Magnolia Bride

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Magnolia Bride Page 3

by Tara Randel

  He didn’t like hearing those words. She couldn’t have lost all feeling for him, could she? The angry glint in her eyes told him otherwise.

  “I don’t blame you for hating me. I was mad at myself for a long time.”

  “I don’t hate you. I hate what you did to us.”

  He nodded. “I wanted to talk to you again. Try to make things right.”

  She raised a dubious eyebrow. “As evidenced by all the phone calls.”

  “I couldn’t. At first, it was too soon. Before long, too much time had passed by.”

  “Yeah. Twelve years to be exact.”

  “Are you saying if I’d reached out, you would have talked to me?”

  His lips thinned into a mulish line.

  “Just what I thought.”

  From the moment he and Nealy eloped, the situation had gone downhill. He’d been reeling over the loss of a baseball scholarship to the University of South Florida because of a rotator cuff injury. His parents, always at each other’s throats, were talking divorce. They spent more time arguing and not enough time focused on their kids. Consequently, he’d missed deadlines to apply to other colleges and scholarships. Spending a wild summer with free-spirited Nealy had been just what he needed to deal with his shattered reality. They’d both been of age, and could legally marry, but running off didn’t mean they’d made the brightest move of all time. Look at his parents. They’d married young and couldn’t stand each other now. All Dane knew at the time? He was crazy in love with Nealy and the minute she turned eighteen, they’d stolen her dad’s car and taken off.

  At least her parents hadn’t pressed charges once they returned home.

  “Well, lucky for both of us,” she said, “I’ll be very busy while I’m here. Besides, we don’t have anything to talk about.”

  “I need to clear up some things. I think you do, too.”

  “As a matter of fact, I do.” She pointedly glared at him as she swung open the lobby door. “But not today.”

  He watched her shapely figure disappear behind the door. He turned just as Josh Hamilton, his head landscaper and handyman, strode across the lobby toward him.

  “Hey, Dane. Got a minute?”

  A minute was about all he had until Nealy returned to her family. “What’s up?”

  “I fixed the problem in the pool pump house. Anything else?”

  Anything else consisted of Nealy Grainger here at the Grand Cypress Hotel. “No. We’re good,” he said as he kept an eye on the front door.

  “Then I’ll get back to tending to the ornamental garden by the restaurant.”

  “Fine, fine,” he replied.

  “Then I’m going to knock on every guest’s door, yell fire and run away screaming.”


  “Or I could bug the sharp-looking woman who has all those parties planned.”

  “Get to it, then.”

  Josh laughed. “Dude. Are you even listening?”

  Dane turned to his employee, who also happened to be his friend. “Sorry. What were you saying?”

  “Nothing. A little preoccupied?”

  “I have a lot going on.”

  Josh cocked his head. “Anything to do with the pretty brunette walking this way?”

  Dane glanced over his shoulder. “You could say that.”

  “Just did.” He slapped Dane on the back. “Good luck.”

  “I’ll need it,” Dane said as Nealy headed for the hallway leading to the banquet rooms.

  * * *


  “Yeah. I own the place, remember?”

  “So go do some hotel things.”

  He fell into step beside her. “I am. Acting as the temporary event coordinator.” Before he could continue the conversation, they reached the Grainger room and Juliet rushed over. “Please, make her stop.”

  Nealy followed Juliet’s gaze to their mother. “What now?”

  “She’s badgering the caterer for no reason.”

  “Let me handle it.” Dane took off, but not before brushing Nealy’s forearm with his hand.

  Despite every intention of not letting Dane get to her, his touch sent a tingle of awareness across Nealy’s skin. How, after all these years, could his touch affect her?

  When the gentle pressure of his hand lifted, Nealy was relieved. Okay, so some things hadn’t changed, like a mere touch from Dane raising her temperature. Or the pure command in his every step. Even her mother would have to listen to him. She’d hate that.

  Nealy smiled for the first time since arriving at the Grand Cypress Hotel.

  “Thank goodness Dane is here,” Juliet said.

  “Speaking of Dane, you knew he owned the hotel and didn’t tell me?”

  “I’m sorry.” Juliet at least had the grace to look chagrined. “I was afraid you wouldn’t come if you knew. You have so many memories tied up in this place and knowing Dane owned the hotel might have changed your mind.”

  True. Memories bombarded her every step.

  “He suggested I tell you but I couldn’t take the chance.”

  So he definitely knew she was coming. Hmm. Still, she wouldn’t ruin Juliet’s weekend just because the past had caught up with her. Swallowing her pride, Nealy would stick to their plans. By the look on Juliet’s face, she was in worse shape than Nealy anyway. “I’d never miss your engagement parties.”

  “I know he’s the last person on earth you want to see, but he’s been wonderful. Happy to accommodate two parties. He’s so professional.”

  “Dane? The same Dane who talked me into stealing Daddy’s car and eloping?”

  “He’s not that guy any longer, Nealy. He’s made this hotel a success and he’s very responsible now.”

  “But he’s still my ex-husband, Juliet. Do you think I should be all smiles and rainbows while he’s underfoot?”

  “No.” Juliet’s voice grew quiet. “Maybe it’s time to let go of the past.”

  “Maybe you expect too much.” She took a step to escape the room but Juliet grabbed hold of her arm.

  “You promised.”

  “And you purposely kept me in the dark.”

  “For just this reason. Yes, he owns the hotel, and I am sorry for keeping the truth from you.”

  The anguish in Juliet’s eyes assured Nealy her sister regretted her actions. For that alone, she could forgive her.

  “Fine.” She softened her tone and privately vowed she wouldn’t let Dane’s presence rattle her anymore. “What Dane and I had ended long ago. And I have moved on with my life. So has he, by the look of things.”

  And things looked good from where she stood. As if he knew she was thinking about him, Dane captured her gaze from across the room and his lips curved into that same boyish grin that had once captured her heart.

  She broke visual contact, but from the corner of her eye she saw his imposing form coming her way. This time, instead of the urge to run, she stood her ground. She had to in order to get through the next few days. That meant establishing some ground rules.

  “Excuse me, I have to, um, do something,” Juliet mumbled, leaving Nealy alone with Dane.

  She summoned her courage and spoke frankly.

  “Look, Dane, I understand this is your hotel and the parties are going to take place here, but I’ll stay out of your way if you’ll stay out of mine.”

  He stared at her for a long drawn-out moment then strode from the room.

  Nealy watched him go. What, no parting jabs? No last word? He’d given in too easily, which was not like Dane. Or at least the Dane that she remembered.

  Maybe he’d changed after all.


  ON THURSDAY NIGHT, Nealy sat in one of the Grand Cypress’s priv
ate event rooms, the French doors wide open to emit a soft June breeze. Everyone lingered over dessert, delicious strawberry shortcake, that followed a superb dinner of roasted herb chicken and grilled vegetables, catered by the hotel’s four-star restaurant. Nealy sipped her coffee, eyeing members of her family and the family of Juliet’s fiancé, Brandon Mason. The Masons seemed like nice people, for political elite, but Nealy felt an uncomfortable vibe between the clans. Juliet had been quiet and withdrawn all night. Brandon hadn’t seemed to notice.

  This couldn’t be good.

  “Nealy, Juliet tells me you work in L.A.?” Mrs. Mason asked.

  “I do.”

  “Do you know many movie stars?”

  Typical question most people asked when you lived in L.A., but in her case, she often met celebrities. “Yes, some.”

  “How exciting. What do you do that you meet them?”

  “Yes, Nealy,” said her father, Marshall, who cleared his throat to ask, “what do you do with your business degree?”

  Nealy wanted to roll her eyes. The fact that she hadn’t attended law school was still a point of contention between her and her parents. Growing up around adults who loved to argue and debate any and every little point of law was both tiring and a bit stuffy. Because of that, she’d never had the slightest interest in pursuing a law degree. Instead, she chose a profession that stirred her creative soul and she’d never once regretted her decision.

  Her father knew what her job entailed. He just didn’t think she contributed to the good of the world like those nearest and dearest who were socially conscious lawyers. Most of them made no secret of their political and personal causes and platforms and considered her job to be trivial and nothing but fluff. However, they, and especially her dad, had no idea that a high percentage of functions she planned were major fund-raisers for various charities benefitting children and important health issues. Charities she herself had become involved with. She didn’t explain or argue because it would only fall on deaf ears. And she wasn’t about to turn philanthropy into some sort of petty competition, either. She’d been fortunate to come into contact with a lot of worthwhile people and organizations because of her job.

  “Oh, Dad.” Nealy did her best to offer a chuckle, but knew it didn’t sound convincing. “You know my company handles large events like movie premieres, red-carpet ceremonies and after-parties. Logistics, decorating, refreshments, keeping the celebrities moving in a timely fashion, that sort of thing.”

  “Now now, you two,” Dorinda admonished, then addressed the other guests. “Speaking of celebrities, I have pictures on the wall at Cuppa Joe of Nealy posing with lots of famous people. Of course, I don’t know who half of them are, but Nealy likes to send the photos and I frame them.”

  Nealy’s mouth fell open. “You do what?”

  “I show you off,” her grandmother said.


  “Because I’m proud of you, dear.”

  “You could have been an attorney,” Anita sniffed.

  “Just like the rest of the family? No, thank you.” Yes, almost the entire Grainger gang were lawyers. Her mother and father, sister Lanie and brother-in-law, David. Juliet. Even her boyfriend back in L.A.

  “At least you might marry one,” her mother said with a wishful tone.

  Nealy remained silent, refusing to acknowledge her mother’s scheming.

  Mrs. Mason, her brows drawn as she listened to the Graingers bickering, turned her attention to Nealy. “It sounds exciting.”

  “Just think of the billable hours those celebrity clients would bring in,” David remarked.

  “We aren’t moving to California, so don’t even think about it,” Lanie informed him, using her serious voice.

  “But we have a connection.”

  “Not. Moving.”

  Nealy rubbed the throbbing over her left eye.

  “I told Juliet we should go to California for our honeymoon, but she had something different in mind,” Brandon announced as he wrapped his arm around Juliet’s drooping shoulders.

  Juliet blinked when she heard her name. “What?”

  “The honeymoon,” Brandon said, raising a brow.

  “Oh. Right. The beach condo in Hawaii.” She nodded with a distracted air.

  “Sweetie, just think of the fun we’d have if we started out in California. Do the whole tourist thing before flying to Hawaii.” His face grew more animated as he warmed up to the idea of this trip. “Movie studios. Spotting celebrities. Visiting vineyards.” He frowned. “Besides, we practically live on the beach right here.”

  “Yes, but I think Hawaii’s beaches are different.”

  Brandon shrugged.

  Juliet blinked furiously.

  Oh, no. Trouble in paradise.

  “At any rate, Nealy is good at her job,” Dorinda told the group. “We’re fortunate she could take time out of her busy schedule to make it back home.”

  The discussion ebbed and the conversation drifted to local politics.

  “If you don’t mind,” Lanie said to the senator, “I’d like to get your input. I’m thinking about running for mayor and could use a few pointers.”

  David flinched. “Not that again.”

  Lanie gave him a stern look. “Yes. That again.”

  The senator smiled. “I’d be happy to help.”

  And with his participation, the conversation about the merits of Lanie running for mayor took place.

  With the spotlight of scrutiny no longer shining on her, Nealy took the opportunity to slip through the glass doors to the outside patio. Between follow-up phone calls with her crew for the event in L.A., flying cross-country and having to deal with family, jet lag had zapped her energy. She slipped off the heels she’d worn all day, and padded to the pool area, empty this time of night. Smoothing her sleeveless ivory lace dress, she dropped down on the nearest chaise to stretch out.

  Resting her head against the cushion, she gazed at the moon high in the star-filled sky. The sweet scent of a nearby southern magnolia tree wafted her way. She remembered picking the creamy, pink flowers when she worked here at the hotel. The original owner had planted the beautiful trees around the property. She was glad to see Dane had kept them in place.

  Closing her eyes, she breathed deep to lower her stress level and curb the tic still throbbing over her eye. The murmur of voices drifting from the open café at the far end of the pool lulled her senses. Her body relaxed from the stress of the hectic day. She’d started to nod off when she heard steady footsteps approaching.

  “Nealy, I need to talk to you.”

  She opened only one eye to see Dane take a seat on the edge of the chaise next to her. He leaned into her personal space. Her pulse quickened and her muscles shot to attention. Ignoring the tightening in her chest, she said, “What part of not getting in each other’s way while I’m here don’t you understand?”

  “All of it.”

  Nealy let out an annoyed breath.

  “This isn’t about you. It’s about your sister’s party.”

  Embarrassment made her cheeks heat. “Oh.”

  “The caterer is threatening to bow out of Saturday night’s big party. He’s had enough of your mother’s constant interference.”

  She sat up straight, shifting into professional mode. If his manly presence hadn’t already jolted her, this piece of news did the trick.

  “How bad is it?”

  “Pretty dire, but some quick damage control can fix it, though I don’t want Juliet to know. We can handle it without involving her.”

  “What do you suggest?”

  “I’m going to lay down the law with your mother. This is my hotel, my reputation. I just wanted you to know in case there’s fallout.”

  Nealy eyed him, intrigued by his take-control
attitude. She’d forgotten how relentless he could be when he wanted something. And right now, he wanted and had her undivided attention.

  “Do whatever you have to do to keep things going smoothly.”

  “Good.” His gaze locked on hers. She couldn’t seem to break the connection. She caught herself fidgeting and made herself go still. Had he noticed how he affected her?

  Amusement, and a dash of rakish interest, flickered in the depths of his eyes. Darn. He noticed.

  “Since we’re getting along so well,” he said, taking advantage of the spark between them, “now’s as good a time as any to have a personal conversation.”

  She crossed her arms over her chest. “You’re not going to let this go, are you?”

  “Not until you hear me out.”

  “Why does it matter so much to you? You ended things, not me.”

  “And I owe you an explanation.”

  “I’m not asking for one. I never have.” She pushed back the frustration. “There’s nothing to talk about. We were young and stupid. I was in love when I married you. Apparently you weren’t.” More like he realized what he’d gotten himself into and couldn’t run fast or far enough away.

  “I realize you were hurt, but—”

  “But what? Do you think I’ve spent twelve years pining over you?” she asked through a laugh that sounded forced, even to her. “I have a good job. A good life.” She paused and her chest grew tight. “A boyfriend.”

  “Yeah, I heard.” A faint hint of disdain filled his voice. “Made your mother’s day rubbing in the fact.”

  “Look, there’s no point bringing up the past.” She’d lived through years of dealing with the heartache, wondering why he’d wanted out of their marriage, if twenty-four hours could be considered a marriage. Did she want to relive it? No.

  “I’m here for Juliet.”

  Silence settled between them. The only other sounds were the nighttime serenade of crickets and the surf lapping onto the beach. She glanced his way just in time to see the raw emotion flashing in his eyes before he blinked it away. Maybe she wasn’t the only one thrown off balance by her visit.

  Voices from the banquet room could be heard, cutting short the awkward moment. The party was breaking up, Nealy thought with relief. Dane’s intense gaze remained on her. She shivered, and then rubbed her arms, as if trying to erase the heady sensation.


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