My Rock #7 (The Rock Star Romance Series - Book #7)

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My Rock #7 (The Rock Star Romance Series - Book #7) Page 1

by Taylor, Alycia

  MY ROCK #7


  By Alycia Taylor

  Copyright 2014. All rights reserved.

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  I don’t know how long I stood there, leaning against that bus in the rain. I zoned out for a while, feeling sorry for myself and wondering why I attracted men who wanted nothing from me but sex. Did I give off some kind of slut vibe? My ex, the one who died, he was the only one who ever talked about forever, and look how that turned out. The son of a bitch found the pills more attractive than a life with me and then he left me all alone. After that, while I was trying to deal with it with my own substances, I had a short, but torrid affair with a guy who had never been anything but my friend, Cole. The thing about Cole that was so comforting to me was that we both knew it would never go any further than sex. We knew so much about each other and we knew that a relationship between the two of us would never work. I finally got cleaned up and I haven’t seen him since. I was a little sad to have lost the friendship, but it was better to just make a clean break after we’d crossed that line.

  After doing well on my own for a while…I went and hooked up with Tristan. That was supposed to only be about sex, too. It was supposed to be about satisfying a fantasy I’d had since I was a kid. Stupid, stupid me! I let myself start feeling things for the bastard and there I was, standing in the rain, feeling like a fool. Maybe I was a slut.

  Then, of course, there was still Jake. The uber wealthy record producer, show producer, CEO, and my boss who very casually offered to get you whatever I need if I was willing to sleep with him. The bastard! The one thing I always thought for sure I was doing right was my job. I guess that was not really true though—I slept with Tristan when I wasn’t supposed to and got myself fired for it. Jeez! Jake only confirmed that I was only good for one thing where men were concerned. He’d built me up and made me think I was so good that he wanted to recruit me for his team—his team of chicks that warmed his bed on the road, I guess.

  I finally pulled myself together enough to walk my wet ass back to my own bus. Of course, two of the other girls were still there.

  “Oh my God, Elly! What happened to you, honey? Here, let me get you a towel.” Hannah, one of the nicest of the show’s production crew jumped up to go get a towel. Tammy, the girl who I’d walked out with that night was staring at me.

  “What?” I said, maybe a little too bitchy.

  She had the decency not to smile, but I saw her lips twitch. She continued to stare at me while I dried myself off with the towel Hannah brought me. Finally she said, “Elly, we all know about you and Tristan. I know you were going to hang out with him tonight. It’s okay, we all think he’s hot and we completely understand what you see in him. But, you don’t look like you had much fun tonight. You want to talk about it?”

  I glanced at Hannah and she smiled reassuringly. “Whatever you say is staying right here between us, hon. I’m not a gossip and neither is Tammy. Sometimes it helps to talk about it. Sometimes it doesn’t. It’s entirely up to you.”

  I broke down then and started sobbing. Sweet Hannah, not even worried about getting all wet, put her arm around me and pulled me into her shoulder. I cried again in big, heaving sobs. It was ridiculous. I was not a crier, at all, yet this was the second time that night I turned loose with the water works.

  When I could finally speak I said, “Shit! I’m so sorry. I don’t know what’s wrong with me.”

  Tammy said, “Tell you what, go put on some dry, warm comfy clothes and I’ll make us some hot chocolate. That’ll make you feel better.”

  “Aren’t you guys going out?”

  “Nah, I was planning to stay here all along. It’s too wet out there, I’m not that desperate,” Hannah said with a laugh.

  Then Tammy added, “I am that desperate, but lazy. So I decided not to go, either.”

  That made me laugh. I agreed to change and have hot chocolate with them. I went in and put on a green velour jogging suit and blow dried my hair. I pulled it into a pony-tail and, now fresh-faced and warm and dry, I went back out where the girls were.

  Tammy handed me a cup and I saw that there were mini-marshmallows floating on top and a stick of cinnamon inside the cup. It was just like my mother made it for me when I was a kid. I almost started crying again. I must have been hormonal

  “Thank you, Tammy. It looks yummy.” I sat down with them and after taking a sip and letting the sweet, warm liquid get into my veins and take away that deep, bone-chill I said, “I feel like a fool.”

  “What did he do?” Tammy asked.

  Hannah sat down across from us. She looked so genuinely sympathetic that I didn’t want to look at her. I was afraid she’d make the tears flow again. I looked at Tammy instead and said, “You guys are right…but you know that. I am still seeing Tristan. Worse than that, I was letting him stay with me. We decided to be exclusive a few months ago. I thought things were going good until a few days ago when I found out he’d lied to me about something pretty important. I don’t want to say what that was, it’s his business to tell, but I was hurt. After a couple of days, I decided to suck it up and be the bigger person. I went to him and I actually apologized for accusing him of lying…although I know he lied. I’m an idiot.”

  Looking confused Tammy said, “So is that what you’re upset about tonight?”

  With a sigh I told her, “No, it gets better…or worse, I guess. I forgave him and we were supposed to hang out tonight. When I got there and walked in he was sitting in a chair in nothing but a towel—with a very naked Brooke in his lap.”

  Tammy raised her eyebrows. “Brooke? Contestant Brooke? That Ho!”

  Tammy was obviously not a Brooke fan. Hannah looked thoughtful and said, “You said he knew you were coming? Why would he be messing around with her when he knew you were going to walk in?”

  “I don’t know,” I said. “Either he’s that arrogant, or that stupid, or I am. Maybe he thought if I’d forgive him for lying, I’d forgive him for anything. Maybe he was just so horny he didn’t even consider what I might think or how I’d react. Brooke knew about us a long time ago. She tried to get in his pants and he said no. She threatened to tell and get me fired…that was before I did get fired. Anyways, if he can sleep with her after all that, he doesn’t care about me at all.”

  “Or, Brooke showed up to seduce him….” Hannah said before Tammy interrupted her.

  “But he was in a towel…and Brooke was naked….”

  “What did he tell you happened?” Hannah asked. I took another long drink of the hot chocolate. It felt good as it burned all the way down.

  “He says nothing happened. He says he told her to leave and she wouldn’t.”

  “And why was he in a towel?” Tammy asked.

  I shrugged. I hadn’t really asked him. Brooke could have shown up as he got out of the shower. But why was she naked and why was she on his lap? “The bottom line here, I think, is that Tristan’s a lot bigger and stronger than Brooke. If he didn’t want her on him, fighting her off should have been easy. Why would he let her get in his lap? He had a tent underneath that towel, too, the bastard!”

/>   “Well, that probably means he didn’t fuck her,” Tammy said, searching for the bright side.

  “Yet,” I added. “And if he had no intentions to screw her, why was his dick as hard as a rock?”

  “Well, he is a man,” Hannah said. “He had a naked girl, who is pretty hot, in his bus. Then she sat right down on his lap…an erection is to be expected. If this was Brooke’s plan, she knew it, too.”

  “Why are they all like this?” I asked. I didn’t expect an answer. It was a rhetorical question and they both knew it. We sat there quietly for a while, drinking our hot chocolate and mentally commiserating about men when, suddenly, before I thought it through, I said, “Jake hit on me last night.”

  “Jake our boss?” Hannah said, with wide eyes.

  “Yeah, him,” I said.

  “He’s a perv,” Tammy said.

  “Has he hit on you too?” I asked her.

  “No, he likes the petite ones like you. I’m too much woman for him,” she said with a wink. Tammy wasn’t fat by any means, but she was a big girl. At nearly six foot tall and a hundred and ninety pounds, at least, she cut an imposing figure.

  I laughed and said, “You’re probably right. That and I’m starting to feel like I give off some kind of slut vibe.”

  Tammy laughed at that, but Hannah said, “Oh honey. Don’t think that way about yourself. He’s the one that there’s something wrong with. He’s your boss for crying out loud. He should know better. There are rules against it even.”


  “Yeah, it’s too much like sexual harassment,” she said. “Don’t let him make you feel bad about yourself.”

  “It’s hard not to,” I told them. “I was feeling so good about the job I was doing and now I just feel like he hired me because he wanted to have sex with me.”

  “Oh no! Don’t feel like that, please,” Hannah told me. “Tammy’s right, he really is a perv. I think if he didn’t appreciate your work and he only wanted to sleep with you, he would have used the thing with Tristan against you. If the rumors are true, he sleeps with half the staff. You at least had the integrity to say no.”

  Tammy had her eyebrow raised. I knew what she was thinking. “I said no,” I told her. She grinned and said,

  “I didn’t doubt it.”



  I started to follow Elly out into the rain, but I realized that as much as I didn’t give a fuck what anyone thought, I really shouldn’t risk being seen running around on the back-set butt-ass naked. I ran into the back and slipped on a pair of pajama bottoms. The whole time, Brooke was sitting bare-ass naked in my chair. I walked past her and said,

  “Seriously, Brooke, if you don’t get the fuck out of here, I will drag your naked ass out in the rain.”

  The crazy little bitch smiled at me and said, “Go ahead. I’ll tell them you did things to me against my will and then threw me out. Elly will be my witness that you were naked, too. I think she’s just pissed off enough at you to go for it.”

  Even when I was wasted, I never, ever considered hitting a girl. I wanted to punch Brooke right then though. I wanted to feel her nose crunch underneath my fist and watch her head snap backwards. Who the hell did she think she was? The fucking bitch really needed her ass kicked. I wished that Elly had done it when she was there. I’d have paid money to see that shit.

  “You better be gone when I get back,” I told her as I walked out. The little bitch wasn’t going to intimidate me. The rain was coming down in a torrent. I could barely see my hand in front of my fucking face and it was freezing cold. I couldn’t believe I was out in this shit instead of kicking it in my warm, dry bus with Elly. That was the plan and fucking Brooke had screwed it all up, bad.

  I looked around the bus for Elly, but I didn’t really expect to find her. I would have gone to her bus and tried to talk to her, but she had all those fucking roommates and I really didn’t want everyone on the show to know my business. Instead, spotting the two miserable bastard security officers standing out in the rain I motioned them over. They were both young and buff—probably out of work actors that needed any paycheck to pay their bills in the meantime. Those of us who had been out of work singers felt their pain.

  “Hey man, what’s going on?” The bigger of the two asked me. He had an umbrella, but it didn’t seem to be doing a whole hell of a lot of good; he was still drenched.

  “I have a problem,” I said. “This chick, one of the singers…Brooke…”

  “The hot blonde one with the big tata’s?” the smaller of the two asked.

  “Yeah, that one,” I said. “She’s parked her ass naked on my bus and she’s refusing to leave. She even threatened to cry rape if I hauled her out myself.”

  “Seriously dude?” the big guy asked. “What’s her problem? Is she drunk?”

  “Nah, I think she’s just crazy,” I said.

  “Um, I’m not being nosy but just in case she says something stupid, did you have sex with her?”

  “No, I didn’t touch the bitch. If anything, she violated me.” The two guys snickered at that and I said, “Glad I could fucking amuse you tonight as I stand in the fucking rain. Are you going to get her off my bus or not?”

  “Yeah man, sorry.” They followed me over to the bus and as much as I was hoping she’d left on her own, she was still sitting there, big as life and naked as the day she was born. When she saw security come in with me she reached down for her robe that was still lying on the floor at her feet. I stepped on it. She jumped up and said,

  “What the fuck, Tristan? Get off my robe!”

  “Get off my bus!” I said.

  “Um, miss…we’re going to have to ask you to leave,” the smaller guy said to her tits.

  “He did things to me!” she said.

  “Then why didn’t you put on your clothes and run while he was gone?” the bigger guy said.

  “Fuck you!” she screamed at him. Then she pushed me in the chest and screamed, “Get the fuck off my robe!” The bigger guy grabbed her arm and I stepped back. She turned to wail on him with the other arm, but the smaller guy grabbed it. I bent and picked up her robe and tried to put it across her back but she was twisting and turning and fighting them like a banshee. “You’re going to be sorry, Tristan! I swear! You’re going to be sorry.”

  I stood and watched them carry her out. The chick obviously has mental issues. Fuck! Now Elly was all pissed off at me. She was never going to believe I didn’t fuck that crazy bitch. These were the kinds of things I never wanted to deal with, which was why I’ve never had a fucking girlfriend. Fuck!



  I stayed up late, swapping bad relationship stories with the girls that night. As stereotypical as it sounds, trashing men made me feel a lot better. Hearing that Tammy, and even sweet little Hannah, had the same kinds of problems that I did made me feel like less of a loser magnet. Maybe they were just all losers; who knew?

  It was after one in the morning before I finally passed out for the night, so when my alarm went off at seven a.m. I was in a world of hurt. The first thing I did was look outside. The sun was shining brightly. Too brightly! I shut the blinds again right away and considered pulling the covers back over my head, but I didn’t. I looked over and saw that my bunkmate Lori was already up and out…or maybe she’d stayed out all night? She wasn’t there when I went to bed and I didn’t hear her come in. Anyways, she was a big girl and I didn’t care if she wanted to stay out all night. Maybe she met a guy who wasn’t a loser; I had my own problems to deal with. I pulled myself up out of the bunk and headed in to see if the shower was free. I could hear the other girls talking and smell the coffee brewing. By the time I got out of the shower, I felt almost human.

  After I was dressed, we all went over to the cafeteria on the lot for breakfast. I didn’t see Tristan or Brooke there; I wondered if they were sleeping in after having marathon sex all night. I tried to tell myself that thinking like that wasn
’t helping anyone. It actually made me sick to my stomach to think about it. I did my best to enjoy breakfast and then we headed out to the amphitheater to set up for the show that would be the replacement for the one we’d cancelled the night before. That day and the next were supposed to be days off for us, but the rain stole one. I really wanted to see a little bit of Colorado. I hoped that we didn’t get tomorrow taken away somehow, too.

  As I was having that thought, I looked up and saw Jake. He was standing about six feet away and looking right at me. When I looked up, he smiled. I didn’t smile back; I just turned my head quickly and pretended that I didn’t see him. I could definitely see how he sucked the young girls in. He was so damned good-looking, like a GQ model. As I did my best to ignore him, I couldn’t help but wonder what I was doing to my career. I decided that it didn’t matter though; I wasn’t sleeping with the old pervert or anyone else in order to keep my job.

  The morning passed in a rush of setting up the stage and checking sound. I thanked God that I didn’t draw getting the singers in order. I wasn’t ready yet to face either Tristan or Brooke. We went back to the bus around two to get ready for the night. It was quite an adventure to share one small bathroom with five other women. I spent half an hour on Facebook and twenty minutes on the phone with Susie before it was finally my turn.

  “So how is it going with the new roommate?” I asked her.

  “He’s a boy and he smells,” she complained. I laughed and said,

  “Yes, but does he pay his part of the rent?”

  “Yeah, he does that much at least,” she said.

  “Better than Tristan,” I said, spitefully.

  “Are you two still angry with each other over all that?”

  I considered telling her what he’d done recently, but I felt like I’d talked it to death the night before. It could wait until I had more time to catch up with her. “I’m still angry with him, yes. He’s just a big, lying jerk.”

  “Well, I hope you’re not letting it ruin your trip.”


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