Beddable Billionaire

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Beddable Billionaire Page 13

by Alexx Andria

  I was going as his ghostwriter, and based on what he’d just said, his date. Maybe this once, I’d just enjoy the moment. It wasn’t often that a billionaire wanted to treat you to a night out dressed to the nines.

  “Fine,” I said, closing my eyes to simply enjoy what was left of the day. I didn’t want to think anymore, or worry, or wonder.

  The sun started to dip low in the sky, and Nico turned the boat around to head back to the harbor. There was enough of a bite in the air that Grady and I headed below deck to wrap up in a blanket.

  As I snuggled my sweet boy, loving how his hair smelled of ocean air and happiness, I kissed the top of his head, privately smiling to myself. “Did you have fun today?” I asked.

  “The best, Mama,” Grady answered, and I could hear the smile in his tone. “Nico says we can take the boat out whenever we want as long as the weather is good.”

  I bit my lip, tempted to gently correct Grady but decided to leave it alone. No sense in ruining a great day with reality. “It sounded like Nico was teaching you all about sailing. I never knew you were into sailboats that much.”

  “I love sailboats, Mama, but it’s not like one would fit in our yucky apartment so I didn’t say anything.”

  “Our apartment is not yucky,” I admonished while rocking him gently. “We love our apartment. It’s our home.”

  “It smells and there’re bugs,” Grady said. “Can we move? Nico says we should, and I think he’s right.”

  “Well, Nico has his opinion but we have to get back to our life at some point, and I’m sure Nico will be ready to have his spare bedroom back.”

  “Nico doesn’t care. He said if I wanted I could decorate the room any way I like. He said he has an interior decorator who could do whatever I want within a day.”

  “That’s silly,” I said, troubled by Nico’s promises. “There’s no point in redecorating a room that we’re only going to be in temporarily.”

  Grady shrugged. “Nico says it’s no big deal. He’ll just change it back when we leave.”

  I supposed that was true. Nico was fairly nonchalant about throwing money around, but I didn’t think it was healthy for Grady to assume that money grew on Donato trees.

  “How about this...when we get back home, we’ll give your room a makeover. Fresh coat of paint, any color you like, and we’ll work together on a theme. It’ll be a fun project for us.”

  “Can Nico help?”

  Okay, this was going too far. Grady was obviously too enamored with Nico for my comfort. I gently turned Grady to face me. “Honey, I know Nico is lots of fun and he’s been super nice to us, but as soon as I finish the job our lives will return to normal, and normal doesn’t include Nico.”

  Grady’s expression darkened as his little face screwed into a frown. “I don’t want to go back to life without Nico.”

  “Well, I can’t do anything about that,” I said frankly. “Nico isn’t part of our family.”

  “He could be.”

  Frustrated by my inability to communicate to Grady what I was trying to say, I just exhaled and let it go. “We’ll talk about it later. You’re tired and getting grouchy. You need dinner, a bath and then bed. It’s been a busy day.”

  Grady folded his arms across his chest, still scowling. “I’m not tired. You’re just changing the subject. Auntie Claire says that’s called defecting.”

  Oh, Auntie Claire. I am going to duct tape your mouth shut one of these days. I cleared my throat and tried to smile as I corrected Grady. “Actually, the word you’re looking for is deflecting, and I’m not doing that, I’m simply stating facts. Besides, that conversation was over.”

  “But I still want to talk about it.”

  “Sorry. I’m pulling rank. Conversation over.”

  I thought Grady might argue some more, but he seemed to get the hint that I wasn’t going to budge.

  It was dark by the time we were back to the apartment, and in spite of his protests, Grady was asleep against Nico’s shoulder. Thankfully, I’d foreseen this problem and had Grady eat on the boat while we made it back to the dock, but I wouldn’t be able to give him a bath as I’d hoped.

  I went to take my son from Nico’s arms, but he waved me away and took Grady to the bedroom himself. He laid Grady gently on the bed and, after removing his shoes, tucked him into bed.

  Fully clothed.

  “He needs pajamas,” I told Nico, shaking my head with a small smile at how clueless Nico truly was around kids, but it was cute how he’d tried. I made quick work of getting Grady into pajamas and within minutes he was snuggled deep into the blankets, dead to the world.

  I found Nico in the kitchen throwing together a small cheese and cracker platter to share with a bottle of wine he had decanted.

  I was hungry but I knew the wine would just knock me out. “I’m exhausted,” I admitted, selecting a wedge of cheese and a cracker to munch. “I think I’ll just shower and head to bed. Thanks for the awesome day.”

  But Nico wasn’t going to let me slink off, and I think a part of me knew that. He grasped my hand and pulled me to him. “I’ve waited all day to taste those lips again and I’m not going to bed without it.”

  I sank against him, his lips finding mine. There was something so perfect about the way we fit together—as if I were coming home after a long journey—and I was just as eager to sink into the familiar.

  “How about I draw a bath for the two of us?” he suggested. “I’ll wash your back, you wash mine?”

  His suggestion was cute, but I already knew that if our naked bodies were in close proximity, we were having sex at some point and I was so tired I could barely keep my eyes open.

  Although a bath sounded fantastic, I thought we both could use some distance. I needed to remind myself that Nico wasn’t part of my future and it was foolhardy to pretend otherwise, especially when Grady was already too attached.

  “Tempting,” I said, pulling away. “But I think I’ll just go to bed.”

  Nico frowned but nodded. I could tell he had more he wanted to say, but he didn’t and I was grateful. I didn’t have the energy to explain what was going through my head, especially when I sensed that Nico wasn’t going to see things my way.

  I closed the bedroom door softly behind me and exhaled a long breath. Even though fatigue dragged on my bones, a sense of emptiness went deeper. Nico and I had had sex this morning, but my body ached to feel him inside me, even if it were only a quickie.

  See? This is a problem.

  When the idea of climbing into bed with Nico and falling asleep in his arms sounded like heaven...yeah, that was a big problem.

  Seemed Grady wasn’t the only one skipping past the warning signs, headed straight for the chasm of heartbreak.

  Stripping down to a T-shirt, I climbed into bed next to Grady and pressed a soft kiss on his forehead before snuggling down to close my eyes.

  Careful,’re about to fall—hard.

  Or maybe I already had.




  I adjusted my cuff links for the tenth time in as many minutes. Lauren hadn’t come out of the bedroom yet.

  Did she hate the dress? I’d personally picked out the style, but what if it wasn’t to her liking? I would’ve rather taken her with me so she could model each selection, but I knew she’d never agree and I wasn’t about to risk our date.

  Grady was with his grandmother—a decision Lauren agonized over to the point that she almost backed out—and tonight I was going to show Lauren what it was like to be pampered.

  If she ever comes out of the bedroom, that is.

  My heart leaped into my throat as the door slowly opened and Lauren stepped out tentatively as if she had something to worry about.

  I lost my ability to breathe.

“You’re fucking stunning,” I said, my voice trembling in an unmanly fashion. I cleared my throat and tried again, saying, “Truly stunning.”

  And that was an understatement. The soft vanilla floor-length gown was a sumptuous complement to her olive skin tone, and her chocolate-brown eyes made me melt a little inside. I hurried to unclasp the jewelry box in my shaking hands to reveal the glittering diamond necklace I’d procured from the family jeweler, holding my breath as Lauren gasped with wonder.

  “Are you kidding me? Are those real?”

  “Very. So please don’t lose it,” I teased as I carefully lifted the necklace to place around her neck and clasped it into place. Her hand fluttered to the brilliant stones, and I saw her fingers tremble slightly. I grazed the tender column of her neck, murmuring, “That necklace could fund a small country, but it looks perfectly at home on you.”

  Lauren graced me with a shy smile that sent bolts of arousal straight to my cock, and I had to rein in my desire to mess up her hair and makeup by bending her over the kitchen table before we left. “I don’t know what to say...this is too much but I’m so flattered. Thank you, Nico.”

  I swallowed the lump of pride in my throat. If anyone should be flattered, it was me. I was going to be the luckiest son of a bitch in the room with Lauren on my arm. Speaking of, I gallantly extended my arm for her gloved hand to grasp. “Shall we?”

  “We shall.” She smiled, her brown eyes sparkling.

  Tonight I’d called for a limousine rather than the town car because I wanted Lauren to feel like Cinderella and that I was her prince, but I also wanted more privacy than the town car could provide.

  Her smile deepened as she saw the awaiting stretch. Jepperson opened the door with a deep bow and an appreciative “Very beautiful,” and helped Lauren into the car. I stuffed a hundred-dollar bill into his hand with a grin and he winked. “Y’all have a good time. I won’t wait up.”

  As the door closed behind me, I leaned back to admire the beauty next to me. How could I have ever missed that delicate bone structure, that stubbornly beautiful intellect shining in her eyes? I must’ve been blind to believe Lauren plain in any way.

  Lauren marveled quietly at the luxury, running her fingers lightly down the soft, black leather, smiling with excitement. “I’ve never ridden in a limo before.”

  “And? What do you think?”

  “It doesn’t suck.”

  I laughed at her dry humor. Then I said, “I have a surprise for you.”

  Her eyes widened. “A surprise? Oh, Nico, you’ve already done way too much...”

  I chuckled but this surprise was also a selfish one. “These dinners are notoriously dull, but I think I’ve found a way to liven things up.”

  She frowned, curious as I fished my surprise from my interior jacket pocket. Lauren inhaled sharply, her hand flying to her mouth in shock as she said, “Is that...a...oh my God, what is that?”

  I held in my hand a small, egg-shaped vibrator and the accompanying remote.

  “And just what do you plan to do with that?” she asked, amused.

  “I plan,” I said, leaning forward to brush my lips across her mouth, “to ever so lovingly place this sweet little torture device inside that delicious pussy of yours so that when I feel things are becoming dull, I’ll give it a discreet little flick. The fun part will be watching you squirm knowing there’s nothing you can do to stop the pleasure.”

  “You’re the devil,” she said, but her mouth curved in a delighted smile. I kissed her harder until she was panting and squirming, the heat between us building quickly. My hand found itself up her gown to discover her without panties. She blushed but her brow rose in challenge. A challenge I readily accepted and that made my cock hard. I used her slick wetness to ease the egg past her soft folds and deep inside. I withdrew and slowly licked her wetness from my fingers. She shuddered in response, her gaze as liquid as her slit.

  “Shall we test this sucker out?” I asked, grinning though my cock was already threatening to burst through my pants. She nodded and I flicked the remote, giving her a nice zing. She gasped and gripped the armrest, her cheeks flushing prettily. “Very nice,” I said with approval. “At least we know it works.”

  Lauren laughed, the sound like music to me, and I couldn’t help but kiss her again. At this rate, I’d never make it through dinner without needing to fuck her senseless, but I’d give it a good college try.

  She shocked me by saying in a throaty tone, “Let me suck your cock,” and I couldn’t get my pants down fast enough. My cock sprang free and she was on it within a heartbeat. I closed my eyes with pleasure as her hot mouth worked my cock and her hands cupped my balls, squeezing gently. I groaned, loving the feel of Lauren’s mouth on me, losing myself to the bliss of a killer blowjob. I didn’t want to make a mess on her beautiful dress, but when I tried to make her stop before I blew, she just giggled and kept going.

  How could I not come so hard with a woman who clearly loved sucking cock like Lauren did?

  Yeah, exactly.

  With a guttural grunt, I found my release. Lauren swallowed every drop until I was left gasping for air and nearly springing from my seat from a single teasing swipe of her tongue across the ultrasensitive pulsing head of my cock.

  “I think you might be the devilish one,” I said when I could speak again. To that she just laughed, and I gave the remote a flick, sending a pleasurable bolt straight to her tingly bits.

  “That’s one powerful little egg,” she said with a breathy moan that would’ve made me instantly hard if I hadn’t just blown a wad. “Oh, God...that feels good.”

  Sadly, we’d arrived at our destination and it was time to be adults. I laughed and pocketed the remote in my interior pocket, patting it with a wink. “Just in case things get dull,” I promised, but she and I both knew it was going to be a challenge for me to keep my hands off the remote for the entire night because I loved watching her cheeks flush with pleasure.

  And the fact that only she and I knew what was happening was an incredible turn-on.

  Not that I needed anything else to turn me on when it came to Lauren. Jesus, at this point, I think watching her brush her teeth would probably cause my dick to harden.

  The driver opened our door, and once I climbed out, I helped Lauren, her hand slipping into mine as if it were always meant to be there.

  Pride warmed my insides as I caught enviable glances from the other guests, everyone’s tongues wagging at the mysterious stranger on my arm.

  But to be honest, it wouldn’t have mattered if only Lauren and I were attending this function and there were no other people to admire what a beauty I’d snagged—I didn’t care what anyone else thought.

  “With Fort Knox on my chest, you might need to hire more security,” Lauren murmured, glancing with obvious nervousness around her.

  “You’re safe with me,” I assured her and she relaxed.

  We entered the ballroom filled wall-to-wall with people in designer dresses and tuxedos, and I felt Lauren’s nervousness through the thin sheath of her dress. “People are bound to stare. Keep your head high. You’re the most beautiful woman in the room.”

  “How can you say that?” she whispered. “I think I just saw Gwyneth Paltrow in the corner!”

  I shrugged. “She pales in comparison to you, and I’m not just saying that. I mean it, Lauren. You are exquisite—and not just because that dress clings to your every curve. It’s because you’re something these women could never hope to be.”

  “Yeah? And what’s that?” she asked, dubious.


  A smile broke through her nerves. “You’re really charming when you put your mind to it,” she said, drawing a little bit closer to me. “You ought to write a book on how to charm the pants off women. I’m sure it would be a bestseller.”

  I chuckled but there was only one w
oman I wanted naked at the moment, and she was gracing my arm.

  I took two flutes of champagne from a passing attendant and handed one to Lauren with a small toast. “To an evening filled with surprises...” Lauren smiled and we clinked glasses softly before sipping and surveying the room. I spied plenty of people I wanted to avoid for various reasons, but mostly I wanted to find an empty room, lift Lauren’s skirt around her hips and remind her why we were so good together.

  But if I couldn’t do that...I supposed I ought to go and network for the sake of Donato Inc. After all, sailboats didn’t pay for themselves, and this was how I earned my play money.



  I WAS A fairy princess and Nico was my dirty prince.

  We floated across the dance floor, laughing and smiling as if we were the only two people in the world until Nico flicked the tiny remote and I nearly stumbled into his arms, clinging to him as my body shuddered with pleasure. I clung to Nico, inhaling sharply as I tried not to moan, and he simply chuckled with wicked delight as I struggled to maintain my composure.

  He released the trigger and I nipped at his neck before allowing him to release me. Nico rewarded me with a feral growl that I felt down to my toes.

  It was intensely erotic, and I couldn’t stop smiling.

  We suffered the obligatory small talk when Nico’s presence was required, and after we’d circulated the room enough times, we slipped out of the ballroom and down a quiet hallway, surreptitiously trying doors for one that wasn’t locked.

  Nico found one and we slipped inside, quietly locking the door behind us.

  The room, an office with ornate furnishings inlaid with gilt filigree, was entirely too gaudy for my tastes but I hardly cared about our surroundings. There was one reason and one reason only to be locked in a room with Nico in the dark while the rest of the party prattled on about nonsense.


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