take her anal virginity and although the prospect was intimidating, the thought of having Sir as her partner made her wet with anticipation.

  Not wanting to be late, she arrived at the Training Center fifteen minutes early. It took longer to walk to her class because of her aching feet. To her credit, she still moved with grace and made it to Mr. Gallant’s class before the bell rang.

  Sadly, there were only four girls now. Two had quit during the first day of training because the lessons had proved too challenging. She knew the first few days of training were designed to weed out any casual submissives, and wondered what this session would bring.

  Brie looked around the room at the remaining women—Sanders (the small brunette with a secret whipping fetish), Blonde Nemesis (Brie’s rival), and Ms. Taylor (the girl with the perky fake boobs). Based on what Sir had said the night before, at least one of them would leave the program by the end of the night. She wondered which of the three it would be, because there was no way it was going to be her.

  Mr. Gallant started class five minutes before the bell rang. “As with last night, we have a lot to cover, so let us begin.” The wiry little man walked around the room, observing the students carefully as he spoke. “You may think that being a submissive is purely a sexual act, but you would be wrong. Whenever a sub is in her Dom’s presence, every movement, every word, even her eyes should convey her respect for the Dom. It doesn’t matter where she is or what she is doing.”

  Brie raised her hand. When he eventually called on her, she asked, “But what if you are in public? Are you still supposed to bow and call him Master?”

  “That would be foolish, unless your Dom has specifically asked you to behave in that manner. Normally, there is a different protocol depending on the environment. It is something you should discuss with your individual Doms.”

  Brie thought back to the beautiful redhead who had been with Sir at the tobacco shop. The only thing that had seemed odd between them was that she’d called him Sir. Otherwise, the two had seemed like an ordinary couple.

  Mr. Gallant continued, “Tonight you will be learning basic commands and rules of etiquette. Although we will teach you what is commonly expected, your Dom’s particular preference is the only thing that matters to you.”

  Blond Nemesis blurted her question without waiting to be called on. “So basically, we just do what we’ve been trained to do unless our Dom says differently?”

  Mr. Gallant paused before answering, “Don’t assume anything. Why take the risk of displeasing him or her? Always ask your Dom when in doubt.” He moved over to her desk and said in a subdued voice, “By the way, Miss Wilson, you must raise your hand and wait to be called on in this class. Another such outburst will not be tolerated.”

  Brie smiled, enjoying her rival being properly chastised in front of the class. Mr. Gallant frowned. “And you, Miss Bennett, must learn to keep your feelings to yourself.”

  She was sure the other girls were silently laughing at her expense.

  Hell, I deserve it, she thought, appreciating the irony of the situation. “I’m sorry, Mr. Gallant. It won’t happen again.”

  He accepted her apology with a curt nod and added, “You should be supporting and learning from one another during the next six weeks. Anything less is a waste of this valuable opportunity. Have I made myself clear?”

  Brie thought it was unfair that he was picking on her when Blonde Nemesis was the real problem. However, she took his reprimand to heart and bowed her head. “I understand.”

  He said kindly, “Miss Bennett, when you are in my class you will look me in the eye. I am your teacher and you are my student, no different than any other teacher you’ve had.”

  She raised her head and he gave her a hint of a smile. Then he turned to the rest of the class. “However, you are expected to behave quite differently outside this classroom. When you are in the presence of the other Dominants you do not make eye contact.”

  He’d said other Dominants. Did that mean he was a Dominant himself? She’d expected as much. What would it be like to be under the power of a man like that? She doubted he was sadistic, but he was certainly imposing despite his small stature.

  Brie was thankful Mr. Gallant couldn’t read her mind. He continued the lesson without interruption. “Eyes will be kept downward at all times, unless you are being directly spoken to by the Dom in charge of you.”

  She started sweating. It would be far too easy to accidentally look into the eyes of other people. It was an ingrained habit of hers. She couldn’t trust people unless she did. This new task might prove harder than walking in the damn shoes.

  Mr. Gallant broke her train of thought with his commanding voice. “During your first practicum today, you will be working on proper body language. Every part of your body needs to express your submissiveness, things as simple as the placement of your arms and hands. I should not see anyone cross their arms or close their fists. Your lips should remain slightly open and supple at all times. Even the tilt of your head matters. Constantly ask yourself, ‘Is my body communicating openness and willingness to please?’ He pointed at each girl. “Why don’t you check yourselves right now? Is your body open or closed? Adjust accordingly.”

  Brie noticed her legs were crossed, so she uncrossed them and sat up straight. She relaxed her mouth a little and put her hands on the desk in front of her. Mr. Gallant nodded towards her and then turned to the girl with perky boobs. “Ms. Taylor, you must sit up straight at all times. Slouching is a sign of disrespect.”

  The girl blushed and sat up quickly.

  “Miss Sanders, even if your eyes are down, you should always turn your head towards your Dom or trainer so he or she knows you are being attentive.”

  The tiny brunette had been looking at the cuticles on her right hand. She put her hands in her lap and answered, “Sorry, Mr. Gallant.”

  He moved on to Blondie. “Miss Wilson, you look like a proper submissive.” She dropped her eyes down and gave a self-satisfied smile. “Except for that just now. A smile at the floor can be interpreted as defiance.”

  “Yes, Mr. Gallant.”

  “Class, as submissives you are poetry in motion. Every movement you make should be graceful and alluring—whether you are kneeling before your Dom or doing the dishes. However, any movement to draw attention to yourself is unacceptable, such as sticking your chest out to show off your breasts or even tossing your hair. It shows a lack of modesty and control.”

  Sanders raised her hand and waited to be called on. “But wouldn’t our Doms want that?”

  “Your Dom expects you to follow his orders to the letter. Controlling your movements signifies to him, and everyone else in the room, that you respect his leadership.”

  “I guess that makes sense,” she mumbled.

  “Even the words you use are of extreme importance. It is common practice for submissives to answer in a positive manner, even when indicating no. An example of a negative response would be, ‘No, Sir, only if it pleases you’. Such an answer lets your Dom know your preference, but allows him to make the final decision. If you want to answer affirmatively, say, ‘Yes, Sir’ or ‘If it pleases you, Sir’. If you feel neutral, a good answer would be, ‘As you say, Sir’.”

  “What if he does something you don’t want?” Taylor asked. Mr. Gallant stared at her until she meekly raised her hand.

  “Yes, Ms. Taylor?”

  She slouched in her chair out of shame and repeated the question.

  The man was not amused. “Are you trying to insult me on purpose?”

  Ms. Taylor looked stunned and shook her head.

  “Then sit up.”

  Blonde Nemesis let out a snicker. The glare Mr. Gallant shot her rival sent shivers
down Brie’s spine. She hoped never to see that look directed at her.

  He answered Taylor as if nothing had happened, once she was sitting properly. “It is common to have established safety words, such as the colors red, yellow and green to indicate comfort level. However, if you have chosen well you should not have to worry about your Dom doing anything to harm you. Yes, he may push your limits in order to help you grow, but a good Dominant cares about the well-being of his sub.”

  Out of the blue, Mr. Gallant addressed Brie. “Did you do your assignment?”

  She wanted to shrink away in embarrassment with Blondie watching, but she looked him in the eye and answered, “Yes.”

  “Please demonstrate.”

  Brie stood up gracefully and immediately felt the pain of being in the six-inch heels all day. Her mouth puckered in distress, but she didn’t make a sound.

  “Lips,” he commanded.

  She relaxed her mouth by opening it slightly. Brie walked around the room, concentrating on the click of the high heels to distract her from the anguish. She looked in his direction and was disappointed that he wore no expression on his face—positive or negative.

  “Sit back down.”

  Brie did so gratefully, assuming no reprimand meant she had done well enough. She hid the extreme relief she felt at getting off her throbbing feet. If she had been alone, she would have thrown the painful shoes across the room and rubbed her aching toes.

  Mr. Gallant addressed the class as a whole. “Your first practicum of the night is about to begin. You are expected to follow the common etiquette we discussed here in class. They will judge each of you on how well you adhere to what you’ve learned. Proceed to room twelve and make me proud.”

  A new room meant new adventures! The thought made Brie giddy and overrode the pain of the shoes. She felt as if she were walking on clouds as she made her way to Sir.

  Choosing to Obey


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