Venomous: (Alien Warrior Book 1)

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Venomous: (Alien Warrior Book 1) Page 29

by Penelope Fletcher

  “Explode.” I pressed the back of my head deeper into my seat and braced for the boom. “We’re going to explode?”

  Venomous glared over my head.

  His narrowed eyes dropped to me then softened. “No, my Lumen. He made a funny.” He grimaced. “You know our humours clash.”

  I slanted him an incredulous glare. It turned into one of suspicion. “Does this look funny to you?” My head whipped around so Fiercely would see the depth of how not funny I found him. “Do I look amused?”

  “No,” he was quick to reply stroking my hand harder as he straightened. Preparing to argue? “You look unreasonably–”

  “Unreasonably what?”

  “Beautiful,” Venomous barked.

  He cleared his throat, and gave Fiercely a pointed look. He continued at a more modulated tone as his gaze lowered to my heated one.

  “Unreasonably beautiful,” he purred caressing my cheek, shooting Fiercely another look then jerking his chin, prompting.

  “So very beautiful,” Fiercely parroted.

  Letting it go, I nudged Fiercely with my elbow. “You look handsome too.” A soft look at Venomous. “You both do.”

  Fiercely released a strained chuckle then collapsed into his seat.

  With a knowing look at my mate, I returned my attention to the spectacular display out the haze, which acted as a viewing portal, and, if what Fiercely said was true, a buffer from being blown to smithereens.

  We descended from wispy, multihued clouds streaking pale sky.

  The sun was a fiery ruby, beneath it a moon, a shadowy, hoary giant.

  My hand, entwined with Fiercely’s, flew to my mouth, pressing them there. “Oh, la. Look at that.”

  The city of the Northern province sat perched on a wind-blasted, stone plateau.

  Surrounding it on either side were mountainous dunes of unblemished green sand, and a riot of pastel and rust colour streaked the highland stratums and its steep canyons.

  From the gorge overhangs cascaded sheets of opaque water, the glossy liquid a vivid whorl of colours, and nestled in the canyon basins were lush jungles of blue and yellow.

  I stammered, “T-The colours.”

  “Not the same as Earth,” Venomous guessed.

  “N-No. Our sand is white, yellow or black. Our water clear. Plants green. The sky is blue. Sun yellow. I am so freaking right now. Oh, and our clouds are white.”

  Fiercely snorted. “It sounds odd.”

  I spared him an incredulous look. “You have rainbow clouds and water. Rainbow clouds and water.”

  “I heard you the first time. You did not need to speak louder and slower.”

  Eyes wide, I looked back out the haze.

  Bracketing the ravine and its toothed peaks was a sprawling metropolis.

  Spires and vine-wreathed roofs lidded asymmetrical buildings hewn from crystalline rock.

  The constructions flowed sinuously with the land to compliment and enhance its raw beauty rather than eclipse it.

  The transport flew close to the top of the spires.

  So close, if I reached out, I’d touch them.

  Squinting, I made out throngs of people moving below.

  I spotted grazing herds tramping over tended squares that suggested cultivated fields, farming.

  The blur of ground transports as they navigated traffic was unmistakable.

  Stunned by its sheer beauty, I craned my neck to see behind us. “We passed it.” I wriggled in my giant-sized seat.

  “We must land at the spaceport,” Fiercely explained. “By law, it is situated outside the city borders to lower levels of secondary radiation and noise pollution. It is also a preventive measure in times of conflict. By the time we reach the city proper, it will be second moon.”

  Venomous smiled, gave my hand an encouraging squeeze. “And you will meet our kindred.”

  “Yippee,” I cried weakly.

  I wasn’t thrilled to meet the in-laws, but understood it wasn’t a reunion to be postponed, nor would I be so unfeeling as to fuss when he must be excited to see them.

  Less than a span later the planetary transport docked with a faint shudder.

  I shot the males sat either side of me quick smiles.

  Supportive, they each held one of my hands tight in theirs.

  Venomous also rested a hand on my upper thigh, fingers grazing the crease joining it to my groin.

  Fiercely had seemed close to doing the same, but decided against it.

  I’d have thought he’d use my apprehension to push his own agenda.

  That he didn’t impressed me.

  Excitement dowsed my disquiet. “What now?”

  “A short walk to customs where we will be scanned. We cannot bring harmful bacteria to the planet surface.” Fiercely let go of my hand to unbuckle the four-point harness securing him to the seat. “Then we will use the gliders to reach Northern Prime, the capital city of this province. It is a shame we cannot ride the goodbeasts, and tour the territory. The gliders are faster, and Venomous One’s kindred are eager to see him after so many solars.”

  “Home,” Venomous rumbled on a pleasured sigh.

  He kissed the hand he held as his other hand went to work on my buckle, the one on my thigh petted me in comfort, and the fingers on his last free hand undid his own harness.

  Fiercely yelled, “Good parting,” to Great Voice to Roar on our behalf.

  Disembarking, I staggered as a solid wall of heat slammed into me.

  Air flooded my lungs, dry and heavy, causing a deep ache.

  My body felt as if it weighed twice its normal heft, and I staggered like a drunk. I yelped as my feet burned with each wobbly step.

  Venomous swept me into his arms. “Your little toes must not touch the sands at high heat. Remember?”

  He grabbed my foot then tickled my sensitive arch as we walked the designated pathway.

  I thrashed and laughed until I struggled to catch my breath. “Why do I feel heavy?”

  “Our gravitational pull must be stronger than on Earth.” His nose kissed mine. “You will find you cannot lift as much mass as you did before. Take care not to overestimate yourself.”

  I nipped his chin. “And you take care not to underestimate me.”


  As we walked, I inhaled the spiced fruit air and pointed with a joyous shout as a flock of birds soared overhead.

  Rök was an alien Eden, and I was shocked at the richness and variances of colour.

  Knowing it was a desert world I’d expected it to look dry and drab.

  I should have known from the green, green stretches of sand I’d glimpsed from space the planet would trample my wildest expectations.

  Harsh rays from the red sun beamed from a cloudless sky that was so light, and clear, I could see a glimmer of stars and the faint outline of distant planets.

  A painful drumming started in my temples, and my head spun as I jerked to better see a furry critter burrowing into the sand.

  Sweat dripped from my pores, sliding between my cleavage.

  Venomous and Fiercely spoke of male things as we trotted along, trading tales of their lives from over an aeon of separation.

  I listened for a while, smiling at the happier stories, but blocked my ears when Venomous spoke of darker tidings.

  When he spoke in an empty voice of fighting in the arena and killing others for sport.

  During those stories, I listened to bird caws and whistling wind, preferred to watch the rolling, dancing landscape.

  Time passed in a happy daze.

  Though we covered a significant amount of ground there was not a hint of shade in sight.

  A twinge of apprehension had me squinting, hoping to see customs, but there was nothing, just an endless stretch of wending, metallic pavement bordered by a chest high rail and hot sand.

  The longer we walked the more intense my symptoms became.

  Heat stroke might turn out to be an issue much sooner than sunburn.

��Never dreamed the weather would be this intense, babe.”

  Basking, Venomous hummed a happy noise.

  Twenty minutes later the sweating stopped.

  The skin on my face felt tight against my skull, as if it’d crack if I dare smile.

  Heat shrouded me in a somnolent cloud, and my creamy brown skin lost its sheen, taking on a flatter shade.

  Honestly, I didn’t want to be girlie and ridiculous, Venomous carried me, so I wasn’t doing anything strenuous, but I was struggling, and when the nausea escalated into gagging, I decided to speak up.

  “Babe,” I mumbled resting my forehead against his broad chest.

  His scales weren’t hot like my skin.

  In comparison, I’d go as far as to say they were cool.

  I rolled my face against them with an appreciative sigh.

  For once, I was too tired to appreciate the physical beauty of what I touched, or desire it under my lips and hands.

  Disturbed by my sluggishness, Venomous’ hand brushed my exposed throat.

  He halted, voice vibrating unease. “You have stopped leaking.”

  “Too hot,” I croaked. My parched tongue rasped over cracking lips. “I need a drink. What happened to a short walk? If you’d said it’d be this long I’d’ve mentioned the need for water.”

  “Customs is no more than a span at our current pace,” Fiercely tossed over his shoulder striding ahead. “As for the water, you should have said something before we left the transport. We did not bring any.”

  “She will not last so long. She is overheating.” Venomous’ voice was tight. “Her skin is too hot under my hands. We must find shade and liquids.”

  Fiercely paused long enough to get a good look at me over his shoulder.

  Brow furrowed in impatience, he spun, backtracked, and then placed a hand on my forehead. “Thsst!”

  “Water is close,” Venomous said. “I feel the current below my feet.” He glanced about. “That gathering of stone will do. We will rest.”

  “We should not leave the authorised travel lanes. If we do not reach customs within the required time they will issue an alert of border breach.”

  “Feel free to carry on then return with transport. I am happy to care for our mate by myself.”

  Venomous bounded over the chest high partition and off the metallic pathway.

  He made the agile, full body movement, whilst burdened with me, seem as easy as taking his next step.

  “I should have anticipated this,” he muttered. “Foolish, too excited to be home.”

  “No,” I objected. “It’s good to be excited. You’ve been waiting for this for solars. Be happy, I’m happy, just overheated.”

  Holding me close and nuzzling the top of my head, Venomous reached the cluster of rocks.

  He lowered me to the dusty base of the largest boulder in the deepest, coolest part of the shade.

  Oddly shaped stones blasted smooth by sand, wind and time were cool against my reddened skin.

  Fiercely said, “I will return.”

  He frowned at us from a short distance away.

  Venomous grunted.

  Kneeling, he brushed his rough knuckles over my cheek, not watching the other male stalk off, broad back stiff.

  My eyebrow quirked, questioning. “I get the impression you just gave him the Rä version of a slap down.”

  “He should not have blamed you.”

  I clasped his wrist, and leaned into his touch. “Was kind of my own fault.” I cleared my dry throat. “I should have asked more questions about the journey. I know better than that.”

  “You have no knowledge of this place or our routines. We do.” Our joined hands lowered to my throat. He caressed me absentmindedly. “We also know your anatomy is accustomed to a climate much different than this. The mistake was ours. You could tell us what you needed if we had informed you better.” His mouth tightened. “Your pulse is racing.”

  I leaned forward to nip his lip. “I’m fine. Promise. How about you take half the blame, I’ll take the other and we move on?” I gave him a flirty smile to revive his positive mood. I missed the boyish delight. “I won’t expire now I’m under shade. And you’re going to be miraculous and find me water, aren’t you?”

  “Yesss.” He vanished then returned cradling a hollow leaf sloshing with liquid. “This is kakt-kakt.”

  Too thirsty to ask where he’d unearthed it, I was moments from downing the lot, but paused. “This won’t make me sick? Drinking untreated water like this?”

  Venomous’ angular face slackened. “I do not know. It should not.”

  “The sweet water didn’t,” I reasoned.

  “Because it is filtered and enriched with enzymes. Sweet water is used across the galaxy. There are planets where contaminated water is a serious issue for the inhabitants.”

  “Well....” I stared at the water. Saliva pooled in my mouth, and I wiped drool off my chin. “Why is it coloured like this? Sweet water is clear. So is the water of my planet.”

  “Yesss, so is this. Light is reflected and scattered by the native minerals suspended in the liquid giving it these hues. Filtered it is clear. Predominant colour warns of an ecological imbalance.”

  It was coming to my attention my mate had brains as well as brawn.

  At the least, he sounded more intelligent compared to the caveman speak of the slave planet.

  “Just a sip then? I’ll wait a while then if I don’t start puking or hallucinating I’ll assume it’s good.”

  “You should have been given any vaccines needed whilst on the Trekker.” Venomous’ jaw clenched. “They would have been sensible enough to inoculate you, I think. Considering the other things they felt leave to do without our permission.”

  Shrugging, I angled the tip of the leaf to my lips then gulped several large sips rather than a single tiny one, but oh, refreshing.

  The water was thick, more the consistency of full fat milk than the water of Earth.

  Unlike sweet water, it held a brackish aftertaste, but it was cool liquid, and eased the dryness burning my throat.

  Smacking my lips to reintroduce moisture, I offered some to my mate.

  Crouching, he declined.

  “I’m okay,” I promised then finished the water.

  He muttered darkly, “We will see.” He tore open the wet leaf and revealed nutritious gel inside.

  He rubbed it into my burned skin.

  I hummed a thank you, relief from my sunburn immediate.

  Venomous watched me and stole glances at his environs.

  Tension I didn’t realise he carried eased from his rugged features.

  “I’m glad,” I whispered into the peaceful silence. “I’m happy we got you home.”

  His gaze sharpened. “Even though this is not your Earth?”

  A shaft of pain hollowed out my middle. I twisted my face away, but didn’t hide the rawness of my expression. “Yes.”

  “I do not believe you.”

  My neck snapped back. “I won’t lie and say this isn’t hard. There are things I miss, but they’re just things. I had no special person back there.” I looked him in the eyes. Beautiful ebon orbs that gleamed like black oil. “You’re my special person now, okay? This is my home because you’re here with me.” After a beat I added, “So is Fiercely.”

  Venomous’ calloused palms came up to cup either side of my face.

  It felt nice, but I found all his touches pleased me now.

  If he didn’t have a hand on me, I felt out of sorts, and if he wasn’t in sight, I missed him.

  Couldn’t move my head though.

  I searched his gaze for the reason why he restrained me. “What’s wrong?”


  My next intake of breath hitched.

  Black shields Venomous called ‘brille’ rolled back until luminous quartz orbs were exposed.

  Twin slits of his gold pupils shifted back and forth as they dilated, and refracted light dappled my face.

; Their radiant power was delicate, yet more profound because of it.

  Dumbstruck by his beauty, I stared.

  His liquid brille slid back down, and his gaze returned to a mysterious void.

  Chest heaving with effort, he held himself rigid and seemed braced for rejection.

  Reeling, I wound my arms around his shoulders. “You’ve given me a gift I don’t fully understand because I am not Rä.” Touching my forehead to his, I closed my eyes. Saying ‘I love you’ seemed trite in comparison. “I swear, you’ll never regret it.”

  Deep rumbles vibrated his chest as his tongue feathered over the shell of my ear. “You taste wonderful. Not like lust. Softer, deeper.” He sighed. With it drained his tension. “This is your love, I think.”

  Tears washed my eyes, and I nodded, bit my lip. “It is. And this is yours.”

  No, I didn’t fully comprehend what he’d given me, yet deep within, it resonated, a lost chord plucked into song.

  That was overwhelming enough.

  I sought his mouth to kiss him the human way, as he called it, coaxing him into the act until he took control.

  He crushed me to his hard body, banding all four arms around me then falling back onto his ass.

  I straddled his thighs and nibbled his pouty bottom lip.

  A bulging erection pressed and rubbed against my sex making me wet. “Can’t wait to get you back to our lair.”

  He laughed.

  His grin stretched wide as he angled his head back to look down at me. “Our nest should be ready. Comm calls with my kindred were encouraging. My lair was left unmolested.” His face clouded. “It is small, a lair for an a’Rä. I vow to provide you with bigger, grander, as soon as–”

  I slapped a hand over his mouth.

  Satisfied he got the point, I moved my hand to cup the side of this thick neck. “Honestly? I just want us to burrow down somewhere warm, dry and safe. I’m going to sleep for a whole cycle.” I rocked him slightly. He let me. “My priorities have realigned in a massive way. All I need is you and food. Everything else is detail.”

  “I do not think your second will like being treated thusly.”

  “What are you–” Fiercely’s mulish face popped up in my memory. “Ah.” I deliberately widened my eyes then joked, “Think he’ll want to join us?”


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