Forgiveness For My Mate: Sassy Ever After (Sanctuary for My Mate Book 1)

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Forgiveness For My Mate: Sassy Ever After (Sanctuary for My Mate Book 1) Page 1

by Terri A. Wilson



  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Sassy Ever After World

  About the Author

  Also by Terri A. Wilson

  Preview of Harmony for My Mate

  Copyright © 2018 by Terri A. Wilson

  Published by M.T. Worlds Press, Inc.

  Winter Springs, FL 32708

  Formatting by: Glowing Moon Designs

  All rights reserved under the International and Pan-American Copyright Conventions. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, places, characters and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to any actual persons, living or dead, organizations, events or locales is entirely coincidental.

  For Cap


  I’ve often said, it takes a village to raise a Terri. I am fortunate enough to have many friends who support me.

  Thank you, Milly, for creating this great opportunity and welcoming me to the group.

  Thank you, Sherry, for all your constant guidance and love.

  Thank you, Erin, Tracey, Tammy, Mel, Tiffany, and Melanie for helping me in the early stages of this story.

  Thank you, Shade for help with the medical questions.

  Thank you, Gregg, for help with the weapons questions.

  Thank you, Jennifer for telling me about this chance and answering all my questions no matter how silly.

  Thank you to my BGP girls. I love you more than sisters.

  And finally, to my family, my mom, The AM Girls, and Cap. I am proud to call you family.

  It was easy to see why people came to the Libre Volare Retreat. The simple elegance of the main lobby in contrast to the vibrant New Mexico landscape overwhelmed Tatum Jackson. The brochure promised a chance to reconnect with her inner-most soul and find the peace she knew existed but never incorporated into her own life. Tatum had extreme doubts that this place would help her connect to anything and would never bring her peace.

  Tatum knew better than to judge any place by the brochure, but Barbara Wolfe promised her this place would help. Not convinced soul-searching would work, she had many doubts. After her accident, though, even simple decisions led to a panic attack. If she wanted to finish her program, this had to work.

  She met Barbara in the hospital cafeteria. The night before she had gone out with friends from the hospital. Two IV banana bags later, she still couldn’t erase the images flashing in her head. Tatum hid in the corner nursing her coffee. Barbara asked to join her. Without meaning to, Tatum told her about her crazy life and the craziness of the previous night.

  Barbara worked hard to convince her that life would get better. No matter how hopeless, there was a solution, and she’d find it at the Libre Volare.

  Tatum didn’t know if it was Barbara’s certainty or her genuine friendship, but after her shift, she talked to her mentor, arranged for a leave of absence, and booked a six-week stay at the retreat.

  “You must be Ms. Jackson,” a voice came from behind.

  Tatum stepped out of her car and saw a young man with a friendly smile as he helped her open the door.

  “My name is Jeff. If there is anything you need, let me know and I’ll be here to help.”

  “Where’s the check-in?”

  “It’s just inside. Maria is at the desk tonight, and she’ll help you check-in. You can leave your car here, but we ask that once you have unpacked, you leave your car in the general parking lot.”

  “Is that so none of us can make a quick get-away?”

  “Excuse me?”

  She smiled. “I’m just talking to myself. Thank you for your help.” Tatum wondered if this was a posh spa. As much as she wanted to relax, she didn’t relish living off of seaweed and lemon water.

  A happy couple walked by in matching terry cloth robes. Another couple carried yoga mats as they rushed through the doors. For half a second, Tatum thought of going home. Her heart wanted to hide away forever, but her brain told her this was her last resort.

  A much too perky blonde stood with too big of a smile waiting for her at the front desk. “Hello, how can I help you this fine evening?”

  Tatum leaned on the counter and opened her bag for her wallet. “My name is Tatum Jackson and I’m here for a six-week stay.” She handed the girl a driver’s license.

  “Oh yes, Ms. Jackson, we’ve been expecting you.” She pushed a few keys on the keyboard, then held up a finger showing that Tatum should wait while she answered the phone.

  Tatum walked around the lobby and found an end table with a pitcher of water. The fruit-infused water tasted nothing like fruit-infused vodka, but it tasted better than the whiskey she drank before bed night after night. Various paintings showcasing points of interest from around the city hung on the wall. A third happy couple sat on a leather couch in front of the large stone fireplace. They sipped from flutes and giggled over an inside joke.

  The blonde from behind the counter approached with an even bigger smile. Tatum thought for sure she must have skipped across the lobby. “We have you all set for the Canyon Cabin. It’s called that because of the view. Once you get settled in, come down here and ask for Caleb. He’ll talk to you about your time here.”

  Should she tip the girl, give her a hug, or make her a daisy chain necklace? “Um, okay. How do I get to the Canyon Cabin?”

  “If you come back to the counter, I can show you a map. Drive your car around to unload, but we ask that you return to the main lot and keep your car parked there.”

  The girl handed Tatum her driver’s license.

  “Do you want me to give you my keys?”

  “No. Why would we want your keys?”

  “I assumed places like this didn’t want you to leave after check-in.”

  “Ms. Jackson, if I understand, you are here by your own free will. People come to Libre Volare looking for something different. If you need to leave, then go ahead.”

  “But then I won’t get credit for completing the program, right?”


  “Credit. A certificate or something.”

  “I’m not sure what you mean.”

  “A friend told me this place guided people to their own spiritual enlightenment. So, aren’t there classes and such?”

  “Perhaps it would be best for you to wait until you talk with Caleb.”

  “Is Caleb my counselor?”

  “Caleb is a part-owner. I’m sure since he’s the one that told us you were coming, he’ll be able to answer your questions.”

  “Well, can you tell me where the bar is?”

  “We don’t have a bar.”

  Tatum closed her bag. “Oh, that’s right. That defeats the purpose of this place.” Tatum pointed to the couple in
front of the fire. “But they’re drinking champagne.”

  “Oh, I’m sorry Ms. Jackson, that’s not champagne. That’s our sparkling apple kombucha. We make it fresh.”

  “There’s no alcohol anywhere around here.”

  “Yes ma’am, that is correct.”

  “That makes more sense. Are you sure you don’t want my keys? Aren’t you afraid I’ll run off into town and find a bar, or junk food?”

  “As I said, I think Caleb would be the better person to answer all your questions. We don’t force anyone to stay.”

  Tatum worried Barbara had talked her into joining a cult. She snapped her fingers in front of Blondie’s face. “You’re Maria, right?”

  “Yes, my name is Maria.”

  “Okay Maria, if you’re being held here against your will, wink once and I will get you out.”

  Maria laughed and offered Tatum another glass of water. “Ms. Jackson, the retreat is not some crazy religious place where we hold people hostage. This is a place of peace and sanctuary.”

  “Well, if you say so. Let me get myself unpacked, and I’ll come back and meet with Caleb. Do I have an appointment?”

  Tatum took off her sunglasses and put them in her purse.

  “Oh, Ms. Jackson. Are you okay?”

  Tatum forgot about the black eye, a little reminder of her last night out with friends. Embarrassed, she put on her glasses again.

  “Yes, I’m fine. You were saying?”

  Maria looked at the clock behind the counter. “His yoga class ends in about forty-five minutes. That will give you plenty of time to unpack and relax.”

  Tatum grabbed her bag and tossed it over her shoulder. “What’s your success rate of this place?”

  “Success rate? All our guests that come here, find what they need. We don’t keep track of people’s personal journeys. Only you, Ms. Jackson, will determine your success.”

  Tatum mumbled a smart-ass remark then headed for her car. Since she forgot to get the map, she drove around the complex to find her cabin.

  The top two floors above the reception area looked similar to a hotel. Behind that building sat a cluster of small cabins with a bigger cabin in the center. She circled the community pool twice before noticing the signs pointing to the Canyon Cabin.

  The cabin stood isolated from the rest of the campus. She wondered if this is where they put their troubled clients. An isolated cabin away from the crowd sounded like heaven. It seemed fitting. She was a big screw-up. Her whole life came crashing down in one night. Keeping her separate would squelch any negative influence she might have on the other guests.

  She took her suitcase from the trunk and walked up the porch. A bird screeched. A white falcon flew across the sky and landed on the porch railing staring at her.

  “Are you telling me this place is for the birds?” She snickered at the joke. Waving her arms didn’t scare the bird. “Are you the welcoming committee? Is this your house or something?”

  She slammed the door closed then jerked it open to see if the bird was still there. It cocked its head and Tatum thought for sure she heard laughter.

  “Maybe I should lay off the alcohol. Even the birds are laughing at me.”

  She never imagined a spiritual retreat with cabins as beautiful as this one. She pictured cold concrete rooms with minimal furniture or even a platform bed resting on the floor. This cabin felt like a home. It was designed with one main room as a living area, a kitchen and dining space, and a bedroom on the opposite side. The vaulted ceiling made the room appear larger than it was. Whether or not this facility worked, Tatum would be comfortable. Maybe Barbara knew what she was talking about after all.

  After unpacking, she went back to the main building and sat in front of the fireplace. Sitting at a spiritual retreat was the last place she thought she’d ever be. After breezing through college and med school, she never took the time to relax and reflect before jumping into the program at her hospital. She aced her first years. All her hard work paid off, as she neared the end of her program and already had a few offers for big hospitals.

  In all that time, she never stopped to think about anything other than work. Now here she was at a place designed to do nothing but think about herself and her role in life.

  This wouldn’t work. She checked her watch. If she got on the road now, it would be close to midnight before she got home.

  She headed to the door, distracted thinking about the trip home.

  “Oh, excuse me,” a male’s voice interrupted her thoughts. “I almost ran into you.”

  She looked up as he sidestepped around her. Her breath caught in her throat when she saw his smile and blue eyes. He wore a tight t-shirt outlining broad shoulders and muscled arms.

  Embarrassed she replied, “Um, sorry.”

  “No worries. You were deep in thought. It happens. I won’t break that easily.”

  No, you won’t.

  “Are you checking in or out?”

  “I just got here.”

  “Great. Enjoy your stay.” He waved over his shoulder as he walked away.

  Tatum stood outside the automatic door and took a deep breath. If she stayed here and lived off of kale and water while doing yoga, it couldn’t be as bad as returning home and dealing with the backlash of her night out.

  She went back in and waited for Caleb.

  When he walked into the lobby, he noticed the lady he saw earlier at the cabin sitting on the couch. She was stunning. It made him laugh remembering how she shooed him away. She showed no fear and a lot of sass. His heart raced when he saw her stand. He’d seen that same expression before on other people. He stepped in and hopefully prevented her from leaving.

  Connor knocked on his brother’s office door. They’d scheduled an after-dinner meeting, but he wanted to reschedule. After a non-stop day, he wanted to go to bed. A small trip over the compound pacified his falcon, but they both wanted more. Morning flights were his favorite, but a long flight would help him sleep better. His business travels provided limited opportunities to shift. He needed more time to stretch his wings and wander above the canyon.

  It surprised him to find an opened door. He went in, sat down, and waited. His brother’s space was much more elaborate than his and it never suited him. Caleb often told him he needed an office like this to impress the guests, but Connor spent most of his time off-site and updating social media. He never had to impress anyone with his office.

  Connor was the youngest of three brothers. Cameron and Caleb were twins and only a year older, but they acted ten years older than him. He joined his two brothers at Libre Volare Retreat two years ago after he left his modeling career behind in New York City. The retreat struggled since opening. Connor brought a knowledge of marketing and recognizable face and soon turned the retreat around. The brothers would never admit it, but he knew they appreciated what he did.

  A soft knock distracted him from a dated magazine he found on Caleb’s coffee table.

  “Oh, it’s you. Are you Caleb?”

  She hesitated at the door and Connor thought of answering yes. “No, I’m sorry. I’m his brother, Connor. Did you have a meeting with him?”

  “Yes, Maria told me to meet him here after his yoga class.”

  Connor stood and motioned for her to sit on the couch across from him. “You’re welcome to wait for him. He shouldn’t be much longer.”

  This woman seemed agitated and checked her watch a lot. She took off her sunglasses and jacket. Her blue eyes looked tired; worried, and it was hard to miss the fading black ring around her left eye. Her small frail arms and narrow shoulders appeared breakable. Her loose-neck t-shirt gaped open when she leaned forward to grab a magazine. He noticed she didn’t wear a bra and turned away when he saw her small breasts.

  “Do you work here too?” she asked. She ducked her head trying to hide the black eye.

  Embarrassed he said, “Yes, I’m the marketing department.”

  “You’re the entire department? You must be

  “Well, that’s one way of looking at it.”

  She thumbed through a magazine. When the clock chimed six, she startled. The magazines fell to the floor. Their heads collided when they cleaned up the mess.

  “Sorry. I can be such a klutz sometimes.”

  He placed the magazines back on the table, in a somewhat neat pile then fanned them out the way Caleb liked.

  “Don’t worry about it. These magazines are outdated and need to go, but my brother never throws away anything.”

  He watched her sink back to the couch and found it odd. The falcon inside him woke up and watched too. When she crossed her legs, he couldn’t help but notice the bones protruding from her ankles. Was this gorgeous woman sick? It reminded him of the runway models he’d worked with before. Was she anorexic? It wasn’t his place to pry.

  He tried not to stare but his falcon grew more curious with every move she made. His falcon never paid attention to other women the way he did this one. What was it about this woman?

  “Perhaps I should come back,” the woman said.

  “I’m sure he’ll be here in just a minute. His class ended at six.” Connor sensed the woman’s uneasiness and was afraid she would leave if he didn’t change her mind. “Are you from someplace local?”

  “I’m not from too far. It took about six hours to drive here.”

  “You must be Ms. Jackson. Sorry to keep you waiting.” Caleb breezed in and sat the duffel bag on his desk. Connor jumped up like a kid with his hand in the cookie jar.


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