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Inescapable Page 11

by C. J. Fallowfield

  ‘It was you wasn’t it, that took the card that he sent?’

  ‘It was, I was trying to get to the bottom of what had distressed you so much, I’ll have it returned to you immediately.’

  ‘Why? I don’t understand why you’d go to all of this trouble for me. I’m no one to you.’ I searched his eyes for clues as I waited for his reply.

  ‘I’m not sure I fully understand either, Alex,’ he stated as he ran a hand through his hair. He sighed again, signs of confusion and frustration showing on his face, that I’m sure were reflected in mine. ‘I’ve said before that I came to you with a business proposition, but … there was just something about you … I haven’t been able to stop thinking about you since the moment that I laid eyes on you. It’s as if you’ve laid siege to my emotions and I’m powerless in my defence.’

  ‘Castle, I–’ I shook my head, as I felt a strange sensation deep in my belly. A pulsing, fluttering, that felt delicious and terrifying all at the same time. ‘I’m just not sure that I’m ready for anything personal, I was clear from the start. I’m so screwed up after what he did to me–’ I broke off as I shook my head and felt tears burning the back of my eyes.

  ‘I understand, better than you know. I’m not exactly the poster boy for someone who has his emotions and feelings in order, either. I told you that pain changes us, but it doesn’t have to define us, and Ester will help you with that. I appreciate your honesty, and that you’ve given me the chance to change my mind. I now know that I can trust you. I’m not sending you back, Alex, but neither can I let you stay if I’m not honest with you. I’m attracted to you, except I think attraction is too tame a word for how I feel about you, it’s something deeper, something primal, raw, and unrelenting. It’s unlike anything I’ve ever experienced.’

  ‘Wow, that’s …’ I shook my head as I tried to process his words, while I felt my cheeks burning from his admission. I hadn’t been wrong, what I’d seen in his eyes that night we met, what I’d felt in his touch, or in the way he made my body react. He was right. Attraction was too tame for the all-encompassing need I had for him to pull me into his arms and kiss me. But that in itself was terrifying, it had been so long. Too long since I’d been touched in a sexual way that was welcomed. ‘I’m … attracted to you too, Castle. But you remind me of him so much,’ I admitted.

  ‘I scare you?’ The horror in his voice, and his eyes, wounded me and made me wince.

  ‘No, please don’t think that. It’s just your looks, confidence, even the way you knotted your tie that night I met you. Richard wasn’t abusive when I first met him. He lulled me into a false sense of security and I was young, naïve, and vulnerable, and I fell for his act. I’m scared that I could let myself be fooled again.’

  ‘I’m not Richard, and you’re not young or naïve anymore,’ he reminded me.

  ‘But I’m still vulnerable, part of me thinks I always will be after what he did to me, physically and mentally.’

  ‘People can change, Alex. That’s part of the reason you’re here. Ester will work with you to build your confidence again, and you have my assurance that I won’t press you for anything you’re not freely willing to give. I’m a man who craves control, but for you I’m prepared to relinquish it and let you take the reins. Anything to stop you looking at me and seeing him.’

  I nodded as I broke his gaze and stared down at my fingers again, which were tightly clenched in my lap. My breath hitched as Castle’s hand appeared. Very slowly he lifted it, as if he was giving me the chance to push it away, but just the knowledge that I could if I wanted to, meant that I didn’t. He tucked his index finger under my chin and lifted it, forcing me to look at him again. It made my bottom lip quiver as I felt some tears of genuine emotion for his offer roll down my cheeks. I hadn’t let a man see me cry in forever.

  ‘I just expect honesty and that’s what I’ll give you in return. You’re welcome to stay here as long as you need, or until we catch him.’

  ‘I’m not sure how I can ever repay you for what you’re doing,’ I said quietly, sniffing back more tears and wondering how awful I must look to him right now.

  ‘I think keeping up your end of the deal with your paintings will suffice.’ He smiled, gently using his thumb to brush across my cheeks, wiping the tears away as I held my breath, not sure what he was going to do next. I felt oddly bereft as he moved his hand away. I was so starved of human touch, I almost craved it while still being apprehensive. I guess this was how abused animals felt when they were given a second chance at happiness. Reticent while still craving love. ‘So, do I call you Alex, or Isabelle?’

  ‘I haven’t been Isabelle in a very long time, I’m not even sure she exists anymore.’

  ‘Alex it is then,’ he stated, as he slipped on a set of incredibly sexy mirrored sunglasses.


  It was hard to focus on flying and not watch her excited childlike face. She was clutching at her restraints and swinging her head from left to right taking in the azure ocean below us, dotted with the small green islands that looked like floating emeralds. I was so accustomed to the view, I guess I hadn’t fully taken the time to appreciate just how lucky I was to live out here.

  After the pretty intense discussion on the water, since take-off I’d tried to keep the conversation light and casual. Really all I wanted to do was bombard her with questions about what that bastard had done to her. Reassure her that she was safe with me. Even my sexual desire that had flared the moment she’d stepped out of the car had just been beaten into submission, by her admissions, and the overwhelming need that I felt to protect her and make her feel secure right now. I hadn’t been lying when I’d said I was probably as screwed up emotionally as she was. I’d accepted the past, that was true, but a part of me would never forgive myself for letting Imogen down. For not protecting her from her demons. I’d be damned if I was failing Alex Bishop, regardless of whether or not this relationship progressed from professional to personal.

  ‘This is it.’ I spoke into the microphone that transmitted the sound to her earphones as I gestured towards the small island we were approaching.

  ‘You really own this? I’ve never seen anything so beautiful in my life,’ she exclaimed, her blue eyes wide with wonder.

  ‘See the large house on top of the hill in the centre of the island,’ I pointed, she nodded. ‘That’s where I live. Sarah, my housekeeper you’ll meet later, has an annexe in the main house. Those two smaller houses, flanking it each side of the hill, well Ester lives in the one, my security team in the other.’

  ‘You have staff? I thought Richard was wealthy, but this–’ She shook her head and exhaled heavily.

  ‘See down there, on the water? That’s the beach house, where you’ll be staying.’

  ‘Beach house?’ She let out a peal of laughter. ‘Beach house makes it sound like a little shack. It’s gorgeous.’

  ‘I guess it is,’ I agreed, as we circled the island and I prepared for landing. Maybe it was good to see what you had through fresh eyes from time to time.

  ‘Oh my God, oh my God. Oh. My. God!’ Alex squealed as we skimmed the surface of the ocean, my small plane rattling and roaring as I slowed it down. I chuckled as I noticed that her knuckles had turned white from gripping the straps across her chest.

  ‘You okay over there?’ I called, as I brought the throttle back to idle and taxied slowly towards the floating wooden dock.

  ‘I’ve never been to an adventure park, but I have a feeling that I know what one of those scary looking rides would feel like now. Does it get easier each time you fly?’

  ‘Everything gets easier the more you do it, Alex.’

  ‘I guess it does.’

  I cast a glance in her direction to see her biting down on her lower lip, a slight frown marring her face. She didn’t have any makeup on at all, but she was almost flawless perfection. Two faint silver scars were the only blemishes. One on her lip, the other on her cheek. Both of which lined up exactly with the
deep gashes I’d seen on the images the police had taken of Isabelle Knight when she’d got away from Richard. It made me wonder how deep the emotional scars she bore were, and I had to fight to keep a rising level of anger for what he’d put her through from bubbling to the surface. X-rays had revealed multiple fractures, evidence of sustained abuse over the years, that I had a feeling the reports I’d read barely even scratched the surface of. I’d felt sick at the thought of what he’d put her through and I hadn’t been able to bring myself to read on after the first few pages.

  ‘Just in case it’s on your mind, the only way onto this island is by plane or boat and I have security around the clock to make sure no one passes the ocean perimeter around the island. I’ll be alerted if Richard uses his passport to leave the U.K., but even if there was the remote possibility of him discovering our location, he wouldn’t get within touching distance of you.’

  ‘Is that a promise you can keep?’

  ‘It’s one I can guarantee,’ I said vehemently. He’d have to get past me if he wanted a piece of her again. ‘You’re safe here.’

  ‘I hope so,’ she nodded.

  I jumped out and helped Miguel secure the plane. He was my right-hand man when it came to transportation on and off the island, by air or sea. In adverse weather, I trusted his skills more than my own. He was a native to the islands and had learned to fly a seaplane before he’d learned to drive. He unloaded Alex’s cases and disappeared with them as I helped her out. She squealed again, and clutched my arm as she felt the floating platform rock from the waves I’d created as I’d landed.

  ‘Easy on the death grip,’ I laughed.

  ‘Sorry.’ She grimaced and immediately released her hold. Craning her head back she gazed up at the steep rock face and palm trees that clung to its edge. ‘You’re not going to tell me I have to climb up that, are you?’

  ‘No, there’s an easier route if you take the path to the right, but we’re going left to settle you into your new lodgings.’ I jumped down onto the fine white sand and offered her my hand. Again, there was a slight hesitation before she took it and I helped her down. I had to learn not to take it personally. After what she’d been through, I was amazed she was even here, that she had the capacity to even think about trusting anyone again. She immediately pulled her hand out of my grasp and slipped her feet out of her flip-flops. A gasp of surprise left her lips as she dug her toes into the fine sun-bleached grains.

  ‘It feels so weird. Sand back home has never been hot when I’ve been painting, or so soft. Just cold, damp, and coarse.’

  ‘I hope it’s weird in a good way, as you’re not going to be able to get away from it here.’ I tucked my hands into my pockets as she picked up her flip-flops and we started to walk side by side. She moved closer to the water, lifting her dress up to her knees so that she could paddle ankle deep in the surf.

  ‘Oh my God, even the water’s hot!’

  ‘Welcome to the Caribbean, where pretty much everything is hot, all of the time.’

  ‘I just can’t imagine living here every day. My eyes would be on permanent stalks. I’ve already seen so much that I want to capture on canvas.’

  ‘There are some key views that I want you to focus on, but when they’re done if you want to stay on longer, to paint for pleasure, that wouldn’t be a problem.’

  ‘Painting’s always a pleasure, whether I’m being paid or not. There was only one piece that I didn’t–’ She paused mid-conversation and shook her head, sighed and looked away, squinting against the brilliance of the sun.

  ‘Only one piece?’ I prodded.

  ‘It’s not something I want to talk about,’ she said quietly, hanging her head to look at where she was walking.

  ‘You’ll find the things you don’t want to talk about, are the very things that Ester will insist you do.’

  ‘When will I meet her?’

  ‘Tomorrow. I thought it might be best if you had your sessions after lunch. It’s not a great idea to be out in the afternoon sun, especially not with your complexion.’

  ‘I do burn quite easily,’ she agreed. ‘Maybe I should have packed some sun tan lotion, and I’m thinking some sunglasses might have been a good idea, too.’

  ‘You really have no clue about the tropics, do you?’ I laughed.

  ‘No.’ She giggled, her lips curving up into a captivating smile as her nose crinkled.

  All of a sudden, she seemed like a carefree young woman, instead of one that carried the weight of the world on her shoulders. I wanted to see more of her when she was like that. I wanted to see that smile again, the one that blinded me even more than the midday sun behind her. The smile that reached into the dark recess of my soul, chasing away some of the shadows.

  I was struck with the absolute certainty that Alex Bishop and I were meant to cross paths. That we could help heal each other.

  ‘Welcome to Pepper Island and your new home,’ I stated as we turned a corner onto the long stretch of south facing beach and the house came into view.

  Chapter Seven


  Pepper Island

  ‘PEPPER ISLAND? THAT’S SO cute. How did it get its name?’

  ‘The climate is perfect for growing Scotch Bonnet chillies. I have a small crop that Sarah uses in a lot of her Caribbean inspired dishes. I hope you can handle some heat.’

  ‘I don’t think I have a choice given my location, do I?’ I smiled at him, then flexed my neck and let my shoulders drop an inch.

  I’d never been anywhere tropical before, but it was almost as if the heat of the sun was loosening up my tense muscles by way of a gentle massage. I already felt less stressed and on edge. Or was that just having a man like Castle by my side? There was no denying he was in great physical shape. Other than seeing Tom in his underpants when he stayed over, or images I saw in the media, I couldn’t remember the last time I’d seen a man’s body.

  Was it irrational to be turned on just looking at the curve of his bronzed bicep that protruded from his snow-white shirt? Or by that smattering of dark hair on his forearm and that masculine looking Apple watch that circled his left wrist? I caught myself looking at his muscular thighs, which I’d done my best to ignore in the plane, and almost choked as he caught me ogling him and smirked. His eyes weren’t visible behind those mirrored shades he was wearing, but I was sure that they were probably twinkling with merriment at my not so subtle perusal.

  I was saved by his watch ringing and he glanced down at it. I saw the name Angel on the small screen and looked up in time to see a quick frown settle on his face.

  ‘I’m so sorry, I need to take this. Keep walking, I’ll catch you up.’

  ‘Okay,’ I agreed.

  I dipped my head to shield my eyes from the glare of the relentless sun as I continued forward, and noticed that he’d lowered his tone. But not enough to stop me from catching him answer with a “Hey, gorgeous, did you miss me?” in a playful voice. Years of living on edge with Richard around had honed my hearing and I scrunched up my face as I walked on. At no stage had Castle said he was single, so why did those few simple words said in that way sting so much? It sounded like he really cared for whoever was calling.

  Was he really living a playboy lifestyle, free and easy with his affections, not wanting to be tied down again? I could sort of get that after what he’d been through, but I didn’t appreciate being made to feel like I was special earlier, which had meant so much to me, only to find maybe I wasn’t the only person he’d used those lines on.

  ‘I hate you, Richard King,’ I muttered, as I quickly wiped away a stray tear. I also hated that he’d made me so suspicious of people’s motives and honesty. That was why I’d only had Tom and Janice in my life for the last few years. My trust wasn’t something I gave away easily anymore, and yet Castle was already teetering on the edge of joining that very exclusive group of two. The sooner I saw this Ester, the better. I was sick of walking around feeling like I was still shackled to that damn bed.

  ‘Sorry about that,’ Castle said as he jogged up next to me. ‘So, what do you think of it?’


  We’d drawn level with what he’d called the beach house. But it was so much more, even better than it had looked as we’d flown over it. Standing on sturdy looking posts, we had to walk through clear shallow water to get to the steps that rose up onto the narrow, raised deck area. Topped with a reed roof, the dark wood bungalow just had two opaque windows at the rear, which seemed odd until Castle opened the door and gestured me through.

  I gasped as I tried to take it all in. The entire front of the building was open to the elements. Looking down I walked over a long runway of glass through which I could see brightly coloured fish passing below me. To the left was an enormous bed, surrounded by a mosquito net. To the right a comfortable lounge area, complete with an open fireplace. I looked at him, sure my mouth was ajar, and he just smiled and flicked his head for me to continue out onto the front deck, which spanned the whole of the bungalow and had the most incredible uninterrupted views of the sparkling ocean.

  The deck had a dining table for six to my right and a plunge pool to my left, though why anyone would need a plunge pool when they had the beautiful warm ocean to dive into, was beyond me. There was a set of wooden steps that led down to a lower platform, where there were two sunbeds protected by white parasols, then another set of steps down into the deeper water.

  ‘Castle, I don’t … I have no words. I’m speechless,’ I stammered, feeling a little overwhelmed at the sense of wealth I’d been surrounded with.

  ‘It’s all yours for as long as you want it. There are bi-fold glass doors, which span the entire width of the house which you can close, and an awning you can pull over this deck to protect it from the worst of the sun. Behind the lounge wall is a kitchen that opens out to the dining table on the deck. The en-suite and dressing room are behind the wall that the bed backs onto. Miguel will have put your cases in there already. Sarah has put some basic supplies in your fridge to keep you going until morning, but she’ll be down in a moment to compile a shopping list with you, for the rest of the week. She’ll show you where everything is, then we’ll leave you in peace to get some rest.’


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