What to Read After FSOG: The Gemstone Collection (WTRAFSOG Book 2)

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What to Read After FSOG: The Gemstone Collection (WTRAFSOG Book 2) Page 146

by Vi Keeland

  “Okay but if I can’t fit in my bathing suit, I’m blaming you.”

  “Right. Because I have to twist your arm to eat.” With a grin, we walked toward the front door and she stopped. “Crap, I left my wallet on your bed, I’ll be right back.” I knew she didn’t need it, since I was buying tonight but she’d already reached the room before I could say anything.

  We left out and I doubted I’d be able to eat a bite I was so excited about the trip. I quickly made a liar out of myself when we ended up at our favorite restaurant.

  Chapter Six

  The Island

  Excited didn’t even begin to fit the way I felt when we boarded the company’s private jet. The thing was freaking amazing and being able to sit in the cockpit while Leon navigated was something I decided I wanted to do every day for the rest of my life. It was really incredible flying through the clouds getting a front row seat.

  My enthusiasm obviously humored him because he kept a smile on his face. Flying this way was amazing because it stopped all the checks you’d normally have to endure at the different airports. I had to pull myself out of the cockpit to discuss business with the other men since Samson did demand a working trip, but still it was something most people never get to experience.

  We stopped overnight in Hong Kong, so the plane could get refueled and Leon could rest. Unfortunately we were all so exhausted a mutual decision was made not to explore and we ordered in room service at the hotel for the night instead. Samson did promise that he’d bring me back there someday or I may have well been heartbroken to not have taken the opportunity.

  The next morning we were back on the jet and it took another twelve hours to finally reach our next to last destination, Cairns. I wasn’t sure there could be a paradise to match the place. I felt like a kid. The excitement was almost overwhelming as we walked down those streets soaking up all the culture.

  Leif and Miles gave me a tour while Samson and Leon secured the boat we’d be taking over to the island. It felt natural to hold both their hands as we walked into shops and bought things we’d never have any use for. We did get some peculiar looks from the natives of the city, but honestly I didn’t care. Let them think I was happily fooling around with two sexy men, I knew the truth.

  Leave it to Samson to not just rent a boat. When he called us down to the pier I stared in amazement at the beautiful vessel he’d acquired. It was somewhat ironic watching his attempt to explain his reasons for purchase when he normally was so reserved in his spending for the club. There was nothing reserved about this purchase.

  I heard all about how Samson loved boats and already owned three from the other men. We shopped together for all the things we might need while on the island. None of us were sure what type of lodging the old cabin had, so tents, sleeping bags, and every other imaginable thing needed for a camp out was purchased. We did know there was no electricity so portable lighting devices were added into the supplies.

  It would take several trips to haul this stuff in and by the time we finally set out to sea, I was exhausted. The jet lag was setting in, and the clear blue-green lull of the waters just made you want to be lazy. I gave in to that need while enjoying the sun beating down on my face as Samson took us to our destination. I was wearing a tank top and shorts, and thankful that I’d taken Rachel’s advice on packing these up.

  When I woke up I had a huge straw hat on my head that Leif had purchased as a joke back in town. I might have been upset about that but since I’d forgotten to put on sunscreen he saved me from a nasty burn. “Thanks a lot.” Giving him a playful smirk I gasped as the island came into view.

  “The pier looks pretty stable, but I’d like to check it out before we anchor off.” Miles motioned toward the long wooden pier and I had no idea what would make one seem stable or not.

  This was going to be the next home for Fantasy’s! I couldn’t believe how beautiful it was here. Long, white, sugar-sand beaches stretched out as far as my eyes could see. Palm trees with their leaves softly swaying with the breeze, this was definitely an island paradise. “Can I move in?”

  “Let’s see if you still feel that way after a week.” Leif was grinning and I could see he felt the same way.

  Miles checked the sturdiness of the wooden planks and gave his nod of approval. “We’ll definitely need to build a bigger one, but for now this should work.”

  Samson unfolded a map and studied it. “If it hasn’t grown over there should be a pebbled walk way to the cabin straight ahead. The agent said it was only about 400 feet back. Why don’t you stay on the boat with Zoey, while the rest of us check it out?”

  Leif gave a nod and the other three trekked off. I couldn’t wait to get my feet into the sand so I jumped over the side, still wearing my clothes. The water was warm and inviting and I dove under with a smile. Leif didn’t wait long to join me and soon we were swimming around like children.

  It was already in the eighties. I couldn’t imagine what it would feel like here in the summer. “Definitely could see me living out my life here.” Paddling back to the shore, I wasn’t sure I liked the look on the guy’s faces. Samson looked pissed, while Leon and Miles just seemed perturbed.

  “How bad is it?” Leif walked onto the shore and I followed behind.

  “It’s small.” Samson was being a prude, I thought to myself.

  “Well we didn’t expect a mansion. Did we?” I expected some rustic cabin.

  “Not a mansion, but a few beds would have been nice. As it is there’s one cot and no bedroom. It does have a small kitchen and what looks like an outdoor shower outside, although I’m not sure where the water is coming from.

  Samson was definitely not happy. I couldn’t help it, he was so spoiled my funny bone was tickled. Once I started laughing, I just couldn’t stop.

  “Go ahead and laugh it up there Zoey. When you’re sleeping on the floor with all of us snoring we’ll see how funny it is then.” Samson was trying his best not to laugh and keep his cynical expression in place. Eventually he failed and joined in.

  “There’s no reason to complain about it now. We should get all our supplies stored away before night falls.” Leon shrugged and lifted one of the heavy boxes.

  They definitely weren’t lying when they said the cabin was not a mansion. It wasn’t even as big as the living room in my apartment. The walls seemed to be fabricated out of ply wood and mud, but at least the floor was cement. It took four trips to get all our gear in place and I left the guys to that while I cleaned up as much as I could to make it habitable.

  “When we get back I’ll hire a contractor to fix something more livable for the workers that need to stay on.” Leif was grinning, and the way I saw it, it could be worse. At least we weren’t setting up tents on the beach.

  “Um question? Where do we go to the bathroom?” I’d never been camping before, so the question didn’t really arise until that moment.

  “You make friends with mother nature.” Miles winked at me and when I understood his meaning I groaned.

  “There’s a bathroom on the yacht.” Sticking out my tongue childishly, there was no way I was doing my business between the palm trees.

  “She wins.” Leif chuckled. “I’m not really thrilled about yanking my junk out here until we know just what type of wildlife inhabits the greenery.

  “We could sleep on the boat if it gets to be too much. Would anyone like to complain again about my quick purchase?” Samson was really enjoying his superiority at the moment and we all groaned.

  “We’ve still got a few hours of daylight left, so why don’t we leave that decision for later and go exploring?” Leon’s idea seemed like the best one and we followed his lead.

  The island was breathtaking. Lush greenery, tropical birds, even a huge waterfall that flowed into a crystal clear pool. We explored until my feet were aching in the soaking wet tennis shoes. I didn’t want to be the one to complain, but honestly I couldn’t take another step. “Um. Guys, I really need a break.”

>   Of course my legs decided at that moment to cramp up and I would have hit my knees if Samson hadn’t caught me. He looked horror-stricken and quickly lifted me into his arms. “Shit, Zoey. Sorry. I guess I didn’t realize how far we’ve walked.

  I felt ridiculous being cradled like a baby, but my legs were on fire. Leon and Miles both took one of my calves in each of their large hands and started massaging them. I wasn’t sure if I wanted to hit or thank them because the sensation bordered on agony and relief.

  “Let’s get her back to the cabin. What she needs is a hot bath, but that’s not happening.” Samson walked forward forcing the guys to release my legs.

  “I’m not that fragile, all I need is to relax for a little while and I’ll be fine.” Their concern was sweet but it made me feel very self-conscious.

  Resting against Samson’s bare chest was a little more comfortable than it should have been. Something about being held this way made me think of things I’d refused to allow myself to consider over the years. My face flushed when I understood it was actually turning me on, I tensed in his arms.

  “Are you hurting worse?” The concern in Samson’s voice embarrassed me even more. I shook my head no and burrowed my face against the smoothness of his skin. There was something seriously wrong with me I decided when my nipples tightened into tight buds, and my core clenched.

  He was glancing down at my body and I knew the thin tank top and barely there sports bra, did little to disguise my arousal. The knowing smirk on his face told me he understood exactly what the deal was. I groaned turning myself more into his arms to hide the tell-tale signs.

  Samson continued walking in long strides, but managed to lower his head to my ear and whisper. “There’s nothing to be embarrassed about, all you have to do is say the word.”

  How in the hell did I answer that? I didn’t. Tightening my arms around his neck, I could only hope that he didn’t talk again until I got my body back under control. Traitorous bitch. How dare my breasts throw me out like that!

  Dusk was falling as we finally reached the cabin. Instead of putting me down, Samson held on tighter. “Miles bring the cot over and let’s see if we can get her worked out a little.”

  The thought of Samson working me out did very little to help with the ache between my legs and I wanted to argue. The truth was I couldn’t really force myself to utter the denial because my legs were still hurting like hell.

  My tank top was soaked with perspiration, and I felt grimy from the sea air mixed with it. “Could I maybe get a shower first?” It was vanity that made me long for that but I was also really uncomfortable. There’s nothing worse than feeling the squishiness of wet socks on your feet.

  “Leon get her shoes off.” Samson was shifting my weight in his arms and I knew even at a hundred and ten pounds that trek through the jungle with him carrying me had to of exhausted him. Leon didn’t ask questions, and made quick work of my shoes and socks. I couldn’t help it, I sighed in content.

  “It’s getting dark. I’ll set up one of the portable lights at the shower stall.” Leif, walked off to take care of that and Samson carried me outside. He left Samson to take care of me as soon as he was assured we had enough light.

  Calling the thing a shower stall was not appropriate since it was basically just the head protruding on a stand of cement. “I think I can stand. You’ve got to be tired of holding me.” I knew I wasn’t tired of being held even if it was inappropriate.

  Instead of answering he slid me slowly to my feet, and I cried out in agony. Charley horse pain was no laughing matter. I grabbed onto him for support. “I don’t think this is happening.” I looked at the spray of water he’d started with longing.

  “Don’t be stupid, Zoey. I can help you clean up.” He didn’t know that my bra and underwear were full of sand and I wasn’t sure how to say it without feeling like an idiot.

  I used his arms as support and moved under the water, thinking at least part of my body could get clean. He chuckled softly at my action and I glared back. “What?”

  “Are you really that self-conscious? I know my shorts are filled with sand and your clothes have to be as well. I promise you I’ve seen tits and ass before.”

  “Not mine you haven’t.” That came out way to whiny for my own liking and automatically made me feel defensive. “Turn your head.” I knew we were both adults but I was still pretty shy about showing off my body.

  Shaking his head, still chuckling he averted his eyes. I managed to let go of his arm long enough to pull my tank and sports bra off, but the moment I attempted to pull down my shorts, my legs cramped again.

  “This is fucking ridiculous.” He grabbed my hands, planted them on his shoulders, and quickly reached down to pull down my shorts and panties in one sweep. “Step out of them.”

  I was too shocked to disobey. His eyes roamed over my naked body freely and I shivered. “Get cleaned off so I can take you back in.” Instead of arguing I quickly maneuvered back under the water and used my hands to wash away the grime. I didn’t have time to think about standing there completely nude because the damn water was freezing.

  Leif walked out with a towel and I gasped at his perusal. “God! At least a little privacy, please.” The smile on his face was anything but comforting as he held out the towel, still taking in his fill of my body.

  “Why the hell would I want to look away. You’re beautiful.” I hobbled close enough to snatch the towel from his hands and quickly wrapped it around me. In return I was awarded with a deep timbre laugh.

  With their help I made it back inside the cabin. Miles patted the cot and I wasn’t sure whether to be humiliated or thankful that I had all of them to help me at the moment. Refusing to think about it, I slowly lowered myself down until I was resting face up on the cot.

  Leon was preparing something in the small kitchen while Miles and Leif worked out the muscles on my legs. After several long minutes the ache receded and I was just enjoying their touch. My eyes closed and I moaned softly at the magic of their fingers.

  “How long has it been since you allowed someone to pleasure you, Zoey?” My eyes opened in incredulity at Samson’s question.

  “That’s,” I fumbled for the right words because it really did throw me off guard, “not something I talk about.”

  “Obviously. You’re purring like a kitten in heat, so I’m guessing it’s been a long time.” Leif and Miles continued their massage and I met Samson’s eyes wondering if he was mocking me. He seemed very serious and instead of making me uncomfortable it made me horny. Of course it could be that the two sexy men rubbing my legs had a part in that too.

  “It’s been my experience that sex is never good for the woman, so I don’t indulge.” I answered him honestly seeing no reason to be ashamed of how I felt about sexuality. I knew perfectly well just how open he was about the topic.

  “Then the men you’ve been with are fucking idiots.” His arms crossed over his bare chest and he studied me. That’s the only way I could describe the way his eyes roamed from head to toe, seeming to take inspection.

  “Or maybe men are just selfish assholes who only think about what gets them off?” There was no anger in my voice. I was so relaxed at the moment I couldn’t muster up any.

  “I don’t consider myself selfish in that department. What about you guys?” He turned his attention to each of them and I wondered what point he was trying to make.

  “Satisfying a woman is always first in my experience.” Leif continued his massage and my legs were very happy at the moment.

  “I feel the same. If a woman doesn’t find pleasure in our fucking then I’m obviously not worth her trying again.” Leon called out from the kitchen, and I had to admit he looked very domesticated plating sandwiches.

  “I think a woman’s body should be worshiped.” Miles moved his caress down to the soles of my feet and I nearly came undone. I obviously needed the touch of a man more than I thought.

  “Words are easy.” This was the strang
est conversation to be having while I was laying on a cot with just a towel covering me. Not that I wasn’t accustomed to strange discussions with these men. We’d never focused on me during them though.

  “Maybe you should let us show you then.” Samson lowered to his knees at the head of the cot, and his hands moved to my temples, massaging in tiny circular motions.

  For a moment their hands felt so incredible on me I was tempted to give in. Then sanity came back. “You’re my bosses. I don’t think us having sex would be a smart decision.” Not to mention having sex with four men wasn’t even possible, was it? Talk about a fantasy that needed to be added to the books.

  “Not sex, Zoey. Pleasure.” Samson ran his fingers through my hair as he massaged my scalp.

  “What you’re doing right now is more than pleasurable.” If that’s what he meant, he could keep going all night. I relaxed even more as the men continued their impersonal massages and I felt like a pampered queen.

  “I’d love to spread those beautiful thighs and massage you with my tongue.” Leif ran his hand further up my leg to mid-thigh and stopped.

  My core clenched almost painfully at his words, forcing my eyes open again. “You mean, there?” My eyes glanced down and I tensed. I’d never had a man taste me that way and I wasn’t sure I would ever want to. A part of me longed to know what it felt like though.

  “I bleed from there.” I knew it was a childish thing to say, but I had all these screwed up concerns about my body and I couldn’t imagine a man really wanting to do that.

  “You’re not bleeding now though?” Leif winked at me and massaged higher, under the towel. I felt my heart race at the thought of how close he was to my sex and tensed.

  “No, but I’ve never done that before.” My legs tensed and not so much from wanting him to stop but excited about the possibility.

  “Sweetheart, you’ve never really had a man worship you at all, have you?” Miles shook his head with a sad expression. “Let us show you how beautiful it can be.”


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