Savage Planet Warrior

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Savage Planet Warrior Page 6

by Cheyenne Hart

  They took her out of the room and lead her through several dark, musty, ancient-looking hallways. There were fire torches on the walls every so often to give a primitive glow to the place. It made Talia feel more homesick than she’d ever thought possible, to be in such an uninviting place. They came to an expansive, tiled area that had crude metal pipes running along the walls. It was a clean place though, and it smelled nice. But it looked, to her, like somewhere such savage barbarians might take their victims to slaughter them, just like they might do with whatever their planet's version of a cow or pig was.

  Talia gave serious thought to becoming a vegetarian if she ever got out of this with her life. "What the hell is going on?" she asked, but got no response. She was instead left there with the woman, while the two big men went to stand guard outside the tiled area, looking away.

  The savage woman put her spear down, then grabbed Talia firmly in her big hands and pushed her against the hard, cold wall. She fastened her against the tiles with leather straps that had buckles on the ends. It was impossible to get out, and the woman was careful about tightening the straps properly. Unlike when she'd been loosely tied up by the clumsy and brutish frogmen, the Gedex, Talia didn't think there was any way she could slip free from these restraints.

  Then, the woman clapped, and the sound reverberated in the open area with its flat, smooth walls and floor. It made Talia flinch, since she was expecting something terrible and painful to happen to her at any time. Instead, two more women came in. They were wearing flowing white clothes that would have suited yoga instructors. One of them walked directly up to Talia without speaking. She had a calming smile on her face and put a hand up as though to sooth the captive Earth woman.

  Then, just like that, she pulled a small tube from her pocket and jabbed Talia in the side of the head with it. Right in the skull.

  "Ouch! What the hell is wrong with you!? If you're going to kill me then just do it already. Do you really need to torment and torture me first?!"

  "Don't be afraid," said the woman who'd jabbed her. "Can you understand me?"

  She was about to continue yelling and carrying on, not willing to go out without at least making a lot of noise, but Talia stopped suddenly. "Hang on. Yes, I can understand you!"

  "I've just installed a translator chip, the latest possible model." This woman was wearing a golden belt around her waist, while the other woman was wearing a silver belt. Maybe it was denoting rank. "I am a female doctor. This is my assistant and doctor-in-training. We are going to cleanse you and make you sacred."

  "I don't know what that means, but it has to be better than being slaughtered."

  "Uh … yes," said the doctor, seeming a bit put off by the vulgar suggestion. "Very well, assistant, begin the cleanse."

  With that, the other white clad woman, who was quite attractive, brought a device that resembled a mixture of a corkscrew and a utility knife out from her pocket. She used it to cut Talia's jumpsuit, from the top and all the way down to the bottom. There was nothing in her eyes that showed she enjoyed seeing her naked, but the assistant also didn't act as though Talia was a person. It was disconcerting how these people seemed to be able to switch off their own sense of humanity, or whatever aliens had instead, like that. They were treating Talia like livestock.

  The guard took the ruined jumpsuit and tossed it into a metallic bin. Instantly, fire flared up inside, indicating that it was some kind of open top incinerator. That was not exactly the safest thing to have in any workplace, even one as primitive as this. Yet, while this planet seemed savage from what she'd seen of it, there was still technology here of the likes that Talia’s own culture could only dream of. It was all so odd.

  "Is this really necessary?" asked Talia when she was completely naked, strapped to the wall like a manikin in a bondage display in a sex shop window. "I'm a human being, damn it!"

  "You are nothing to us now," said the guard as she stepped closer, "but you will be soon. Have patience."

  The doctor motioned her hand and the guard became silent, slinking back against the wall and looking away. It was clear that this "female doctor" was higher up in the pecking order here.

  "Please, tell me what you're going to do to me," pleaded Talia.

  With a smile, the doctor replied, "Make you sacred." She motioned again but this time to her servant.

  The assistant took down a hose from the wall and pointed it at Talia. She pulled back a lever on the nozzle and a strange mist came flooding forth, enveloping Talia in the strangest way. Some kind of semi-liquid cloud covered her, and only her. It felt amazing!

  "Oh, geez," Talia said as the mist tickled her all over. It was not sexual, but without any doubt, it was the most sensual thing she had ever felt. Being in such a wonderful state of mind while those detached faces stared at her like she was a test subject in a lab, still made Talia feel uneasy. The cloud worked around her for maybe a minute, and she could feel herself being cleaned all over. The smell was intoxicating too, like a wild fruit mixture, which was pleasantly distracting. The cloud then evaporated and was gone, leaving everything as it had been before.

  Next, the assistant brought down a different hose and sprayed Talia with a different colored cloud. This time, a strange, metallic-pink surrounded her. After that cloud went away, Talia glanced down at her naked body and saw that she was …

  "Pink! You made me look like a metal-pink statue?!" She didn't know how to feel about this. The strange gaseous bath had been refreshing and unexpected, but this new coloring just didn't bode well. It couldn't possibly lead to anything normal or wanted, she thought. Deep down, she was delighted because she loved glitter pink. This was almost as good. But the fearful adult in her pushed that childish thought far away. She also noticed that while she was naked, there was an odd layer of thickness in the paint over her breasts and her privates, at least the parts that were visible while she was standing. It felt like a gap had been left around her hoo-ha, and that was certainly alarming. The pink stuff was like latex, at least she imagined it was, only it breathed wonderfully.

  "You are now cleansed and you are sacred. If anyone brings harm to you, they will be brought to swift and terrible justice," said the doctor as she went to leave. Stopping at the door, she added, "This is law." Then, she left and motioned for her assistant to follow.

  The female guard held her spear still but didn't point it directly at Talia any more. The two male guards rejoined them as they left the "cleansing" room. Each of them also acted differently around Talia, not menacing her with their weapons or leering, as much at least. It was clear they were attracted to her, however. They took her through the corridors again and to a large door, which was ornately decorated with shiny materials that might have been gold and silver, as well as stones that looked like they were very expensive, with beauty not quite like anything back home. One of the men opened the door and entered, while the other man waited outside, scanning back and forth down the corridor vigilantly.

  "You will be comfortable here," said the woman. Then, in a way that was completely baffling, she stopped and looked into Talia's eyes as though she were a person and not some kind of property. "You are now sacred. What is your name?"

  "Talia." Then, with pride, she added, "Of Earth. But what do you mean that I'm sacred?"

  Almost looking ashamed to have to say it, the female guard replied, "You are a sacred prize, to be given to the final victor in the tournament as a mate."

  "But I only just found my real, true mate, and I didn't even know he existed a day ago. I won’t go off with someone else!"

  "This is your fate now," said the woman as she left with the two male guards and closed the door, locking Talia in.



  The force field did not lift from Karthid until five large guards had come in and restrained him with heavy shackles and chains, so that his legs, ankles, and hands were tightly bound. He was then able to shuffle slightly, so that he could still move as the guards pulle
d him along by a rope. They did not stop him from speaking, however, though they soon regretted failing to do so.

  "You will be killed for this, all of you. I will find every one of you in your beds and slice you into pieces." Karthid was growling as he said the words. It was hard to appear ferocious when he was walking so foolishly and being prevented from moving his body with more than a meek sway, as he inched along with the group of guards.

  The men leading him were all large, but not one of them was comparable to the size of Karthid. They had sharp features, jagged noses and leering eyes like reptiles. He wasn't exactly sure what race they were, having never personally set foot on this planet.

  "Be careful with this one," said the oldest of the guards who was walking ahead, leading his captive by the rope around his neck. That was only there to help direct the prisoner, as it wasn't necessary to keep him from escaping, not with all the chains and shackles. "My father told me of the Reh’loy."

  "What planet are they from?" asked one of the younger guards.

  "A better planet than your own," said Karthid with pride. "One not fit for your ears nor your vile tongue." He bared his teeth at the younger guards, but all that did was make them laugh mockingly.

  The older guard made a 'tut-tut' sound, shaking his head and turning back around to watch where he was going through the dirty corridor. "Heed my warning, you runts, this one will tear your heads off if you get in a fight with him. Best you use those heads before you lose 'em, and do not mess around with this prisoner."

  "He's the last of his city, isn't he?" asked another of the guards, an older one, but still with an air of inexperience to him.

  "If you know so much about me and my people, why would your 'wise' council send an old man and a group of freshlings to guard me?" asked Karthid.

  "We send our warriors to fight, not to sit around at home and knit with the women. Maybe that's why your lot was killed off," said the old man. He'd taken offence and quickly forgotten his own advice about not taunting this particular prisoner.

  They put Karthid in a dirty, primitive cell without any window. "Take off his chains and bring 'em with you when you lock the cell," said the older guard as he waited outside the room. They had spears and they were all holding them intently now, whereas before they'd been resting them against their shoulders in a relaxed manner.

  "What? You're mad," said a young guard.

  To that, his superior smashed him in the side of the head with a fist. "You wanna say that again to my face, runt? How's he meant to fight in the tournament if we leave him chained up for days before? The lumbering brute needs to stretch and move if he'll have a fair chance. Are you resisting the sacred way of things?"

  "N—no, sir! Sorry!" said the young guard, rubbing the side of his head and jumping to follow orders with the others. They did as told, pointing spears at Karthid the whole time and acting like they were trying to tame a giant.

  Their fear in him and the way that his people's legacy had clearly proceeded him made Karthid feel pleased in a small way. However, he wanted to fly into a rage the moment they removed his shackles, but resisted the urge. Doing so might end up with the restraints being put back on. No, he wanted to ensure the best possible chance of his escaping and finding his one true mate, the bodacious and gentle Talia of Earth.

  So, he stretched and exercised, making his muscles gleam with sweat and pulse with hard work. If there was going to be a tournament and he was to take part, Karthid would have to be sure to win at any cost. First, his goal would be to get out of captivity, hopefully killing as many of these cowards as possible in the process. That chance came sooner than he might have thought, although it was not entirely hard to believe with the incompetent guards they kept in the prison area.

  Sleeping, that is how Karthid appeared each time the guard came to look through the barred window on the cell door. The metal used there was heavy and impossible for even a man of his strength to break. The walls and the structure of the entire cell were solid, ancient in appearance, and their age stood as a testimony to just how strongly they had been built long ago. There was no way Karthid would be able to break free of that cell, and he surmised as much quickly.

  So, he worked his body until he grew listless and all his rage was eased. Then, he lied down on the floor and pretended to sleep, although he was just resting. When the first guard finally gave over his shift to the next, they spoke as young, naive workers do, too freely.

  And Karthid listened to their conversation from the corridor outside, as it came floating in through the bars on his cell door.

  "Have you seen her?" said the fresh guard with eagerness.

  "No," replied the other. "You mean the new prize?"

  Making an enthusiastic, rutting sound that must have been paired with a rude gesture, the new guard added, "You’ve never seen any woman so soft and round. Those juicy melons on her too. And her skin’s so fair! Puts our women to shame.."

  "You better not let anyone else hear you talk about her like that—she's sacred, you idiot."

  "Are you going to rat on me?"

  "Of course not. Anyway, maybe I should go have a look before they put her away for the night," said the guard who'd been on duty. "Where is the tournament’s prize display this year?"

  "On the other side of the central river, by the arena," he said with a rushed voice, "You better hurry because they were getting ready to put all the prizes away when I left."

  "Well then, see you later." The guard who'd been on duty ran off.

  The one who'd replaced him now walked up and down the corridor outside the cell. Just the way the whelp walked told Karthid all he needed to know about how this man would hold himself in a fight—not well at all, like a boy instead of the man he purported to be.

  Anger for these people had to be avoided, squashed and shoved to the side. His only goal now was to get to Talia and rescue her before this "sacred" tournament began. He put his plan into action. “Pathetic,” he said loudly.

  Footsteps came toward his cell, then the sound of breathing. “Did you say something to me, whelp?” came a shaky voice, the young guard trying to seem brave.

  "You know I did," retorted Karthid with defiance. "You are pathetic, like a little boy. This sacred tournament is a pile of shit." He could almost feel the rising blood pressure of the guard.

  Speaking slightly faster now, his voice unsteady, working to control his youthful outrage, the guard answered, "You need a lesson about keeping your mouth shut." He was right by the barred cell window now.

  Karthid leapt from his position and extended his arms through bars. It was like lightning striking, giving the guard absolutely no time to react before being slammed into the heavy door.

  "Make a sound and I'll crush your skull in an instant. You know I can and I will.” It took all of about five seconds to convince the petrified guard to hand over his keys, which were the primitive metal style. After that, Karthid said, “Thanks, whelp,” and slammed the guard’s head into the metal bars, knocking him into a deep unconsciousness.

  He considered taking the guard’s spear but though better of it. If he caused any bloodshed, or was even spotted during his escape for that matter, there was a chance they would hurt Talia or move her to another location.

  It was dark already as Karthid crept out of the musty prison area and into the streets. The door to his cell block lead directly out, which seemed foolish, but warrior cultures like this were not known for their care or fear of mistakes. People were still about. They were varying races from around the planet, and from other planets. Karthid recognized some of them as off-worlders, and he assumed that others were most likely natives that he hadn’t come across yet.

  Covered in muck and blood as he was, it was necessary to stick to the shadows and walk slowly to avoid drawing attention to himself. Those who were still out seemed uninterested in anything but getting to their homes or other destinations. Perhaps there was some kind of curfew on during the time leading up to sacred tourn
ament. Eventually, he found his way over to where the guard had indicated that the “sacred prizes” would be displayed. They were being packed up for the night, and Talia was nowhere to be seen. Karthid would need to have faith that she was among the wagons and carts, along with the other precious treasures that had been on display.

  Once everything was packed away, it was all moved in a slow procession through the cobbled city streets, with at least twenty well-armed and armored guards surrounding it. They were easy to follow, but Karthid was careful to stay well out of site. One wagon caught his eye. It had barred windows and looked like it was built to hold living cargo. He waited for that wagon to fall away from the rest of the group, as they were one-by-one docked in various holding areas, for safe keeping most likely.

  Karthid was surprised how easy it was to sneak in behind the wagon as it was brought into a large courtyard. Then, he spotted Talia as she was lead from the wagon, and his heart wanted him to leap across the courtyard to help her; let her know that he was alive and waiting to save her. But that would have ruined everything. The alarm would have been raised immediately.

  Once the guards had secured her in her cell, he waited until they settled into their routines and he could judge when they’d make their way through. When the nearest guard next walked through an archway into a corridor, Karthid crept across the open, dark area, to the door his beloved Talia had been ushered through. It was impressive in size and made entirely of hard metal. He tried the lock with the keys he’d taken from the guard. The first few did nothing and Karthid’s blood began to freeze. There were footsteps echoing from the distance, indicating that one of the guards was coming back through the courtyard already. He had poorly miscalculated their routine.

  “Shit,” he muttered quietly, but not quietly enough.


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