The Wanted Cowboy (Cowboys After Dark Book 5)

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The Wanted Cowboy (Cowboys After Dark Book 5) Page 18

by Maggie Carpenter

  “Just two, just like I said,” he reminded her, seeing her eyes staring at it, “but they’ll count, believe me, but they’re not comin’ unless you ask for ’em.”

  “S-Sir?” she stammered.

  “You heard me, I’m not repeatin’ myself,” he said sternly.

  “Please will you, uh, punish me?” she quivered.

  “How exactly?” he pressed.

  “P-Please, will you spank me with your b-belt?” she managed.

  “You honestly want me to? Think about that before you answer, don’t say yes just because you think that’s what I wanna hear.”

  Tess closed her eyes and felt how provocatively she was posed. Her bottom was poised to take the discipline, and she wanted it, she actually, really, wanted it.

  “Yes, Sir, I do, I know what I did was totally wrong,” she admitted, her voice tremulous.

  “Good, that’s good, Tess,” he praised, then walking across to stand at her side he teased the belt along the center of her bottom. He saw her clench in fear, and raising it up, he held it for a moment, then whipped it down.

  Tess howled as she threw back her head, squeezing her eyes shut, then clenched her teeth; the leather had bit her skin with fire, and had hurt so much more than his hand. She’d barely dropped her head back down when it struck again, landing the blow just below the first.

  “OOOOH,” she wailed as she kicked out a foot, “that really hurts.”

  Throwing the strap on the bed he took her by the elbow, and helping her up he led her to the corner of the room, ignoring her utterances of pain.

  “Kneel down, hands behind your head,” he directed firmly. “You stay there, stare at the floor and think. Think about your smartin’ bottom and why I took the belt to you, think about the danger you put everyone in, includin’ yourself, think about how willful you’ve been, you think real hard, and when I come back you’re gonna tell me everything that went through that willful head of yours.”

  “Yes, Sir,” she mumbled.

  “You might hear a knock at the front door, that’s for me. You just keep your mind focused.”

  “Yes, Sir,” she promised.

  Stepping away Luke studied the sorry young woman and felt his heart swell. She was unbelievably fractious, sassy as anyone he’d ever met, but he adored her and had to admit her unpredictably was part of her charm.

  But you need some reinin’ in, some serious reinin’ in. Time you were taught some boundaries.

  Leaving the bedroom and firmly closing the door behind him he headed back into the kitchen to pour himself a second cup of coffee. He’d just picked up the coffee pot when there was a knock at the front door, and though he was expecting Robbie he knew it couldn’t be him; he’d still be at least ten minutes away.

  Moving quickly through the living room he answered the door, and found himself looking at a handsome young man who immediately smiled and offered his hand.

  “You must be Luke Larson. Sorry to arrive unannounced at your doorstep like this. I’m Daniel…Daniel Griswald. Jeb Parker told me I’d find you here. I tried calling Tess’s number but there was no answer.”

  “Daniel, please, come in,” Luke replied shaking his hand. “I only have a minute but I’m really happy to meet you. Sorry about the phone. Tess turned it off last night so she could get some sleep.”

  “I only have a minute myself,” Daniel replied. “I’m headed home. There’s some legal work to get done so my brother can be released. The Sheriff said I’d probably have to come back here, but right now getting my brother freed is the most important thing so I’m heading out of town right away.”

  “I don’t know your whole story, but I know enough. That Patty, she really is a sociopath,” Luke scowled.

  “Yeah, really bad, but I’m here because I wanted to thank you. If you hadn’t been brave enough to skip the pen and come back here to clear your name who knows what would’ve happened. I doubt I’d be heading home to get my brother out of jail right now.”

  “Hey, just a lucky coincidence, and I should be thankin’ you. Just curious though, how did you plan on nailin’ her? She’s a real cagey fish.”

  “I wasn’t sure, but when I met her she started flirting with me like crazy, and I figured she was probably going to do the same thing to me that she did to my brother so I played along. To be honest, after I met her I thought I’d have an opportunity to tie her up and blindfold her during sex, then I was going to totally search her house.”

  “Just as well you didn’t,” Luke said gravely. “That cabin was rigged so it would seriously hurt anyone who snooped.”

  “So I found out,” Daniel replied, grimly. “Anyway, thanks, Luke, I wish you all the best,” he continued, and pulling out his wallet he withdrew a card. “If you ever need anything, anything at all, please call me.”

  “Back at ya,” Luke smiled, “but I don’t have a card. I’m listed though.”

  “I’d best be on my way. Stay safe, and my love to Tess.”

  “Thanks, Daniel, and say hello to your brother for me, tell him I know exactly how he’s been feelin’.”

  “Maybe you two should meet up sometime, compare notes,” Daniel suggested.

  “Maybe we should, and I think I hear my foreman’s truck pullin’ up out front. Bye, Daniel, safe drive.”

  As Daniel headed out, passing Robbie on the path, they stopped for a quick hello, then Robbie hurried up to the door.

  “Here you go,” Robbie declared, handing a large brown leather bag over to Luke.

  “Thanks, Robbie. I’ll be home tomorrow mornin’, home for good,” he grinned. “Let’s plan on takin’ a ride out to check all that fencing in the back west paddock. With the storm we just had it should looked at.”

  “Oh, man, Luke, that sounds great. Never thought I’d be so chuffed about going out and checkin’ fences,” Robbie chuckled.

  “Thanks for bringin’ this over,” Luke nodded.

  “No problem, see you tomorrow.”

  Closing the door Luke took the bag to the coffee table and settled on the couch. The handles were locked together with a heavy-duty combination padlock, and spinning the dial he freed the padlock and pulled them apart, opening the bag. Staring inside he saw his array of butt plugs, vibrators, massage oils, a couple of straps, and other items that he’d collected over the years; sighing heavily a smile crossed his lips.

  “Hello, old friends, it’s pretty damn great to see you again,” he murmured.

  Reaching inside he retrieved a small butt plug, a bottle of lube, and a blindfold, then closing the bag he stood up and made his way to the bedroom.

  All right, Miss Turner, time for a little dose of humility. This should get your attention.


  “Close your eyes,” he ordered as he walked up behind her.

  His voice startled her. She hadn’t heard his footsteps or the sound of the door opening…she’d heard nothing at all…her entire being had been focused on her broken promises. Shutting her eyes she felt the silk caress her eyelids, and caught her breath as he tied the blindfold securely at the back of her head.

  “Stay there for the moment,” he directed. “What have you got to say for yourself?”

  “I’m sorry I didn’t listen to you. I broke a promise, several promises. Worse, I broke them knowing it because I thought I knew better. I was totally wrong, and uh…” she paused.

  “And what?” he pressed.

  “I think maybe, I, uh, was testing you,” she whispered.

  “Ah, thank you for telling me that,” he said kindly, not surprising, and you probably will again.

  “I have learned my lesson,” she declared.

  “Perhaps, but I’m not so sure,” he remarked.

  Taking her by the elbow he helped her up, led her to the bed and sat down, standing her at the side of his legs.

  “I think you need a serious dose of humility,” he declared. “I know you can’t see but you can feel the edge of my legs. Lean forward and lay o
ver lap.”

  “Are you going to spank me some more?” she bleated.

  “You’ll find out what I’m going to do in a minute, now just do as you’re told and get over my knee,” he scolded.

  As she tilted tentatively forward he guided her over his thighs, and stared down at the two red stripes gracing her backside.

  Nothing quite so lovely as a striped bottom, especially one so deserving.

  “Reach back and give me your hand,” he ordered.

  Confused by the instruction she wriggled as she moved her arm behind her, and as he wrapped his fingers around her wrist and placed her palm on her seat cheek she felt a cold shudder.

  Crap, what’s he going to do? Please, not what I think.

  “You tell me you’ve learned your lesson so let’s see just how obedient you can be,” he said gravely. “Like I said, you need a dose of humility and that’s what you’re gonna get, now pull your cheek out, show yourself to me.”

  “Oooh, Sir,” she moaned.

  “You don’t have to. You can say no, I’ll pack up my lucky hat and leave and we can go about our separate lives. Up to you, I’m going to count to three. If you’ve obeyed me by then we’ll keep going, but if not I’ll let you up and be on my way, no harm, no foul. One..two…”

  “Wait, stop, I understand,” she interrupted, and gritting her teeth she did as he’d asked.

  “Good girl,” he said softly. “Keep it there.”

  Unscrewing the small plastic bottle of lube, he picked up the butt plug and squeezed a dollop on its tip, then placed it against her frightened back door. She moaned loudly, but he continued the lewd attention, moving it around and slightly pressing forward.

  “I’m going to insert this, and you’ll cooperate by opening up for me. I’m going to count to three then push. I hope you’ll show me what I want to see.”

  He was met by a strange mewing sound, and not sure how she’d react he began to push. Initially she winced, but then he heard a deep sigh, and to his delight she surrendered, allowing the plug to slip into place.

  “Humiliating isn’t it?” he asked firmly.

  “Yes, Sir, very,” she mewed.

  “Just what a disobedient, willful girl needs, and you can expect this every time you pull some of your, ‘I know better’ nonsense, you understand?”

  “Yes, Sir,” she muttered woefully.

  “If there’s a next time it’ll be four stripes with the belt, longer in the corner, then a bigger plug. You might want to think about that if you’re tempted to ignore my wishes, especially when I’m very clear. Got it?”

  “Definitely,” she groaned.

  “Release your cheek, then kneel in front of me.”

  Dropping her hand away she maneuvered herself off his lap, and feeling where his legs were she positioned herself as he’d instructed.

  “You don’t deserve any pleasure yet, perhaps tonight if you’re an exceptionally good girl. You said you wanted to make things up to me. How do you think you can do that?”

  “Uh, I could, uh, pleasure your cock, Sir,” she whispered, hoping she’d guessed right.

  “Yep, that’d be good, but I think you should ask me for permission, after all, as much as I would enjoy it don’t you think it’s a privilege?”

  “Yes, Sir, of course, Sir,” she said quickly. “Please may I have the privilege of pleasuring your cock with my mouth?”

  “Since you asked me so nicely,” he murmured, standing up and quickly peeling of his jeans, throwing them behind him on the bed, “yep, you go right ahead.”

  Sitting back on the bed he presented his swollen member to her lips, and relishing the moment he stared down at her as she wrapped her mouth around his shaft, then gently began to move.

  Though it was uncomfortable, Tess couldn’t deny the butt plug was having an odd effect, sending wave after wave of deep submissive energy through her being. Sliding him to the back of her throat she swallowed, creating a soft sucking sensation, and when his hand landed on the back of her head to direct her rhythm she felt herself sink even more deeply into her surrender.

  “Very good, Tess, that’s how a good, obedient girl behaves. I’ve decided I’m gonna spank you every Sunday night, and finish it off with that plug,” he decreed. “Let’s see if that keeps your willful brat under control.”

  The news sent a fire through her belly. As he pushed her into a faster pace she lustily obliged, licking, sucking, and surging down on him with unbridled energy, cupping his balls with her free hand.

  Luke gulped from the tantalizing surprise, and feeling his climax building, not wanting to explode in her mouth until he’d trained her to accept his cream as he preferred, he clutched a handful of hair and gently pulled her back.

  “Now jerk me,” he softly ordered, “keep that other hand on my balls and jerk my cock.”

  Gazing down he sank into the tingling pleasure, and when his cock responded to her artful fingers, exploding across them, he groaned deeply; the session had been a milestone, and a unique celebration of their future now opening up before them.

  “I’ll get you a warm wash cloth,” she purred standing up.

  Shifting himself back on the mattress he closed his eyes as he rested his head on the soft, down pillow. She returned a moment later, and after gently wiping him clean she climbed on the bed to nestle next to him.

  “Sir?” she mewed.

  “Hmmmm?” he mumbled.

  “How long do I have to wear this thing?”

  “Until I decide to take it out,” he replied.

  “Oh, of course,” she sighed. “Silly question.”

  “That phone’s gonna ring soon and I’m gonna have to dress and go be a good citizen at the court house.”

  “What a great thing,” she mumbled.

  “Yep, a great thing,” he agreed, “but before it does there’s somethin’ else I need to talk about, and that somethin’ is you and me.

  Tess’s heart began a dance.

  Now what? Shit, is this going to be a good thing or a bad thing? Is he going to say he needs space, or time to adjust to everything, or-?

  “When I was arrested you and I were just startin’ to know each other,” he began, interrupting her paranoid thoughts. “When I walked into the cafe a few nights back, I had no inklin’, not even for a second, that you and I would become so close so quick.”

  “It has been kind of a whirlwind,” she sighed, “but a fantastic whirlwind.”

  “I think it happened because I could have been caught at any time, so our feelings went into overdrive, there was an urgency about us bein’ together.”

  “What are you trying to say?” she asked, “I mean, is there something wrong?” After what we just did there couldn’t be, could there?

  “Hell no, there’s nothin’ wrong,” he declared. “Not a thing, and what I’m gonna say next is gonna be a bit strange considerin’ how we just spent the last hour, and the fact that you’ve got a weekly spankin’ comin.”

  “Now you’ve got me totally intrigued, what is it?” she asked urgently.

  “Even though we’ve had some real intense stuff happen between us, I wanna go back. I wanna court you, like I was courtin’ you before all the trouble. I wanna take things slow, goodnight kisses at the door, I dig all that sappy stuff, and I feel like we went from dunkin’ our toe in the water, to runnin’ around the other end of the pool and jumpin’ in twelve feet!”

  “That’s exactly what happened, and I would love to turn the clock back,” she sighed. “I think it’ll be hard though, saying goodnight at the door.”

  “Let’s see how it goes,” he grinned, “and I’m real glad you like the idea.”

  “Like it, I love it,” she declared.

  “We’ve got the rest of our lives, so let’s go back to where we left off, and do this thing right,” he finished.

  “Wonderful, but will you stay here one more night, pleeeease?”

  “Sure I will, but tomorrow I’m headin’ back to the ranch, and you
’re gonna have to wait for your phone to ring.”

  “And you’re going to have to hope I’ll answer!” she quipped.


  Following Patty’s arrest, it was late one night that Luke confided to Tess how he’d managed to escape from the penitentiary.

  “It’s how I got the scar,” he said gravely. “There was a riot in the canteen, and this real bad guy had smashed a bottle and was goin’ for a guard. I jumped in and stopped him.”

  “Luke, you could’ve been killed,” Tess exclaimed.

  “I didn’t think about it,” he frowned. “Situation like that…I just reacted. Anyway, long story short the guard was so grateful we started bein’ friends, and when I told him why I was in there he decided he was gonna help me get out so I could make things right.”

  “Thank goodness,” she sighed, then wrapping her arms around him and hugging him tightly she added, “you are such an amazing man. You’re a superhero!”

  Not only was Luke completely exonerated, those who had condemned him went out of their way to make things right, and when they learned that he had been largely responsible for exposing a dangerous woman living in the midst of the community he was labeled a hero.

  The Mayor gave him the key to the city, Tess’s father welcomed him into his home, and the Anderson’s gave him the use of the Lodge whenever he wanted to use it. When Tess gratefully returned the black wool jacket to the Anderson’s it turned out to be Tyler’s, and he jokingly declared it should remain at the lodge in case it was ever needed for such an occasion again, but then insisted she should keep it.

  “You deserve it, and I’m sure it looks much better on you than on me,” he’d said, somewhat wistfully.

  Daniel Griswald and his powerful father made sure the news of his brother’s release and exoneration hit the headlines, and the story quickly spread. In just a few days both Jeb and Alex were fielding calls from both small towns and large cities with questions about the woman named Patty Jamison, aka Jamie Patterson. Detectives and defense attorneys wanted photographs of the woman, and it was soon discovered she was wanted in several states; to everyone’s surprise they also learned there were rewards posted for her arrest and conviction.


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