Linc's Little Piggy (The Three Bears Book 2)

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Linc's Little Piggy (The Three Bears Book 2) Page 3

by Kelex

  He looked over everything again, to make sure he wasn’t missing something, when he heard the doorbell ring.

  Chance could barely breathe.

  He straightened the front of his shirt and tie before taking as deep a breath as his body would allow for, and then headed for the door. Butterflies had taken up residence in his stomach as he reached out and clasped the knob.

  Linc stood there, handsome as ever, hair wet, well dressed, and holding a large paper bag.

  A paper bag that smelled wonderful.

  “I figured it was dinner time, so I brought Chinese,” Linc said as he brushed past Chance and into the house uninvited.

  Chance had been too shocked to ask him in anyway. He slowly closed the door and followed Linc into the kitchen.

  Linc had dropped the bag on the island and was taking a peek at the place. “You made it real nice in here. Cozy.”

  “You guys did all the work. The rest was easy.”

  Linc turned and pinned Chance with a stare. “Hungry?”

  God, yes. “Sure. What did you bring?” He walked over to one of the cabinets and brought down two bowls.

  Chance heard rustling and assumed Linc was emptying the bag. “I wasn’t sure what you liked so I got a few small pints of this and that. Chicken and broccoli, veggie fried rice, General Tso’s, cashew chicken, some egg drop soup, and a couple of pork egg rolls. I figured you might like something out of that.”

  Chance lowered the bowls on the counter beside the spread and caught Linc’s hungry stare. He caught his breath, still off-center from Linc’s attention. Slowly, he released it, trying to steady his frayed nerves. “It all sounds great.” Linc’s answering smile only made Chance’s heart beat even faster. “I’ve got some beers in the fridge. Want one?”

  “You bet,” Linc said, opening up the first container.

  Chance took another calming breath as he pulled out two beers and opened them. He handed one to Linc, who took a deep swallow before lowering the bottle to the island and looking at Chance. “Thanks, I needed that.”

  I do, too. “No problem,” Chance added before taking a quick sip himself to help his nerves. After setting the beer on the counter, he turned to grab some silverware. He added them beside the bowls and waited for Linc to finish opening all the containers. “So, you want the bad news or the good news, first?”

  “I want to eat first. We can sit down and enjoy some food and then get to business, later.”

  Chance was silent a minute. “What is this, Linc?”

  Linc looked over at Chance and grinned before tugging open another container. “This is a date, Chance.”

  A date? “Um, I ah, a—what?”

  Linc grabbed a spoon and thrust it into the cashew chicken before turning to Chance. “You want some of this?”

  “Yeah, sure,” Chance said, confused. “Now back to that last thing you said.”

  Linc plopped a spoonful of the food into one of the bowls before looking over at Chance again. “A date. You’ve been on one before, right?”

  “Of course I have, but this isn’t a date.”

  Linc paused, smiling. “Why not? I asked to come over, you agreed. I come bearing dinner, which is a typical date event. We’re going to sit down at your dining room table and talk, another thing that often occurs on a date. And if I’m lucky, you just might let me kiss you at the end of the night.”

  Chance swallowed hard, his heart thudding to a stop. “A-a kiss? At the end of the night?”

  “You don’t want to wait?” Linc asked, dropping the spoon. “Why didn’t you say so?”

  Linc pulled Chance into his embrace and cradled Chance’s head, drawing closer. Chance stared up into Linc’s face, shocked to find himself there. Before he could object—not that he would’ve—Linc’s lips were on his, warm and gentle. Heat flooded Chance’s body at the caress, his body feeling molten with need.

  Linc’s lips were searching at first, as he leisurely explored Chance’s mouth, but the kiss quickly turned hotter, Linc deepening it quickly. His tongue pressed against the seam of Chance’s mouth, demanding entry. Chance yielded to him, letting Linc burst inside his mouth, tasting every inch of him. Chance could feel Linc’s hard cock pressing against his stomach as Linc pinned him against the island and ground his body against Chance’s, the feel of Linc’s desire fueling his own.

  He was soon hard as stone, his shaft tenting his pants and pressing against Linc’s upper thigh. All the blood in his body had gone there, leaving him feeling a little lightheaded.

  Linc pulled away slightly and gazed down at Chance. “Like I said. It’s a date.”

  Chance was left there, shaken, as Linc started filling their bowls again. After a moment, Linc took both to the dining room table.

  “Grab some forks and our beers and come eat,” Linc shot out over his shoulder.

  Chance ran a hand down his face, his lips still swollen from their kiss. He wasn’t sure what was going on. Up was suddenly down. He collected the items and walked to the dining room on wobbly knees. Chance sat across from Linc, who dug in the moment he had a fork in hand. Alternatively, Chance stared down at the food, his appetite suddenly switching to something else.

  “Why now, all of a sudden?”

  Linc finished the food in his mouth, staring at Chance. When he was done, a dark look crossed his face. “I woke up and paid attention.”

  “What made you pay attention?” Chance asked, hoping to find out what or who it was that opened Linc’s eyes.

  “Does it really matter?”

  Chance pushed Linc. “Yeah, it kind of does.”

  Linc put down the hand carrying a forkful of food to his mouth and frowned at Chance. “Why?”

  “You know full well I’ve been attracted to you for years. You’ve avoided me most of my life, whenever you could. Now you suddenly want a date… and to kiss me… all right after I make plans to leave. Excuse me if I’m a little confused by your behavior.”

  “Why are you leaving, by the way?”

  Chance was not ready to tell Linc that he needed to get away—from Linc. “Evading the question with another question?”

  “I took a long look at you the other day at the house and realized you’d changed a lot. I’ve been avoiding you for all the wrong reasons. You are pretty hot.” Linc offered a wicked grin, but only shortly. His face quickly returned to the stern look he’d held moments before. “Now answer my question. Why are you leaving?”

  He thinks I’m hot? “So this is some physical thing? You use up all the local gay men and finally got around to me?”

  Linc looked up, glowering, from his food. “Trust me—there are still plenty of men out there for me, gay or straight. I’m here because I want to be here. It isn’t purely physical. You’ve been good to us over the years. You work hard, and you do good work.”

  “That must be it. If I leave, I won’t work for you anymore. You think you can show me a little attention and I’ll stay and help you guys make more money.” That made all the sense in the world. Linc wouldn’t suddenly find him attractive.

  Linc dropped his fork and stood, glaring at Chance. “You’ve got it all wrong.”

  As Linc started rounding the table, Chance stood and put up a hand to stop Linc. “Maybe we should call it a night.”

  Linc frowned. “No. I didn’t come here to seduce you into staying. I came to seduce you, sure, but I wouldn’t stop you from going if it’s the right choice for you.”

  “Come on, Linc. I’m not stupid. You don’t go from ignoring a man for nearly fifteen years to wanting to get in his pants in a matter of days—not without reason.”

  “Sometimes people can be too close, so close, you don’t pay attention.” Linc snarled. “So close, you can’t really see the person they’ve become unless someone smacks you in the face and wakes you up.”

  “Yeah, and who was that?”

  Linc’s jaw was clenched so hard, Chance was sure it would shatter.

  “Golden. He said you were gorge
ous and if he wasn’t with Jax, he’d be… interested. He asked me what was so wrong with a smart, handsome, hardworking man wanting me, and I didn’t have a good answer. When I saw you at the house, I really looked at you and saw how right he was. Yes, I don’t want you to leave. Not without me getting to know you a little better, the grown-up you I’ve avoided all this time, like an idiot, not because of the business.” Linc took a deep breath. “There, are you satisfied now?”

  Chance just stood there, soaking it all in. He picked up his beer and tried to act unaffected. “So Golden’s really interested, hmm?”

  His hands shook as he brought the bottle to his lips.

  This is real.

  He’s really interested.

  After all these years.

  Linc walked over and grabbed the beer out of Chance’s hand and returned it to the table. “I’m not here to talk about Golden.”

  Linc’s hand shot out and captured Chance once more. He drew Chance closer and kissed his lips, their bodies colliding. This time, Chance enjoyed the moment, savoring the ale and Chinese food-flavored taste of Linc’s hot mouth. He sensed the truth in Linc’s words and if he was being handed a chance, he was taking it. Chance kissed Linc back with as much fervor as Linc kissed him, warring with Linc’s tongue.

  Linc grasped the sides of his face, cupping it within both hands, and forced his lips down harder onto Chance’s mouth. Chance held on tight, grasping the front of Linc’s shirt in his fists. When Linc pulled away, he was panting slightly, as was Chance. He looked down, his eyes unfocused and the pupils enlarged, looking at Chance lustily.

  “I’m not so hungry anymore. Not for food,” Linc said, his voice growing deeper on the last three words.

  You and me, both. “What are you hungry for?” Chance felt heat creeping into his face, not used to being quite so forward. Especially with Linc.

  Linc rocked his hips, his hard cock pressing into Chance’s lower abdomen. “I think you know full well what I want.”

  Chance knew it was too much, too fast. After starving for Linc’s attention, he was threatened with an overdose. Yet he’d wanted this for too long to say no. How could he? “You know where the bedroom is.”

  Linc smiled as he lowered his head and licked Chance’s throat. Linc’s mouth stopped against his ear. “Why don’t you show me?”

  Chance pulled away and headed for the stairs. He looked over his shoulder and saw Linc stalking closer, following him. His knees wobbled a second as he rounded the curved banister and headed up the first few treads.

  Linc squeezed Chance’s ass midway up, speeding Chance the rest of the way.

  He pushed his bedroom door open and flipped on the switch. Light flooded the room, a room he’d neglected to clean up, not imagining Linc would find his way into it. His stare swept the room, looking for imperfections.

  There, in the middle of the bed, was an anal plug and a bottle of lube.

  Embarrassment flooded Chance’s face. He’d meant to put them away that morning after cleaning them and leaving them to dry on the bathroom counter overnight.

  “Expecting company?” Linc said from behind Chance’s back, Linc’s front against him. Linc’s cock pressed into his ass as he looked over Chance’s shoulder. “Damn, that’s a big boy.”

  Linc reached around Chance and picked the plug up before looking at Chance. “Can you take all of this?” Linc asked incredulously.

  Chance flushed again. That little glimmer of confidence and assertiveness was now gone thanks to his secrets being out on display. “Maybe.”

  Linc pressed a kiss to Chance’s ear. “Oh, we are going to have a lot of fun, you and I.”

  Chance’s knees weakened under him, and he nearly dropped to the surface of the mattress. The thought of Linc using one his toys on him had him trembling with need.

  That toy was also a game changer.

  What had started out as a hot round of sex had turned into something much darker and more complex. Chance knew his desires weren’t normal. They never had been. And now Linc knew.

  But that was just the tip of the iceberg.

  Chapter Four

  Linc swallowed his lust as he eyed the toy in his hand. He brushed his lips across the back of Chance’s neck and stopped against Chance’s earlobe. Chance trembled against him, which only made Linc smile all the more. Chance’s responsiveness, his desire, was a major turn-on. “I wanna put this inside you. I wanna stretch your little hole until you can fit my big dick in there.”

  Chance moaned and leaned back against Linc’s chest. “I use that. In private.”

  “We’re going to be real private in here tonight, Chance.”

  Chance moaned again, after Linc rubbed his hardness against Chance’s ass.

  “Do you like that, Chance? Do you like me talking dirty to you?”

  “Y-yes,” Chance squeaked out, his breathing growing erratic.

  “Is this the biggest toy you’ve got?”

  Chance took a deep breath. “N-no.”

  Linc shut his eyes tight and held back a deep groan of delight. Chance was an ass pig, he was sure of it. Linc loved a man who liked it rough. “You like being stretched wide?”

  Chance nodded slowly.

  “You like a lot of cock up your ass?”

  Chance nodded again, almost imperceptivity. Was Chance ashamed his secret had been found out? He had no reason to. It only enflamed Linc’s lust.

  Linc smiled against Chance’s ear. “Ever had two men in your ass?”

  “No… but I’ve had a dildo and a man.”

  Linc couldn’t hold back this time. He groaned, rubbing his hard cock against Chance’s ass. Sweat broke out over his brow as he tried to wrangle his control.

  “Ever thought of having two cocks in your ass? I bet you have, haven’t you? I can see you now, rubbing your cock, fantasizing about two big cocked men thrusting deep inside.”

  Chance moaned again, swaying slightly on his feet. “Yesss,” he hissed.

  Linc drew Chance closer. “I’m only one tonight, but with this plug of yours we can pretend a little, can’t we?”

  “Uh-huh,” Chance answered breathily.

  Linc pressed a kiss to Chance’s ear. “Why don’t you show me how excited you are?”

  Linc spun Chance in his arms and stepped back. Chance reached out and grabbed the post on the foot of the bed, appearing to need the help. He quickly collected himself as Linc watched.

  “What… what is it you want me to do?”

  Linc sat down in the oversized chair, not so oversized for his large body. He placed his hands flat on the armrests, ignoring the desire to grip his cock and pleasure himself. Linc wanted to draw this evening out as long as possible and jerking himself off would only make it speed up. “Strip for me.”

  A look of horror crossed Chance’s face for a split second, but he quickly covered it.

  “Is that a problem?”

  Chance’s face grew red. “I-I’m not so comfortable with that.”


  Chance stood a little taller. “You of all people remember all the shit I went through.”

  “That was the past. Today is different. You’re different. You worked hard to become healthy, so show me how hard you’ve worked.”

  Chance’s chin rose a little, but the glimmer of fear was still in his eyes. He hesitated, but after a deep sigh, he began to remove the loosened tie from around his neck. Lifting shaking hands to his shirt, Chance undid each button carefully before another pause.

  “Take it off.”

  Chance’s gaze met Linc’s.

  “Please,” Linc added to soften the demand some.

  Chance let it slide to the floor, revealing a cut, toned body.

  Linc whistled. “You did a real good job.”

  Chance’s lips almost turned up into a smile. “Yeah, you wouldn’t have noticed me otherwise, I guess.”

  Linc’s smile faded. “I don’t care about a few extra pounds.”

  “Then why did yo
u avoid me so much in school?”

  “I wasn’t open about my desires back in school, not like you. You were a lot braver than I ever was.”

  Chance’s lips parted, his eyes growing wide. “I wasn’t brave. Not at all.”

  “Yeah, you were. I respected that, and I was even a little jealous because you were what you were and owned it, taunting and all. I avoided you because some gay guy coming around with puppy-dog eyes was destroying my rep, especially since I didn’t pound you into the ground for it. There’s no way I could’ve hurt you, and it was just better to steer clear so they didn’t find out I liked guys.”

  “You avoided me so you wouldn’t need to kick my ass. How sweet?” Chance said sarcastically.

  “Life was hard for you because you didn’t fit in. It was hard for me, too, trying like hell to stay fitting in and not be found out. So yeah—I avoided you so my friends wouldn’t taunt me into doing something I wouldn’t do. And I just kept avoiding you. Which I now see was a mistake.”

  Chance was quiet a moment. “Linc, what is—”

  “What is what?”

  Chance shook his head as he began to unhook his belt. “Nothing. Just sit back and enjoy the show.”

  Linc searched Chance’s face, but couldn’t figure out what the question had been. Once he saw the first glimpses of Chance’s hard cock, the question was forgotten. “Damn, Chance—look at what you’ve been hiding from me.”

  “I haven’t been the one hiding.” Chance kicked off his shoes and his pants and pushed them away. After he removed his socks and tossed them on the pile, Linc got his first full look at a naked Chance.

  A sexy, naked Chance.

  “Come bring me that cock,” Linc said, leaning forward in the chair.

  Chance hesitated a moment before walking closer.

  Linc reached out and gripped the base of Chance’s shaft and dragged him closer. Chance released another moan as Linc worked his hand up and down the length, staring at the work his hand did.

  “You’ve got a gorgeous cock,” Linc said, his voice gravelly. He leaned forward and swirled his tongue around the head of Chance’s cock before drawing it between his lips. It was long and thick, the swollen head darker red.

  Chance moaned as Linc swallowed him whole. The sound was simply erotic, but not as erotic as the feel of Chance’s soft, smooth skin on his tongue, or the feel of thick, hard cock down his throat. Linc felt the man’s hands grasping his shoulders for balance as Linc sucked him off. Luckily Linc was sitting, or he’d need balance, too. He slurped up and down the length, tasting every inch of Chance’s rod.


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