Unwanted Desire

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Unwanted Desire Page 3

by Cyndi Friberg

  “You’d be wrong. Barely,” she admitted with a smile.

  “Which means you’re still a kitten to someone like me.” His gaze lingered on her mouth, glowing with inner light, appearing more wolf than man. Despite his jabs about her relative youth, he was anything but repelled by her. He shook his head, as if to dismiss the tangent then resumed walking across the grassy commons. “How did Lane manage to snatch you without alerting the village sentinels? It was my understanding that your brother took every precaution with the security of his pride.”

  Though he’d removed her leash, her hands were still bound and the suppression collar made escape iffy at best. She’d move too slowly and be too easy to track as long as she remained in human form.

  “Maddox always says I’m too trusting. Lane proved his point for him.”

  They reached a cabin on the far side of the clearing and Kash took her inside. “That’s a bit vague. Did he catch you alone or lure you away?”

  The interior was sparsely furnished and suspiciously neat. “You don’t spend much time in here, do you?”

  He chuckled and motioned toward one of the chairs pushed up to the small square table. “I generally take meals with my father and… the short answer is no. Now explain how Lane captured you.”

  She watched as he gathered supplies, not sure what he was doing until he joined her at the table and pulled her bound hands toward him. Her wrists were bruised and raw, but she hadn’t realized he’d noticed. Using a thin, sharp knife, he cut through the leather straps and freed her hands. Blood rushed back into her fingers and she moaned at the blissful pain. Her instinct was to rub the aching joints, but he caught her hands and shook his head.

  “You’ll make it worse. It will feel better once I’ve cleaned the wounds and bandaged your wrists.” His gaze lifted to her face and a surge of anger flashed through his compassion. “How many times did he hit you?”

  “I bruise easily.” Why in the world was she defending Lane?

  Kash brushed his knuckle over the crest of her cheek, the touch featherlight and slow. “Instinct demands that we dominate, but this is inexcusable.”

  The growl in his voice contrasted with the gentleness in his touch, confusing Jizette’s receptors. Her skin tingled and her lungs refused to function as she stared into his eyes. She’d waited for years to feel this stirring, the elemental craving of a female for her mate. She’d flirted and smiled, kissed and caressed, and always been left wanting. She licked her lips and swallowed, forcing her lungs to obey. This couldn’t be happening now, not with a wolf! It was wrong. They’d be shunned. It was forbidden.

  His thumb traced her lips as hunger radiated off him, sinking into her. “It’s only fair to tell you that I’m empathic,” she whispered.

  “Meaning?” His fingers settled beneath her chin and he tilted her face up, his gaze boring into hers. “What am I feeling when I look at you?”

  “It doesn’t matter, because nothing is going to happen. I just thought you should know.”

  He chuckled. “Is that right?” His thumb resumed its teasing exploration of her lips. “You sound pretty certain of that.”

  “We both know… it’s not a good idea.”

  Leaning in, he shifted his hand to the nape of her neck and replaced his thumb with his mouth. He didn’t actually kiss her. He just caressed her lips with his, mingling their breath. “I’m not empathic, kitten, but I recognize desire when I see it. I’m not the only one having inappropriate thoughts and feelings.”

  Tingling heat cascaded through her body and pooled between her thighs. She closed her eyes and parted her lips, waiting for the demanding pressure of his kiss, wanting it, craving it. Time paused. Her nipples hardened… and he eased away.

  His features revealed only challenge when she opened her eyes.

  “You’re right,” he said with a knowing smile. “It’s a bad idea. Now stop avoiding the issue. How did Lane capture you?”

  Kash shifted his focus from Jizette’s flushed face to her bruised wrists. Anger rippled through his lust, helping him control his need for his captive. She might not realize it, but she was still a hostage of Timberline pack. Enya’s death had to be avenged, and Jizette was their best hope of motivating Maddox.

  “He stole a cat’s tunic to disguise his scent then asked me to take him to my brother. I figured he was part of the new joint council, so I agreed to take him to their meeting place.”

  “Which is somewhere beyond the village proper?”

  She nodded then flinched as he poured water over her wrist. Her words came out in a hoarse rush, and she stared off into the distance. “As soon as the village guards were out of earshot, he pounced on me.”

  “Pounced.” Kash chuckled. “That’s such a feline description.” She glared at him so he smiled. “Sorry. Go on.”

  “There’s not much more to tell. He slapped the suppression collar around my neck and bound my wrists.” Her features tensed, and her hands clenched. Then she angled her face away, retreating behind her shiny hair.

  He touched her arm, brushing her soft skin with his thumb. “Did he do more than slap you?”

  “I thought he would. He started to, but then he…” She tucked her hair behind her ear, shadows gradually clearing from her eyes. “I don’t know what made him stop. I’m just glad he reconsidered.”

  “So am I.” Kash carefully smeared a healing salve over the abrasions. “Now I won’t have to kill him.” Her soft gasp made him look up. The kiss-me-now heat had returned to her eyes and his lips tingled in response to her need. “Don’t take it personally. Wolves mate for life, so we take crimes against females very seriously.”

  “Someone needs to remind your pack,” she muttered, obviously disappointed with his attitude. “They were anything but protective a little while ago.”

  “That’s because they didn’t realize…” He stopped himself with a firm mental shake, not quite ready to accept what his instincts were telling him. “Regardless of the provocation, their actions were reprehensible. Is this better?” He steered them both away from the unexpected sensations pulsing between them. There’d be plenty of time for sensual exploration once they reached Milo’s farm.

  She flexed her fingers and rotated her wrists. “Much. Thank you.”

  “I can’t use the salve on your lips. It’s toxic.” He hesitated for a moment. Few in the area knew of his gift. Paranormal abilities generally meant excessive genetic manipulation and often led to unstable personalities. So, despite their ability to morph, most of the members of Timberline pack were wary of anyone with other gifts.

  But Jizette was a cat, and she was in pain. His protective instincts wouldn’t allow her to suffer. He pressed his fingers against the corner of her mouth and pushed energy into her wounds. The swelling quickly receded and the tissue knitted, repairing the small gash in her lip.

  He eased his hand back and she smiled then licked her lips. “Wow. That’s some trick. I’m all warm and tingly.”

  Her smile sent desire spiraling through his body. He wanted to lick those soft pink lips and take her beyond warm tingles to consuming heat. “Glad I could help.”

  “Are you Timberline’s primary healer?”

  He dismissed the question with a noncommittal sound. “I do far better work with my mouth.” Letting his gaze dip to her tempting breasts, he added, “Would you like a demonstration?”

  She quickly gathered her hair over her shoulders in a useless attempt to conceal those lovely curves. Rosy tips peeked through silky blonde strands, teasing him rather than dissuading him.

  “We really need to get moving.” If they stayed in his cabin much longer, he’d have her beneath him, or on top of him, or bent over the nearest chair.

  Their gazes locked for a moment, and he wondered how she’d react if he “pounced” on her. On some level, she wanted him, but she was uncertain and conflicted.

  Leave it alone, Kash.

  He’d packed a small duffle bag earlier in preparation for the trip.
Leaving her at the kitchen table, he went to his bedroom and found a pair of drawstring shorts and a thick black T-shirt. “These will have to do for the short-term,” he said as he returned to the kitchen. “Milo can purchase whatever you need.”

  “Who is Milo?”

  It was a natural question. Still, he’d guarded Milo’s identity for so long, it felt uncomfortable even to say his name. “Just a friend.”

  “Do you have many friends in the city?” The combination of challenge and amusement in her expression clearly illustrated her disbelief.

  Rather than debate the issue, he handed her the clothes. She donned the T-shirt before he could decide whether or not he should turn his back. Then she pulled the shorts on under her skirt and tightened the drawstring. Everything was much too large, but at least she was covered from shoulders to knees.

  “Is there a reason to bring this along?” She untied the sheer skirt and held up the silky material.

  He shook his head. “Human females don’t wear anything like that.”

  “We’re going to try to pass as human? What about your hair?”

  His multi-colored hair was unusual, but not nearly as outlandish as some of the shades achieved by human dyes. “We’ll minimize exposure, and we’ll only be outside for a few days.”

  She accepted his explanation without argument, and he hoped it was a forecast of things to come. He hefted the pack onto his back, and they set off through the canine compound. She took in her surroundings with childlike wonder, carefully matching her gait to his longer stride.

  They followed a winding footpath that cut through the densely forested hills. The trees made the compound feel secluded, but in reality it was less than a mile from the perimeter wall.

  Was she always so accommodating? He’d expected a bit more spirit out of a Barbary pride lioness.

  Her soft chuckle drew his gaze to her face. Even in profile she appeared noble and undeniably feline.

  “What’s so funny?”

  “The reality of the situation is I’m entirely at your mercy. I’m attempting to make myself as easy to get along with as possible, and yet you seem annoyed by my efforts. Would you rather I hound you with questions and demand my release? I do realize I’m still a captive, by the way.”

  “Hound me with questions?” He laughed, the tension inside him uncoiling in a sudden release. “That’s more like it.”

  She stopped walking and faced him, hands on her hips. “Take off this collar and I’ll show you the real me.”

  “No doubt you would, but that’s not going to happen. At least not right now.” He schooled his expression and took a deep breath. He’d showed her he could be kind, now it was time to reestablish the boundaries, for them both. He reached into his pocket and took out her leash.

  Her eyes narrowed, and her lips pressed into a mutinous line. “Don’t.”

  “It’s necessary.”

  “Why? I’ve been nothing but cooperative.”

  “I know, but that’s about to change.” He motioned through the trees, where the perimeter wall was visible. “I caught you sneaking around in the forest, and you’ve been nothing but trouble ever since. I’m going to take you back to headquarters and question you.” He made “question” sound particularly licentious.

  Before she could voice the argument brewing in her eyes, he lowered his backpack to the ground and unzipped it. He pulled out a handler’s jacket and understanding eroded her misgivings. Turning his back, he quickly switched pants, but he felt her gaze moving over his naked body and her tantalizing scent perfumed the air. Now was not the time to think about the hunger they aroused in each other, but the time would come -- and so would they. She’d clutch his aching length so hard, and so long, they would both forget everything but the pleasure.

  The possessive thought banked the fire, allowing him to function. He stuffed his discarded clothes into the backpack and secured the utility belt around his hips. After freeing the pulse pistol from its holster, he slung the pack onto his shoulder and turned to his captive.

  “Showtime.” He held up the leash, and she didn’t object when he fastened it to the suppression collar. “We need to make this believable, yet not so violent that any of the guards feel compelled to assist me.”

  “I understand.” Her voice was barely a whisper, and she wouldn’t meet his gaze.

  He curved his index finger beneath her chin, and raised her face until she looked into his eyes. “I won’t let them hurt you. No one will ever hurt you again.”

  “I know you’ll do your best to protect me, but none of us can withstand handler weapons. If you released me from this bloody collar --”

  “It’s not going to happen. Let’s go.”

  Defiance burst within her gaze, and she swung on him. He wasn’t sure if she was diving into her role, or if she’d finally had enough of being bullied. Her motivation didn’t matter. In either event, the result was the same. He caught her arm, carefully avoiding her bandaged wrist, and bent it behind her back.

  She arched and wiggled, smacking his chest with the back of her head. He tried not to smile, but her antics were damn amusing. Glancing down to make sure the pistol’s safety setting was engaged, he pressed it against her side and marched her forward through the trees.

  They emerged near a guard tower, as he’d intended, and a blinding light immediately swiveled, illuminating their position.

  “Halt! Identify yourself,” a husky female voice shouted down from the tower.

  “Walters, James P, DOMA Handler ID 62973.”

  A moment of silence followed and then the same woman asked, “Who’s the female, and what is her species?”

  “Felidae-morph, but she won’t tell me her name or what she was doing this deep in dog territory.” Jizette yanked against his hold and tossed her head, sending her hair flying into his face.

  “Need any help subduing her? Several of my men would be more than happy to lend a hand.”

  “Thanks for the offer, but it’s probably best if she’s contained before she’s questioned.”

  “If the collar didn’t take the fight out of her, you’re probably right.” The light shifted out of his eyes. “ID checks out. He’s clear.”

  He looked at Jizette and had to fight back a smile. She’d caught her lower lip between her teeth and excitement glowed in her eyes. It was unlikely she’d ever imagined the world beyond these walls, much less pictured herself seeing it for herself. Kash pulled her tight against his side and gave her a little squeeze.

  “Where’s my hellion?” he whispered as they passed through the gate.

  She elbowed him in the side and grabbed her leash with both hands, yanking on the tether for all she was worth. Much better.

  “Damn” -- one of the guards stepped forward -- “she’s hot. Why don’t we use the armory? It’s big enough for --”

  “Not gonna happen.” Kash kept his tone firm, yet casual.

  “Do you need a transport?” The female leader appeared in a doorway on the far side of the room. “You can’t take her on the subway. It will start a riot.”

  He couldn’t take her on the subway, because the subway didn’t go where he was taking her. But he wasn’t going to clutter the conversation with details. “I hadn’t thought of that, but you’re right.”

  “They don’t call me Den Mother for nothing.” She paused, waiting for the codename to sink in. Milo had mentioned her several times in the past. This woman was part of the resistance. She pushed her helmet farther back on her head, revealing her pleasant, round face. “Shuttles are hard to come by. Where are you taking her?”

  “Not far,” he lied. “A truck will be fine.”

  “Pazin. Toss him your keys.” The guard grumbled, but obeyed. “When will you return it?”

  “I’ll try to have it back tomorrow, day after at the latest.” He wasn’t sure he could keep the promise. More than likely he’d abandon the vehicle once they were within walking distance of Milo’s farm.

  “Back to wor
k, boys. Excitement’s over for tonight.”

  The truck was old and loud and had the suspension of a stagecoach. Even so, Kash was thankful for the antique. Always before he’d hitched a ride with a passing motorist. Not the safest practice under the best of circumstances. And an unacceptable risk with someone like Jizette.

  “How often do you make this trip?” She’d been huddled against the door ever since he took her off the leash. She was as far away from him as physically possible. He understood the strategy, but he also knew it was pointless. As soon as she caught his scent, her body had started producing pheromones that spiked his libido. Spiked hers too. Males weren’t supposed to resist their mates, and nature conspired to see that they didn’t.

  Mates? He shook his head. He was the son of the Timberline pack alpha. How the hell had a cat triggered mating fever?

  “Is Milo expecting you at a specific time?”

  He shook his head, barely registering the question. “I always get there when I get there. He’s okay with that.” Small talk was not going to cut it. He had to understand what was happening to him, to them. “Are you a virgin?”

  “That’s none of your business.” She sounded more defensive than embarrassed.

  “Cats don’t mate for life, so why haven’t you let anyone bed you?”

  “I didn’t say I haven’t.”

  His nerves were fried, and his body ached for release. If nothing else, he had to have the possibility solidified within his own mind. He turned off the main road and found a section of the shoulder wide enough to accommodate the truck.

  “What are you doing? Why’d you stop?”

  He turned off the lights then killed the engine. “Last chance, sweetheart. Are you a virgin, or not?”

  She licked her lips, and her eyes narrowed. “It’s none of your business.”

  Despite her startled gasp, she didn’t seem entirely surprised when he lunged forward and grabbed her. He drew her toward him then turned and laid her back across the wide bench seat. Their bodies formed an enticing tangle. Her legs arched over his lap while his chest arched over her upper body. He bent her elbows and pinned her forearms to the seat.


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