The Wanted Cowboy (Cowboys After Dark Book 5)

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The Wanted Cowboy (Cowboys After Dark Book 5) Page 9

by Maggie Carpenter

  Smoothing his comforting hand across her burnt backside he knew he couldn’t allay the sting very much, nor did he want to, but it would help her compose herself.

  “Such a sorry girl,” he purred.

  “I am, I really am so sorry,” she whimpered, but it was worth it to be here with you. I’m still glad I did it.

  “You’re gonna have to sit behind me on Ghost when we ride out tonight,” he reminded her as he helped her curl up into this lap. “I don’t think it’s gonna be real comfortable.”

  “I walked all the way here, maybe I should walk back,” she suggested. “I can’t imagine sitting on anything.”

  “It’s a few hours yet, you might feel differently by then.”

  “If someone had told me a month ago that I’d be on the run with a wanted cowboy, hiding out in the Anderson’s ranch with my ass stinging like the blazes because he put me over his knee, I’d have told them they were ready for the looney bin.”

  “I gotta tell you, Tess, I never thought somethin’ like this would ever happen to me,” he sighed. “I’ve always lived a good life, got in a bit a trouble in my teens but that’s normal, and I’ve worked hard, done right by people. Just goes to show, you never know what life’s gonna throw at you.”

  Curling against his chest she closed her eyes.

  “It’s not fair,” she breathed. “The only reason I’m sittin’ here with a sore ass is because someone framed you.”

  “No, Tess,” he chuckled, “the reason I spanked you good and hard is cos you broke a very important promise, like I said, two important promises. You’d better fix your thinkin’ girl.”

  “I guess you’re right,” she mumbled.

  “This is gonna end one way or another,” he sighed. “I’ll be able to get the truth outta Patty or I won’t, and I’ve got a feelin’ I don’t have long to do it.”

  “Luke,” she said softly, “I feel really close to you right now, would you take me in the bedroom?”

  “Sure honey,” he crooned. “A spankin’ can do that, but just know there might be a time when I’ll say no, or tease you for a whole lotta time and then still say no.”

  “Why?” she frowned, lifting her head and staring at him with big eyes.

  “Cos there’s more than one way to punish a naughty girl. That’s an old line but it’s as true today as the first time someone spoke it. Come on, walk carefully, remember your ankle,” he smiled, and taking her hand as they left the couch he led her into the bedroom.

  He began to strip, and watching her crawl on to the bed he admired his handiwork; he had woven a tapestry of bright red blotches across the width and breadth of her bottom.

  “Stay on your hands and knees,” he said huskily as he climbed on the bed and kneeled up, his cock in his hand ready and eager.

  “I’m so wet,” she moaned touching between her legs, “I don’t remember ever feeling this needy.”

  “Spread your legs, darlin’,” he purred, “nice and wide.”

  As she shuffled her knees apart he stared lustily at the glistening pussy between her thighs. His cock was raging, not just from having delivered a serious walloping, but because of the sweet loving attitude that was emerging from her, an almost little girl softness that he’d not seen before. A part of him wanted to make slow, adoring love to her, and he would, but at another time; he could sense her urgency, and it was one he shared.

  Placing his cock in position he thrust home, then clutching her hips he stroked, slowly at first, relishing the feel of her delicious pussy wrapping around him, her succulent warm wetness, and the soft moans of pleasure as she arched her back inviting more.

  “Feel good, darlin’?” he purred.

  “So unbelievably good,” she moaned, “like, amazingly good.”

  Her pussy was slurping him up, and pumping with stronger and harder thrusts, gazing at her raspberry bottom, his cock signaled that it was building towards its moment, and if he kept up the pace there would be no stopping the inevitable.

  “Tell me when you’re getting ready,” he panted as he slowed, not wanting to continue at such a heady pace.

  “Oh, Luke, please go back to what you were doing,” she begged. “Fuck me hard.”

  She bucked back at him to underscore her lewd request, but rather than grant the plea he thrust forward, burying himself and remaining still, and as one hand held her cheek apart, he touched her back hole with the other.

  “Aaaah, Luke, no,” she whimpered.

  Smiling, he released the cheek and withdrew his finger, then returned to the job at hand.

  “Don’t worry, Tess, you’ll get there,” he promised.

  Mortified, she groaned her response.

  What was he thinking? He can’t mean to-

  But when a sharp thrust plunged forward she lost all thought, tumbling into his strong, powerful, quick strokes. She could sense her balloon building, and gripping the sheets she clenched her teeth as she chased it; the pending release was big and thrilling, and she wanted it desperately.

  “I can feel you,” he muttered, “I can feel you reaching. Don’t try, just let it wash over you.”

  Letting out a long breath she did as he said, focusing on his cock and his pelvis slapping against her hot, sore bottom; moments later it was upon her, a ripple moving through her body, and the ripple grew into a wave, then a bigger wave, and she was at the crest as it broke.

  Luke heard the catch of her breath, he felt the sudden tightening of her pussy, and when she threw back her head and let out a strange, high-pitched cry he dropped her hips and grabbed her plump cheeks, squeezing them as he groaned her name, fucking her with a few last robust strokes before his climax raged through him.

  It was a jerking, embracing release, and when his flaccid member finally fell away, he collapsed next to her as she dropped on to her stomach.

  Breathless, heart pounding, he closed his eyes as she flung an arm across his chest. He smiled as it landed, thinking how perfect they were together. Tess was everything he knew she would be, perhaps even more, and he yearned for the day his freedom would be returned, and they could truly share a life together.

  How the hell am I gonna fix this damn thing? Patty will never tell me the truth, why would she? She obviously hates me to have done somethin’ so wicked, and even if I could get her to tell me all the gory details what can I do with them? No-one would believe me anyway, they didn’t before, they sure as hell won’t now. She has to tell the story to tell someone else, someone she thinks she can trust, someone she thinks feels the same way about me that she does…

  …and as the post-orgasmic bliss began to engulf him, he had an inkling of an idea.


  Night was falling and Luke had a problem. His saddle would leave no room for Tess to sit behind him, and while the two of them could sit on Ghost bareback, Luke was loathe to leave his expensive saddle behind. Returning for it the following day was a risk he didn’t want to take, and with his large ornately engraved initials on the saddle flaps, if someone were to stumble across it would only be a matter of time before it was determined to whom the saddle belonged; LL weren’t exactly common initials.

  “I know exactly what to do. I’ll go home and get Dusty,” Tess suddenly proclaimed.

  “Dusty? I don’t understand,” Luke frowned.

  “My mare, she’s out in the pasture with some other horses. Dad’s ranch is next this one, remember? No-one will even notice she’s gone. All I need is a halter and lead rope. I ride her bareback like that all the time.”

  “You, Tess Harper, are a genius,” he exclaimed.

  She had washed her clothes, but they would not be enough protection for the cold night air, so she convinced him she should borrow the thick wool shirt which hung on her like coat.

  “It was in one of the back rooms,” she’d declared. “I’ll bet it was left behind by a visitor.”

  “Still, we need to return it once this is all over, in person if need be,” Luke said gravely.
  “Of course,” she nodded, then added wistfully, “but I do love it.”

  Making sure all trace of them had been erased inside the lodge, they climbed on Ghost bareback and began the short ride to the back fields of the Turner ranch, and would return only to saddle up Ghost for the ride back to Luke’s homestead.

  In spite of her tender bottom, sitting behind Luke with her arms around his waist and her head resting on his back, Tess was enjoying every minute of their trek. Embraced by the quiet, still night, watching the sky transform into a black slate with tiny pinpricks of light, she felt herself being lulled into a calm peace, and holding the man with whom she was falling madly in love she could think of nowhere on earth she’d rather be.

  Luke too, was delighting in the short journey. In spite of their earlier lovemaking, Tess’s body pressed against his back was stirring his cock, and he was tempted to jump from his horse, pull her on to the ground and have his way with her in the cold night air, the diamond sky and silver crescent moon watching over them.

  “When this is over I’m gonna take you and a couple of blankets to the back paddocks of my ranch,” he promised.

  “A nighttime picnic?” she whispered, lifting her head and placing her lips to his ear. “That sounds divine.”

  “Yep, maybe pack a bottle of real good wine and some kind of decadent dessert,” he continued, “and some fun toys to play with.”

  “Toys? What kind of toys?” she asked feigning innocence.

  “That’ll be a surprise, but I think you’ll enjoy them, at least, eventually.”

  “Eventually? What does that mean?” she giggled.

  “You’ll find out.”

  “I wish we had a blanket right now, I wish we didn’t have to worry about being seen, I wish our lives were normal, I wish-”

  “Hey,” he interrupted, “those wishes will all come true, keep the faith. I’ve got a plan in my head, it needs to ferment a bit but I think it’ll work.”

  “I hope so,” she sighed.

  “Isn’t that the gate?” he asked, pulling Ghost to a stop.

  Peering over his shoulder she nodded her head.

  “Yes, that’s it,” she smiled.

  Sliding off Ghost she unhooked the halter and lead rope they’d attached to the saddle, and walked the few yards ahead, staring out across the field searching the small herd for her mare.

  “Dusty,” she called, her voice clear in the dark silence.

  A moment later the sound of cantering hooves told them Dusty was on her way, and sure enough, the small stocky quarter horse, her mane flying and her head tossing, emerged from the group.

  “She’s sure happy to see you,” Luke chuckled.

  “It’s mutual,” Tess laughed, and opening the gate Tess hurried up to her feisty mare, slid the halter over her head, and led her out of the field, securely closing the gate behind her.

  “Let me get this lead rope fixed right,” Tess muttered as she looped the lead rope around Dusty’s neck creating a makeshift rein.

  Luke watched, admiring the calm, deft manner in which Tess dealt with her horse. She was a natural, and Dusty remained perfectly still as Tess worked with the rope and halter, then in one graceful, balletic movement she swung herself up on to the horse’s back, letting out a small “ouch” as she landed.

  “That was impressive,” Luke grinned.

  “Been doing it all my life,” she smiled.

  “I’ll bet that’s the first time it hurt,” he quipped.

  Shooting him a look that said, ‘smart-ass’, she clucked and kicked, sending her mare galloping forward.

  Thrilled to be ridden the mare bucked and played as it took off across the field, and as Luke pushed Ghost into a gallop to catch up he couldn’t help but admire Tess’s riding ability. Though she had no stirrups for support she was able to remain balanced and centered on Dusty’s back in spite of the mare’s frolicking.

  “Hey, slow down,” he called as he drew closer. “It’s a long ride back, we need to pace ourselves.”

  Slowing Dusty to a trot, then a walk, Tess spun her head around and grinned back at him.

  “Not my fault if your horse can’t keep up,” she laughed.

  Falling into step Luke laughed along with her.

  “Your mare is somethin’,” he remarked. “What a great little horse.”

  “She is, she’s really brave.”

  “Like her owner,” Luke smiled.

  An unexpected rush of shyness swept over her, accompanied by a warm blush, and not knowing what to say she leaned across and patted Dusty’s neck. Luke saw it as another sign of the sweet, modest girl who lived inside the sometimes reckless, sometimes bratty, and sometimes spoiled woman.

  It was a quick visit back to the hunting lodge to tack up Ghost, and as they left it behind them, Tess let out a wistful sigh.

  “It was only one night, but it was a night I’ll never forget,” she said softly as they rode up the hill upon which she’d fallen and twisted her ankle.

  “Neither one of us,” he remarked. “Maybe once I’ve cleared my name old man Anderson will let me rent for it a weekend.”

  “I’m sure he would,” Tess nodded. “You worked for him forever. Didn’t he step up as a character witness at your trial?”

  “Yep, he was the only one, even though he thought you and Tyler should be an item, just like your dad did. Those two had you and Tyler hitched the day you were born.”

  “Best laid plans,” she grinned. “Tyler was never my type, not even when we were kids.”

  “Is that so,” he commented, “and what’s your type?”

  Glancing across at him she cocked her head to one side and winked.

  “I think I’m just finding that out,” she replied.

  He winked back, and the time passed quickly as they journeyed through the night, chatting about everything from simple things like the weather, to the ease with which Luke had been unjustly tried and convicted.

  When they reached the top of the low hill that would drop them down to the back of Luke’s ranch, he paused, staring out across the terrain, searching for any sign of a strange car that might be staking out his home. Seeing nothing of place Luke pulled out his phone, texting Robbie that they’d be at the back of the barn in a few minutes.

  As he dropped his phone back in his pocket, Tess leaned across the space between them and touched his arm.

  “Wait,” she said, a catch in her voice.

  “What is it?” he frowned, worried she may have seen something in the shadows that he’d missed.

  “I feel so, I don’t know, sad,” she whispered. “We’re going back into the reality of the town, and you’ll be chasing the culprit, and dealing with everything again. I’m scared. The lodge was like a fairy tale, I felt as if no-one could hurt us there.”

  “Hey,” he said tenderly, “this is all gonna work itself out,” and moving Ghost close to Dusty, holding his reins in one hand, he brought the other to the back of her head, and leaning across the narrow space between them he brought his lips to hers.

  The lingering, loving kiss enveloped Tess in a tingling warmth, and as their mouths mingled longingly, their tongues lightly touched, sending her pulse racing and her butterflies fluttering. His mouth was full and moist, his hand on the back of her head firm and sure, and when he pressed with greater fervor, his lips suddenly demanding, she moaned as an aching need surged through her sex.

  Breaking away he sighed heavily, still clutching her neck.

  “Tess,” he breathed.

  The intense blaze in his eyes, the grip of his hand, the sparkling passion he was radiating, relayed the truth in his soul, and with her heart thundering she whispered,

  “Me too.”


  Robbie had been waiting at the barn, and while Luke and Tess settled the horses for the night, Robbie drove around Luke’s old, rarely used Buick. Robbie’s bright red truck was too visible, and the reliable old Buick, with its dark green color, would b
lend into the night.

  “Now I know why you kept this old thing,” Robbie chuckled as he watched them climb into the back seat.

  “Yep, I figured I’d be in trouble with the law one day,” Luke laughed.

  “How long have you had it?” Tess asked.

  “I guess about ten years, haven’t really thought about it,” Luke replied. “She’s just a good old girl who’s never given me any trouble. Never saw any reason to sell ’er. Sure am glad now.”

  With Luke and Tess crouched down in the back seat, Robbie drove slowly forward and out the front gate, constantly scanning for hidden cars that might be watching the ranch.

  “I don’t see anything,” he muttered as he headed down the desolate road, “and no-one’s followin’.”

  “Have you called Dwayne yet? Does he know we’re comin’?” Luke asked.

  “No, I wanted to make sure we were gonna make it,” Robbie replied. “No sense gettin’ him all wired and ready if somethin’ went wrong. Figured I’d call him after we drive around the block a couple of times.”

  “That works,” Luke agreed.

  In the guest room of Tess’s house, the melody of Sweet Home Alabama unexpectedly exploded through the air, jolting Dwayne from a sound sleep. Gasping from the shock he stared at his phone, then shaking his head he hurriedly grabbed it.

  “Hello?” he said urgently.

  “Sorry to wake you, Dwayne, it’s Robbie. I’m dropping off two friends in the alley at the back of the house. Could you please unlock the back door and keep your dog quiet? We’re about two minutes away, and Dwayne, don’t turn on any lights.”

  “Huh? Oh, yeah, right, I’ll be there,” he stammered, dang, did I leave any dishes, no, all washed up, everything else okay? Yeah, newspaper on the coffee table, no biggie.

  Pulling on his jeans and a T-shirt he hastily put a collar on Rex, attached the leash, and walked him to the back door; as long as the dog was on a leash he was quiet. It was something Dwayne hadn’t been able to understand, but since the day he’d rescued him from the animal shelter that’s how the dog had behaved.

  Unlocking the back door he peered into the dark back yard. Rex whined, pricking his ears, and Dwayne knew Tess and Luke were close.


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