Finding Her

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Finding Her Page 14

by Rita Hestand

  "Oh Aiden," she cried moving into his arms now and cuddling close. The feel of his warm body was a welcome reprieve from the cold. "I'll miss you when I go back."

  "You aren't back yet, and we still have a dance to go to." He told her.

  She smiled, "I'll always love you Aiden… "

  He pulled away to stare into her eyes, "Yeah… I know" his glance said so much, and she backed away staring.

  Could Aiden possibly ever love her? Is that what he was saying? She couldn't ask him. She couldn't blurt it out herself. But it was there between them, unspoken in his eyes.

  But it also dawned on her, she'd been raped by Long Knife, could any man ever really love her, knowing that? No, Aiden might pity her, but he deserved a pure and good woman.

  She lay close to him all night, a prayer on her lips for Long Knife. And a warm, wonderful feeling assailed her. She stared at Aiden until her eyes became heavy. He stared back, a smile on his lips. "Get some sleep honey, we got a ways to go yet."

  "Goodnight," she whispered.

  He pulled her up into his arms and kissed her softly, when he pulled away, he smiled. "It seems the only way to say goodnight to you."

  "I don't mind, especially tonight."

  He pulled her into the crook of his arms and held her close all night. "It's over honey, your nightmares are over now. He won't chase you any longer, and he damned sure won't hurt you again."

  "Thanks Aiden… "

  "For what?"

  "For being you…" she smiled.

  Yet unspoken words lay between them. How could she ever say goodbye again to Aiden?

  The next few days were very quiet, and everyone seemed to be reflecting and wondering what lay ahead of them.

  Lucy was not looking forward to meeting the Colonel or Major. And what worried her more was what would happen after she talked with them. Would she go home, alone, without Aiden. It broke her heart the last time he left, this time she wasn't sure how to handle it. Now was worse, because now she realized her feelings for him were real.

  She didn't know how it would play out. She felt a bit leary of it all, but she promised Aiden, and she would go to the fort and talk with the Colonel or Major.

  Chapter Fourteen

  A few nights later, Gloria glanced at Lucy. "I'll go into Bozeman and find you a couple of dresses if you like. Stand up and let me measure you with this cloth I took from my slip." She told her.

  Lucy complied.

  "Alright, now what kind of dresses do we need?" Gloria asked Aiden.

  "She'll need an everyday kind of dress and a party dress as they have dances on Saturdays. And I'm taking her to the dance."

  "Fine, any color you like best?"

  "Blue is my favorite color." Lucy told her.


  They traveled for a week, and finally they began to descend the mountains onto the plains. They'd been gone a month and a half.

  Now that they were on flat land, the journey was nearly over, or so they thought. But almost as if waiting for them, the two men that accosted them in the cave showed up with guns loaded.

  "Well now, you made it down the mountain, didn't you?" The big one smiled.

  Aiden and Angus tried to draw, but they pointed their guns at them.

  "What do you want?" Aiden's frustration came at them.

  "Her, the Spirit Woman. I ain't forgetting she wanted to cut me up. Now lay your guns down on the ground easy like."

  "Jesse empty and take their guns." The little man told him.

  Jesses dismounted and grabbed the guns. "Ain't no woman gonna threaten to cut off my body parts, mister. She done got herself into a mess of trouble. Don't worry, the Colonel won't have to fret about her any more. We aim to see to that."

  "I'll kill you," Aiden shouted.

  "What do you think Jesse?"

  "Let's take her and be on our way."

  "I'll come after you." Aiden threatened as the little man grabbed Lucy and made her mount behind the other man.

  "What are you going to do with her?" Aiden's voice became hard now, his glare intense, his teeth gritting as he stared.

  "We're gonna have some fun with her, and then, depending on how nice she is, whether we keep her or not."

  "Don't you hurt her, don't you dare hurt her!" 'Aiden shouted as they rode off with a laugh.

  Everyone turned to Aiden now. "What are we going to do now?"

  Aiden glanced at them all. He ran a hand through his hair, as though trying to form a plan. "I'm going after her."

  "But you don't have a gun?" Frank reminded him.

  "I got a knife and a derringer. That's enough."

  "Angus, take them on to the fort. Can you do that for me. Tell Major Marsh I'll be in soon."

  "Want me to go with you?" Angus asked.

  "No, get everyone to the fort. It'll be easier me going after her alone. And I won't have to worry about everyone else. We'll be along… "

  "Be careful." Angus warned.

  "I hope you find her in time… " Gloria added sadly.

  "They are dead men, I promise that." Aiden told her.

  Pumpkin strode up to him now and handed him another knife, it was bigger than his and mighty sharp he noticed. She smiled and nodded for him to take it.

  "Thanks Pumpkin."

  Pumpkin reached to kiss his cheek and Angus chuckled. "She thinks a lot of that little gal."

  "So do I." Aiden told them.

  Gloria went to town and got Lucy two dresses with money Aiden had given her. When she was through buying dresses and shoes, she nodded, "Let's get to the fort."

  "I hope he finds her. It's hard to imagine anyone being sought out so much and still alive." Frank glanced at Gloria.

  Angus came up to them and stared, "He will, he's in love with her. And you don't get between a man and the woman he loves." Angus chuckled.

  "But there is two of them."

  "Won't matter. Aiden's got an even temper except when you mess with what belongs to him. And there's one thing I'm sure of, even if he isn't, I'm sure she belongs to him."

  "I hope you are right. All things considered, she's been through a lot in her lifetime." Gloria sighed heavily.

  "Yes ma'am, I reckon you are right on that." Angus nodded. "Let's get to the fort now."


  Aiden followed their tracks easily enough. And because he didn't waste any time getting after them, he wasn't far behind.

  He knew he'd have to find a way to sneak up on them and get an advantage.

  Problem was, he was concerned for Lucy. It wasn't just that, and he knew it. He hadn't told her how much he loved her. She deserved to know. All the teasing in the world wasn't enough, he needed to tell her. He realized on this trip how much she meant to him.

  He'd known it deep down for a long time. I was the reason he had no desire for other women. The reason when he became randy that he took a saloon girl. In his heart, the only girl he cared for like that was Lucy.

  Angus had told him he ought to tell her, but he'd held back, thinking it wasn't the right time. Now, it could be too late. These men were angry with her, no telling what they might do.

  "Dear God, please keep her safe," he muttered through tears he didn’t' realize he'd cried.

  He never cried. But this was Lucy. His Lucy.

  He swiped his eyes, that's all he needed to get emotional during a time like this! He bowed up, letting his anger fester.

  The next day he caught up to them, they were camped near some rocks, that blocked the cold wind that had stirred up.

  "Okay, this was your bright idea, what are we going to do with her now."

  The big man frowned down at George.

  "I'm gonna take her, that's what I brung her for."

  "You and your women."

  "Well hell, look at her Jesse, she's the prettiest thing I ever saw. Spirit Woman, and I'm gonna have her. You want a turn at her later?"

  "No, I want to get to where we are going and be done with it. After you have he
r, what are you gonna do with her?"

  "I don't know, ain't figured that out yet. If she's good, I might keep her. If she ain't, we'll just have to kill her."

  "I don't like this George. I don't like it at all. If you weren't so damned horney all the time we'd be rich by now." Jesse complained.

  "Well hell, ain't you got no desires of the flesh?"

  "No, no woman I know is worth going to jail for."

  "Ain't nobody gonna fuss over her 'cept maybe the Indians."

  "And that cowboy back there. Did you see the look in his eyes? He's in love with that gal. And a man in love like that, it's dangerous."

  Lucy lay on the rock a bit above them, she heard them.

  Was Aiden in love with her? If only he'd said something. It could be just pity. How would she ever know?

  "Ain't gonna do him no good, he's got no gun. And I aim to have her. Then I'll either bring her along with us or kill her and leave her for the buzzards. Either way, I win. And even if she ain't no good I'm gonna brag to everyone that I had the Spirit Woman."

  "Yeah, you brag, that's all you do. And they'll hang you."

  "Hang me, hell Jesse she's an enemy to the army. They are liable to give me a medal for this. I heard that Major Marsh say it the other day when we went through there, he'd hang her as an example to the Indians. So, what's the difference in me killin' her or them?"

  "Major Marsh did say that, didn't he?"

  "Yeah, along with the fact that if we didn't get out of his site, he might hang us."

  Aiden had heard enough; his blood was boiling. So, Marsh wanted to hang her all along. Dear God, he'd gotten her in a mess. He had to think now. What the hell was he going to do? Long Knife had sought her, Major Marsh sought her, and these men sought her. She was in danger no matter where she went. He had to find a way to protect her!

  He didn't have time to think about it. He had to get rid of these two idiots before he could figure out how to handle the Major. Of course, hanging Lucy would be a big promotion for Marsh.

  George went to Lucy.

  He stared down at her.

  "I got an itch and your gonna scratch it honey." He grinned.

  Aiden saw Lucy's face, it was emotionless now, as though resigned to her fate, she said nothing.

  While Jesse was tending the horses, George was undoing his pants. "Now, you be nice to old George and I might just let you live… " he chuckled bending over her.

  But before he could reach to touch her, Aiden jumped him, and they rolled down the incline of the rocks and wrestled with each other. Jesse was standing there, but he didn't do anything except pick up his rifle. He waited.

  Aiden bested him quickly with several punches. "Stop, stop, I can't take no more," George gave up after several punches in the face, his nose and his mouth were bleeding, and he was near tears.

  "I ought to kill you for what you were going to do."

  "Aiden," Lucy voice broke, "don’t. Let's get out of here."

  Aiden knocked him out and grabbed Lucy's hand, spitting the ropes around her with one whack of his knife.

  Jesse got a shot off at him and hit him in the leg. Lucy took the big knife out of Aiden's scabbard and threw it at him, hitting him in the stomach. Jesse fell to the ground with a thud. He fell on the knife, making it go deep enough to kill him.

  George reared up and started shouting, he wrestled with the ropes. Seeing he wouldn’t give up, Aiden threw his knife and got George.

  Knowing they were finally safe, Lucy began to tie off Aiden's thigh so he wouldn't bleed to death with his bandana

  He glanced up at her and grinned. "You alright?"

  "I'm fine." Her voice was dull though.

  He reached and pulled her chin around with the crook of his finger. "No, you're not, but you're gonna be." He pulled her down and into his arms now. "I got something real important to tell you."

  She shook her head, "It'll hold. I've got to get that bullet out of you."

  "Can you take it out?" he questioned.

  "Sure, I can. Let me go get the knife." She went to get the knives they threw. She stared down at both the men. "Serves you right, boys."

  She built a small fire and cleaned the knives.

  She glanced at Aiden. He was sweating and losing some blood.

  Without a grimace, she got the bullet out of his leg. Then she looked into his face, "I got to burn it, Aiden."

  "I know, get to it."

  "I love you… " she said softly.

  His eyes stared into hers now, "God, I love you too, Lucy."

  Her mouth dropped open in shock, but she recovered quickly and took the hot steel-edged knife and seared his wound. He passed out.

  She lifted his head up and put him in her lap and cried. "I've longed to hear you say it Aiden." She cried as she held him there.

  It got very cold and she brought the blankets from the horses, and spread them out, then she laid down with Aiden and held him close all night.

  Toward morning, he opened his eyes again and saw her cuddled into him. "I'll never get tired of sleeping with you, lady."

  She opened her eyes and saw him grinning.

  "How are you feeling?" she asked.

  "All I need is a good morning kiss and I'll be fine," he grinned at her.

  "Oh Aiden," she fussed until his lips covered hers in a more than amorous kiss. His arms pulled her closer, as he continued kissing her for long breathless moments.

  When he came up for air, she cuddled into him. "Where are the others?" she asked.

  "Hopefully at the fort." He told her.

  "I guess we should get there too."

  "You're not going!" he told her.

  "What do you mean, I thought you were supposed to bring me in?" she questioned.

  "That was before I found out his plan." Aiden told her, sitting up.

  "Whose plan?"

  "Major Marsh. According to those two, he was gonna make an example of you. He was gonna hang you."

  "Hang me? For what?"

  "Just to show Yellow Deer he meant business I suppose. Those yokels back there, they were talking about it. I'm not about to let him get a hold of you. I'm taking you to Bozeman."

  "Bozeman, why?"

  "You'll be safe there. I'm getting my gear and quitting. Then you and I are getting married and find us a place to live quietly for the rest of our lives." He told her with a grin. "That is… if you will marry me."

  She stared, her mouth drifting open to look at him.

  "Are you—sure about this?" She asked, her voice softened.

  "I've been trying to figure out a way to tell since you dropped out of that tree and kissed me quite thoroughly."

  "But what will you do?"

  "I don't know, we'll figure that out as we go." He grinned.

  "But won't they be looking for us?"

  "Nope, I'm quitting and I'm putting the White Silver Fox out of misery."

  "I don't understand?"

  He leaned to kiss her again. After several minutes of melting kisses, he stared into her beautiful blue eyes. "I'm leaving them with a report, telling them that the men who took you killed you. I got there too late, you were dead, and I killed them. End of story."

  "Ah…. That's so smart, Aiden!"

  "I know, you won't be hunted any longer, and I am retiring as a scout." He told her. "But I gotta know one thing?"

  "What?' she smiled at him now.

  "Are you going to marry me and put me out of this misery?"

  She looked into his eyes and melted. "Oh Aiden, I've always loved you. I'd be proud to be your wife."

  He smiled. Kissed the tip of her nose and told her, "Then let's go into town and get a room and I'll go make my last report out."

  "Wait a minute. Don't the soldiers go into Bozeman all the time?"

  "Yeah, why?"

  "It'd be safer to go somewhere else and wait for you."

  "You're right. Especially if you are supposed to be dead. Someone was to recognize you, it would blow it all out
of proportion." He seemed to give it a lot of thought then he nodded. "I know a little place, where you can stay, it's east of Bozeman. And old couple lives out there and you'd be safe there until I can return." He told her.

  "Alright, if they won't mind having me… "

  "They won't. They are good people."

  "Will you hurry back?"

  "You and I are going to get married as soon as I can get loose from there."



  "Then let's go," she told him.

  He bent to kiss her once more then they mounted up and headed for the old Ferguson farm east of Bozeman. He looked down in the valley at the rather secluded farm. It had a rich soil and thing grew well there. There was a field of corn and wheat, a big barn and a nice size house surrounded by lots of trees. They were an elderly couple that Aiden had known for some time and they enjoyed having company. They were thrilled when they met Lucy."

  "Lucy and I are getting married when I get back. Do you mind her staying here?" Aiden asked them.

  "Mind, you know better than that, we enjoy having company. We so seldom see anyone. Glad to have her. And I'm glad you are finally gonna marry Aiden, it's time."

  "Yes ma'am, I think it is." Aiden smiled.

  "I've got to go to the fort, and I should be back before the end of the week. Don't be alarmed if I'm not, things do come up."

  Lucy nodded.

  He pulled her onto the front porch and kissed her passionately. His lips going over her entire face, his hold of her possessive. "I should have told you a long time ago, how I felt. But since I was gone so long, I'm glad I didn't. I loved you when you were ten, I loved you more when you were sixteen. But right now, there's no more hiding it, Lucy. When you jumped me from that tree, I couldn't hide it any longer. Your ripe for the pickers and I'm the picker."

  "Oh Aiden, I felt the same way. But I was afraid to say anything."

  "You did say something. You've been telling me all along you love me, and now I believe it."

  "You mean everything to me Aiden. You're my link to the white world, and you understand my Indian world. How could I not love you?"


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