Bang (Hard Hit Book 13)

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Bang (Hard Hit Book 13) Page 1

by Charity Parkerson

  Table of Contents

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine


  Hard Hit #13

  Charity Parkerson

  The scanning, uploading, and distributing of this book via the internet or via any other means without the permission of the copyright owner is illegal and punishable by law. Criminal copyright infringement, including infringement without monetary gain, is investigated by the FBI and is punishable by up to 5 years in federal prison and a fine of $250,000. Please purchase only authorized electronic editions, and do not participate in or encourage electronic piracy of copyrighted materials. Brief passages may be quoted for review purposes if credit is given to the copyright holder. Your support of the author’s rights is appreciated. Any resemblances to person(s) living or dead, is completely coincidental. All items contained within this novel are products of the author’s imagination.

  --Warning: This book is intended for readers over the age of 18.

  Copyright © 2017 Charity Parkerson

  Editor: Hercules Editing and Consultants

  All rights reserved.

  ISBN-13: 978-1-946099-27-3

  ISBN-10: 1-946099-27-9

  Created with Vellum



  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  About the Author


  Maksim doesn’t do strings. Marshall doesn’t date men. They’re both about to be proven wrong.

  Marshall is the golden child. He wins every game he plays—on and off the field. He’s living the dream and knows it. That’s why he refuses to let a thing like preferring men in his bed get in his way. Right now, he’s all about his career. Everything else can wait, or so he thinks, until he meets Maksim.

  Maksim has it all and basks in it. It’s his job to check out sexy, talented men and offer them lots of money. Sometimes, they’re extremely grateful for his services. What more could a man want? The last distraction Maksim needs is a relationship. Maksim never expects Marshall. Marshall teases, taunts, and tempts Maksim in ways he never dreamed. He also makes Maksim want a life he never has before.

  Two men with no desire to change will have to find a way to bend or end up breaking each other.

  Chapter One

  The night they met…

  The club-level crowd was outrageous. When Marshall had agreed to show up at tonight’s Blue Fires game, he’d only been thinking of his twin, Michael. Otherwise, he might not have agreed. Marshall was a few short minutes away from being highlighted on the Jumbotron in front of more than twenty thousand fans. He’d never been club level, but he played football in front of more than four times as many screaming fans, yet he was still nervous as hell. Maybe it was due to plotting against his twin, Michael.

  Marshall followed on his brother’s heels and prayed he wasn’t making a mistake. A week ago, he’d unwittingly ruined Michael’s relationship with the only man his brother ever loved. Tonight, he would stick his neck out and hope life didn’t chop off his head while he tried fixing the damage he’d done. The love of Michael’s life, Gavin, used to be Marshall’s best friend. Now the man wanted to marry Marshall’s baby brother. Yes, Marshall owned those two minutes he’d arrived into the world ahead of Michael. Marshall would smile and watch Gavin marry Michael—no matter his thoughts on the matter, because Michael was the only person—other than himself that Marshall loved.

  “Hey,” Michael called, snagging some dude’s attention and dragging Marshall from the sickening sense of dread sitting in his gut.

  The dark-haired man turned at Michael’s greeting. His smile was luminous as he spotted Michael. “Hello again.” Goddamn, the dude had a thick and sexy accent. “We’re getting very good at meeting like this.” His gaze slid over Michael’s shoulder, landing on Marshall, before meeting Michael’s stare again. Immediately, the man’s almost violet eyes moved back to stare at Marshall “I don’t wish to alarm you, but you have a man who looks exactly like you standing right behind you.”

  Michael snorted. A smile tugged at Marshall’s lips. The man had a sense of humor. Sexy. Michael moved aside, making room for Marshall. He motioned Marshall’s way. “Maksim, this is my brother, Marshall. Marshall, Maksim Petrov. He’s a talent scout.”

  Maksim held out his hand for Marshall to shake. “It is nice to meet you. Your face is familiar to me,” Maksim said before laughing. “That wasn’t meant to be the joke it turned out to be. I honestly believe I’ve seen you before. In fact, I’m already positive I’d like to see you again.”

  Goddamn. Marshall was certain he’d like to see Maksim again as well, and they’d just met.

  Thankfully, Michael kept up their side of the conversation since Marshall couldn’t get his tongue to work properly. He honestly believed he’d never met a sexier man. “Marshall is quarterback for the Land Sharks,” Michael explained.

  Maksim slid a heated gaze down Marshall’s body, setting every inch of Marshall’s skin ablaze. “Ah, that explains things. Would the two of you care to sit with me?”

  Marshall’s tongue magically came back to life. He couldn’t let this man get away. “I’d like that,” Marshall said, answering for them.

  He could feel his brother’s stare boring into the side of his head, but Marshall couldn’t tear his gaze away from Maksim. The man wore an expensive-looking business suit. Despite his dark hair being slicked back, it kept falling forward, blocking the man’s gorgeous eyes. Marshall had never been so instantly drawn to anyone before. Maksim led the way to a private table. Marshall watched his every move. He had the perfect ass. Marshall fought the urge to touch it. When they reached the table, Michael chose the opposite side from Maksim, leaving the chair beside the sexy talent scout empty. Marshall claimed it, incapable of putting any distance between them. In fact, he needed to know everything about the man.

  “Where are you from, Mr. Petrov?”

  Maksim winked. Marshall sucked in a breath to counteract the instant lust. “It is Maksim only. I am from Samara. It is the sixth largest city in Russia.”

  Marshall’s smile was out of his control. He loved the man’s accent. “I don’t know much about Russia. Sorry.”

  Maksim’s smile turned wicked. Marshall’s gaze dropped to his lips. He craved every word. “If you’d like to learn, I’d be happy to give you a tour. It is a very beautiful place. Of course, it’s cold, and you are probably used to the heat. I’m sure I could find ways to keep you warm.”

  Playing the fool was second nature to Marshall. He wasn’t like Michael. Michael was the gay twin. Marshall was the athlete. They each had their part to play in life. “I’ve heard how y’all like to drink.”

  “Among other things,” Maksim said, inching closer to Marshall. Despite all the warning bells clanging in Marshall’s head, he didn’t back away. The man’s hair fell across his eyes once more. Without thought, Marshall’s hand lifted. He itched to push the lock behind the man’s ear. Thankfully, he caught himself before giving himself away. Marshall flattened his palm on the table, fighting his urges.

  The man Gavin had told Marshall to meet to set their plan in motion, Shayne Something-or-another, appeared at the edge of the table, saving Marshall from himself. He handed Marshall an earpiece and another to Michael. “Put these in. They’ll be announcing you soon.”

/>   Marshall shoved the tiny bud inside his ear. A voice chattered instructions in his ear and started counting down.

  Michael held the earbud away from his body, looking scandalized. “Wait. Why do I need this?”

  Shayne hesitated, making Marshall worry the man was about to ruin Gavin’s plan. Instead, he rattled off something about them highlighting Michael too as Marshall’s brother. Bitterness rose in Marshall’s throat. Even though he knew Shayne had pulled out a bullshit excuse to get Michael to cooperate, he fucking hated when people made Michael feel like he was the other brother—the one who came in second. So Marshall was the starting quarterback for the New Orleans Land Sharks. Who fucking cared? No one who mattered, that was who. Michael deserved equal amounts of respect.

  Michael met Marshall’s stare, looking desperate. “Why do I need this?”

  Irritation with the unfairness of life had Marshall snapping. “Just put it in. We’re almost out of time.”

  Always the loyal brother, Michael shoved the earpiece in just as the countdown in Marshall’s ear came to an end, and his face appeared on the Jumbotron.

  “Joining us tonight, cheering for his home team, is quarterback for the New Orleans Land Sharks, Marshall Frost.”

  Marshall smiled and waved to the sound of loud cheers. A sigh of relief rose in his throat when the camera moved Michael’s way. “Also joining us this evening is Marshall’s twin, Michael Frost, fiancé to Blue Fires Forward, Gavin Weeks.”

  There it was—the reason they were there. Gavin’s evil plan to announce Michael as his fiancé in hopes of making it true. Michael waved before the news obviously sank in. Marshall watched his brother’s expression shift. It was subtle. Most people wouldn’t notice, but they were identical. Michael couldn’t hide anything from Marshall.

  Maksim shifted to his feet and grabbed Michael’s hand to shake. “Congratulations.”

  Michael looked shell-shocked. “Thank you.”

  Marshall interceded before Michael made Gavin look like an idiot by admitting he hadn’t known he was marrying Gavin before that moment. After tugging Michael into a bear hug, he pressed his lips to Michael’s ear, ensuring no one else heard their conversation. “Stop looking so shocked. People might think you’re unhappy. By the way, after what Gavin just did, I’m glad you didn’t give up on him through all these years. He obviously loves you and that’s all I’ve ever wanted—someone to deserve you.”

  “What just happened?” Michael’s open confusion had Marshall praying he hadn’t made a huge mistake. “Did you do this?”

  Marshall slapped him across the back, managing to still play the part for anyone watching. “Nah. I just got you here. This was all Gavin. He loves you, Michael. You don’t have to marry him. He’ll be the only one embarrassed if you don’t, but hear him out after the game. Dude loves you.”

  Before Marshall could say more, Maksim appeared at his side, holding a beer out for Marshall. “What are your plans later tonight?”

  A jolt of panic ran through Marshall. He’d taken things too far. Given himself away. As sexy as he found Maksim, he needed to shut this down before he ruined his life and career. Even to his ears, Marshall’s voice sounded tight when he answered. “How do you mean?”

  Maksim nodded toward Michael. “Your brother will understandably wish to go home with his fiancé. Perhaps you’d like to go home with me?” The confidence in Maksim’s tone had Marshall ready to do anything the man asked. His fear held him in check. Some things were ingrained too deeply.

  He didn’t reach for the beer. “I think you have the wrong idea about me.”

  Maksim’s eyebrows rose. He did not have the wrong impression. Everyone standing there knew it. The gorgeous Russian transformed from smooth flirt to cold indifference so quickly the room chilled by ten degrees. “I see. You’re a coward. How tiresome.” Without another word, he walked away.

  Rage had Marshall staring a hole in the man’s back. “Oh, hell no,” he said, going after the man who was quickly disappearing without a word to Michael. No one called him a fucking coward and then walked away.

  Marshall handed off his earpiece to the first sound man he spotted before chasing Maksim down. “Hey, Maksim. Hold up.”

  At his shout, Maksim paused. His shoulders fell before he spun, wearing a blatantly false smile. “Is there something I can do for you?”

  Marshall felt his face harden. “You called me a coward, then ran for it.”

  “Have you decided you’re not a craven after all?”

  “I’m trying to decide how you getting the wrong impression reflects on me.”

  Maksim blew out a tired-sounding sigh. “Look, Marshall. It is Marshall, right?”

  Marshall nodded.

  The sexy Russian flashed him a bland smile. “Look, I don’t care if you’re hiding your sexuality. In fact, I don’t give a damn if you’re still lying to yourself. I have the best job in the world, checking out sexy men and offering them lots of money. You’re not the first closeted gay I’ve met and you won’t be the last. So don’t lie to me, because I’ll never lie to you. If you want to fuck, then say the word. No one ever has to know, and I’d show you the time of your life. Otherwise, I see a very sexy musician who I know for a fact loves rope play.”

  The knot in the pit of Marshall’s stomach was a small thing when compared to his self-hatred. Maksim was offering Marshall a night he wouldn’t forget, and Marshall wasn’t brave enough to take it.

  “Like I said, I think I’ve given you the wrong impression.”

  An ugly smirk touched Maksim’s sexy lips. “That’s too bad. I would’ve rocked your world. No strings attached, of course,” Maksim snorted, “since I don’t do strings. It’s been nice meeting you, Marshall.” Maksim said his name as if he still wasn’t sure Marshall was the right name. Yet Maksim obviously had no problem remembering Michael.

  Marshall watched Maksim cross the room to a blond guy who looked familiar. The man’s smile and body language said he knew he could have anyone he wanted. Marshall cast a desperate look around. He needed to get out of there and drink himself into oblivion. It was stressful and depressing work being the coward Maksim accused him of being.

  Chapter Two

  Two weeks later…

  Counting crunches became secondary to the dark hair and violet eyes Marshall couldn’t stop watching. It had taken him fifteen minutes to decide if his eyes were playing tricks on him after spotting Maksim at the gym. Marshall had been going there for years. If he’d ever noticed Maksim before, he couldn’t recall doing so. The man’s dark hair kept falling in his eyes. It amazed Marshall that the man couldn’t feel Marshall’s stare. He hadn’t looked away from Maksim since spotting him.

  “That’s Maksim Petrov,” Trent said, cutting into Marshall’s fantasies of having Maksim on his knees.

  Marshall glanced over at his usual workout buddy at the words. “I know. We met a couple of weeks ago at a Blue Fires game. I was trying to decide why I’d never seen him here before.”

  Trent glanced Maksim’s way. “Probably because he lives in New York. I think he’s here as a guest of someone too important for us to ever meet. He travels a lot, so you know.” Trent shrugged, as if Marshall could read his mind and finish his thoughts. “You should go say hi,” Trent said, nodding Maksim’s way. “He has a lot of connections. Waylon’s out for this season, but when he comes back, he’s going to want his starting position back. It can’t hurt to know people like Maksim. He could be your ticket to a starting position with another team.”

  Irritation spiked inside him. “I’m not a user.”

  Trent shot him a dirty look. “I know that, but there’s nothing wrong with knowing people.”

  “Mr. Frost,” Maksim said, appearing at their side and rendering their argument pointless.

  A smile tugged at the corners of Marshall’s mouth. The same instant infatuation that hit him the first time he met Maksim came back with a vengeance. “Mr. Petrov.”

  “I thought I told you
it is Maksim only.”

  Marshall bit the inside of his cheek, fighting the huge grin that tried taking over. “You did.”

  “Well, then, that’s settled.”

  Damn, so much interest flashed in Maksim’s gaze. It left Marshall breathless. He couldn’t look away, and he forgot where they were.

  “Trent Goldman,” Trent said, holding his hand out and saving Marshall from embarrassing himself.

  “Maksim Petrov,” Maksim said, accepting Trent’s handshake.

  “I’m a friend of Marshall’s,” Trent tacked on. “We went to college together.”

  Maksim’s smile was different for Trent than it was for him. Marshall hated that he noticed, but he couldn’t stop. When Maksim smiled at Trent, the gesture was friendly, but nothing more. The instant he shifted his focus Marshall’s way, the man’s smile turned wicked and full of intent. “I’m trying to be his friend, but he’s still trying to decide if he wants me around.”

  Trent laughed as he slapped Marshall across the back. “That sounds like Marshall. He doesn’t want you to think he’s using you for your connections.”

  Marshall’s mouth fell open. He turned an accusing look Trent’s way. He couldn’t believe Trent had said such a thing.

  Maksim’s laugh almost made his horror worthwhile. The man’s eyes swam with mirth when he laughed. Marshall fought the urge to press his hand to his stomach to quell the butterflies. He’d never met a sexier man. “Perhaps I enjoy being used, eh?” Before Marshall could think of a response, Maksim turned serious. His eyes flashed with heat. “Besides, you are a very talented man. Perhaps I would be the one using you.”


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