What to Read After FSOG: The Gemstone Collection (WTRAFSOG Book 2)

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What to Read After FSOG: The Gemstone Collection (WTRAFSOG Book 2) Page 79

by Vi Keeland

  She nodded and tried to walk past him, but a crowd of students rushed through the door, propelling her against his chest. She noticed Todd had a manly smell—one that inspired a feeling of intense sexuality. It made her heart flutter. She mumbled a quick apology without looking at him, then headed towards the elevator as quickly as her six-inch heels would allow.

  Once the elevator doors had closed, Brie took a couple of deep breaths to calm her rapidly beating heart. No way was she going to let that boy complicate her life. She had plenty of experienced Doms to tease and please her. A lowly business student didn’t stand a chance against them.

  By the time the elevator doors opened, she had regained her composure. Now for the real fun! she thought as she walked into Mr. Gallant’s classroom. She waved at both Lea and Mary as she sat down. It felt a little strange to see Mary’s lips curve upwards in an attempt at a smile. It wasn’t natural; even Mary seemed to think so, and her ‘smile’ quickly disappeared.

  Mr. Gallant cleared his throat and started class before the bell, as per the norm. “I was pleased to see your ratings from this last auction. It’s an improvement over last week, and highlights your continued progress. Well done, ladies.”

  Mr. Gallant handed Brie her evaluation first. “Another seven. A nice, solid performance, Miss Bennett.” She took the packet but waited to look through it, wanting to hear the other girls’ scores.

  “Miss Wilson, Sir Thomas gave you a six. A marked improvement over last week.” He handed out the last one to Lea. “Ms. Taylor, you also received a six from your Domme, Mistress White. Please look over their ratings and learn from them.”

  Brie looked through the pages. ‘Beautifully unwilling, but unfailingly obedient. Focused on pleasing her Master.’ ‘Deep-throat skills above expected.’ ‘Found her to be a fascinating individual able to hold an intelligent conversation, as well as my cock in her mouth—lovely.’ Brie searched through it again to find her weaknesses, but only found, ‘Throat was irritated, should rest for a couple of days.’

  She was curious as to why she had only received a seven if he’d had no complaints. Her question was soon answered when an assistant walked into the room and handed Mr. Gallant an apple.

  Her teacher looked at it curiously, and then walked over to her desk and gave it to Brie. “Apparently, Master Harris wanted you to have this.”

  She took the red apple tied with a black bow, noting it had a small card bearing her name attached. She opened the envelope and read the contents.

  Miss Bennett, enjoy the apple. It is my little reminder for you NOT to irritate your throat for another twenty-four hours. Doctor’s orders. I personally would have rated you higher, but it is frowned upon at the Center. (We wouldn’t want new subs to get big heads.)

  Brie blushed and slipped the card into her coat pocket.

  “What did he say?” Mr. Gallant asked.

  “He wants me not to deep-throat today because of my irritated throat.”

  Mr. Gallant frowned slightly. “Odd… Miss Bennett, do you feel a deeper connection was made between you two?”

  Lea gasped softly. Brie looked over in her direction, suddenly aware of her friend’s feelings towards the good doctor. Lea hadn’t mentioned anything, but it was easy to read on her face now.

  Brie answered Mr. Gallant truthfully. “No, I’m not into doctors and he knows that.” She could see Lea visibly relax. How adorable that her friend had a crush on Master Harris. She could see the two making a good pair because of their shared sense of humor and similar tastes in kink.

  “I will begin the class, then. I want to start by asking the same question I did last week. Do you think there is such a thing as the ‘perfect sub’?”

  Lea raised her hand and was quickly called on. “Yes, I believe if I work really hard I can become the perfect sub.”

  Mr. Gallant turned to Brie. “Do you agree, Miss Bennett?”

  Her heart said yes, but she knew better based on the tone of his voice. “No.”

  He raised an eyebrow. “And why not?”

  Crap! So much for faking it. She stalled for time as she scrambled to produce an intelligent answer. “I believe you can work hard to improve your skills. If you do that, you will succeed in being proficient…” She glanced at Mr. Gallant. His eyebrow was still raised, as if he knew she was bullshitting. “However, being the perfect sub…” She had to dig deep, but then it came to her. “No, there is no such thing.”

  “Why not?”

  “Each person is different. Our strengths and weaknesses can’t fit everyone.” She tilted her head slightly as she spoke, “I am not sure if you would agree, Mr. Gallant, but I think it is possible to be the perfect sub for one person… Maybe even more than one person. However, it’s impossible to be everything to everyone and still be true to yourself.”

  He nodded and turned to Mary. “What are your thoughts, Miss Wilson?”

  Mary answered immediately. “She pretty much stole what I was going to say.”

  Yeah, right!

  “Aren’t you striving to become the perfect sub, Miss Wilson?”

  She stammered, “Well, I can’t be, so why bother?”

  “So, you are not attempting to become the perfect sub?”

  “No, wait—I want to be the perfect sub!” she blurted.

  “Which is it, Miss Wilson?”

  Brie liked how Mr. Gallant wouldn’t let his students off with half-assed answers.

  “I want to be better than any other sub here,” she answered defiantly.

  “Will that make you the perfect sub?”

  She looked down at her lap. “No, I guess it won’t. But at least I will be better than everyone else.”

  Mr. Gallant’s next comment seemed offhand, but was scorching. “I wonder if an arrogant sub truly understands the lifestyle.” He didn’t wait for an answer from her and dove right into his topic. “This week we are exploring bondage.”

  Brie silently cheered.

  He walked to the front of the class and pulled down a white screen. “There are many different bondage materials that can be used. I will be teaching you about the most common, as well as those that are unsafe and should be avoided.”

  Brie got out her paper and pencil, eager to discover all she could about her favorite subject.

  Mr. Gallant turned on the projector and pointed to the first object. “Handcuffs seem to be one of the first items the uninformed envision when they think of bondage. These restraint devices are limiting and can cause abrasions if the submissive struggles. However, they do have a pleasant visual and psychological effect, so if they are going to be used I recommend purchasing a professional set with a lock that prevents them from tightening further.”

  Brie did not consider the feel of metal cuffs to be a turn-on and wrote beside her notes, Not for me.

  “They should never be used for suspension,” he added.

  Lea raised her hand and waited for Mr. Gallant to call on her. “What is suspension?”

  He smiled. “Good question, Ms. Taylor. It is the act of binding a submissive so that no part of her body touches the floor.”

  Brie trembled inside. What would that feel like?

  Mr. Gallant continued, “Leather laces are best used for decorative binding, as they are often thin and can cut into the skin. Leather also shrinks when wet.”

  Rytsar had used leather on Brie during her fantasy, but he had untied her at different points when he’d known she would struggle. His experience had made it a safer option. Next to leather she wrote, Only with experienced Doms.

  “I would highly discourage the use of pantyhose and plastic clothesline rope. You want to use items that will not cut into the skin or be difficult to remove afterwards.” Next to those, she wrote, Nope, nope, nope!

  “Nylon rope is a good choice because of its smooth texture and availability, but mountain climbing web is also an excellent choice and provides the Dom with a variety of colors to choose from.”

  When he clicked to the ne
xt picture, Brie was surprised to see something that looked like duct tape. “One extremely easy material to use is bondage tape. It does not stick to the skin and comes in many colors as well. The number of wraps determines the strength of the bonds. It can be reused but must be cleaned after each use.”

  Brie struggled not to smile as she wrote down, Oh, please, yes!

  “A common and suitable restraint is the leather cuff, which can be attached to chains, special tables, chairs or spreader bars. It allows for total creativity for the Dom without worries about safety.”

  Brie hesitantly raised her hand. Mr. Gallant called on her. “Yes, Miss Bennett?”

  “What’s a spreader bar?”

  He smiled slightly when he answered. “A spreader bar is a useful piece of equipment that spreads the sub’s appendages apart for total restraint.”

  Brie nodded and wrote next to cuffs and spreaders, Could be fun.

  “The last I will talk about today is jute. It is a natural fiber that is often used in the Japanese art of Kinbaku.” The picture on the screen showed a naked woman hanging in the air, suspended by rope tied in intricate knots. “It is a type of bondage where the rope and the sub become a piece of art, literally beautiful bondage. It takes both skill and time for a Dom to become a bakushi, or rope master.”

  Brie remembered Mary talking about the weird way Tono had tied her up, and she suddenly wondered if he was a bakushi artist. Oh, if he was, Brie desperately wanted to experience his expertise! Next to jute, she wrote, Hoping and dreaming.

  “Bondage speaks to the trust a submissive puts in her Dom and is an exquisite representation of that release of power in visual form. A Dom is aroused by the knowledge that his sub cannot physically prevent his desires from playing out…which is a heady feeling indeed,” Mr. Gallant added with a glint in his eye. “However, the true allure behind bondage is the freedom the submissive has to embrace her forbidden desires under the guise of helplessness.”

  His words resonated in Brie’s heart. Yes! She wanted to be tied down so she could freely enjoy those things she hadn’t dared to surrender to before. Butterflies played in her stomach when Mr. Gallant dismissed the class and told them to proceed to the practicums.

  During her practicum, Brie was asked to join Master Coen on the stage. She had never had a scene with the muscular trainer before and was nervous, since she knew he did not want her in the program.

  A large desk had been placed on the stage, similar in style to a teacher’s desk. Master Coen took off his shirt, exposing his ripped muscles and tanned chest. Brie instantly thought of Lea and wondered if she was close to coming. It was difficult not to laugh, but she managed to keep a straight face as she stared at the floor.

  “Take off your thong and lay your stomach against the desk. I am going to show you the pleasure of a good spanking, Miss Bennett.”

  Brie couldn’t help noticing his bulging arm muscles, and swallowed anxiously as she removed her panties.

  “You have been a troubled student and must be properly punished.” His tone was teasing, which eased her nerves somewhat.

  Brie lay on the desk with her cheek pressed against the cool wood. She felt Master Coen lift her microskirt, exposing her naked ass. He rubbed it gently without saying a word. Then he walked around to the front of the desk and opened a drawer. He pulled out a metal two-foot pole about an inch in diameter with cuffs attached to either end. He laid it down in front of her. Next, he pulled out a roll of black tape and put it beside the bar. Master Coen walked back behind her again and quietly commanded, “Spread your legs apart.”

  Brie had not suspected she would be made to wear a spreader bar so soon. Her breathing increased as she did his bidding. He took the bar from the desk and fastened one leather cuff to her ankle. She was surprised and relieved to feel the cuff was lined with fur. He adjusted it to fit snugly. He moved her other foot to the desired distance and attached the second cuff. Brie could imagine how sexy she must look with six-inch heels, a naked ass, and a spreader bar between her ankles. She wiggled her butt, just for fun.

  But her stomach did a flip when he stood up. She was suddenly aware how powerless she felt now that she could no longer close her legs. What had seemed sexy in her head was proving to be challenging in real life.

  He ran his hands over her round ass cheeks again, murmuring, “Wayward students must take their punishments with grace. Do you understand, Miss Bennett?”

  “Yes, Master Coen,” Brie answered, her limbs trembling slightly.

  “Put your hands behind your back.”

  She crossed her wrists behind the middle of her back. She felt completely immobilized when he bound them together with the bondage tape.

  “Would you prefer to be gagged?”

  “No, Master Coen.”

  “Excellent. I do enjoy the verbal sounds that go along with a proper spanking.” Brie felt weak all over. “As this is your first time, I will acclimate your body and mind to the stimulation. You are allowed to cry if you must, but not beg. Until the spanking is over, the only word you may speak is the safe word. Nod your head if you understand.”

  Brie’s cheek stuck to the desk when she attempted to nod. She tensed when she felt his hand on her buttocks again. “You’ve been quite the challenge, Miss Bennett,” he growled, his voice laced with lust. Instead of hurting her, his hand caressed the swell of her ass and her inner thighs. It felt nice and soon she found herself warming up to his caresses.

  “Such a spankable ass,” he stated. “I must heed its call.”

  Her whole body stiffened, but the smack he gave her was light and pleasing. She relaxed slightly and concentrated on the sensations he was creating. Master Coen continued to lightly slap her on the ass; first one side then the other, lower then higher until every square inch of her shapely butt had been spanked. Without warning, he landed a harder blow. The sound of it echoed through the auditorium, followed by her surprised cry.

  He caressed the burning area. “Accept your punishment.” The caressing continued until he slapped her other ass cheek with the same force. She cried out, but his soothing touch immediately followed and eased the burn.


  “Green, Master Coen.”

  “Good. Now I am going to spank you hard four times. Count them in your head.”

  His large hand landed on her ass, taking her breath away. It was immediately followed by a similar smack on her other ass cheek, and then another higher up, and the last at the same level on the original cheek. It burned, but the sting did not last long because of his gentle caresses.

  “Your ass is starting to look properly pink, Miss Bennett.” His fingers glided down the valley of her buttocks to her aching pussy. He played with her outer lips and teased her moist entrance with his fingers. Brie moaned softly and wiggled against his hand, surprised by how turned on she’d become by his corporal punishment. He continued to tease her, alternating between spanking and caressing her bottom—creating anticipation and longing.

  “You have proved a repentant student. A set of ten, and then I will take you,” he announced. “Are you ready?”

  Brie tensed but nodded obediently. His hand danced over the curve of her ass, tickling her just before it spanked her warm skin. She grunted this time, wondering if she could handle all ten. The next smack landed with equal vigor and a gasp escaped her lips. By the eighth one, tears were running down her cheeks unchecked. The last was the hardest and loudest of them all, but it sent a pleasurable shockwave through her groin.

  He stroked her fiery skin, murmuring quietly, “Nicely done, Miss Bennett. Nicely done.”

  Master Coen gently lifted her by the waist and she put her knees on the desk. He helped Brie to tuck her legs underneath herself. She felt deliciously helpless with her red little ass in the air, her legs bound by the spreader bar and her wrists tied behind her. She heard him unzip his pants and looked back. Master Coen had a large, veiny cock, just like the rest of his body. He placed his hands on her warm
buttocks and eased himself inside her. His throbbing shaft filled her to capacity.

  The heat from her wet pussy caused him to groan. “You seem to have enjoyed our little spanking session.” He caressed and squeezed her still burning ass as he thrust his sizeable manhood inside her. “Nothing like fucking a beautiful girl with freshly spanked tush.”

  She closed her eyes and ignored the ache of the bindings as her trainer took her hard. Her restricted movement made her his play toy, and for some reason that excited her. She started moaning as the sexual pressure built to an unbearable peak. His cock was rubbing her in just the right place, but she was afraid to orgasm without permission.

  Brie panted, “May I come, Master Coen?”

  “Do you feel a troublemaker deserves to orgasm?” he growled lustfully.

  “If…it…pleases you,” she gasped out.

  In answer, he grabbed her thighs and rammed deep into her hungry depths. “Because you took your punishment well, Miss Bennett, you may.”

  She cried out in pleasure and delicious release as her pussy clamped down on his cock. Her bindings and stinging ass were forgotten as she climaxed hard and long. His orgasm soon followed, creaming her with his essence. He pulled away slowly, then carefully undid the cuffs on each ankle and unwound the tape binding her wrists. She felt stiff all over as he helped her off the desk and turned her to face the panel.

  “How would you rate the scene, Miss Bennett?” Sir asked. His eyes glimmered with excitement, which in turn thrilled Brie.

  “I would give it an eight, Sir.”

  “Does that surprise you?” Marquis Gray asked.

  “I suppose it shouldn’t have, Marquis Gray, given the scene you and I shared with the flogger. But yes, I am surprised there is something sensual about the combination of being caressed and spanked.”

  Ms. Clark followed up with her own question. “What is your opinion of the spreader bar?”

  “It’s a scary piece of equipment because it makes me feel so helpless,” Brie answered. She glanced at Master Coen and then remarked with a shy grin, “I guess that’s also part of its charm.”


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