Savage Planet Warrior

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Savage Planet Warrior Page 3

by Cheyenne Hart

  The large male looked scared more than anything, but rushed a few paces toward Karthid anyway. It was a brave, respectable move that a warrior would make. The alien lunged forward and swung a fist at Karthid, but didn't seem to be trying to engage in close combat. No, he was warding Karthid away from them.

  "I do not mean to hurt you," said Karthid, hoping his translation chip would kick in soon. It didn't though, and Karthid could do nothing but use meaningless hand gestures to try and guide the aliens away from the wrong direction they were about to take.



  The moment Talia saw this alien man, she couldn't take her eyes off him. It was obvious he was not human, not of the same world as she was. His skin was a strange color that did not exactly resemble anything from Earth. It was hard to tell in the eerie, dim lights of the spaceship corridors. But it seemed to be a warm, passionate hue that was close to red but so very different. As the alien man moved, it seemed to shimmer and gleam in the artificial light, so unlike any human's skin would ever do.

  There were tribal tattoos covering much of his massive body. They were painted in intricate patterns over bulging muscles and into the hard, jagged ripples and veins that laced his body in between flesh and joints. And the only clothing he wore was a pair of dark brown pants of some rough material and a pair of black boots.

  "Talia, look out!" said Julius as the strange, tattooed alien man came toward them slowly. "What do you want?!" Julius shouted as the impressive looking alien neared them.

  Loraine leaned close to Talia's ear and quietly said with heated breath, "He's hot as hell." Those were not exactly the words Talia had thought upon sighting him, but she fervently agreed.

  No, her own thoughts were much more graphic, and dirty. The guy's face was striking, good looking for sure, but too hard looking to be considered traditionally handsome. It was a face that would be able to instill fear in other men, while giving a feeling of safety and protection to any woman he was with. She started to imagine the many women a powerful male like this red alien might have been with. Surely, there would be few who could resist such an impressive physique. He was huge, making even Julius seem relatively average in stature.

  It seemed impossible to be any more drawn to him, but then the alien man spoke. "Chayoh," he said in a deep voice. The word was completely unknown, of course, being clearly of a planet far, far removed from where Earth was in space; maybe not even of the same galaxy. But the tongue and lips that formed the strange word were dripping with silken honey, and they worked their way through Talia's ears, around her brain, and finally in a shivering fashion all the way over her spine to her pussy.

  "God," she uttered without thought.

  "What's wrong?" Loraine again whispered in Talia's ear, barely moving herself.


  The alien man continued to speak his strange language, looking puzzled after each word, as though he was expecting something that just wasn't happening.

  Julius became enraged and lunged at the man, which surprisingly got him to back off. "Let's go before this guy tries something," he said. "This way, okay?"

  "That way's got as much chance as being the right way as any," said Loraine.

  Talia shrugged and chased after them, but fell back behind a little as she looked back over her shoulder and the gorgeous red man. He looked so sad to see them leave. Perhaps he just wanted to join their group, or maybe get to know them as allies, or friends—or more.



  "Fucking hell," Karthid muttered in frustration. They were heading to what looked to be the center of the ship. That was sure to be crawling with those ugly Gedex bastards. Something told him to do everything in his power to avoid frightening the women or getting into a fight with the male. The sneaking worry that the curvy blonde was partnered with this male sent tight bolts of jealously shooting up and down Karthid’s muscular body, wrapping finally around his heart.

  "No," he said just as they were all gone around the corridor corner. The artificial light caught the shapely female's pure blond hair as she went. He ran after that golden trail and around the corner. Before the man and other woman could realize what was happening, Karthid threw his arms around the voluptuous blonde and hoisted her over his shoulder.

  It was almost the same as the traditional way people of his home world had captured their desired mates from outside tribes in generations long since passed. The instant that soft, impossibly supple skin touched Karthid's own—he knew he had to have her. The blood rushed through him as he smelled her body, going straight to his cock.

  The male alien shouted with fierce anger, possibly bordering on the line of hatred, the moment he saw what was taking place. And the other woman, the naked one with the flowing red hair, screamed. They both gave chase immediately.

  Of course, soft blonde woman began to shout the moment he’d grabbed her.

  "I'm saving your life. Please, do not hate me for the way I must do it," he said firmly as he ran back the way he'd been heading when they'd met, to the ship's escape pod bay.



  Talia wanted to scream but the jostling motion of being carried at a full run made it hard to draw a big enough breath. Besides, there was something so bizarre about all this that she found it hard to know how she felt. There was almost a strange aura around her, like she'd been hit with some kind of drug that was working on her like catnip did with cats. "Where are you taking me?" she said.

  But there was no sign of recognition from the hunky alien. He just kept on running with her.

  And the way that he ran, so fast and without showing signs of effort, even while carrying her over his shoulder and holding onto her with just one hand—it was more than any Earth man could do.

  "Talia!" cried out Julius. With his injuries from the beating, there was no way he was going to catch up.

  Loraine was doing a better job, butt-naked as she was. That probably would have helped her move faster. There was no way she could have run like that with a bigger bust.

  "Put her down!" she yelled in between heavy breathes. But the athletic alien quickly left them behind.

  They soon came to a part of the ship that lead to a type of space port. There was clearly an advanced airlock, and lots of small capsules lined up in rows. People were there, no, not technically people.

  "Oh my …" started Talia as she looked out at the plethora of various alien beings all bustling to get to the capsules. It was apparent to her that these were escape pods, and these aliens were clearly not the same species’ as the frog-faced monsters that had invaded her ship and kidnapped her and her crewmates.

  "Talia!" called out Julius again, as he and Loraine caught up and entered the escape pod bay. "Don't let him take you!"

  Suddenly overcome with a sense of desperate dread, Talia decided that enough was enough. She punched the big, tattooed alien in the back and hoped that he wasn't the aggressive kind. Squirming around, she managed to make it very clear that she intended to be put down at once. "Let me go!" she said sternly.

  And he did, just stopped and put her down. It was the strangest thing.

  "Thank you?" she said with confusion as she made her way over to Julius and Loraine, who were coming across the large room and toward her.

  "These have to be escape pods," said Julius as he gestured to where the pods were lined up near the gaping cavity in the hull of the ship. There must have been an invisible barrier there.

  "Thank fucking Christ," added Loraine. "I guess you've got yourself an admirer." She nodded toward the tattooed alien, who hung back and made no attempt to interfere with any of them.

  "Just stay away from him, okay?" said Julius. "Probably wants to drag you back to his cave on some planet and make you his wife."

  "I could think of worse guys to spend a wedding night with," said Loraine.

  "Yeah," said Talia without thinking. "I mean, yeah, you're right Julius. Let's get into one of these pods before
those green things come after us."

  The other escaping aliens where activating escape pods one at a time. They would get in and close the door, then a whirring sound would start up as well as flashing lights on the pod exterior. Then, the elongated, egg-shaped pods would lift off the ground and pass through the huge airlock doors without so much as causing a breeze. There was clearly a power-field of some type keeping everything from being sucked out into space. They were leaving in droves as the wave of alien captives rushed toward the pods at once.

  Looking around, it was easy to see they’d been the last escapees to reach the pod bay. "Wait, there's only one left?" said Talia. “We can’t abandon him though,” she said, pointing to the strange red alien.

  Julius had been focused on getting Talia back and only just now looked around properly. He said, "No, that's not possible. Wait, there are two left! I guess your friend can catch a ride too, by himself. Happy?" They had been too distracted by the strange actions of the alien man. Quickly, the three humans ran to the nearby vacant pod.

  Just then, there was a terrible and familiar screech. It was the aliens who owned the ship, the frog-faced giants and their glowing stick weapons. A handful of them came charging through the bay door, moving as quickly as their knobby legs must have allowed. It was unnatural, the way they ran with their reversible kneecaps and flailing arms. They came in and slammed a button on the wall by the door. The escape pods that remained suddenly closed up. It must have been some kind of manual override!

  The red alien man tensed up at the sight of them, like he'd just spotted his natural enemy. "GHAARRD!" he roared with such power that it was as though he had a megaphone attached to his throat. Without a second's hesitation, he ran toward the group of green aliens at full speed. He didn't even have a weapon, but if that bothered him in the slightest, he showed no sign of it. He darted around them and slammed his fist into the button, unlocking the escape pods. The frog-like aliens were far from happy about his interference, and they surrounded him with malicious intent.

  "Come on!" Julius shouted. The three earthlings picked up their pace and got to the pod. But there were only two seats inside it.

  "What now?" asked Talia.

  "It's just a little cramped. I say we risk it and all get the hell in now," answered Julius with certainly. He and Loraine climbed inside.

  "No, the life support system in this thing is probably meant for two people. Two seats, two people ... two survivors. Please, you have to take care of this beautiful woman for me," said Talia. "She's the best friend I could ever want."

  "No way!" said Julius.

  "Julius, it's okay," said Talia calmly. "There's another pod, remember? I’m sure I will see you soon … wherever we wind up."

  "Get in it and take off. We'll wait till you go." Julius was serious too.

  "What? We can't abandon this guy while he's saving our butts," said Talia.

  "Just do what she wants, forget your ego for a minute," said Loraine, pushing Julius into the escape pod. "We'll see you soon Talia, wherever the hell these things are going to take us. Lots of love!" She kissed her friend on the cheek and climbed inside the pod and ejected, with Julius following. The pod lifted into the air and left the ship.

  Now alone on the floor of the pod bay, Talia turned her attention to the battle taking place near the entrance. The attractive alien fought like a demon, unlike any human ever could. His tough body rippled and flexed with exertion as he darted back and forth from one green monster to the next, landing a fist or foot with precision. Their glowing weapons just couldn't move fast enough to touch him, no matter how much the frog-faced opponents screeched and stumbled around in desperation. They did get close, though, and they were wearing him out.

  Now that Talia's friends were gone in their escape pod, she suddenly felt so alone. If this alien should by knocked out or killed, that would also mean the end of her. The green aliens would hit that escape pod override button for sure, and she’d be trapped with them. There would be much worse to endure than a probing, she was certain. Just as she was beginning to feel the weight of it all was crushing her, her would-be alien rescuer was hit by the bright tip of one of the shock sticks.

  Talia shouted with dread, “No!”

  His whole body convulsed for a moment and he nearly went down. But somehow, he shrugged off the charge and continued to fight. He roared with extreme rage that made Talia's whole body tingle, as he sent his fist rocketing into one ugly, green face. Its upturned nose seemed to implode and it hit the deck with a thud that rang out across the expansive pod bay.

  Again, the red alien's tattooed body spun, and he slammed his bulky fist into another green face. That alien went down too. It was obviously some kind of weak point, not to mention how incredibly strong the punches were. The remaining enemy aliens showed how brave they truly were and ran out of the room, closing the door behind them, bleating with rage and fear like wild animals fleeing from a grizzly bear.

  "Over here, in the escape pod!" shouted Talia, feeling pride at her new hero's fighting prowess and exhilaration to have all but survived such a terrible fate.



  It almost felt better than sex to kill some of those disgusting things. It would have made his now-deceased kin proud to witness how he’d fought, and even without a weapon. His knuckles were already starting to bruise from the devastating blows he'd delivered by the time he reached the escape pod.

  A divine female voice shouted something out to him that he couldn’t understand. Waiting by the final remaining escape pod was the alien woman.

  "You waited for me?" he asked, feeling his heart rate increase. "Thank you."

  She could not understand him.

  It would take some time before the translation chip would put together a usable database for her strange, unknown language. But what he did understand was the readout on the small display inside the pod as they climbed inside. He pressed the large button by the door, which then closed, and the pod whirred into action. It unceremoniously lifted and zoomed out of the airlock force field.

  With the excitement behind them, Karthid's immense store of adrenaline stopped pumping as furiously. He felt his eyes uncontrollably drawn to the deep blue of this shorter, very round woman. "Please, speak so my translator can learn your language," he said to her.

  Nothing, no sign of understanding. She looked utterly bewildered and on the verge of either breaking into tears.

  "You have gone through much," he said. Suddenly, the display of the little pod began to flash and beep. The automated navigation system had chosen a suitable location for landing. He knew of the place. It was called Lustrya, a savage and isolated planet that few highly advanced races ever visited. The only problem was, it was on the other side of this system … so far from home that it could take years to travel there. "I think you are lucky that you don't know how far away from your own home you will be when you wake up," he whispered, as though he thought she might somehow understand him.

  She shook her head and acted as though she might like to run, but there was no way to do so. So beautiful, and her aura was about her like a lulling cloud. It worked through Karthid completely. Although he had no home left and was unsure of what might happen, it was reassuring to know the two of them were now bonded in their fate.

  “Everything is going to be alright,” he said and hoped the translator might start working. It did not.

  There was a very slight change in the air inside the pod. That would be something to put them to sleep, into a deep sleep. He wanted to let her know they were about to travel unknown distances before they woke up, that they were about to be rendered unconscious for an undeterminable length of time.

  The stunning woman leaned back and looked relaxed, breathing calmly now. Her blue eyes were peaceful, and they closed slowly.

  "Better you don't know," he mumbled as he felt himself getting sleepy too.



  "What the hell just
happened?" said Talia when she managed to pry her eyelids open. Something had put her to sleep. There had also just been a large impact. "Are we under attack?" She looked over at the gorgeous alien, his skin shining in the low light of the escape pod, reflecting his tattoos and widening her eyes with their intricate beauty. She felt herself completely distracted by him as he slept.

  And when he opened his eyes, they immediately locked with her own. "Druohj Elohash," he said to her with a deep, warm voice that ran over her ears like a tongue covered in sweet wine.

  "I'm sorry, I don't understand." The door of the pod suddenly opened. "Oh, geez." Talia nearly jumped right out of her skin. Shielding her eyes from the intense light, she was practically blinded for a moment. It had distracted her from that fact that the alien man with her was, well he was kind of on here. "Hey now," Talia said to him. The sensation of his broad arms covering her upper torso, so close to her large breasts, made her feel flush all over. And his hands were over her shoulder and waist respectively. "Please," she said, but then it was suddenly clear to her what his intentions had been in diving over her like that. "You were protecting me?" she asked.

  "Hyess," he replied quietly, with a deep kind of reverence to his voice. Funny, the word almost sounded English.

  They were so close to each other that both their breathing was creating a damp heat between their faces.


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