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Tangled Page 3

by Karen Erickson

  For now, he’d settle with his hand.

  “You’re too arrogant.” She whimpered when his fingers slid between her pussy lips, drifted over her hard little clit. “You think all women want you.”

  “You claim you don’t.” Ah yeah, just as he thought, her juices coated his fingers. She was so wet he slid through her with ease, searching her delicate folds.

  Scarlett bit her lower lip, her gaze slithering away from his. “I don’t. Really I don’t.”

  “I know, sweetheart. I believe you.” That’s why she was wet for him. Why her entire body trembled. For him. Because of him.

  But she didn’t want him, nope, not at all.

  He surged a finger inside her, her swollen tissues grasping him tight. She moaned, her legs spreading as wide as they could, but her skirt restricted her.

  Such a shame. He wanted to see her but there was something illicit, taboo sitting with her on the couch, his hand up her skirt, his finger inside her hot pussy. He felt like a teenager getting off his first serious girlfriend, sneaking around on her parents’ couch late at night.

  Trevor rubbed her clit with his thumb, again and again, circling, flicking, making her gasp. “Want me to stop?”

  She didn’t answer. She glared at him, anger and arousal flushing her face, her cheeks a rosy pink. He could actually see her struggle, wanting to tell him no yet her body wanting him to continue. He flicked her clit again, building a faster rhythm and her gaze never left his though her lids lowered, her lips trembled. She was desperate to keep control.

  He was just as desperate to make her lose control. He wanted her writhing. He wanted to watch her come. He wanted to know what she looked like at that moment when her climax took over her body.

  Fuck, he was greedy. He wanted it all.

  “Do you, Scarlett?” He thrust his finger deep, added another finger and thrust again and she bucked her hips against his hand.

  “What?” Her voice rasped, as if her throat was dry, and he pumped his fingers inside her tight heat, his thumb circling her clit.

  She was close. He knew it. He could feel it.

  “Do you want me to stop? Or do you want to come?” His cock surged, thick and hard and ready to make an appearance. He’d give anything to be inside her, at this very moment, but he’d have to settle for this.

  Next time. He’d have her. In minutes if she let him.

  Unfortunately he had a distinct feeling she wouldn’t let him. Which only made the chase sweeter.

  “Come for me, Scarlett.” He took her silence as her answer. She was meeting his thrusts with her hips, her body moving against his hand, her back arching off the loveseat. Close to falling apart. “Come all over my hand, sweetheart.”

  She shattered with her orgasm, the inner walls of her pussy clenching around his fingers, her clit throbbing beneath his thumb. A wail escaped her, low and shaky and long. She leaned her head back against the armrest of the couch, her body slowly going limp.

  Trevor withdrew his hand from her body and brought his fingers to his mouth, inhaled deep. Her scent, musky and sweet, filled his head, made him dizzy. He licked his fingers, tasted her, savored her. When he heard her moan he glanced up, caught her watching him.

  “You taste like heaven.” She did. He wanted more.

  Her eyes slid closed, and she shook her head. “I bet you say that to all the girls.”

  He laughed, he couldn’t hold it back and when she cracked open one eye to glare at him he laughed some more. “You don’t believe in me whatsoever, do you?”

  “No. I don’t.” Just like that her expression shuttered closed, her lips straightening into a tight line. She withdrew from him, both physically and emotionally and he watched, helpless as she swung her legs to the floor and climbed off the loveseat.

  “Where are you going?”

  “Home.” She straightened her clothing, tugged her skirt into place. Dipping down she grabbed her shoes, clutched them in one hand. “It’s been real.”

  She was halfway to the door before he caught up with her, yanking her arm so she turned to face him. The look of pure disdain on her face confused him, frustrated the shit out of him, and he didn’t get it.

  He had her coming over his fingers two minutes ago, and now she was walking away from him as if he was nothing. An afterthought, nothing more. Just trash she could use and toss.

  “What the hell are you doing?”

  “Leaving.” She shrugged out of his grasp and started for the door once again.

  “Hold on.” He grabbed her again, his hold on her looser this time and the tingles that shot up his arm at the feel of her soft skin made him want to growl in irritation.

  The attraction between them was real. He couldn’t deny it. Yet she could, and in a big way.

  What the fuck?

  “Hold on for what? What do you want from me? Do you want me to grovel at your feet and call you master? Tell you that you just gave me the best orgasm of my life? Well, it wouldn’t be true.” She took one step toward him, then another, and then another until she was so close he could kiss her. “It wasn’t bad, but it wasn’t the best either. How’s that for your ego?”

  He flinched, released his hold on her as if she burned him. “What the hell have I ever done to you to make you so goddamn angry?”

  “Sucks to be used, doesn’t it?” She smirked, and he was sure she caught the guilty flash in his eyes. “You use women all the time. I watch you. I see what you do. They toss themselves at your feet and you have your pick, a new one every night. It’s always so easy for you, isn’t it?”

  “Why the hell should you care?” Her words hurt because they were true. Maybe he was nothing more than a user of women. He certainly could never commit to one. It was so much easier, so much more exciting to be with a different woman night after night.

  And the occasional man. But he kept that close, to himself.

  “I don’t. That’s why I’m walking away.” She started toward the door again, her hand resting on the door handle before he spoke.

  “I can find someone else, you know,” he called to her. “I can walk out of this room and find someone and fuck her brains out.”

  She stilled, her delicate fingers clutching the handle, her entire body tense. But she didn’t turn around to look at him. “I’m sure you could. I know you could. I hope that makes you feel better. I hope when you’re fucking her, it’s my face you see and not hers.”

  And with that, she opened the door and walked out of the room.

  Her instincts had been correct. Trevor Braxton was a complete asshole with an ego twice the size of Texas.

  Scarlett strode through the halls of Tom’s, headed toward that doorway she should’ve exited through long ago, before she ran into Trevor. She clutched her shoes in her hands, grimacing as she walked across the cold, bare wood floors and she wished she hadn’t taken them off.

  But then she wouldn’t have been on the receiving end of that fabulous massage. And she wouldn’t have had that most amazing orgasm either.

  When she told him that orgasm hadn’t been the best of her life, she’d kind of lied. It had been a long time since she’d come by someone else’s hand. Oh, she spent time here at Tom’s but she was strictly a watcher. She rarely indulged even though she had permission to do so. Well, on occasion she’d participate but more as a background figure, unnoticed.

  Just the way she liked it.

  Trevor’s sure fingers, that cocky expression, the way he touched her, the way he spoke to her…

  God. Unbelievable. She’d come so fast it had shocked her. She never came that fast. It was always a bit of a struggle, a bit of work. Nothing outrageous but she definitely didn’t come without plenty of foreplay prior.

  That hadn’t been the case tonight. And it had pissed her off. Even shamed her a little bit. That he could have that much mastery over her body, that much command. Well, it scared her.

  Made her want to do it again. With him. This in turn caused her to act like a ragi
ng, lunatic bitch and behave cruelly toward him.

  It wasn’t fair, but tonight wasn’t about playing fair. He hadn’t played fair with her. His intention from the start had been to make her fall apart. Prove to her that despite her dislike of him he could make her come. And he had.

  The bastard. The sexy, gorgeous, no good, interesting rat bastard.

  She stopped at the double doors and slipped her shoes on, wincing when she felt the painful pinch. But she wasn’t about to cross the parking lot in her bare feet.

  Idly she wondered if he would seek someone else out tonight. It bothered her, made her the tiniest bit jealous at the thought of him taking his sexual frustration on someone else. A stranger. Knowing he thought of her the entire time he pounded inside someone else.

  A little smile curved her lips as she exited the building and headed toward her car. She was sick, twisted, to feel this way. But she’d never considered herself normal, and her reaction tonight only proved it.

  She had a feeling they’d have a run in again soon.

  And she looked forward to it.

  Chapter Three

  Trevor waited five minutes before he exited the room, not wanting to catch a glimpse of the woman who had irritated the ever-loving shit out of him. He sat on the couch, his body tense, his hard-on still there damn it, and all he could think about was her.

  That saucy mouth of hers, the things she’d said. The defiant look on her face while he had his hands on her body, inside her body, the offhanded way she claimed her orgasm hadn’t been that great.

  Fuck, she was crazy. Unbelievable. And so was he for even thinking he had a chance with her.

  But he wanted to take that chance. Was willing to go for it, again and again, do whatever it took to convince her that she should give him a fair shake.

  Why, he wasn’t sure. He only knew that she intrigued him, more than any other woman he’d ever met. After being shut down by her, he still wanted to hang around. He never wanted to hang around.

  That alone made him realize he had it bad for her.

  He shut the door and wandered down the hall, caught sight of the various women looking at him as he walked past. Scarlett was right. He could have his pick, and yet he didn’t want any of them. He wanted only her.



  “Hey. You’re still here.”

  Trevor turned at the sound of the familiar voice to find Drake standing in front of him, his hands in the front pockets of his dark jeans, his expression one of open pleasure. Quite the opposite of Scarlett’s pissed off scowl. “Yeah, you found me. I’m definitely still here.”

  “I thought you left with Scarlett.”

  Trevor snorted. “Fuck that.”

  “I thought that was your plan.” Drake smiled at his own joke.

  Trevor smiled too. “She ditched me. She was kind of…mad. I think she hates me.” The understatement of the year.

  “Really?” Drake raised his brows. “I think she’s nice.”

  “Of course you do. Everyone does. And she is nice to everyone. Everyone but me.” Trevor shook his head. “Besides, she’s definitely going to be nice to you because she wants to get in your pants.”

  “She does?” Drake appeared honestly surprised. His mouth fell open a little.

  “Hell yeah she does. She’s been chasing you for months.”

  “Huh. I noticed she’d been hanging around, but I didn’t think anything of it.” Drake paused, studied him carefully. “I’m interested in someone else.”

  “Oh yeah? Well don’t tell her that. She’ll probably scratch your eyes out.” Damn, he hated how bitter he sounded, but she’d stomped all over his self-confidence tonight and left it in tatters.

  He hated this feeling, hadn’t felt this way in a long time. Back in school he’d been such a nerd that it hadn’t taken much to make him feel like shit. His self-confidence had been in the toilet, no one had paid any attention to him.

  Until he got on that stage his sophomore year of high school. Then they’d taken notice, and he’d never looked back.

  Tonight, with Scarlett and her shitty words, it felt like high school again.

  “She really pissed you off, didn’t she?” Drake’s voice was soft, slightly seductive, and Trevor cut his gaze to his, shocked to find his body reacting to it. To him.

  “She did,” Trevor admitted.

  “Don’t let her bother you.” Drake took a step closer and they both leaned against the wall, their gazes locked, their bodies seemingly reaching toward each other. “You need a distraction.”

  Hell yeah, he did. He had a feeling Drake was about to offer one too.

  Should he take him up on it?

  “A distraction, huh?” He reached out and let his fingers trail down Drake’s arm. He was lean, finely muscled, not too bulging. Attractive with those intense pale green eyes and a full mouth that would look mighty good wrapped around his cock.

  Jesus. He was an utter shit. Just like Scarlett accused him of. Minutes ago, he’d wanted her. And now he wanted Drake.

  Frustration. I’m looking to replace her because I’m just so damn frustrated.

  Or maybe he could actually be attracted to two people at the same time.

  “I’ve heard the stories.” Drake smiled. “The rumors about you.”

  “There are rumors?” That was news to him, and he wasn’t sure if he liked it. He liked to keep this under wraps.

  “Very hush hush. Not many people talk about it. But I heard you like to experiment.”

  Trevor took another step closer to Drake, so close that he was in his personal space. They were of equal height. He figured Drake was at least six foot since he was six-two, and their lips were so close their breath mingled together. “I do.”

  “I’ll be upfront. I heard you like to get your dick sucked.” Drake trailed his fingers down the center of Trevor’s chest. “By another man.”

  “Well…it’s true. Are you making the offer?”

  Drake nodded once, his gaze meeting his and it was all Trevor needed to see. Grabbing his hand, he led Drake to the bank of private rooms, choosing another one versus the room where he had been with Scarlett.

  He didn’t need her memory assaulting him. With his luck, the room would still smell like her and, well, that would piss him off too much.

  He’d rather focus on Drake. The very willing and able Drake.

  The room was larger and had a bed. A giant bed with a plain black comforter covering it was set in the center with two simple black painted end tables on either side. A stark white bowl sat on one of the tables, filled to the brim with condoms.

  Perfect. Fully equipped with everything I need.

  “Strip,” Trevor commanded as he snicked the lock closed with a twist of his wrist. He focused on Drake, saw the unmistakable lust on his pretty face, his hands automatically going for the hem of his T-shirt.

  “Come over here and help me,” he drawled, revealing a slice of perfectly toned abs.

  Trevor wasted no time. He went to Drake and yanked the shirt up and over his head. Drake’s lightly tanned skin gleamed golden in the subdued light, his eyes glittering when they met Trevor’s. Unable to resist, Trevor kissed him, hard and punishing, letting all of his aggression and anger over the situation with Scarlett pour out in his kiss.

  Drake took it with a gleeful groan, his mouth going wide, tongue slashing against Trevor’s. Trevor drew him close, his hands sliding down Drake’s smooth, muscled back. His skin was warm, firm, his body hard, and Trevor shuddered when Drake put his hands on him.

  The kiss, if possible, went deeper, their tongues tangling, their hands roaming over each other’s bodies. Drake touched his stomach, his fingers crawling up until he brushed across Trevor’s nipples, tweaking and pinching.

  Trevor pulled away from him, his breathing harsh, his heart pounding a loud tattoo in his chest, his ears, his head. Drake smiled, his hand resting on his belt buckle, and he stroked the hand revolver buckle made of burnished met
al. “I had no idea you had it in you.”

  “What?” Trevor tore his shirt off, threw it on the ground. Drake’s eyes flared with interest, his gaze roaming over him and Trevor stood taller.

  Damn it, he was proud of his body. He worked like a son of a bitch to keep in shape.

  And yet Scarlett hadn’t seemed to appreciate it. She hadn’t appreciated him. Hell, he hadn’t even kissed her. Yet here he was kissing Drake, his hands all over him, his cock just as hard as it had been for Scarlett.

  Fucking confusing. Don’t overthink it.

  He couldn’t help but overthink it.

  “I want you to suck my cock,” Trevor growled, suddenly pissed at himself. Pissed that he could easily put the encounter with Scarlett aside and enjoy this with Drake. What the fuck kind of man was he? He’d heard the saying time and again but certainly never thought it applied to him. He’d found it amusing, it made him laugh every time he heard it when used for someone else, but now the term rang true in his ears.

  Man whore.

  He was a total fucking man whore who seduced whoever he could get his hands on.

  “With pleasure.” Drake shucked his jeans and underwear in one pull and got down on his knees in front of Trevor. Reaching for him, Drake stroked the front of his jeans, making Trevor’s cock jump in reaction.

  One simple touch and his balls tightened. A couple of sucks from what would surely be Drake’s expert mouth and he’d probably shoot off like a geyser. It wouldn’t take much. He was already on the edge, angry and so damn hard he could drive metal spikes into cement with his dick.

  Sure fingers undid his belt buckle, unsnapped his jeans, tugged the zipper down. Drake pushed Trevor’s jeans off, his hands smoothing over his ass once before catching on the waistband of his boxers and sliding them down as well. His jeans and boxers stopped about mid-thigh and his cock sprang free, bobbing in front of Drake’s pursed lips.

  “Hmm, you’re big.” Drake leaned close to Trevor’s dick and licked his lips.


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