Bang (Hard Hit Book 13)

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Bang (Hard Hit Book 13) Page 4

by Charity Parkerson

  Marshall was the same guy Maksim described. Trent had suggested Marshall get to know Maksim, in case he lost his position next season. It was no wonder Maksim couldn’t trust anyone to be honest. Even he had failed. He was torn. Marshall knew in his heart he hadn’t invited Maksim home that first time because of what the man did for a living. He also knew he hadn’t let the man fuck him and he hadn’t kissed Maksim because he wanted the man’s connections. Yet there was still a niggling voice at the back of his mind saying he wasn’t any better than anyone else Maksim had ever met. But he wanted to be. It was frightening how badly he immediately wanted to be special to Maksim. It was a fruitless hope. Maksim had made it more than clear that he didn’t do strings. The knowledge held all Marshall’s confessions at bay. There’d never be any reason for him to admit Maksim wasn’t only the first man to fuck him, but he was also only the second man to kiss him. Years ago, he’d fucked a guy while overseas for a class trip—a man who didn’t know Marshall and never would, but he’d never let the guy kiss him. In high school, he’d kissed Gavin, a moment that had almost ruined his brother’s life.

  Now, Marshall stuck with women while imagining himself with men. His career meant too much to him to lose it. Football locker rooms didn’t care to entertain a gay man. In his heart, Marshall knew he was gay. It just didn’t matter. He had too much to lose and nothing to gain. Maksim offered him kisses and more with no threat of altering Marshall’s life. That didn’t explain why Marshall’s chest hurt each time Maksim’s tongue brushed his. That had more to do with the way the man made him realize how much he’d lost to his career.

  Maksim’s fingers brushed through Marshall’s hair. His kiss softened. “Stay the night with me,” Maksim cajoled against Marshall’s lips. “I promise no one will find out you were here.”

  He didn’t need to think it over. Marshall nodded and deepened their kiss once more. The last thing he wanted was to leave Maksim’s bed. He didn’t want to face what he’d done or how it would transform his life. As much as Marshall wanted to believe nothing had changed, he knew better. The pressure sitting on his chest screamed nothing would ever be the same again.

  Chapter Five

  Maksim: Can I see you again? No strings, of course. You’re free to look as straight as you like to the public eye. I’d just like to see you.

  Marshall: I’d like that.

  Maksim: I’ll send you a pic of my travel schedule. We can compare notes.

  Marshall: Sounds like a plan. Or, I could just come see you.

  Maksim: Or, you could just come see me. I’ll still send you the pic, though.

  Marshall: Okay.

  They met in Houston. As much as Marshall hoped to see Maksim sooner, their schedules didn’t align until Marshall was due to play Houston on Sunday and Maksim had a Winger in his sights playing in Baytown on Thursday. Marshall flew in on Thursday morning to steal as much time as possible with Maksim.

  He loved watching the man in action. There was a small twinge of jealousy in Marshall’s chest, playing witness to Maksim’s open flirting. Despite knowing it was part of Maksim’s charm and how the man landed so many deals, Marshall wanted all Maksim’s heated glances for himself. It wasn’t fair of him, especially since Marshall pretended they were no more than friends. Still, sometimes Marshall’s heart was stupid.

  It was the first time Marshall had been to a closed hockey practice session. Considering he played for a pro-football team, and constantly practiced, he wouldn’t have thought he’d find the event interesting. He was strangely entertained. The guys were jokesters and pranksters, but they got a lot of shit done. Maksim pointed out the player he’d been sent to acquire, Kentucky Armhill. Marshall had seen him play before. The man was large yet agile. Blond and godlike. Marshall didn’t doubt for a second Maksim could and would have lured the man to his bed if Marshall hadn’t tagged along.

  As hard as Marshall tried not to listen to their conversations during Kentucky’s breaks, they were getting harder to ignore. While he leaned back in his seat with his arms draped across the backs of the chairs on either side of him, Marshall chewed his gum, kept a bland smile in place, and tried looking in every direction but Maksim’s as Kentucky skated over.

  The man’s smile was huge. It was more than obvious he smelled a golden ticket in Maksim. “Did you see me check that guy? You have to come to our game Saturday night.”

  Maksim pitched his voice into a sexy growl. “You’ve got powerful hips. I’m sorry to say my schedule is already filled through Monday.”

  For once, Marshall couldn’t look away. He kept his disinterested expression in place by force of will alone.

  Kentucky’s gaze slid down Maksim’s body like a physical touch. “Then you should call me on Monday. I could fill your schedule until next Friday.”

  Marshall didn’t stick around to hear Maksim’s response. If Maksim planned to have Kentucky sliding right into his spot in their hotel room bed the minute Marshall was out the door, he couldn’t know it. Speculation and wondering was one thing, but for sanity’s sake, he couldn’t fucking know it.

  He came to his feet and pasted on his brightest boyish smile. “I’m going to hunt down something to drink.”

  Kentucky’s gaze slid his way. The man transformed into the guy Marshall imagined he was with every other straight guy he met—a man’s man. “If you head up those stairs and take a left, there’s a machine around the corner.”

  Marshall dipped his chin. “Thanks. You’ve got some real talent,” Marshall added, somehow managing to sound impressed.

  “Thanks, man. I appreciate it.”

  Without another word or looking back, Marshall jogged up the stairs and took a left. He had no idea what he’d been thinking by seeing Maksim again. Maksim could have any man he wanted, even guys Marshall had always thought were straight. All the excitement he’d experienced leading up to seeing Maksim this weekend turned out to be nothing more than wasted energy.

  With his bottom lip between his teeth, Maksim forced himself to keep his gaze locked on Kentucky. His eyeballs itched with the need to watch Marshall leave. Staring after Marshall only had two outcomes: Kentucky would realize Maksim’s interest was merely part of his plan to woo the man to New York, and Kentucky would recognize Maksim’s true connection to Marshall.

  “Your team captain is trying to signal you,” Maksim said, nodding toward a group of men waiting for Kentucky to get back to work.

  Kentucky glanced over his shoulder before meeting Maksim’s stare once more. “All the guys want me,” Kentucky said with a boyish smile.

  Maksim held on to his faked good humor. All he wanted was to chase after Marshall. “I can see why.”

  “You planning on hanging around for a while?”

  “We’ll see. I have to make some calls, but we’ll talk.”

  Kentucky winked and skated backward, heading toward his team. “Count on it.”

  The moment Kentucky turned away, Maksim’s smile fell and his usual dissatisfaction with life set in. Marshall hadn’t returned. Without looking back, Maksim followed the same directions Kentucky had given Marshall. It didn’t take long to find the man, leaned against the wall in the hall. He had one foot resting on the wall and was playing on his phone. Maksim stole a moment to watch him. His gray t-shirt stretched across the man’s chest, straining against his muscles. The way it fell, molded against his skin, showed off the man’s six pack. One leg of his jeans was tucked inside his unlaced boot, highlighting how little care the man showed over his appearance. The flutter in Maksim’s stomach said how much he loved it.

  As he closed the distance between them, Marshall glanced up. Their gazes met and held. Maksim didn’t slow. The hall was empty but not private. Maksim snagged Marshall’s arm and kept moving, hauling the man along in his wake. He checked every door he passed until he found one unlocked. Maksim dragged Marshall inside. It was a supply closet of some sort. The door had a lock, and it was clean. That was all that mattered to Maksim. With them in no
real danger of getting caught, Maksim shoved Marshall against the closed door and gave in to all the desire eating at his gut.

  Since Maksim never knew if Marshall would kiss him, he went for the man’s neck instead. He nipped at the cords and sucked at the man’s pulse while tearing open the front of Marshall’s jeans. Marshall was hard for him. His erection filled Maksim’s hands.


  At Marshall’s harsh whisper, Maksim lost all semblance of control. He dropped to his knees. Marshall’s cock filled his mouth. He sucked Marshall’s dick like a man bent on tasting Marshall’s cum. Ragged breaths filled the tiny room. Salt, man, and lust coated Maksim’s tongue. It was his favorite concoction. Marshall’s fingers tightened on Maksim’s hair as Maksim swallowed Marshall’s cock. He let the man have his way with his throat, encouraging Marshall’s movements when his hips rolled. Maksim’s dick throbbed, craving the sensation of Marshall’s tight ass squeezing it. Nothing mattered more in that moment than Maksim’s orgasm.

  When the man came, a soft moan escaped him. Maksim’s heart squeezed at the sound. He cared. Fuck, he had no idea why Marshall’s pleasure mattered so fucking much, but it did. Maksim swallowed as fast as he could, needing every drop of Marshall he could get. Without warning, Marshall pulled him to his feet and captured his mouth. Their tongues fought. Marshall overwhelmed Maksim, attacking his mouth. Their kiss was almost desperate. Maksim cupped Marshall’s face and stroked. Marshall’s kiss softened. No matter how hard he tried, Maksim couldn’t stop petting this sexy man.

  “Jesus, I needed that,” Maksim confessed. “I don’t know how much more I can withstand of the child. All I want is to be alone with you.”

  “I’m a child,” Marshall said, chuckling while still trying to kiss Maksim.

  Maksim fixed Marshall’s pants while stealing more touches. “You’re a man child. That’s so much better.” He tried backing away. “I need a moment. The last thing I want is for the young one to see me hard and think it’s for him. I’m thinking his head is already swollen enough.”

  Marshall’s smile was everything. “He’s talented. I’m sure everyone has told him as much his whole life.”

  Maksim didn’t want to talk about Kentucky any longer. He couldn’t stop staring at the man’s sexy green eyes. “Tolerate me for one more hour, okay? I promise my undivided attention will be worth it when I’m finished here.”

  Marshall’s solemn nod had the tightness in Maksim’s chest worsening. “Do your thing and don’t worry about me. I agreed to come here, knowing you had to work. I’d rather have your divided attention than anyone else’s fawning any day.” His thumb brushed the line of Maksim’s bottom lip. Marshall’s eyes followed the motion. “You’re fucking amazing.”

  Damn. Marshall meant every word. It was in his eyes. It wasn’t an erection any longer that Maksim needed to worry about hiding. He was one hundred percent certain anyone who saw him would know—Marshall was breaking down Maksim’s walls. He might not ever be the same.

  With his menu flipped up and strategically placed, Marshall was free to stare at Maksim without giving himself away. He pretended to study each dish listed. In truth, his mind was deep in the gutter. Maksim had shed his suit jacket and tie earlier and rolled his sleeves to his elbows. A hint of chiseled chest peeked out from where he’d unbuttoned the top two buttons on his shirt. He looked relaxed and gorgeous. His dark hair fell across one eye. Marshall’s palms itched to touch him.

  “Do you see anything you like?” Maksim asked without lifting his gaze from his menu.

  “A thousand things.”

  At his answer, Maksim’s eyes finally shifted his way. His lips twisted wickedly when he realized Marshall stared at him. “I meant to eat.”

  “That too,” Marshall said, biting back a laugh. With a sigh, he straightened in his seat and focused on the menu. “I’m thinking I’ll probably get a steak.”

  “The world has never seemed smaller.”

  Marshall’s head jerked up at the familiar voice. Michael and Gavin lingered at the edge of their table. Marshall’s gaze shot to Maksim’s. Maksim visibly struggled to rearrange his features and hide his surprise. Never in a million years had they expected to run into anyone in Houston. They’d gotten comfortable going out in public. To anyone else, they looked like two guys having dinner. Michael would know better.

  Marshall came to his feet, determined to brazen it out. “Twin,” Marshall said louder than he intended, drawing attention their way. He squeezed Michael a little too tightly. “What are you two doing in Houston?” Marshall asked as he one-arm hugged Gavin.

  “I have a match against the Ice Devils tomorrow night,” Gavin answered, patting Marshall’s back.

  A loud curse rang through his mind. When Marshall and Maksim had compared schedules and settled on Houston, it had never occurred to him to check who the Ice Devils were playing.

  “I have a game here on Sunday,” Marshall explained.

  “Scouting,” Maksim said, explaining his presence without waiting for anyone to ask.

  “That makes sense,” Michael said. His tone didn’t match the way his gaze moved between them as if trying to put the puzzle pieces together.

  “You should join us,” Marshall said, hoping to pull his brother’s focus away from the obvious.

  Michael waved off his suggestion. “Nah. I’d hate to interrupt.” He motioned between Marshall and Maksim, as if searching for the right term. “Whatever,” he finished lamely.

  “We’re eating,” Marshall said with a laugh. “And we haven’t even started yet. It’s crazy for all of us to be here and not sit together.”

  Michael looked at Maksim and then Gavin, as if assessing everyone’s opinion before shrugging. “Sure.”

  After shuffling chairs, Marshall ended up next to Maksim. Their knees touched beneath the table. Marshall kept his features blank as he increased the pressure against Maksim’s leg. His fingers found the man’s thigh. The tablecloth hid his actions from sight.

  “Who are you here scouting?” Gavin asked, oblivious to the drama playing out beneath the table.

  “Kentucky Armhill,” Maksim answered. To anyone else, his voice sounded normal. Marshall knew better. He heard the slight hitch as Marshall’s fingers traveled higher.

  Gavin nodded. “He’s good.”

  Marshall fixed his gaze on his menu again, using the booklet to help hide the way he toyed with Maksim. He joined the conversation. “He’s arrogant and favors his left side. If he gets picked up by a major team, he’ll end up plagued by injuries. The man’s already trying to hide a few.” Silence met his response. Marshall glanced up to find everyone watching him. “What?”

  “Have you been out scouting too?” Michael asked with a laugh.

  Marshall realized how much he’d said with one statement. He shrugged, playing it off. “I watch hockey.”

  “You’re good,” Maksim said, making Marshall wonder if he meant good at assessing athletes or good at dodging.

  “I wonder what brands of whiskey they serve here,” Marshall said, wishing he was already drunk. What should’ve been an awesome night felt like it was turning into a nightmare.

  Marshall always played to the crowd. Wherever he went or whoever he met, the man changed like a chameleon. Maksim had watched it happen all night and still couldn’t decide how the man kept up with what everyone expected him to be. The idea made Maksim’s head spin. The alcohol he’d consumed and the way Marshall had teased him beneath the table all night didn’t help matters.

  The hotel bed was a welcome sight. After getting ready to climb between the sheets, Maksim fell across the plush king-sized mattress and watched Marshall strip. The man disappeared inside the bathroom and returned minutes later wiping his face with a towel. Maksim’s gaze slid down the tight body he craved. He was so easily swayed by hotness. All night, he’d been slightly aggravated over the way Marshall had handled things with his brother. He was even more irritated with himself for caring. Maksim had walked
into this thing with Marshall with both eyes open. They weren’t a couple. He had no right to demand Marshall stop pretending he was no more than a friend. Hell, maybe he wasn’t more than a friend. Either way, he’d still spent the night angry. Now Marshall wore nothing and Maksim couldn’t dredge up an ounce of vexation.

  Maksim pulled back the covers and tapped the empty spot beside him. Marshall tossed the towel aside. His expression turned naughty as he climbed onto the bed and bounced like a giant kid. He braced his hand on the ceiling to keep from banging his head.

  “Play with me,” Marshall begged, sounding like the devil, tempting Maksim to sin. “Don’t be scared,” he added. “When was last time you jumped on a bed?”

  “Never,” Maksim answered as he ran his hand up Marshall’s leg as high as he could reach. “You should come down here instead. I’ll make it worth your while.”

  Marshall dropped like a rag doll, falling across Maksim, limp, but somehow managing not to hurt Maksim at all. Laughter caught in Maksim’s throat as he shoved at the man’s hard chest until he rolled onto his side next to Maksim. His eyes shone bright with mirth. Maksim’s breath caught. Marshall’s expression turned wicked. Maksim wasted no time smoothing his hand down Marshall’s torso and palming the man’s cock. It hardened in his hand. Maksim’s mouth watered. Marshall rolled to his side, facing Maksim. With their faces inches apart, and Marshall’s gorgeous green eyes watching him, Maksim broke. He kissed Marshall. A small part of Maksim still expected Marshall to pull away. Instead, their kiss was sweet. The tightness in his chest was back. Of course, sleeping with same person more than once was a new experience for Maksim. There was something special about Marshall. Marshall wanted him just because he did. The man didn’t possess an ounce of avarice. He expected nothing from Maksim. The knowledge made Maksim want to give him the world.


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