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Tangled Page 7

by Karen Erickson

  Trevor should’ve gotten up and pushed Scarlett away. Walked her to her car and sent her home. The woman clearly couldn’t stand him despite the way her body reacted so readily to his.

  But she treated him terribly. And fuck if he knew why.

  The blowjob had been amazing. She’d sucked his dick like she actually enjoyed it and half the reason he blew so fast had been her enthusiasm. He knew when a woman liked to go down on a man, all men did. Many women treated it as an obligation, a tit for tat action that most men didn’t mind returning.

  Other women hated it, treated oral sex like something dirty and disgusting.

  Not Scarlett, that was for sure.

  Something had changed right after the blowjob, and he was unsure of what. A glint shone in her eyes and that same old defensiveness had returned. It was an act, it had to be some sort of act she used to protect herself. From what, he didn’t know.

  But it was an act that hurt, cut like a knife right to the bone. And Trevor was tired of it. He wanted her to have a taste of her own medicine.

  The kiss he’d given her had been brutal, and she’d taken it. The way he’d talked to her had been cruel, and she’d accepted it. She watched him, her expression wary and her body restless beneath his. His cock, already hard and unyielding, pushed against her stomach, left a trail of pre-come across her skin. He reached between them, rubbed the liquid into her soft belly.

  “Lick them,” he demanded when he brought his fingers to her mouth.

  She did as he requested, her pretty little tongue darting out and licking his fingers clean. He groaned, shoved two fingers deeper into her mouth, and she sucked them much as she’d sucked his dick.

  “Can you taste me?” She nodded at his question. “Do you taste yourself?” She nodded again, and he growled, thrust his fingers in and out of her wet mouth. “Your pussy tasted fucking delicious. Are you mad I didn’t give you an orgasm?”

  Another nod and she whimpered when he withdrew his fingers from her mouth. Reaching across the bed, he opened the drawer on the bedside table and pulled out a condom. He tore at the wrapper and tossed it on the tabletop before lifting away from her and sheathing himself.

  “Well if you’re a good girl, I’ll give you what you want.” He thrust into her without any preparation, just plunged inside that hot, tight pussy with all he had until he filled her to the hilt. “Will you be a good girl, Scarlett?”

  “Yes,” she whispered, arching against him, sending his cock deeper. Both of them groaned, the desperate sounds mingling together much like their bodies.

  “Fuck, you feel amazing.” But that was no surprise. He knew she’d feel amazing, and she didn’t disappoint. Hot, swollen tissues clung to his cock, dragged against him as he slowly pulled out and then thrust back in. Her legs snuck around his hips, her heels digging into his ass and her arms circled around his neck.

  He loved the way she clung to him, as if she didn’t want to let go. He loved the sounds she made, sweet little sighs, low groans when he went particularly deep, her breathing accelerated, panting close to his ear. She was sweaty, her damp body rubbed against his and the scent of arousal, sex filled the air.

  “I’m going to fuck you hard,” he whispered in her ear. “And I know you can take it.”

  She nodded, another whimper escaping her, and he began to move in earnest, his hips slapping against hers, going balls deep and she cried out.

  Trevor stilled within her body, swallowing hard when he felt the rhythmic clench of her inner walls around his cock. “Scarlett. Did I hurt you?” Hell, he wasn’t a total asshole. The last thing he wanted to do was damage this woman.

  He liked her too damn much.

  She shook her head, her wild damp curls smacking him in the face. “No. Go deeper, Trevor. Harder. Please.”

  He did as she requested, fucking her with wild abandon and yet also great care. He didn’t want to hurt her, but it felt so good to pound deep into that tight little body. Her breasts bounced, nipples pink and hard and begging for his touch, and he ducked his head. Sucked first one, then the other into his mouth, biting the little bit of distended flesh, making her squeal.

  “Oh yes,” she murmured, and he knew for sure his Scarlett enjoyed a little pain, a little punishment. Her pussy was so wet it made a delicious juicy suctioning sound with his every withdrawal. He reached between them, his fingers finding her distended clit, rubbing and flicking and pinching it and she stilled beneath him, her agonized cry beautiful as she came all over his cock.

  “Ah fuck yeah, baby, you deserved that little prize,” he whispered in her ear as he bent over her, his own orgasm barreling down upon him. “You are so good, Scarlett. So fucking tight.”

  “Trevor,” she whispered, her arms squeezing him, her body still quivering beneath his. “Come, Trevor. Please.”

  “Jesus, Scarlett.” It roared over him, shooting up his spine, shooting from his balls and through his cock until he erupted with a shout. He came, the come wrenched from his body and spilling into the condom as he shuddered over her again. And again. And again.

  She encouraged him with murmured words and soft touches, her hands gliding over his back, his ass, her mouth hot and damp against his ear. He cried out, a pitiful sound to his ears, and he slumped against her, amazement filling him at what just happened.

  The mother fucking orgasm of all orgasms. He didn’t know whether to scream with joy or run like hell. Far and fast from this infuriating, fascinating, sexy as hell woman.

  Chapter Six

  Scarlett sat in a rounded booth with Austin’s girlfriend Michaela and her best friend Carly, all three sipping on giant margaritas. A large basket of tortilla chips sat on the table, accompanied by a little bowl of salsa and freshly made guacamole.

  Right behind Asian food Scarlett’s favorite was Mexican. And the restaurant Michaela had chosen for them to meet at had delicious chips and salsa. She judged a restaurant alone by the quality of the chips and salsa.

  “God, Michaela, I don’t want to hear you brag about your sex life anymore. I’m so jealous.” Carly shook her head and took a hearty sip through her neon green straw.

  Michaela shoved another chip lathered in guacamole into her mouth. “I am not bragging. Am I bragging, Scarlett?” she asked after she swallowed.

  Scarlett shrugged, not quite sure how to answer. She’d never had close girlfriends before, not even in school. She was more of a loner, always had been. She’d only come tonight because Austin had convinced her to go. “You’re kind of bragging. Not that I can blame you.”

  “Oh.” Michaela’s cheeks colored pink. “Well, I can’t help it if Austin’s good in bed.” Just the way she said his name showed how in love she was with him. It made Scarlett a little envious.

  “Show off,” Carly muttered, and Scarlett giggled.

  And she couldn’t help but think of her own sex god in bed. Trevor had been amazing last night. Mean and sweet and tender and tough. After that last spectacular orgasm, she’d escaped, unsure of how to deal with her feelings. He’d walked her to her car, gave her a searing kiss that made her knees weak and filled her with regret. Then he walked away without another word.

  It had left her feeling lonely. She hadn’t liked that at all.

  Yet she still wanted him. She hadn’t seen him either since they were off work for the next two nights.

  “Are you seeing anyone, Scarlett?”

  Scarlett blinked to find Carly looking at her with friendly interest. Her hackles went up, an automatic gesture and she wondered at Michaela’s friend’s motives. If she was looking to dig up secret information about her.

  Of course, she’s not. She’s just trying to be nice.

  “Not really,” she answered, which made Michaela’s head whip around so fast Scarlett thought it might spin right off.

  “What does that mean?” Michaela cocked a brow, a little smirk curving her lips that made her look like a naughty devil. Funny considering she was blonde and beautiful and appeared as sweet
as an angel.

  “Nothing.” Scarlett shrugged, shoved another chip into her mouth. She crunched and chewed, hoping they’d move onto another topic but they didn’t. They both just sat there and watched her ’til she finished.

  “Come on, you can tell us,” Michaela encouraged. “I need to divert the focus off me.”

  “I need to live through others since my sex life is so dull,” Carly chimed in, making them laugh.

  “Fine, okay I’ll tell you.” Scarlett breathed deep, tried to ignore the wave of nerves that washed over her. She could do this, she could confide in someone. A couple of someones who wanted to be her friend. “I’ve been seeing a guy. Kind of.”

  “Ooh, sounds juicy.” Michaela leaned forward, her green eyes glittering. “Anyone I know?”

  “Um.” Scarlett bit her lower lip, suddenly feeling exposed. Raw. It was hard to admit. “Yes, you know him.”

  “Don’t tell me you finally landed Drake.” Michaela glanced over at Carly. “Drake’s a guy who works at a nightclub not far from the theatre that Scarlett’s had a crush on for a while.”

  “God.” Scarlett rolled her eyes. “Does everyone know my personal business?”

  “Yes,” Michaela answered with a smile. “Is it Drake? Tell us. I thought he was gay. I even heard a naughty rumor when I went to the theatre a few nights ago but please do spill.”

  “Wait a minute.” Scarlett paused, her breath lodged in her throat. “You heard a rumor about Drake? What was it?”

  “Oh. Well.” Michaela cleared her throat, suddenly looking uncomfortable. “I heard he got together with someone. A guy someone from the theatre. That they did the deed while at Tom’s.”

  “What’s Tom’s?” Carly asked as she tucked a strand of auburn colored hair behind her ear, her golden eyes wide.

  Michaela giggled, looking a little embarrassed. “A voyeur’s club. Austin took me there once. We had an, um, interesting time.”

  “Oh my gosh, Michaela, you have the most adventurous sex life ever. I swear…”

  Scarlett heard the women talking but couldn’t make out exactly what they said. In fact, they seemed diverted enough that maybe if she didn’t speak up, they wouldn’t ask her any more about Drake.

  Getting together with someone from the theatre a few nights ago at Tom’s.

  Like Trevor…

  She pressed her lips together, anger making her see red. Holy crap, she figured he’d gone off and fucked someone else after she’d rejected him, but she never expected it to be Drake. The man she’d wanted for months. And Trevor had known that, too. He’d watched her try to chase Drake, threw himself at her instead and then he ended up with Drake by the end of the night.

  What. The. Hell?

  Scarlett played it cool during the rest of dinner. She polished off two margaritas. She ate a delicious shrimp salad and loaded up on too many chips covered in guacamole and salsa. She laughed. She joked. She committed to dinner with the girls next week, same night and place, and she walked out of the restaurant and into the warm early fall night with a smile on her face.

  But inside, she hurt. She raged.

  She hurt more.

  Men sucked. The heels of her sandals clicked on the sidewalk as she headed toward her parked car, her keys clutched in her hand. This was why she didn’t indulge in any sort of relationship, just got a thrill off the chase instead. Because they couldn’t be trusted, they were disloyal and they couldn’t keep their dicks in their pants.

  I told him to go be with someone else. I deserve this.

  With a sigh, she unlocked her car and climbed in, settled behind the steering wheel. Her cell phone rang, and she grabbed it, answering it without checking the caller ID.

  “What are you doing?” Trevor’s voice purred directly in her ear.

  Her body went liquid at his sexy voice, and she momentarily forgot that she was angry with him.

  But then it all rushed back with a vengeance, and her mouth tightened. “Getting ready to hang up on you.”

  She withdrew the phone, her finger poised over the end button when she heard Trevor’s shouted protests. Slowly she brought the phone back to her ear. “What?”

  “I should be asking you that.”

  “Men suck.” She voiced her earlier opinion, not ashamed one bit that she said it out loud.

  Trevor actually had the nerve to chuckle. “They do. But sometimes they change. For the right woman.”

  “Please.” Scarlett snorted, not caring that it was unladylike. “You wouldn’t know the right woman if she smacked you in the ass.”

  “Is that an offer?”

  What, he wanted to be spanked? She doubted that. “Give me a break.”

  “How about I spank you? Tonight? Want to come over?”

  “No.” She said it immediately, not wanting to change her mind.

  He sighed, the sound filled with frustration. “Did I do something to offend you?”

  “You always do something to offend me.” She sunk the key into the ignition and started the car, flicking on the air conditioning so it blasted directly on her face. Cooling her down while listening to the man who heated her up.

  Hang up the damn phone.

  She couldn’t do it.

  “I can’t win, can I?” He sounded genuinely confused, and her first instinct was to feel sorry for him.

  Her second instinct? Attack.

  “No you can’t so why don’t you call your boyfriend and invite him over? He might like to get spanked.” The sneer in her voice was hard to contain.

  Trevor was silent for a solid thirty seconds. So long, she thought they lost their connection or at the very least, he hung up on her. “What are you talking about?”

  “Don’t play stupid with me, Trevor. Your new boyfriend Drake. You know the guy I’ve been interested in for months. God, I’m the one who’s stupid, not you.” She leaned her head against the steering wheel, feeling like an absolute idiot.

  Hang up the phone.

  “Drake is not my boyfriend. Who told you that?”

  “It doesn’t matter. What matters are the rumors going around that Drake hooked up with someone at Tom’s. And, hmm, what a coincidence that we were there last week, and that when I left you, you said you could find someone else to satisfy you. Sounds like you did.”

  “You left me high and dry, Scarlett. You basically challenged me to find someone else. I really didn’t think you cared. You’re carrying on like this makes me think you do.”

  “Don’t you dare blame me for this. And I am not carrying on. I’m…” What was she doing? Acting like a jealous shrew. Making a big deal over something she had no control of. He wasn’t her boyfriend. She wasn’t his girlfriend. He could fuck whomever he wanted.

  “I don’t think you know what you’re doing,” he said, so softly she had to strain to hear him.

  “You don’t know anything about me.”

  “You’re right. I don’t. But I’d like to find out. Who are you, Scarlett? I mean really? And where do you come from? Did you go to college? Do you have any brothers and sisters? What’s your favorite color?”

  “What does it matter to you? We’re not in a relationship.”

  “What if I told you that it does matter to me? That I’m interested because I want to get to know you better.”

  “Why? What about Drake?” Why was he saying these things to her? Giving her hope? She’d been hopeless for so long she’d gotten quite used to the feeling.

  “Forget Drake. You want me to be honest with you?” His voice had gone rougher, as if he might be angry, and she heard the harsh pants of his breath.

  He definitely sounded angry, and God help her but she found it the slightest bit arousing.

  “Yes,” she breathed, clutching the cell phone tight. Afraid of what he might say.

  “I fucked Drake, all right? That night at Tom’s, we were together after you left and I fucked him. Sometimes I like to get off with another man. It’s one of my quirks. But I thought of you the entire t
ime. Just like you said I would. It was your face I saw, your body I was coming inside of.”

  His words should’ve disgusted her, but her panties went wet at the vision of him naked and entangled with Drake. Thinking of her while that big cock of his was buried deep inside Drake’s ass.

  She was sick. Twisted. But she couldn’t help it.

  “It meant nothing with Drake. Absolutely nothing. He’s called me a few times since then, but I’ve brushed him off. I’m not interested in him. I’m interested in you.” Trevor paused, his breathing sounding even louder in her ear. “I want you, Scarlett. So fucking bad I can hardly stand it.”

  “You just had me last night,” she whispered, his words made her nipples harden, rubbing painfully against the confines of her bra.

  “And I want you now. My cock is hard just talking to you. I’ve jacked off three times today thinking of you.”

  “You have not.” Oh, the thought thrilled her, the idea of him stroking himself with visions of her dancing inside his head.

  “I have,” he growled. “Come over and I’ll come all over those pretty tits of yours.”

  “Trevor Braxton, you are so crude.” She secretly loved it.

  “You love it,” he echoed, as if he could read her mind. “Come over, Scarlett. Let me show you how much I want you.”

  “God, I shouldn’t.” She flicked on the headlights, watched the beams of light shine on the brick wall of the building she’d parked in front of.

  “Oh yes, you should. I’ll show you a good time.” His voice took on a teasing, leering quality, and she laughed.

  “You’re so cocky.”

  “There you go saying that word again. I love it when you say that.” He paused. “Though I would prefer it if you dropped the ‘y’.”

  “Oh you mean like this?” she asked innocently. “You like it when I say the word cock?”

  “Hell, yeah.”

  “Do you like it when I talk about how much I’d like to suck that big, juicy cock of yours?”

  “Fuck yeah, sweetheart.”

  She laughed, trying to fight the arousal that threatened to swamp her. This was damn insane. “You’re sick.”


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